The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 100: CH 100

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After completing all the procedures, the three cars slowly drove into the base.

It’s not easy to find someone in a base that big but for Xiang Xu, it was fairly simple.

Xiang Xu was very diligent plus the previous few times when her spiritual power had failed, she was very disappointed in herself. However, the failed blow didn’t stop her from continuing practicing, it rather increased her fighting spirit. Her perseverance in training was almost like a desperate attempt. Every day, whenever she had time, she would engage in intensive spiritual practice, which was a very torturous task. However, Xiang Xu had remarkable persistence and stubbornness, and her unrelenting daily training had allowed her to improve her spiritual power by leaps and bounds.

She had no good feelings towards Zhou Jian and the other few children who had been kicked out. Moreover, they placed Gu Ning in danger by spreading the news about her being a Space ability user. Thus, Xiang Xu was even more furious, and her spiritual power directly covered most of the base while it only took less than ten minutes to locate Zhou Jian.

Originally they had some doubts about the certainty with which Zhou Jian had spread the news. However, when they found them and saw the uneasy look on their faces, there was no longer any doubt. When Xiang Yi questioned them a few more times, even though Zhou Jian refused to admit anything, the other children all gave an honest account.

Xiang Yi passed the message from Hong Jie to Zhou Jian and all the children immediately turned white with fear. Zhou Jian didn’t even expect that the always smiling Auntie Hong would be so ruthless.

He tried to run away but Xiang Yi caught him and pinned him to the ground. Although Zhou Jian was only thirteen years old, he had leeched the Third Company for a month after the apocalypse happened. Despite not having enough to eat till full, they weren’t particularly hungry either.

After Gu Ning had arrived at the Third Company, he had enough supplies to eat and drink so his body wasn’t as weak as the average child survivor in the base. Zhou Jian had grown very tall and was only a head shorter than Xiang Yi. In addition, he was now in a frenzy that even Xiang Yi couldn’t hold him down as he broke free and knocked Xiang Yi’s head with his.

The other children were all dumbfounded and didn’t know which side to help. They just stood there and watch the whole scene like logs. Xiang Xu was concerned about Hong Jie’s order to just break Zhou Jian’s hand so she didn’t dare to use her spiritual power as he would be killed easily. There were still some explicit regulations against killing people in the base.

When Xiang Yi saw that Zhou Jian was going to run away, he hurriedly chased after him and swung the iron rod in his hand to hit Zhou Jian’s leg. Yet, before the rod touched Zhou Jian’s leg, he heard Xiang Xu exclaim: “GeGe, be careful!”

Then he saw a big ball of fire suddenly charging towards him at a very fast speed! Xiang Yi had no time to react! All he heard was a loud bang! The fireball smashed onto Xiang Yi’s body! Sparks flew everywhere! The few children who were watching as well as those on-lookers, all screamed and dodged in fear.

As the sparks and flames faded away, the woman who had released the fireball suddenly gave a startled cry. Then she saw Xiang Yu standing there with a shocked expression but he was still intact. She shifted her gaze to the side and saw a little girl around seven or eight years old, staring at her angrily.

Xiang Xu’s face was full of anger at this moment. If she hadn’t reacted quickly and put up a spiritual barrier, Xiang Yi would have been a charred corpse by now!

At this moment, Zhou Jian, who had gotten up from the ground, glanced over at the Fire ability user in shock and shouted incredulously: “Sis?!”

Xiang Xu and Xiang Yu’s expression changed as they looked in surprise at the young woman who had suddenly attacked them.

“Sis! You’re alive!” Zhou Jian ran over and hugged the young woman who was about twenty-two or twenty-three years old and shouted in joy.

The young woman patted Zhou Jian’s head and her expression softened considerably.

The three cars parked on the other side of the street and those ten or so passengers slowly alight. All of them were looking at Zhou Jian curiously and one of them asked: “Zhou Yan, is this your brother?!”

A young man smiled and commented: “You’re so lucky! You have found your brother as soon as you arrived!”

Another youth glanced at Xiang Yi and Xiang Xu at the other side and remarked somewhat unkindly: “And just in time too.”

When Zhou Yan heard what they had commented, her gaze which had been softened, instantly turned sharp again. After the apocalypse happened, she had been searching for Zhou Jian but she never found him until now. She had never expected to witness Zhou Jian being chased and to be beaten up when she finally was able to reunite with him. When she thought of how much her beloved little brother had suffered during these four months of being apart, Zhou Yan wanted to kill Xiang Yi immediately!

Zhou Yan asked Zhou Jian who was in her arms: “Zhou Jian, tell me, what do you want to deal with these two people?”

Zhou Jian shifted aside from her hug, his eyes fixed deadly on Xiang Xu and Xiang Yi while his expression was indescribably smug and ruthless as he replied: “I want them dead!”

At this moment, the leader of the group spoke up: “Do whatever you want with that boy but keep that little girl for me. She actually managed to stop your blow with her spiritual power just now, so interesting.”

Xiang Xu’s spiritual power was so keen that she immediately detected that this woman’s group of friends, all had psychic energy fluctuations in their bodies! When she heard their conversation, she was horrified but tried her best to remain calm and whispered to Xiang Yi: “GeGe, quick run!” Then she grabbed Xiang Yi’s hand and turned around to run.

Just when they had turned and run a few steps away, a special ability user who was chatting just a moment ago, instantly appeared in front of them, laughing and saying: “You won’t be able to run away kid.”

Xiang Xu’s eyes narrowed as she growled: “GeGe! Quickly go back and inform Sister Gu Ning and the others! I’ll hold them off!”

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The Speed ability user laughed and commented: “Hahaha! Little girl, you’ve got a whole bunch of nerve to say that!”

“Now!” Xiang Xu bellowed at Xiang Yi! Then her spiritual power suddenly surged out wildly! Every day, Xiang Xu’s daily training was to practice how to kill people with her spiritual power. Right now, the moment her spiritual energy gushed out, it condensed into the sharp invisible spikes, and then under her spiritual power controlling, a small part of it stabbed towards the Speed ability user in front of her! The majority of them circled in the air and headed directly to the dozen of people behind her!

“What a powerful spiritual energy! Guo Qiang! Watch out!” A woman in the group shouted in horror while her spiritual power surged out immediately! If spiritual energy could be seen by the naked eye, then they would notice the instantaneous surge of spiritual energy from Xiang Xu was double the amount of spiritual energy from this woman!

The first reaction of the Speed ability user when he heard the woman’s voice was to retreat! Meanwhile, his teammate’s spiritual energy was heading toward him but it was still a moment too slow in his retreating and his teammate’s help was nowhere nearer or faster than Xiang Xu. In this split second, Guo Qiang instantly felt as if millions of needles were stabbed into his skull while he was retreating, and he screamed out as an unimaginably intense pain hit him hard!

Guo Qiang’s sudden fall to the ground and the sharp scream that burst out of his mouth at the same time caused his teammates’ expression to change abruptly.

Xiang Yi saw that Xiang Xu had already started attacking so he knew beyond doubt that there was no way he could help Xiang Xu by staying behind and the most important thing he should do right now was to run back quickly to report the news. The longer he stayed, the more danger Xiang Xu would be in. Xiang Yi gritted his teeth and turned his head toward the direction of the dormitory building and ran!

“Trying to run?!” One of the youths in the group took a step forward and stomped hard with his right foot. A vine suddenly sprang up under Xiang Yu’s foot and coiled his ankle! Xiang Yi was unable to react fast enough so his right leg was caught by the vine and he was dragged down to the ground! Xiang Yi’s whole body slumped down and his jaw hit the concrete floor with a heavy thud. A sound of bone cracking was heard as Xiang Yi grunted in pain and tears came out, but what hurt the most was that he had to bite his tongue when his jaw hit the concrete floor. At the same time as a strong smell of blood filled his mouth, his entire body was dragged backward by the vine!

Suddenly! Out of nowhere, a person grabbed Xiang Yi’s hand and tried yanking him back! Xiang Yi squinted his eyes and saw that the person who grabbed his hand was actually Zuo You! Zuo You tugged hard on his hand as he leaned back fully, fighting with all his might against the tremendous force of the vine while Wu Sen was crouching at his feet with his pocket knife in hand. Wu Sen was quickly cutting away the vine that was coiled around Xiang Yi’s leg.

Wu Sen lowered his voice while cutting the vines and said: “Brother Xiang Yi, Wo Wo has already gone back to call for help!”

Xiang Xu’s spiritual attacks were all blocked away by the other Spiritual ability user except for Guo Qiang.

At this point, she had formed a huge three meters wide spiritual barrier to block in front of her. The Spiritual ability user tried to attack and was surprised to find that Xiang Xu’s spiritual barrier didn’t even show the slightest sign of breaking even after receiving her full force! She looked at Xiang Xu’s appearance and she was only around seven or eight years old, how could she have such a strong spiritual power?! It was really beyond her knowledge!

“Stop wasting time, attack with all our power! Let’s see how long she can last!” After Zhou Yan finished speaking, she took the lead in launching full assault psychic attacks. She had conjured more than ten fireballs instantly and blasted toward Xiang Xu!

Xiang Xu spread opened her arms and widen her spiritual barrier. The moment the dozen or so fireballs hit the spiritual barrier, she felt that it started to shake slightly and immediately increased the output of her psychic energy. Her spiritual energy gushed out wildly into the spiritual barrier once more. However, Xiang Xu’s expression was incomparably gloomy as she stared at the dozen or so special abilities users frantically attacking her spiritual barrier. She felt her spiritual barrier was disappearing rapidly while the psychic energy in her body was depleting at an alarming rate. She knew that with such an intense attack of psychic powers, her spiritual barrier won’t be able to last long!

However, those frantic attackers on the other side were even more horrified! With twelve of them attacking in unison, the little girl across the street, who was just only seven or eight years old, managed to last for almost a full minute! Not to mention the fact that Guo Qiang was lying on the ground who was not known to be alive or dead! This minute might seem short but those who were involved in it felt incredibly long!

Xiang Xu felt every last drop of her psychic energy in her body was being drained away! The spiritual barrier lost the support of her psychic energy and was instantly shattered under the opponent’s continuous psychic attacks! A huge ball of fire flew towards the pale-faced Xiang Xu! It sent a whistling wind and hot air toward her face! Knowing that Xiang Xu was such a strong Spiritual ability user, all they wanted to do now was to eliminate her!

Xiang Xu’s face was lit up by the fireball!

Xiang Yi’s legs were untied at that moment and he subconsciously glanced back! He saw a huge fireball was blasted toward Xiang Xu and she who had her psychic energy completely drained, was no different from any ordinary seven or eight years old little girl. If there was no stopping, she would be blown away directly by this fireball without even leaving a whole corpse. Xiang Yi’s eyes were cracking with anxiety as he cried out: “Xiang Xu!”

Wu Sen lost his voice with Zuo You and both could only stare in horror while being frozen in shock.

Xiang Xu felt the searing heat that was heading toward her, she shuddered and closed her eyes ——

Right then!

Xiang Yi felt a blinding wind sweep past him! His eyes widened and he saw a lightning-fast figure dashed toward Xiang Xu! He couldn’t help but hold his breath.

“Bang!” an explosion! The fireball smashed into the ground with a shower of sparks!

On the contrary, Xiang Xu who should have been hit squarely by the fireball disappeared into the thin air and crashed into a tent five metres away from that spot with Fang Fa. Both his hands tightly shielded Xiang Xu in his arms while his back was narrowly grazed by the fireball. There was a big burned hole on his back and his skin was scorched. Fang Fa grimaced in pain but still grinned at Xiang Xu who was trembling in his arms and looked up at him. He comforted her with a smile: “Don’t worry. We’re here.”

Instead of continuing their attack, Zhou Yan and the attacker’s expression changed as they saw another group of people heading over. It was easy to different out the aura of a special ability user and an ordinary survivor, especially when this was a whole group of special abilities users.

When Zhou Jian saw the group of people walking over, he turned pale with fear and hid behind Zhou Yan.

The leader of the group of attackers watched as another group of people headed toward them. He felt the murderous and lethal aura that was emanating from those people and thought that this incident would not be able to end so simply.

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