The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1: The Third Childe of Clan Yuan

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Proofread by Nie Qiao

In the early morning when the warming sun still conceals itself around the horizon, the whole of Mukden county in so-called Black Hill country is enveloped in a blanket of fog, silent and serene!

Lying on a soft coach, Yuan Feng stares at the ceiling with a blank look. He has kept such kind of gesture for a whole day. Until now, it is still an arduous task for him to assimilate all the redundant memory drifting in his mind.

Having spent a whole day pondering over it, he has ultimately figured out one thing, that is, he has traveled through time.

The plot that usually occur in fiction movies should have coincidentally happened to him in reality!

He could still remember he was appreciating fresco in palace of Jokhang Temple when at a sudden the wild-beast fresco on the wall came into life and rightly swallowed him down. When waking up, he realized he came to this world, possessing a juvenile with the same name Yuan Feng.

The same name, to some extent, largely diminishes his repulsion against his new body. Then after spending one day teasing out the minute details, he roughly knows about his new identity this time.

The son of lord of clan Yuan, ranking third in the third generation, born rich while without any genius, Yuan Feng was nicknamed “crap” by all the people in Mukden county and had suffered overwhelming scorns from clansmen and strangers in that he was locked in a miserable situation called level two of Ning Yuan Realm. Not endeared by others, this [a1] young childe of clan Yuan straightly abandoned himself, learning nothing but always bemoaning his fate. He was of no merits, idling away, and indulging himself in eating, drinking and reveling.

A day ago, for the purpose of flattering the second daughter of clan Yun, Yun Mengchen, he dashed into Black Maple’s woods to search for Ling Long flowers while unfortunately tumbling down a valley dead. But for the timely search of the family members of clan Yuan, his corpse would have been consumed by Magical Beasts.

“It is really of high cost to risk his life to pick up hot chicks!”

Teasing out his memory before his minds discontinued, Yuan Feng finally stopped scanning it, sighing deeply.

The previous Yuan Feng has vanished. From now on, he is[a2]  the third young childe of Yuan Family and the third young childe of clan Yuan is he. The two identities are united.

“Hey hey, nevertheless, it is far better to be a master this time than to have been isolated and wretched the previous life.” He smiled and felt relieved.

In the previous world, he was an orphan growing up in an orphanage and was ready to embark on his life. But all these have been thwarted by such an accident. Still, it is much nicer for him to come to this world and then start his new life, without any concerns in his previous life.

“Hoo, Hoo, Hoo!”

When pondering over this, a series of synchronized cheers is being transmitted from the outside of the porch window, attracting his attention.

“The morning exercise begins!”

A bright light flickering in his eyes, he hurries on leaving bed, putting on his clothes with the unwounded right hand and then pushs the door, heading toward the outside. The morning exercise of clan Yuan has developed into a kind of tradition which stipulates that those children who have reached ten years old should participate in the exercise. Once Yuan Feng exceedingly detested morning exercise for he was scorned by others, but now his attitude is totally reversed. Without seeing Kong Fu in this world, he is eagerly anticipating that!

“Be concentrated, if you wanna[a3]  be a mighty warrior, you need to pay much more efforts than others. Although regarded as childes now, you could still be bullied by others if you can’t become powerful warriors.”

Immediately he walks out, the cheers are coming through air from the court. He looks from the distance, and finds a middle-aged man is urging a group of teenagers to practice martial arts.

Yuan Feng is not unfamiliar with this middle-aged man whose name is Tong Jin[a4] . And he was employed by clan Yuan with a great amount of money to serve as an instructor teaching these juniors of Yuan Family to practice martial arts. He is said to have attained level seven of Ning Yuan Realm.

“None of you are of distinguished genius, nor are you of outstanding quality as martial spirit warriors. So you are required to exert yourselves. Only with assiduous work, can you make breakthrough. Now, look at me.”

Yuan Feng just focuses his attention on the middle-aged man when this man lowers waist to squat, waving his fists just like thunder. Immediately, his fists are covered by a film of white gloss, while the surrounding air emits clicking sound as if it were ignited. The man starts to wave his fists, and continuous blasts of wind are blowing in the small plaza.

“Wow, awesome, is this the kind of Kong Fu in this world? It is much more powerful than the fake one in film.” Yu Feng’s eyes are brightened when watching Tong Jin practise martial arts. Nothing would be more fascinating than mighty martial arts in this world where martial arts are enshrined, especially for persons like him who has nourished a dream of being a Xia but has never met such sort of person in life.

“Instructor Tong is an ordinary[a5]  warrior but with so extraordinary strength. It’s so hard to imagine how powerful these martial spirit warriors would be.”

Though the previous Yuan Feng disliked Kong Fu, he still knew something about the martial spirit warriors.

Martial spirit warriors, endowed with superb talent spirit, differ from other warriors and are capable of awakening at unknown time. Martial spirits are classified into substantial sorts, including martial spirits of beasts, of plants and specially, of wares. As long as they possess martial spirits, warriors could speed up the rate of their cultivation at a tremendous pace. Their fighting capacity would be far better than that of average warriors. Thus, martial spirit warriors have already become renowned among all sects. And these sects would all scramble for them. Surely enough, martial spirit warriors are extremely scarce, nearly one in a million. For so many years in Mukden county, there was only one martial spirit warrior, who appeared just several years ago. As a matter of fact, the previous Yuan Feng once had the honor to watch the martial spirit warrior of clan Fang to practice his talent, which impressed him a lot.

“Martial spirit warriors are so rare and I had better be down-to-earth.”

Shaking his head, temporarily setting aside all the information concerning martial spirit warriors, he intensely stares at instructor Tong who is performing martial arts on the court and he consciously moves close to him.

Entering this world enshrining martial arts, with poor foundation, he has to exhaust himself to fill the gap between him and others. So, cultivation is indispensable.

In total, there are nine levels in Ning Yuan Realm, but he is stuck in level two. His peers at least have attained more than level three. The previous Yuan Feng always resigned himself to adversity, but he is not him[a6] . At the thought of the life where he would be sneered and scorned, he is so repulsive against it. It will be so humiliating to all the people who have travelled through time if he were victimized.

“Oh? Look, look, is that ‘crap Feng’ (It means Yuan Feng is a crap.)? He is still alive!”

“So he is, slurp, I heard that he dashed into Black Maple’s woods to pick Ling Long flowers with the aim of pleasing a beauty but stumbled down a valley. How foolish! Now, his behavior has prevailed among people.”

“Hey hey, the guy should have a clear recognition of himself. Totally a good-for-nothing! He should have yearned to pursue the second daughter of clan Yun. Really a Toad lusting after a Swan’s Flesh. It shames all of our family.”

“Such a crap would better be dead than live in the world to waste resources!” As Yuan Feng moves close to the field of martial arts, all the teenagers on the court have spotted him. All of them shift their focus from the performance of instructor Tong to him, whispering to each other.

“Er, it can’t be true…”

Just standing outside the field for practicing martial arts, Yuan Feng heard the conversations among the teenagers. These various sarcastic remarks make him a little speechless.

All the men exercising in the morning are lineal children. That means they are all brothers. He originally expected that these guys would be tolerant for the sake of his wounds. However, the guys have become more ruthless and crueler[a7] , using his injury as a popular mockery. In this case, he seems to have underestimated his unpopularity/notoriety.


“Huh, damn! I, as your Kung Fu instructor, teach you the martial arts dutifully and laboriously, while you are indolent on your exercise unexpectedly. You are undeserved persons like the filthy mud which cannot be used on walls.”

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The[a8]  murmurings of the young boys could not be ignored by the vigilant instructor Tong. Stamping his feet heavily, the instructor Tong stopped with a grim complexion. After hearing his furious criticism, all teenagers, with their expressions returning to solemnity immediately, don’t dare to groan to each other. Conversely, everyone starts to practice fistic arts carefully.

“Huh, let’s call it a day, and tomorrow we will continue.[a9] ” Seemingly indignant at the teenagers’ uncaring attitude, instructor Tong swings his arms, and leaves the field for practicing martial arts immediately.

Before leaving, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Feng who is on the periphery of the field, yet uttering nothing.

In the Yuan clan (Yuan is the clan’s name), everyone knows that instructor Tong is a person of an eccentric disposition and he would wantonly do anything at his will, so if he is in a bad mood, no one could alter his determination.

Likewise, glancing at instructor Tong, Yuan Feng nods toward him without a word. Quite frankly, this instructor, Tong, does not favor him from any perspective. It was true because the previous Yuan Feng was a person deficient in wisdom and zeal for knowledge, and these traits and depositions were detested by Tong in the deep of his heart. Hence, it was tolerant enough of Tong not to trap him deliberately.

“Ay yai yai, someone is really a lucky dog[a10] , still alive after tumbling down into the valley. He is literally ‘tough’.”

“Tsk, as a sixteen-year-old warrior of level two, he should shamelessly live in the world. If I were him, I would have unhesitatingly killed myself earlier.”

“That’s it. For him, living is completely humiliating, and in my opinion, the person of this sort should be evicted from our clan, which can spare the resources for cultivation”

“Hey, go quickly! Let’s stay away from this person who just sits around all day and waits to die without any ambition.” It is said that we can have the meat of ferrets for breakfast this morning, so we should hasten to the dining room because if we are too late, we cannot grab the dish.”

Owing to instructor Tong’s departure, the crowd of young boys immediately relaxed, clamored and deliberately passed Yuan Feng. [a11]

Every word of the crowd has fallen into Yuan Feng’s ears, but he shook his head slightly as if he didn’t hear these sarcastic comments.

“Tsk, brothers? These are my alleged ‘good brothers’!”

Watching the cluster of teenagers out of sight, Yuan Feng unconsciously clenches his fists tightly

This is a world where whoever has bigger and stronger fists can justify his all behaviors. At the moment, he is only a level two warrior of Ning Yuan Realm, wounded and feeble, while the worst one of the group of teenagers is a level three warrior of Ning Yuan Realm. Obviously, confronting them on this occasion is not a wise decision.

“Cultivation, the only way to change all the things is cultivation.”

With a determined look, he goes straightly to a chunk of bluestone near the field for practicing martial arts and sits cross-legged on it.

This is his first time to cultivate himself. Calmly and patiently, he slowly practices the Cultivation of Qigong Skills, and a current of Qi moves away from his lower abdomen.

For the inheritance of all the memories of the third childe of the Yuan clan (the previous Yuan Feng), he is not unfamiliar with cultivation and has gone into the state of cultivation quickly.

A quarter later.

“The body is so awful that there is no increase of Qi after a small circulation of it. No wonder the body has been at the level-two Ning Yuan Realm for a long time.”

Spending nearly half a quarter, Yuan Feng has just finished running the Qi for a small circulation (from head to heel) in great pain. However, it is a shame that the current of Qi is still the same as what it originally looks, almost without any elevation.

“Things cannot be better if I am still the same as this. At this speed, I am afraid [a12] I will spend more than 1 year to achieve the Grade-Three Ningyuan Realm.” Smacking his lips, Yuan Feng couldn’t help frowning. His body is too fragile and has a weak foundation in physical qualities. Obviously, the previous the third childe of the Yuan clan lagged behind too much, leaving him an awful mess.

“Take it easy. As the saying goes: ‘practice makes perfect[a13] ’. When I recover from wounds, I will start from scratch and pull up my socks. I don’t believe I, as a normal man without losing any limb, will do worse than others.”

Raising the corners of his mouth, he didn’t fall into depression. He had grown up in an orphanage in his previous life and what troubles had he not confronted? Compared with his previous life, such a tiny problem at the moment seems nothing.

Anyway, he has an unyielding will and would never readily lag behind.

“Brother, brother!”

At that time, a lightly immature voice abruptly comes from the distance. Hearing the sound, he unconsciously jerks his head and happens to see a little boy, maybe eight or nine years old, is running here. With speed, the little guy has come to him when speaking with a large white jade bow in his hand.

“Xiao Dong?” (It is a nickname of Yuan Dong, a younger cousin of Yuan Feng.)

Yuan Dong, the youngest son of the fifth lord of the clan Yuan, is only nine years old[a14] , but has displayed an extraordinary gift of cultivation. He has mastered the basic part of Peiyuan skill and would go to do morning exercise with other people at the year of ten. Yuan Feng’s father, as the patriarch of the whole clan, is very busy all day. What’s worse, he has never seen[a15]  his mother since an early age. Only the family of his fifth uncle, who is close to his father, takes good care of him. Consequently, the place he visits most in daily life is his fifth eldest uncle’s.

“Hee, hee, brother, hearing that you are injured, Xiao Dong has brought ferret meat to nourish[a16]  you for your recovery.”

Grinning broadly, Yuan Dong directly passes his white jade bow to Yuan Feng.

“Ha ha, my little brother[a17] , it’s very kind of you.” Taking over the bow and putting it aside, Yuan Feng reaches out his hand to stroke Yuan Dong’s little hand with a trace of warmth flowing through his heart. In his living memory, in this generation of the Yuan clan, it is only his little cousin who has never loathed him.

“Hey hey, brother is kind to me, and in return I’d like to do brother good certainly.” The young boy beams at him with innocence. “Brother, ferret meat is only delicious before it becomes cold, so you’d better have it soon, and I am going back to continue eating as well.” While talking, he swiftly runs to the dining room just like a live elf.

“The little boy!” Watching Yuan Dong running out of sight, Yuan Feng is more in favor of this cousin of his.

“Ferret meat? I’m really hungry.”

He glances down the jade bow which is full of vividly white ferret meat that emits a sort of enchanting aroma. Ferrets has been a kind of advanced magical beast and their tasty flesh is absolutely a hard-won dish. In Mukden County, even the clan of Yuan cannot eat it frequently.

However, when Yuan Feng sees the ferret meat, something amazing happenes.

In his mind, at some place which cannot be discerned, a blurred image abruptly flashes [a18] which cannot be traced but can be literally felt. At the moment of thinking, the image appears above his head. At the same time, eight characters appeares in his mind from nowhere.

“Divine animal, devour anything.”

“This, this is…” Yuan Feng is stunned. Watching the image of the animal above his head, he feels stupefied, then turns excited in an instant.

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