The Dog God of the Dog Hill

Chapter 12: Meeting the most famous blowjob artist?

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Team ten, after they gathered their supplies and said their goodbyes, approached the Konoha main gate. 
Though before they could go through and leave the village, they were stopped by a certain someone. 
"There you are Inugami." Sasuke Uchiha said, while walking up to them with his hands in his pant pockets. 
"Hm? What's up Sasuke?" Inugami asked. 
"Mother was annoying me lately into inviting you to dinner." Sasuke said with an annoyed grumble. But his annoyance faded as he eyed their equipment and location.  
"Are you… Are you guys going out for a mission?" 
"Uh-huh, we just got our first C-rank mission! I guess the Hokage thought that the menial labor was beneath us, and gave us something more fitting for our skills." Ino said smugly, while forming a peace sign. 
"I see…" 
"Now don't pout Sasuke." Inugami teased his friend. 
"I'm not pouting! It's not like I'm mad about plucking weeds, while you guys go out on real missions." 
Hearing his sarcastic answer, Inugami threw one more jab. "Come on, don't cry princess. I bet your team will get on one soon as well. Maybe in a month… or two?" 
"I hate you Inugami. Remember, dinner by me after your mission. You better come, or else mother might hunt you down herself. And you don't want that…" And with that, the Uchiha left. 
It's not like Inugami would forget. In fact, he was looking forward to it. Or more specifically, he was looking forward to spending time with Mikoto. And not even necessarily because or horny reasons. No, her sweet and motherly personality, simply made any interaction with her pleasant. 
So with something to look forward to, Inugami stepped out of the gate to the outside world. 
– – –  
"You know that I dislike you always going alone to that place?"  A short, and whitered old man, sitting in an important looking room, asked a young girl,with short hair, with a frown. 
The girl rolled her eyes. "Yes, because the country lies close to those Konoha bastards and their lapdog Suna. And I say the same thing like everytime we have this conversation. You worry too much!" 
The man's face darkened, and his veins became visible. "Worry too much?! Are you telling me, not wanting my only granddaughter to move alone in enemy territory, is worrying too much?" 
"Look at you always underestimating me! This is the reason why I am still stuck at being a genin. It's not like I can't take care of myself, like I have shown all the previous times." 
The small man stood up in anger, his eyes looking like they would drop out of his head anytime. "Just because nothing happened the previous times, doesn't mean- Agh! My back!"  

The girl smirked at the man that fell back down in a pained heap. "You should just retire old fossil, you are clearly way past your expiration date. You can just leave everything to me."  
"You'll have grandchildren of your own, before I retire, you stupid child!" He barked at her with a pained voice. But then he sighed tiredly. "You know that I tire from this ongoing conversation for a long time now. So I'll ask you this for the last time. Won't you consider having some back-up with you?" 
The girls eyes hardened and her smirk vanished. "No, this is my thing, and only mine. I won't have anyone following me." 
"Fine… Let us just hope that nothing will happen this time as well…"  
– – –  
The capital of the Land of Claws was a big town, filled with lights, people, gambling houses, and brothels. The perfect place to find the people that they were searching for. 
Currently team ten was stationed in an inn, hunched over a map. It was evening, approaching nightime. 
"The prison outbreak was here." Hanabi's finger pointed towards a place near the town. "And many of them will hide in the surrounding woods of the town, since a long journey to escape without supplies and weapons would be suicidal." Her finger moved again to the appropriate places. 
"But of course not many of them will stay low in the woods. Most of them won't stop themselves from doing the very thing that got them into jail. So we will split up. Me, Ino and Hinata will start to go through the woods. You Imugami will start on the town, to be precice, the most popular place which serves as a gambling house and a brothel at the same time. Now, is everything clear?" 
"""Yes, sensei!""" 
"One last thing, Inugami do not use this mission as an excuse to gamble!" 
Inugami scoffed. "Do I look like an idiot to you? No halfway smart person will ever get themselves into something like gambling." 
Hanabi nodded at him… pleased? He couldn't tell with her blank excuse of a visage. "Good to hear. Now you are all dismissed, we'll regroup later in this inn." 

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And with that, they all went on their way. 
– – – 
"So that's the place…" 
Inugami looked at a huge building that was lit up like a christmas tree. Countless, badly reeking men were staggering like zombies in front of it, and scantily clad women were beckoning from the balcony for a good time. 
The plan was simple. 
He would go in, proudly showing his headband, and act like he would enjoy himself. Then everyone in there who acted even a bit suspicious after seeing him, would get their scent memorized by Jin who would be hiding in the shadows.  
With that solid plan ready, Inugami made his way to the entrance. The bouncer guarding it was about to say something after seeing him, but a quick glance at his headband dissuaded him, and Inugami entered without any problems. 
That's where everything turned bad. 
You see, even without actively using chakra, the nose of an Inuzuka was still many times superior to a normal human. And now Inugami was cursing that fact. If the outside was smelling bad, then this place was a smelling sense killer. His poor nose was assaulted by the smell of alcohol, smoke, food, sweat, scented candle, piss, other bodily fluids, and the smell of sex. That unholy scent cocktail made him stumble and his eyes water. 
Not wanting to make a scene, he quickly made his way towards an empty table. Sitting down, he tried to cope with this situation. Soon he was promptly approached by a waiter. "Can I get you anything?" 
"One glass of orange juice and a jelly filled donut." Inugami snarked through clenched teeth. 
The waiter looked incredulously at him, but seeing his scathing glare, realized that the young ninja wanted to be left alone for a bit, and wisely decided to return later. 
Now, Inugami was left sitting in agony, barely making out his surroundings. He wasn't left alone for long though, as two people sat next to him. Inugami could faintly tell that the two were women, his nose detecting two sweet female scents, though one was heavily mixed with the biting smell of alcohol. Strangely enough, Inugami could also make out some kind of animal smell. 
'Great, now I will get hounded by prostitutes. Though they smell kinda sus, where the hell do they receive their customers?' 
Soon, one of the two, who was right next to him, began to speak to him. The voice was deep and throaty, but also a bit slurred. "A Konoha shinobi, huh?"   
"Oh wow, you could tell? You must have been a world renowned detective in your past life." Because of his pounding head, Inugami's answer was decidedly unfriendly. 
He heard a snort. "Don't get smart with me, so what are you doing in this kind of place?" 
"What do you think I'm doing? I'm having fun, after a hard mission of course." 
There was a pause and another snort. "I'm sorry how could I not tell. You seem to be drowning in "fun" right now." 
Inugami gritted his teeth, while massaging his head. He really didn't need this right now. 
"So? Are you also a ninja with a bright future? Many of your kind brag in places like here loudly how they will become legendary figures or even the next Hokage. So tell me kid, am I talking to another "future Hokage?"  
Everytime she spoke the word Hokage, her voice became mocking and bitter at the same time. Which was a weird thing to hear from a prostitute. But Inugami wasn't focused on that, everything was overshadowed by the irritation towards the sensory overload he was coming down from, and the mouthy whore that was bothering him. So he simply aired his anger out. 
"Hokage? Why the fuck would I want to become some overworked paper-pusher until the day comes to finally sacrifice myself for "the greater good of the village?"  
A strange silence settled itself after his answer. Until it was broken by the same voice, but now a bit shaken. "O-Oh I see… Anyway, are you not a bit young to gamble?" 
Inugami was tired of the conversation, and wanted to shoo them away. But it would be good to have some prostitutes around him for his cover. It also helped that he was finally getting used to this place. So he kept talking. 
"Why would you think that I would do something so degenerate? Do I look like some dumb, big breasted, blond bimbo to you?"  
There was a worried gasp from the other woman after his answer… and the sound of a panicked pig? 
Suddenly Inugami was hoisted up in the air by the scruff of his shirt. Inugami could finally take in everything clearly again. And standing in front of him was his favorite Icha Icha heroine Tsunami Senko! No wait… it was actually the real deal, Tsunade Senju! The blond twin ponytails, and the mark on her forehead were a dead giveaway. And the woman was looking mighty pissed at him… 
The rational part of Inugami told him to treat carefully from now on. One false word and he would be in a world of pain. 
The irrational part of him, which was currently the stronger one, made him say this. 
"The legendary sucker! Your fellating abilites are renowned throughout the nations. It's an honor to finally meet you!" 
The last thing he felt, before he flew through the nearest wall, was Tsunade's surprisingly dainty fist on his face. 
Worth it.            

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