The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 59: CH 59

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When Gu Ning came over to the post-apocalyptic world, she had switched her clothes back into the same one which she wore every time, and even ruffled her hair before replying: “No, I just went in to see if there was anything I could use.”

Brother San didn’t take it too seriously and said as he walked back: “Go and have your breakfast before those little brats finish all of it.”

Gu Ning thought back about the neatly groomed Brother San from the other side of the world and then this unkempt Brother San. She having some slight trouble in combining those two images into a single person.

She really didn’t know if on longer-term, would her mind remain mentally saint.

Gu Ning thought silently, then went back to her room.

Now how should they use their special abilities in fighting?

This was the question Gu Ning had raised during the breakfast.

Several people who were still in the excitement of having just developed their powers immediately calmed down because of this question from Gu Ning.

Now the only ones who had experience in special abilities combat, apart from the too ethereal spiritual power like Xiang Xu, the remaining were Brother San and Cheng Ming.

So at the request of all, the two men went over the details of the attack they had made by unleashing their special abilities.

“It’s actually whatever you want to do with your psychic power —— It will do it.” Cheng Ming explained and at the same time as his words fell, a corner of the curtain fabric was sliced off by a wind blade.

Immediately afterward, a ball of water appeared in front of Zhong Xu, which then split and changed into several water arrows under his careful manipulation, which he then excitedly controlled and shot out towards the outdoor!

The crowd rushed out and witnessed the water arrows fly out and hit a date palm tree that had not yet fully grown and was severed off by it.

What follows was a mini-lesson from Xiang Xu regarding special abilities.

Xiang Xu had already sorted out all the pieces of information in her mind while combining them with her own experiences and explained: “The psychic energy stored in the human body is limited. If you use it continuously without resting, it will be depleted if it is consumed too quickly and does not have enough time for it to regenerate. If your psychic energy enters a depleted state, it will recover very slowly and the body will become weaker. It will take at least two hours or more to recover. However, if taken some of the transparent crystal cores, it will help to greatly increase the speed of the regeneration of your psychic energy.”

“So all of you must be clear about the storage limitation of your psychic energy, and then take care and try not let it run dry. Also, it’s good to use more of your psychic energy daily which will help to improve in your manipulation that will be very useful for the future battles.”

Zhang XiaoBai stared at Xiang Xu who articulated clearly and said with an overwhelming emotion: “Xiang Xu, I feel like you are our intelligence officer! Gu Ning, where did you find Xiang Xu from?”

Xiang Xu glanced at Gu Ning with a slight smirk, as if to say, look, I didn’t disappoint you, right?

After figuring out the aspect of things, it was time to get ready to head out for the actual battle.

Those three soldiers who had died made Brother San feel so guilty, too many people had died since the apocalypse started, everyone around them was dying every day, those they knew and or they didn’t, friends, relatives, comrades, families…… so fast that they didn’t have the time to grieve for these people and new deaths news piled up.

They were already used to avoiding talking about those who had died.

However, Brother San still tried, as much as possible to keep those who were alive now safe.

Therefore, Brother San decided to let those who had not developed their powers, including Gu Ning and Xiang Yi, stay at the colony and wait for the rest to return with the crystal cores.

Gu Ning refused the idea: “I disagree with this distribution.” Gu Ning looked solemnly at Brother San and continued: “If we are all destined not to have any special abilities, then now is the best opportunity to train. Ordinary people have to find a way to survive too, instead of cowering under the protection of the special abilities users. At least that’s what I believe.”

Xiang Yi shrugged self-deprecatingly: “I’ve tried many times, and although I’m not giving up, it’s just possible that I will always remain as an ordinary person. I agree with her, we ordinary people have to find a way to survive too.”

The four soldiers who had been assigned to stay behind yesterday reacted even strongly and requested Brother San for them to join in the hunting too.

Brother San was triggered by what Gu Ning had said, and then he got a headache from the soldiers who were protesting, so he simply dumped the task to Gu Ning: “Then what do you think, how to arrange it?”

“My parents will stay behind to guard, Huang MengYao is staying, Shi Tou is staying, Luo Long is staying too.” Gu Ning looked at Hong Jie and asked: “What about you, Hong Jie?”

Hong Jie pointed at Brother San with her chin and replied: “He’s already so old and yet he still can head out, so I certainly won’t be a burden for you guys too.”

“What about me……” Not sure when but the tightly closed partitioned sliding door where the children were sleeping was pushed ajar. A twelve or thirteen-year-old teenager stood there in a timid manner, seeing everyone’s gazes were fixed on him, he timidly lowered his head slightly. Yet this young teenager gathered his courage to look at Gu Ning and asked: “Can I go out with you all to kill the monsters?” He tried to make himself look as brave as possible by puffing his skinny chest out.

If it were usual, these adults might have laughed out loud, but right now, no one was laughing.

Jia DaoZhang walked over and ruffled the child’s hair very roughly into a mess before asking: “What’s your name?”

His eyelids were one single and one double layer, his skin tone was slightly darker, but he looked very young and delicate. He smoothly combed his hair which had been ruffled by Jia DaoZhang and replied without getting angry: “Wu Sen.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m already thirteen!”

Jia DaoZhang shook his head: “Too young!”

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“What about her? She is even younger than me.” Wu Sen pointed at Xiang Xu with his slightly dirty finger.

“Hey kid, she is even stronger than me!” Zhang XiaoBai smiled while explaining.

Xiang Xu glared at Wu Sen before giving a light hum.

Wu Sen was half convinced.

Brother San chimed: “Kid, wait until you can hold a gun steadily before you can go out with us. Gu Ning, it’s getting late, let’s head out already.”

Gu Ning nodded, placing her gun behind her back, took another long knife which she had found previously and held it in her hand then followed the main group out.

As compared to previous excitement for hunting, they were feeling a bit more uneasy than last time. Those who had their powers developed seemed confident and determined to score well this time.

Gu Ning went into the truck with Brother San.

“We’re not in a hurry to collect the crystal cores this time, plus the walkie-talkies are all scrapped, let’s just maintain as a team this time. Gu Ning, what do you think?”

Gu Ning nodded and replied: “Mn. If we encounter small waves of zombies, let those who haven’t developed their powers kill the zombies then. You guys are mainly responsible for protecting and supporting the attack. If there are larger waves of zombies, then it will be up to you guys to rush to the front.”

Brother San agreed: “I thought so too.”

While the trucks were moving out, those people who had already developed their powers didn’t remain idle but they were busy training and exercising their proficiency of using their special abilities.

Meanwhile, the two military trucks that were carrying Gu Ning and the others were gradually moving away.

A giant red SUV pulled up in front of the colony gate.

Such a conspicuous car immediately attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was parked in front of the entrance.

The front door of the war was opened.

A long, slender leg stepped out of the car before a voluptuous beauty with red hair got out of the car while casually tossing her red hair to aside. She stood still and looked at the colony gate in front of her before sighing in relief. Then she went to the back and opened the car door as a pale young man leaned back in his reclining chair and opened his eyes weakly, glanced at the view faintly before asking: “Found the place to stop?”

If Gu Ning was here, she would have been very shocked to find that these two people were none other than Zhuang Chen and Fang Fa, who should be on their way to the capital.

Zhuang Chen took a glance at the bandaged wound on Fang Fa’s thigh, and then his pale face. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed then replied: “Wait for a moment, I’ll ask them to open up the gate.” Then with her long slender legs, she walked towards the gate. Fang Fa nodded and then closed his eyes again weakly.

Zhuang Chen walked to the gate and asked the guards: “Please open the gate, our car is going in.”

The guards glanced at each other and then replied to Zhuang Chen: “We need to check.”

Zhuang Chen raised her eyebrow and glanced back at the car.

The two guards went out and walked to the car and pushed open the door to see Fang Fa lying in the car. When they saw the wound on Fang Fa’s thigh that had been bandaged haphazardly and after a glance at each other they rejected Zhuang Chen: “Sorry, our rule here is that people who are injured are not allowed to enter the colony.” Ever since Gu Ning had killed Wang JiZhong’s nephew at the gate, the quality and politeness of the guards’ attitude had all greatly improved. They feared that they would end up in the same situation if they pissed off someone they couldn’t afford to piss off.

They were so courteous that Zhuang Chen was unable to get angry but just frowned and explained: “The wound on his leg is not a zombie bite, it is from a knife cut, yet he still cannot enter?”

“Sorry, this is our colony’s rule, we have no choice either ——“

“Zhuang Chen?” Suddenly, a voice of surprise rang out.

Zhuang Chen was slightly startled and glanced over towards the direction of the voice, her eyebrows raised on one side, and was also very surprised: “Yin Qi?” Her facial expression changed when her eyes landed to the side of the white-shirted man: “Yin Sang, you’re here too.”

The two people who inadvertently passed by the gate were none other than the man in a white shirt and Yin Sang. They were also a little surprised to see Zhuang Chen as they thought that Zhuang Chen and the others should have gone back to the capital a long time ago.

A guard looked at Yin Qi respectfully and asked: “Master Seven, her friend is injured. Should we let them in?”

Before Yin Qi could reply, Yin Sang replied coldly: “No entry.”

Yin Qi frowned and glanced at Yin Sang: “Yin Sang?!

Zhuang Chen, however, did not even look at Yin Sang and just stared at Yin Qin and said: “Yin Qi, since both of you are here, then Bai Lang should be here too. So since you refused to open the gate, then call him out and I will speak to him personally.”

“You——“ Yin Sang only managed to utter a word before it came to an abrupt halt as a strand of her hair chipped down from her bangs and brushed past her brow as it slowly fell to the ground.

Zhang Chen glared at her with a sharp gaze and said in a cold voice: “If you don’t shut up, I’ll make you shut up forever.”

Yin Qi stared at Zhuang Chen in shock: “Wind special ability——“

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