The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 64: CH 64

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Gu Ning stood on the shore for a while before she remembered what was wrong, her originally fractured leg didn’t seem to hurt anymore? Gu Ning tentatively moved her leg and it seem fine. She removed the two stool’s legs attached to her and then tried doing some kicks. Her leg didn’t feel any pain or rawness at all. Did this mean that she is completely healed?

Gu Ning was a little confused.

In the post-apocalyptic world, the people inside the room were all staring wide-eyed at the empty earth bed, each was conjuring up a myriad of strange reasons in their mind.

Hong Jie even made a point of checking the toilet as well as the bedroom yet she couldn’t find Gu Ning.

Zhang XiaoBai also used his hand to feel around on the earth bed for a while before he asked in a daze: “How come a person could just disappear without any trace?”

Zhong Xu replied: “…… she really just evaporated into the thin air.”

“Cheng Ming……” Jia DaoZhang suddenly called out to Cheng Ming, his expression looking strange: “Do you remember the last time there’s something similar happened to Gu Ning too?”

Cheng Ming’s head was spinning and when he heard Jia DaoZhang questioning, it took him a while to recall the incident: “You mean that time in the car park?”

“What car park? What happened?” Zhang XiaoBai asked eagerly.

Under the dancing candlelight, Jia DaoZhang’s expression looked inexplicably eerie: “That was the first time I’ve met Gu Ning, Cheng was there too. We spent the night resting in an enclosed car park. She slept against the wall, and when we got up in the morning, she was gone. The situation was too chaotic for us to think too much about it and Gu Ning’s explanation afterward made sense. Yet now when we recalled back, could it be that Gu Ning just vanished into the thin air then, just like what happened to her now?”

Cheng Ming was shaken.

The others were inexplicably a little creeped out.

No one saw how Gu Ning disappeared. The room was just this small that if anyone made any movement could easily alert others, but Gu Ning’s disappearance was so quiet as if she had just evaporated without a single sound.

Luo Long suddenly shivered and rubbed his arms: “Come on, don’t say it anymore, I’m getting goosebumps.”

Only Hong Jie caught on to the point and asked: “So how did Gu Ning return last time?”

Jia DaoZhang replied: “The next day when we were outside and being chased by a horde of zombies. Gu Ning suddenly appeared out of nowhere again.”

Luo Long suddenly commented: “And don’t you guys think Gu Ning sometimes also comes and go like a shadow?”

Jia DaoZhang nodded remembering Gu Ning’s many solitary actions.

Hong Jie on the other hand, remembered yesterday night when Gu Ning went out alone and only showed up again the next morning.

Luo Long’s words seemed to sort out everyone’s memories of Gu Ning at once and then realized that the image of Gu Ning they knew seemed to be permeated with such mystery. Even though Gu Ning seems to be close to them recently, yet she seldom chats and communicates other than the necessary conversation. Although they treated Gu Ning as their comrade in arms, her attitude towards them was kind of aloofness, always with a sense of detachment.

Brother San had never been able to see through Gu Ning’s character, but it seems that it was because of this impenetrable mystery that he had an inexplicable self-belief in Gu Ning, feeling that she always had some means of assurance.

However, this time Brother San was genuinely shocked. It was beyond human comprehension to say that a living person had just vanished.

The room of people discussed for a long while but none could figure out where Gu Ning had gone.

All of them stared at each other with wide eyes and were speechless.

Zhang XiaoBai asked: “Brother San, what should we do next?”

Brother San replied: “What should we do? What else can we do? We can only wait. Didn’t Old Jia say that Gu Ning disappeared and reappeared on her own last time? Let’s also wait and see when she appears.”

Jia DaoZhang felt awkward and slightly unhappy with Brother San addressing him as Old Jia but now was not the time to dwell on it.

On the contrary, they were not worried about Gu Ning’s safety and even had more confidence in her than they did in themselves.

Thus, all that was left was to wait.

They discussed the battle they had fought earlier, reflecting on their shortcomings in that battle and their lack of control over their powers. The practical battle experience was the best way to increase their combat power and every battle increases their chances of surviving in the future. What’s more, they had just developed their powers to fight mutated zombies that exceeded their strength by several levels, and the experiences they gained from it were enormous.

After there was nothing to say, it was a dull waiting.

They waited till noon, even Xiang Xu had woken up and was silent after learning that Gu Ning had disappeared. She didn’t know what was the reason for the disappearance as the fragments about the future didn’t show her this information. Yet she strongly believe that Gu Ning would reappear once again.

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Although Xiang Xu was young, she had shown maturity far beyond her age, and Gu Ning’s trusted her, coupled with the great strength she had shown previously, her words had a calming effect upon others.

In the beginning, they were vaguely anticipating and curious, waiting to see in what way would Gu Ning appear, but as they waited for so long, they became a little bit uneasy.

Zhang XiaoBai was the first to ask: “It’s already afternoon. Why hasn’t Gu Ning shown up yet?”

“Do we have to wait for her?” Hong Jie asked too: “It’s almost one o’clock and we left three hours before it gets dark. There won’t be much time left for today if we don’t go searching for supplies now.”

Luo Long replied: “Then what should we do? Gu Ning hasn’t returned yet, and we can’t just leave her behind right? What if she suddenly appears?”

Hong Jie pondered for a moment then replied: “I’ll stay behind, your psychic power won’t be much help either so you will stay with me too. Also, give me five more men to wait here for Gu Ning. Xiao Xie, you take the rest and search for supplies, and don’t forget to help us barricade the door above after your way out. We’ll go back on our own when you’re still not back by two o’clock tomorrow afternoon.” Hong Jie was planning for the worst-case scenario.

However, there was no doubt that this was the best plan right now.

No one had any objections.

Luo Long had a problem with Hong Jie stating that his psychic power wasn’t much help but he didn’t dare to rebut.

All the special abilities users had replenished their psychic energy to their peak state and after the morning’s battle, they all had a good idea of their powers and gained some combat experience. In the afternoon, as long as they didn’t encounter that few mutated zombies that were too strong for them, they should be strong enough to handle most of the situation in general.

Zhang XiaoBai said: “Our luck can’t be this bad, right? To encounter those mutated zombies once again in the afternoon.”

Brother San slapped Zhang XiaoBai on his mouth: “Can you say something more auspicious with this stupid mouth?”

Zhang XiaoBai hurriedly changed his tone: “Then let’s wish us all to return fully loaded this afternoon.”

Brother San said with satisfaction: “Now that’s better.”

After leaving Hong Jie and the others with plenty of ammunition and supplies to last until tomorrow night, Brother San left with his team.

The house, which had been cramped became empty all of a sudden.

The few soldiers who remained behind were a bit at loss as to what to do.

Hong Jie left a direct message for them to wake her up when Gu Ning returned and then went to sleep in the next bedroom.

To this elder sister, who Brother San had to even speak respectfully to, Luo Long didn’t dare to have any displease with her. From time to time, he would glance over at the earth bed, always having the feeling that Gu Ning would appear again, quietly lying on the bed.

Meanwhile, Gu Ning was standing on the waves, the green waves tumbling beneath her feet and she stood firmly on it. Her body followed the flow of the tumbling waves, rising and sinking while travelling forward at a fast pace. She spread her hands and raised them upwards, and two swirling waterspouts broke from the sea with a loud splash and rushed towards the sky.

Eleventh Square was less than 500 metres from Golden Gate Street which was all about shopping and selling all kinds of branded clothes and cosmetics, while Eleventh Square was surrounded by huge shopping malls and had a very large number of shops. Previously, Brother San and the others were in a hurry to escape from there so they didn’t have the chance to scavenge for supplies and today they came specifically for it.

There were a lot of dried corpses lying on the ground from all ages and genders and although Brother San and the rest had seen too much of the post-apocalyptic tragedy, they couldn’t help and felt so sad when they saw these.

After killing the mutated zombie, those recently evolved zombies were no longer able to deal any serious damage to the team of six special abilities users. Brother San hadn’t forgotten Gu Ning’s instruction and followed the plan from the beginning. When the small wave of zombies came, the ordinary people would be in charge of the main attack and stay on the outer edge while the special abilities users would be in charge of the supporting attack. Yet, when they encounter a larger wave of zombies, they immediately changed their formation and protect the ordinary people in the centre.

Xiang Xu was still in charge of detection. The reason why Xiang Xu did not detect the mutated zombie was that it was too strong and automatically blocked the detection of her spiritual power. Yet, those recently evolved zombies could be fully monitored by Xiang Xu.

In such battles, they all had adapted to their psychic powers while also forming bonds with their teammates while working together. They were all surprised to find that working together produced very good results.

Zhong Xu’s water ability combined with Zhang XiaoBai’s thunder ability was often able to inflict a large area of damage.

Moreover, Jia DaoZhang’s ice ability built on top of Zhong Xu’s water ability also created many ice sculptures but it required too much effort to dig out the crystal core so Jia DaoZhang improvised it by only freezing the zombies below the neck to make it easier to dig it out.

Also, in regards to single combat, it was Cheng Ming who attracted the most attention.

Apart from Zhang XiaoBai, Jia DaoZhang and his psychic energy were the strongest. Those zombies weren’t able to get within a meter near Cheng Ming as there was always wind gusting around him. From time to time, a wind blade would take shape and slash off half of the zombie’s face without a sound. Moreover, this level of psychic energy consumption was not too draining for him which allowed him to basically balance it out with the replenished speed. He was also very conscious of the power he had to manipulate and his wind blades were mostly aimed at the farthest zombies.

As compared to Zhang XiaoBai, Cheng Ming, and Jia DaoZhang, who had mutated psychic powers, Brother San and Zhong Xu’s psychic energy was very average. If converted to creating earth walls, 20 earth walls in a row may be the maximum for Brother San. If converted to earth spikes, that would only be a few hundred of it. Zhong Xu was even busier, going around supporting them with rain so that Zhang XiaoBai could release his thunder ability and Jia DaoZhang could release his ice ability. Therefore, compared to the three of them who could easily abuse the zombies, Brother San and Zhong Xu had to suffer more and control their psychic energy very carefully.

In their heart, they hated themselves for missing the good opportunity, if only they could have developed their psychic powers together with Gu Ning.

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