The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 75: CH 75

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Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai, Zhong Xu, and Chen Gen all arrived at the assembly area. Without seeing Brother San, they were directly fetched by the army truck to the foot of the mountain where they were fighting for the four slots that day.

Brother San and the others were already waiting at the bottom of the mountain.

They were accompanied by the First Company Commander as well as the Second Company Commander, who had no candidate, who was also there.

First Company Commander started explaining: “The Five Stars Brigade group is already waiting for you in the mountain. All you have to do is one thing, no matter which rabbit hole you hide in, you will win if you don’t get taken out by them within three hours.” He continued in a heavy tone: “I don’t know whether you all are lucky or unlucky, but the four people who came, are all-powerful figures of the Five Stars Brigade.”

The Second Company Commander who always had some conflict with the first and third companies, yet at such a crucial time, he was on the side of the troops: “You all have an advantage, as you’ve all pretty much mapped out the terrain on this mountain. Let’s see if you can use that to your advantage to close the gap a bit. Logically, they’ll be slightly lenient, so don’t worry about anything and just show your full strength anyway.”

Brother San didn’t instruct anything, just a simple sentence: “When you guys come back, we’ll go to the seafood restaurant that Zhang XiaoBai has always talked about to celebrate.”

Afterward, all four of them wear their watch with a countdown of three hours on it.

The four of their watches were placed together and then pressed at the same time. It immediately began the count down.

Zhang XiaoBai glanced at the rapidly passing numbers on his wrist and asked: “Why don’t we stay here and chat for a while longer?”


At last, the four of them, armed fully and headed up the mountain together with an inexplicable sense of eagerness and excitement with mixed nervousness in it.

As the Second Company Commander had said earlier, apart from Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai, Zhong Xu, and Chen Gen were all familiar with the terrain on the mountain. Gu Ning had been up in the mountain last time when they were fighting for the slot. Although she hadn’t deliberately tried to memorise the terrain, she still had the idea of the general directions, which was indeed a great advantage for them.

As soon as the four of them entered the mountain, their nerves began to tense. They were way more nervous as compared to the last time they fought for the slot as this time they were officially fighting against the Five Stars Brigade group. The slightest movement of the wind and grass around them could easily ruffle their tenses nerves. Even Zhang XiaoBai, who had always been smiling, had his face tightened up at this moment, not even a hint of a smile could be seen.

The four of them didn’t dare to run, so they moved carefully while checking their surroundings as they bent over and switched between the mountain paths.

The Five Stars Brigade was ahead of them in the mountain, and it was a bad feeling not knowing where they were hiding and spying on them. It was frightening to be constantly on the edge of their seat.

The four of them managed to move to the bottom of a sheltered slope before stopping.

Zhang XiaoBai leaned against the mountain rock and covered his chest and asked: “Are you guys nervous? I’m so nervous that my heart is about to pop out.” He said he was nervous, but his eyes were flickering with excitement.

No one answered him. Zhong Xu’s nervousness was all over his face even though he tried his best to control it but his expression was all very stiff.

Chen Gen still had the same expressionless look on his face, no changes could be seen, but it would be a lie that he wasn’t nervous. Gu Ning popped out half of her head to check the surroundings vigilantly and found nothing suspicious before re-entering the rocky shelter.

She was the most relaxed among them. After all, nothing was scary as facing those horrible man-eating zombies in the apocalypse.

“Gu Ning, what do you think?” Zhong Xu asked, lowering his voice.

Gu Ning’s mouth only moved for a moment and spat out one word: “Wait.”

Unlike the previous selection, the rule this time was that as long as they were not taken out within three hours, they won. This should be the compromise made by the Five Stars Brigade considering the disparity in strength between the two sides, as well as a reflection of how powerful they were. Thus, if they went around blindly, they might be eliminated without even seeing the group. The safest plan for their current situation was to stay put and wait for the right moment.

If the Five Stars Brigade wanted to finish them off, they would have to show themselves first. Once they came out into the opening, Gu Ning and the others were hidden in the dark, the contrast between the open and hidden, was a little more advantageous for Gu Ning and the others.

Chen Gen obviously felt the same way and gave a slight nod of approval to Gu Ning.

Zhang XiaoBai and Zhong Xu had the experience from their last training together. In their minds and perception of Gu Ning, she was no longer just great a marksman, they had very strong confidence in her.

Zhang XiaoBai stared at his watch, only to feel that every minute passed by was incomparably torturously. It felt like a long time had passed, but when he checked at his watch, only ten minutes or so had gone by.

Every five minutes, Chen Gen would peek out with his binoculars to scout.

Half an hour had passed quietly, even though the time felt very long.

“Gu Ning, what are you doing?” Zhong Xu lowered his voice and asked Gu Ning, who was busy with her hands while her back was shifted to the side.

Zhang XiaoBai and Chen Gen, both glanced over curiously and saw that Gu Ning had gotten some finger-thick vines from somewhere and was weaving them around for some preparation.

Gu Ning replied; “Making a few traps, they might be useful.”

“Yes! Why didn’t I think of that! I’ll help too!” Zhang XiaoBai forgot to control his volume in excitement and was covered by Chen Gen: “Shhh!”

“Where did you get these vines?” Zhong Xu asked as he came closer.

Gu Ning inclined her head and gestured for him to look over there: “Aren’t there quite a lot of them growing over there?” There were indeed many vines like the one in Gu Ning’s hand coiled on top of the rocks near them.

Zhang XiaoBai scratched his head and wondered strangely: “I didn’t even see them just now when we came here.”

Zhong Xu replied: “What could you, the careless person, notice it.”

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Then he also went over and took out a knife to cut off a long vine from it. He tugged it a few times and it was so strong and thick that he thought it wouldn’t be a problem to lift a man. He had never really seen such vines growing in the mountains on several occasions when he was here, but fortunately, Gu Ning was very detailed.

Zhong Xu followed Gu Ning’s example and made the same ring, he tried by putting his hand in and then pulling the vine, the knot instantly tightened and held his wrist firmly in place. Seeing that it worked, he made a few more with Gu Ning. When they were done, Zhong Xu was about to take the finished rings to set them up, yet Gu Ning held him back.

“I’ll go.” Gu Ning said. Then she took all the rings from Zhong Xu’s hand, pressed her cap lowered to hide all her blonde hair, and then slowly sneaked her way out.

Her footsteps were as light as a cat’s soft paws on the ground, without making a single sound as she crouched in the grass. She listened to the surroundings patiently for a while, making sure she heard nothing unusual before moving on. Agilely, she weaved through the trees, setting down the traps, and was preparing to return.

Suddenly a crisp bird call was heard ——

Gu Ning’s entire body stiffened, and without the slightest hesitation, she slowly retreated into a nearby thorny bush. However, the thorny bush was not dense enough and could easily be detected if she was approached. Gu Ning unleashed her psychic powers and the weeds she had just squashed immediately grew up at an incredible speed visible to the naked eyes—— perfectly concealed Gu Ning’s whole body.

The bird’s call was made by Chen Gen, who could imitate the bird’s call so well that it was used to alert his companions without alerting the enemy in an emergency. The bird’s call was clearly a sign that Chen Gen had spotted the Five Stars Brigade’s trail.

She didn’t expect them to arrive so quickly.

Gu Ning hid in the bushes with her gun in her arms and couldn’t help but hold onto her breath. The Five Stars Brigade that had been so mysterious and left her curiosity hanging, was finally going to reveal their faces. Gu Ning couldn’t help but feel so excited in her heart. Excited as she was, the gun in her hand was carefully repositioned and she waited with bated breath for the group to come within her line of sight.

First, the sound of light footsteps reached Gu Ning’s ears, the footsteps were so close and light that if Gu Ning didn’t have the amazing hearing, she would hardly have noticed them. It was only then that Gu Ning felt the tension coming.

Looking out from Gu Ning’s line of sight, the first thing that came into view was a pair of slim slender legs wearing tight black trousers. Those legs were only less than five metres away from Gu Ning’s side, and she froze for a moment before gazing upward. When she saw the woman’s face, even the usual calm Gu Ning, couldn’t help but be in a trance at this time, and a name almost blurted out of her mouth.

Zhuang Chen? ! ! !

Looking at the voluptuous woman with her red hair tied cleanly behind her head, and held a special gun in her hand, Gu Ning almost bit her tongue. She had never thought that she would meet Zhuang Chen in this place and such a situation. Gu Ning could have never imagined that Zhuang Chen would be a member of the Five Stars Brigade!

Gu Ning’s swallowed with difficulty and managed to calm herself down. Glancing behind Zhuang Chen, she froze again, it was actually another acquaintance again! Although she hadn’t really dealt with the person before, Gu Ning was extremely impressed with this person. The person that was standing behind Zhuang Chen was none other than Yin Sang!

After seeing Zhuang Chen and Yin Sang, one after another, even if the next one she saw was Bai Lang, Gu Ning wouldn’t be surprised. Gu Ning secretly muttered in her heart, and then she looked out again through the gap in the weeds in front of her. However, this time Gu Ning saw two men she didn’t know.

While Zhuang Chen was about one point seven metres, these two men were both considerably taller than her.

One of the men in camouflage raised his hand, and the other three stopped in their tracks that were just right in front of Gu Ning’s pile of bushes. Gu Ning’s breath lifted as she quickly estimated whether she could eliminate all four of them at once if she took the advantage of their surprises. The result was of course no, the distance between the two sides was so close that she was only sure of eliminating one person.

The brim of that man’s cap was pressed so low that only the lower half of his face could be seen was his sharp jawline. The man’s perception was extremely keen and his sharp gaze suddenly shot in Gu Ning’s direction. At that moment he glanced over, Gu Ning had already turned her gaze away. The man quietly stared at the thorny bush where Gu Ning was hiding for a while, Gu Ning couldn’t help but hold her breath and the hairs on her body all stood up. That man’s gaze gave her a great sense of crisis! Her finger was ready on the trigger, the gaze stared silently in her direction for a while then it moved away again as if not noticing anything unusual.

The thorny bush where Gu Ning was hiding was like an enclosed space. If she had gone in from the front, the surrounding weeds would have been crushed. However, the pile of weeds in front of her was lush and vibrant with no sign of having been crushed by a person, which allowed Gu Ning to be narrowly escaped.

Gu Ning was secretly shocked in her mind, that man clearly sensed her gazes. He was so keen to this extent, no wonder the soldiers at the Third Company all mentioned the Five Stars Brigade with an indescribable look on their faces.

She heard the sound of the footsteps moving away, heading in the direction of Zhang XiaoBai and his men’s hideout. Gu Ning’s heart tightened slightly and she couldn’t help but worry about them.

Yet a male voice was heard saying: “That bird call was clearly a human imitation but they slipped away so quickly to god knows where.” He kicked the grass on the ground: “Pretty cunning, and knows how to make traps, just that it was a bit too easy to spot.”

Gu Ning heard Zhuang Chen let out a laugh and chimed in: “Who told our captain to set such rules, so of course, they would hide if they could. They are very familiar with this place as if it were their own home, but they are causing us to run all over the mountain.”

Hearing this, Gu Ning was slightly relieved. It seemed that they had shifted their position when they had scouted the trail of the Five Stars Brigade group.

Yin Sang was a little impatient: “Hurry up and finish them off so that we can go back to the hotel early.”

Zhuang Chen’s voice cooled down: “You insisted on following us from the capital, it’s not like anyone asked you to come with us.”

Yin Sang then stopped talking.

The man who gave Gu Ning a great sense of crisis remained silent and didn’t speak. Gu Ning estimated the distance between them, and although the distance was far enough, Gu Ning didn’t dare to make a move first for the sake of insurance.

Finally, the four people had left.

However, Gu Ning remained still for ten minutes to make sure they won’t be returning before crawling out of the thorny bush. The back of her hands was cut with a few fine marks, yet she had no time to take care of it. After looking around warily and not finding any sign of Zhang XiaoBai and the others, she decided to hang out behind them from afar. It was better to keep track of their movements than to hide and not know when they would appear, and she could also help in the shadows if Zhang XiaoBai and his men were exposed.

She kicked the trap that her little cleverness had made on the ground and was slightly depressed when she remember the man’s comment earlier. Then she followed them gingerly in the direction they had left with her gun in her hand.

Ever since she saw Zhuang Chen and Yin Sang, Gu Ning had not been able to relax but now her mood could be considered as heavy. As for Yin Sang, Gu Ning had seen with her own eyes how powerful she was, although she didn’t know how her marksmanship was, her close combat skill alone already made Gu Ning sigh in awe.

Though she hadn’t seen Zhuang Chen in a fight, she subconsciously felt that Zhuang Chen’s skills must be very powerful. Moreover, from Yin Sang’s fear of Zhuang Chen just now, it seems that Zhuang Chen was even more formidable than Yin Sang. Not to mention a dangerous man whose gaze alone gave her a great sense of oppression and crisis and another figure whose depth she did not know.

Gu Ning had been confident in her strength due to the post-apocalyptic world, but she had not expected the strength of the Five Stars Brigade to be far exceeded from her imagination.

Gu Ning was so lost in thought that she didn’t pay special attention to her feet and unknowingly stepped on an arching dead branch. When a subtle crack sounded under Gu Ning’s feet, she instantly exploded in sweat!

That tiny crack might not be noticeable to normal people, but to the specially trained Five Stars Brigade, even the softest sound would have been caught by them. There was barely a gap between Zhuang Chen’s pause and her turn, her red ponytail cutting a sharp arc in the air as she spun around, not even needing to aim, she raised her gun and fired!

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