The Discarded Harem Member’s Counterattack [Portal Fantasy Revenge Tale]

Chapter 18: Chapter 1.17: The Feast Begins Part 1

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Chapter 1.17: The Feast Begins Part 1

The estate had been transformed into a palace of gold and green. The teenager stood in shock as she saw the decorated hallway. The servants had outdone themselves, she felt like she had walked into a fairytale. Above her sat a crystal chandelier that swung back and forth from the open window. She tighter her hold on the shawl and straightened up. 

Before her, sat a pair of golden doors. They were older than everyone that resided in the house. Engraved in their metal were the various family crests that had served under Cleo's family. Its presence reminded her just how intimidating this meal was going to be. There would be families from all over the land expecting a famed assassin. They wanted to meet the woman who angered the prince.

'I've never felt this cold before,' Her body felt frozen as she gulped. It took a lot not to buckle under the immense pressure she was under. 'Not even with that pig-headed king and his bitch daughters.' 

Leila knew that no one would dare hurt her. Her family had made a name for themselves. The last time someone took that reputation for granted, their family suffered the consequences. But it still was scary knowing who they were. These people were real characters. It didn't matter that they were book characters, they could still kill her. And Leila would be damned if she died like that after everything that had happened. 

The teenager took a deep breath and exhaled. This wasn't the time to panic. She had to be on her game for this to play out perfectly. Her tense expression morphed into one that was alluring. She loosened her body and knocked on the door. To the outside world, she would look ultra-confident. When actually inside she was in a battle of tug of war. One part of her wanted to just observe the entire time. While the other craved to actively engage in an event she had only read about. 

The door cracked open and the hallway was engulfed in light. She moved her arm up to block the sudden onslaught of brightness. The teenager squinted as the light lessened and she could make out someone's shape. From what she could see she knew that they were a stranger. They had long, dark red braids that went past their hips. Their figure was muscly, with built arms and noticeable thickness in their upper area. The two stared at one another, with the stranger looking at the teenager with curiosity.

“Are you the princess?” With her vision fully cleared Leila instantly began to blush. The speaker was a woman who towered over her and had the softest baby voice she had ever heard. She wore a rather revealing slip dress. Everything made her take a step back.  It was a total shock someone that hot could talk so innocently.  

She smiled at her and was thrilled at how she rushed to look at a wall. The woman had been staring at her chest wide-eyed. It was as if she had been overcome with a sudden wave of attraction. “I’m no princess ma’am, but I am a noblewoman.” Leila made sure to bat her eyes at the taller woman as she spoke. “Which I assume you are too?”

The woman covered her face with a gloved hand as she laughed. Her other hand played with one of her braids nervously as Leila wondered if she’d flirt back. The stranger was incredibly adorable. “I am.” 

The jade-eyed woman cocked her head. “What family are you representing tonight?” This woman was quite surprised by how she became embarrassed at her questioning. It reminded Leila of how a puppy would behave. The level of naivety she gave off was endearing. But the teenager knew she had to stay wary. Depending on what family she was from she could be a threat. This could easily be a trap sprung to seduce an idiot nobleman. 

“I’m Charmaine Bryant the second eldest daughter of Jamal Bryant,” The two went into the empty banquet hall with Charmaine leading the way. “ You might have heard of us from the newspaper. We work as private security against pirates for countless businesses.” 

'Today must be my lucky day.' Leila had struck gold by meeting Charmaine. 

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Her family was linked to the prince's harem without their knowledge. A woman who Cleo had met briefly by the name of Yona used to work with them. She had left their ranks and started her own security business to compete. By the time she met the prince and the royal family, her reputation had catapulted into notoriety. Yona was sought after by every nation for her expert strategizing skills. She was rapidly ascending to the status of a legend. And with that came Bryant's downfall. 

The Bryant family began to lose their fragile hold on the industry. Their customers began to leave them for Yona's more successful ways of taking down criminals at sea. And eventually, the family lost thousands if not millions from the sinking ship that was their way of life. Jamal Bryant must have sent his daughter to try and get an investment from her mother. The man was barely a noble at this point, much less a mogul. Leila was surprised he could afford to send Charmaine abroad for the banquet with the way their finances looked. 

"I've heard about your family at a marine tavern. They praised you all for your expertise." She said watching the darker woman blush again. 

"I'm shocked someone of your status was at a marine bar," Charmaine said as she pulled at the straps of her dress anxiously. "You look so classy. And those sorts of places are in seedy areas." 

Leila nodded, it would sound odd. "I was traveling and decided to explore the less touristy locations of the country. I've come to understand how class can still be in the lowest of places." 

"Wow! I misjudged you honestly," Charmaine gushed. "You look like a living doll but if you can enjoy marine bars, you have some fight in you."

"Well, it's only because of my family's training that I survived in such scummy places. My mother is an expert at using men's misogyny against them." Both women laughed. Marines were known dogs and followed any woman with a bit of ass. 

"You're so likable compared to what the rumors say about you," Charmaine said and Leila was overjoyed. The woman had an interest in getting to know the teenager more. 

"I'll take that as a compliment," She watched the taller woman react to her words. Seeing that she wanted to hear more she went on. "How long are you staying in the country? I'd love to have tea with you if you're open."

"I'm staying until the next ship comes into the harbor," The woman grabbed her hand suddenly and squeezed it. Her touch was hot and made the teenager feel gooey inside. "So we can meet for tea sometime tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd love to." 

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