The Disastrous Twin Sister: Line go down

Chapter 1: Scheming

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This story contains

Identity death of a billionaire
References to Elon Musk/Tesla

To say that the endless drudgery of working a job that shows no respect or dignity could drain someone’s will to keep going would be an understatement. So many found themselves unknowingly under the heel of a few select monsters, suffering merely to gain a small chance at stability.

So naturally, people wanted to break that feeling of being under foot. And to their benefit, there was a literal list of who was ruining the world, all open and available to the world to use. Naturally if someone got a hold of this information, and had the means, they could in fact destabilize capitalism and remove the literal slave owners that ruin the earth.

Unfortunately, instead of someone benevolent, it was the Most-Despicable and Disastrous Younger Twin Sister, Joon Yorigami. While she had, ever so slightly, mellowed out after her defeat. There was still the desire to cause mischief, steal wealth, and shower herself in all the things she wanted. Also, she found robbing rich people fun. But that wasn’t something she was typically allowed to do at the Myouren temple.

So naturally, whenever she could, Joon was doing what she could to push the boundaries set by Byakuren Hijiri. Mostly when she went out on her motorcycle for rides. Though she did wonder why a Buddhist monk had something like that, she didn’t want to press her luck too much.

So, with the metaphorical cat being away, the disaster-incarnate decided to play. The downside? She was looking at one of the people responsible for stopping her plans. Reimu Hakurei.

“So…” the shrine maiden said, secretly happy that she had yet another way to get out of any work for the day. “Let me get this straight.” Joon was half listening to her get the facts straight as she squirreled away tangerines for her sister. “You want to bypass the Barrier.”


“Steal money from humans.”


“And then I get a seventy percent cut?”


“…what’s the catch.” The shrine maiden was not above corruption if it meant she didn’t have to worry about finances. “It’s you. There’s a catch. Do I have to feed Shion?”

“The catch is we’re going after scumbags, so it doesn’t turn into an incident!” the goddess smiled, letting her orange drills hair bounce as she swiped a few more pieces of fruit. “You gotta be curious about what kind of rich losers are just begging to give us money.” Reimu’s eyes were practically a winning slot machine at the idea, to where Joon didn’t even have to try and possess her. “Come on girl, imagine having heated blankets for the winter! Or something flashy to get people to come here!”

“Well.” Reimu said, trying to maintain some level of authority in, what was likely, a massive scam. “If that happens, I just become a target for you, right?”

“Oh darn, you caught me.” Joon sighed, looking unimpressed. “No, this is part of that ‘simpler lifestyle’ stuff Byakuren is making me do.” She gagged at her own words; it was in her nature to be extravagant. Stylish, lavish, and living in a bubble economy. The clubbing life called to her. “You do this, I don’t come for you.”

“And your sister?” Reimu mumbled, trying to do any level of negotiating. “What about her?”

“If I want to avoid a lecture, I better be giving some of it to her.” The bubble queen sighed, no one liked lectures. But Shion was cursed with constant misfortune, so if Joon didn’t look out for the older twin, she’d probably be forced to deal with one. “So really, I only get five percent.”

There was a pause, with Reimu pretending to run the risk-benefit analysis.

“This can’t backfire on me, right?”

“You can just say I messed with you, you’re clean in this, girl.”


“No,” a third voice said, getting both women to flinch. “You aren’t leaving me out of the deal.” There was the sound of something opening as the light fixture was covered. A long purple dress, flowing orange gold hair, and a grin of mischief making. Yukari Yakumo had entered the building.

‘Crap,’ both schemers thought. They would’ve needed to deal with her eventually, but Joon at least, had hoped this would be after negotiations.

“If you want outside of the Hakurei Barrier, you need me anyway. Or did you forget?” the gap youkai laughed. “And you’ll need someone to let you back in, or else you can try and force your way in.”

“Fine.” Joon relented, knowing if she didn’t agree to whatever Yukari wanted, Byakuren would probably come in on her motorcycle to give her grief. “How much you want?”

“Hmm, now that is the question, isn’t it?” Yukari mused, floating in front of the door. “What, do, I want?” She gave Reimu a look, a very annoyed look. “Why not… I won’t take a cut, but Reimu, you have to train. If you don’t, I get your cut. That seems fair.”

“Deal.” Joon said, not letting the shrine maiden protest immediately. “Sorry Rei, you can deal with her, I’m not getting on her bad side again.”

“Fine!” she said, giving both supernatural ladies a glare was intense enough to break glass. She hated training. More than any incident, youkai, or people making her do things. “I’ll do it for the cut.”

“Then we’re agreed?” Yukari grinned, readying her powers to let Joon wreak havoc on the outside world. The women nodded, Reimu of course was going to worm her way out of training, but they probably had time. Joon though, that was going to need some oversight, to keep it from going too poorly.

“Just watch the dough roll in.” Joon beamed, with everyone in the universe suddenly feeling like something bad was going to happen. “Let’s go.” Yukari grinned, opened a gap using her powers, and let the pestilence god fly through.

“This is gong to be bad, isn’t it?” Reimu sighed, knowing her dream of lazing about was gone with the wind.

Joon meanwhile, was idly floating in midair. She’d wager most of humanity couldn’t see her unless she actively revealed herself. Meaning now was the time to do a lot of shaking down. But first? She’d need to find targets.

Normally she’d just trust her instincts on who was rich and worth shaking down, but something felt off. How long had she not been in the human world proper? Humans were carrying around small boxes of information, cars were everywhere, buildings bigger than anything in Gensokyo were almost everywhere she went that was heavily populated.

But this gave her a chance to learn, to view who rich people were. As well as how best to rob them of everything. Just having them give her money wouldn’t be enough, the numbers she was looking at over people’s shoulders and at the stock market were frankly too big to visualize. Millions, billions, some even had trillions.

“Time to get to work,” the most disastrous younger sister grinned. Looking at companies’ stock and shareholder information through the eyes of a very tired secretary. The list of companies was baffling, Gander, Pear, Edison, and more that had names the goddess couldn’t particularly care to remember. All the profits, all the information, publicly available.

She could just go for the top, but with the information she was getting, there wouldn’t be a change. They might even gain from her shakedowns. That meant she had to go from the bottom up. Executives and shareholders were who she needed to target.

“And thus begins the wealth transference.” She grinned, leaving the secretary alone. Just the brief snippet of information on who to target was enough to get the ball rolling. Credit cards was where she would strike, after all, it seemed like the obnoxiously wealthy had no concept of how money worked.

Naturally, picking a target was the next step after taking a few cards left unattended by humans in a bank. She didn’t take anyone who was there to work or do business, despite the scheming, Byakuren’s lectures were hell. Her target? Well, she decided to work from the top down.

“Edison…” Joon mused, flying towards the weirdly available public information for each major player she’d be going after. “Car company? Apartheid Clyde?” there was a pause as she stole someone’s latte while they were screaming at an employee. “Well, these schmucks have cash to burn.”

So naturally she looked around, using her savvy shakedown knowledge to know that the high rises were a good place to start. It took a few tries to find the first target, an investor and executive of Edison. Did Joon bother to remember his name? No. After all, he was pretty much just a meal ticket for her once she drained his finances. So naturally she decided to call him, Number one.

For Number one, this was a normal day, he was doing horrible things to the planet, getting rich off child labour. Being oblivious to how much banana’s cost and all similar things to that. No actual attachment to reality, living his best, ‘fuck you got mine’ life.

So naturally Joon was disgusted at how he had enough space to house roughly forty people per room and lived alone, aside from what she assumed were servants. There was a pause as she looked around, a few servants looking distraught at the idea of even approaching him.

“Hey.” She said to them all, using her godly powers to keep number one from hearing her. This was also known as, closing all the doors. There was a moment of panic as, lets be honest, most humans wouldn’t know how to handle someone appearing mid air in front of them. “Who wants a raise?”

Those words stopped any potential screaming and began enhancing this Disastrous-Sister’s scheming. They all slowly raised their arms.

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“Okay,” Joon said, unfortunately taking Byakuren’s lessons to heart. “Write down your first names and how much money you want. It’ll happen before you know it.”

“Why just our first names?” someone asked, Joon shrugged in response.

“Rules about magic, don’t tell me your full name or I can do bad things. I think” despite being a goddess, she really didn’t know if that rule applied to her or just the more trickster aligned creatures. “Just know I’m bankrupting this sucker.”

“What about our jobs?”

“How much money do you need to not work?”


“Yeah, so you’ll be fine.”

With a list with way more zeroes than she thought possible, Joon bid hundreds of people, literally working for pennies, away. Meaning all that was left in the disturbingly huge building was her, and Number One.

Naturally, Joon had so many ways to go about it, literally shake his wealth out? No, she’d have to carry so many things out by herself. Transferring it? No, too weird of a paper trail. Now, thankfully the man was oblivious to anything not about him and his money. The line going up was all that mattered, with the goddess of shake downs wondering if he would even eat if living longer didn’t mean the line could go up.

Then it hit her, and she grinned, a grin full of mischievous machinations of malice for the multimillionaire monsters. She’d get chewed out, obviously, but all she had to do was make him make the mistakes.

And after all, a goddess of pestilence, needed to be a pest sometimes. Influence the minds of those with weak wills. Was it morally wrong? Yes. But was the existence of billionaires a moral blight on the entire morality spectrum? Absolutely.

“Move over human!” Joon cackled as she forced her way into his body. She tended to only do this to really give someone a good shakedown, but possession was part of her toolkit. “Wow there is… nothing good in here?”

To describe a billionaire’s mindset, would be to describe a blank canvas. However, while this sounds artistic, it is really a case of them not having anything going on upstairs other than dollar signs. No intelligence without ensuring the suffering of others, no thoughts other than how to make their own bank account larger. So, there was really nothing going on.

“Okay. So, let’s…” Joon mused, making the human puppet start making poor investment decisions. “Bitcoin! That’s crashing hard, let’s buy and immediately sell to make it crash more!” number one’s mind buzzed at the number going up, before shrieking in terror at the number going down. “And let’s not forget those pay raises.”

Number went down. But many other human’s finances went up. And Joon took a look at his financial records and-

“THAT DID NOTHING?” she screamed, making Number One’s body float as she vented her frustrations. “THAT WAS THREE BILLION? HOW!”

If her victim had any moral intelligence, they probably would have information about this, but instead they were more upset the number went down half a percent. Sadly, by paying any positive attention to bitcoin was the only successful action, the investment and quick pull out she set up had caused it to bottom out.

People were just too rich.

“Okay. Joon. You can do this. You are the Goddess of Disaster and Pestilence. You can ruin some meager human’s lives.” There was a pause, still in Number One’s body. Before both her, and subsequently, his face turned into a grin. “Oh, of course, I just need to spend on myself!”

Gems, champagne, extravagant outfits, the answer was simple! What better way to rack up debt on a fool than to sell assets to buy her assets!

“Naturally, this human won’t be left once this is done. But I think more people will be happy he’s gone!” Joon laughed, making her fan materialize in his hand. “All for me, and then, all for the agreement! I’ll make a million killings with this!”

She quickly moved to ordering anything that caught her fancy. Anything and everything, she’d need to probably actually pay Yukari to get everything back to Gensokyo. But it would be worth it!

“Though… this body is too… male.” Joon said, sticking her tongue out a bit. “Let’s change that too.” She moved the puppet body to look, and all the clothes were the most generic, style vacant and bland outfits imaginable. “I wouldn’t even give these to poor people, they should have good looking clothes.”

“Oh?” A lightbulb flicked on from the human’s mind, with Joon looking at Number One’s zero-watt brain. “Hmm... renting? Or. We can pay people to live here.” Somehow, Joon knew Byakuren would not hate her for that idea. “How much property do I now own…?”

A lot, a lot was the answer. An absurd evil amount of homes that she knew were being purposefully unkept. The disaster of a goddess sprinted back to the human’s computer, checked out much he was making in rent and upkeep.

“Say, Number One, we’re spending all your money to improve those houses, also, no more rent checks.” The human’s rapidly dwindling ego protested, but Joon didn’t really say that for a response, she was already draining money from him into lower income houses. “Ooh, lets pull your other investments too. Cops? Who needs ‘em!”

It took longer than Joon would’ve liked, mostly since everything was password protected. But soon she saw his investments plummeting, his bank accounts draining, and a large amount of money moving in a way that would drain it consistently.

“This body is still too weird though.” Joon mused. Forcing her will upon it more as there was very little ego of the parasite left. She rolled the humans shoulders, cracking as his bones as she decided to make him a little more petite. “Hmm…” looking in the mirror was odd, like it was a human body, that much was clear. But the ravages of having no morality at all left him looking like a layer of flesh on a diorama skeleton.

There was a pause as Joon hopped out of the body and looked at it stand there with no mind at the helm. He wasn’t ugly, but the little wisp of his ego in her hand was. So, she needed to deal with that before moving on.

“Well… I can’t go after more if I’m busy dealing with one rich schmuck.” Joon mused, knowing just what to do. After all, she was a god, who’s to say she couldn’t flex a bit. “Short brown hair? No, ginger and long drills at the side!” she started remodeling the human, after the best choice, herself! The wisp of human blue soul in her hand slowly changed to a vibrant orange with each change to Number One’s body.

A pinched waist, explosive bosom, legs to die for and an ass to kill for. That’s what she saw herself as. If this person had any family, he hadn’t practically sold off to the money mines, they wouldn’t be able to know that his body was here now.

“Hmm, now to do about the legs.” That part Joon decided to have a little narcissistic fun with. The penis was there, perfectly visible as the powers that were in the room changed it. “Well, who says I can’t have fun with my new toy?”

The wisp of copied Joon in her hand flickered, like she had put a hamster on the wheel. A Joon shaped hamster. This would very likely have consequences that neither Joon nor Number One would think of. With a flick of her wrist, the Disastrous sister made Joon Number One. Completely naked and focused on spending all her money on herself.

“Well now, aren’t I beautiful?” Number one laughed, looking at the original. Who was calmly floating in front of the copy with a flattered expression, and carefully removed her extravagant clothing and set it safely on a chair.

“Oh stop, me,” she laughed, knowing at least for now number One was still very much her puppet. Haughty, arrogant, self centered? Yep. This was a room with two Joon Yorigami’s in it. “Or rather, Number One, we’re going to have a bit of stress relief. Then you’re going to spend, spend spend!”

“Of course, me!” One laughed. Giving the same haughty arrogance that Joon was oh so familiar with. The clone moved towards the bed, and the narcissistic naughty night began. First was Joon giving herself some much needed relief, Byakuren being a monk meant that self pleasuring was discouraged to an extent.

Also, the thin walls. The accursed thin walls that left Joon pent up and ready to scream at the slightest moment to allow herself sexual pleasure. So even if it was literally fucking herself, she was going to revel in the debauchery. Even if it was impossible to describe in the moment, because imagine looking down at yourself mid penetration as you literally had sex with a clone of yourself. Joon should probably be weird at her own behavior, but she was a chronically self-absorbed god.

So naturally, she was going in rough on the copy. She dug her nails into the former human as she slammed her hips against No. 1. The relief, the revelry, that. That was what she loved about being a menace. Conforming? As if. Now was the time to celebrate a conquest that was going to rake in all the cash she could ever need.

And this was only the first one. So, she needed to have fun with her own body. Breasts were licked, hair was pulled, cheeks were clapped, and thighs were rubbed. It was an orgasmic overcoming of barriers, allowing Joon much needed clarity, even if No. 1’s body could only hold out so long. Leaving the disastrous younger twin with a pipe and her robes.

“In the morning, One, you’re going to spend, spend, spend!” she laughed, leaving a command for the clone as she cleaned up and flew off. After all, she’d need to pick up her cash, gems, and jewels later. “So have fun, me!”

Now then, she likely needed to move towards the rest of the execs to truly destroy Apartheid Clyde. Then Edison would follow, and she could move onto another company.

“Second verse, same as the first,” Joon grinned as she realized anyone without a family, they hadn’t alienated was going to be easy pickings. A few rich people would fall, and she’d be able to indulge herself all she wanted. “This is going to go perfectly!”

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