The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 113: CH 113

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After a short period of panic, the Third Company team were able to deal with the situation in a very calm manner. They managed to temporarily stop the rampage of those big-headed zombies while the others gradually regained their composure. However, the rest were still badly shaken in their mind when they looked at the headless bodies on the ground.

In just a short span of fewer than two minutes, the death toll of the recuse squad was already as high as eight, seven of which became the headless corpses on the ground. Apart from the Third Company team and Zhang Ji’s team who did not take coverage from the rain, several other teams were all suffering from injuries from the sudden attack. The mutated zombie which Gu Ning had killed was the smallest of them all and relatively speaking it was the weakest.

Seeing that the other mutated zombies were temporarily restrained, Gu Ning bent down to dig out the crystal core and kept it away. She wiped away a handful of rain from her face before dashing toward another big-headed zombie with the long knife in her hand.

Puddles of rain were splashed by Gu Ning as she rushed forward with her long knife while dodging the big-headed zombie’s curling tongue. The moment she stepped sideways to avoid the incoming tongue, her long knife stuck precisely into the neck that looked unusually slender because of its big head. With a strong swing, the knife instantly sliced through the most vulnerable neck ——

The huge head rolled off from the neck and landed in the puddle with a snap. It caused a huge splash while instantly turning the large puddle into crimson red.

The others cast horrified glances over at Gu Ning!

These big-headed zombies seem ghastly but their actual combat power was nowhere near as tricky as the tentacle zombies which Gu Ning and the Third Company had encountered, as well as the long-tailed zombies from the hospital.

In the beginning, they were stunned and confused which resulted in the loss of so many teammates. Moreover, those who were killed were generally those who had just developed their powers and didn’t have much real combat experience. Thus, their legs instantly went weak when they were forced to face those big-headed zombies.

The last big-headed zombie was finished off by a few other abilities users attacking it. As if they were afraid of being robbed, the Yuezhou team immediately dug out the crystal core and then hid it after switching among a few of them.

In the end, the Third Company team had gained four mutated crystal cores and three of which were all killed by Gu Ning. Zhang Ji’s team gained two while the other three teams gained one each and only the Green Tree squad gained none.

Brother San wiped a handful of rain from his face and stared at the paled bodies on the ground. His expression was stony as the recuse squad had lost eight men without even seeing any sight of the helicopter.

“Are all our men okay?” Jia DaoZhang counted and was relieved to find that none were missing.

The other teams started to count their losses, except for the Third Company team and Zhang Ji’s team, all the other teams suffered some casualties and deaths. The leader of the Green Tree squad, Liang Le, was very grim as three of those deaths were in her squad while several other girls in the squad were silently wiping their tears away.

When Brother San noticed it, he asked Fang Fa, Cheng Ming, Zhang XiaoBai and a few other men to carry all those corpses to a dry area before getting Huang MengYao to set them on fire.

In the battle just now, Xiang Xu’s spiritual energy was focused on the entire area and was ready to rescue her team members in case they were in danger. She had to concentrate intensely and could no longer conjure up a barrier to shield everyone away from the rain. Thus, everyone was drenched and soaked for now.

Everyone started to feel the chill and coldness from the rain. All of them headed toward the direction that Xiang Xu had pointed out to be the safe zone. They found a house and entered while Gu Ning took out fifty sets of clothes from her space and handed them out. Immediately after changing into dry clothes, they felt their bodies were gradually warming up. Inevitably, after encountering such a dangerous situation, a number of them had developed a sense of retreat.

“We’ve already lost three members.” Liang Le, the leader of the Green Tree squad, looked grimly and hesitantly voiced out her thoughts: “We don’t want to continue anymore.” There were only ten of them in the group yet three died at once, it was reasonable why she was so upset and made such a decision.

Upon hearing her statement, the other three teams who suffered injuries had the same hesitant looks on their faces. It seems like all of them had the intention of withdrawing.

“Think it over guys. You have already lost a few men but the payment will still be the same. It is equivalent to the fact that you have now been paid an extra one hundred and fifty pounds of rice. You all should consider carefully whether you want to back out or not.” Zhang Ji pointed out soberly.

This was a cold-blooded statement, but it was the truth too. Those members had died but the payment would remain in the team.

The expression on those people all changed slightly and even the Green Tree squad who had been determined to leave became hesitant at this point. However, someone sneered: “There’s not a single person from either of your teams died and you guys have collected the most crystal cores. Of course, you would say something like that.”

Zhang XiaoBai’s expression darken, he was a man who refused to take any sh*t and immediately sneered back: “It was because you guys broke away from the group to hide away from the rain that’s why your team suffered causality! If it wasn’t for us, more of you would have died! The number of crystal cores is based on everyone’s ability and no one is stopping you from killing the zombies.”

That person immediately choked on his words and grimaced.

Seeing their hesitation, Jia DaoZhang hurriedly interjected: “Everyone, please listen to what I have to say. Now we are not far from where the helicopter had landed, maybe if we continued for a little bit longer, the piles of supplies will be secured. If we return now, those people will die in vain since there won’t be any payment so it’s not worth the loss. Besides, there aren’t any powerful mutated zombies along that way but it’s not certain that you won’t encounter them if you head back now. Thus, it would be safer to follow the main group.”

Several other team leaders had mixed feelings but it was Yuan Ge of the Survival squad who replied: “Jia DaoZhang is right, it would be too unprofitable if we go back just like that. Since we are already here, then let’s go all the way.” His group consisted of all young adults and they agreed with it.

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That left three teams undecided.

They were the Nighthawk squad, Yuezhou team and Green Tree squad which were somewhat hesitating.

Gu Ning took a look at the heavy downpour and frowned coldly: “Let’s go.” Then she was the first to walk out of the room and the rest of the Third Company team followed without hesitation.

The scene of Gu Ning slaughtering three big-headed mutated zombies with knives was still so fresh in their minds. Even they, who were special abilities users, could not complete the three kills as cleanly as Gu Ning did. Gu Ning’s silent image instantly transformed into gore and coldness.

The leaders of the Nighthawk squad and Yuezhou team looked at each other and without further ado, they hurriedly raised their steps to follow.

Only the Green Tree squad was left and they were still indecisive. However, they were also the weakest so they had no choice but to passively follow the group and move on.

The rain splattered over the spiritual barrier silently, flowing down the edge of the barrier. The only sound that echoed through the rain was their heavy footsteps.

Gu Ning ignored the complicated gaze that Zhang Ji kept casting over now and then.

The closer the group got to the objective location, the more depressing the atmosphere became. As more and more zombies rushed out from the streets and alleys in all directions, even Gu Ning’s expression began to grimace and everyone else had a very solemn look. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth plus the three mutated elements wind, lightning and ice, intertwined to form a barrier. It crushed any low-level evolved zombies and ordinary zombies that appeared, and at this time, no one was thinking of hiding their special abilities anymore. After all, if they didn’t use it now, they might not have the chance to use it later. With the torturous hissing from the zombies, the team continued to advance with difficulty.

Finally, they reached the five hundred metres range provided by Director Zhong.

A five-star hotel could be seen, which was significantly taller than the rest of the buildings in the area, almost reaching forty storeys.

The helicopter was located within a five hundred metre radius of this five-star hotel.

As soon as they found the helicopter which had crashed into the flower bed in front of the hotel, their spirits were lifted and ran towards it.

When the helicopter was forced to land, it didn’t choose a good location to crash or it was under another attack as the whole body of the helicopter was covered in scratches and only one piece of the propeller remained. The other piece had flown almost thirty to forty metres away from the crash scene and was tipped on its side in the flower bed.

Inside the helicopter, was a man’s body being severed off by some sharp object. The lower half of his body was fastened onto the seat but his upper half was thrown outside of the helicopter and connected only by a few intestines that were still dangling in between the two body parts. From the face that was still visible, the man was probably around thirty and the whole scene was utterly gruesome.

Fang Fa suppressed his discomfort and checked out the helicopter carefully.

After searching for nearly half an hour, two more helpers went in to double-check. However, neither of them found the suitcase that Director Zhong had mentioned nor any other documents.

There was only this corpse being found.

Yet, there were two helicopters and there was no information about the vaccine on this so it must have been on the other chopper.

Xiang Xu and the spiritual ability user in Zhang Ji’s team, both poured out their spiritual energy to investigate the whereabouts of the other helicopter.

More zombies were swarming in from the direction in which they had come from.

Gu Ning took a step forward with her knife and suddenly stepped on a bulge. She subconsciously moved her foot away and glanced down, then she saw a red five-star badge lying on the ground covered with mud.

Gu Ning recognized it at once as that was the badge of the Five Stars Brigade.

It was the five-star badge that only the First Squad was qualified to wear it……

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