The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 82: CH 82

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However, just as Zhang XiaoBai’s sentence ended, Xiang Yi, who was standing at the very edge, stared at the top of the elevator door with a sudden change in his expression: “What is that?!”

Everyone jerked their gaze towards the elevator instantly, but they saw nothing. Then the elevator door closed completely in front of their eyes.

Zhang XiaoBai who got startled by Xiang Yi’s yell patted his chest, and whined: “Xiang Yi, what’s wrong with you kid, there’s nothing there!”

Gu Ning asked Xiang Yi: “What did you see?”

“I don’t know.” Xiang Yi was still slightly distraught and his face was pale: “I don’t know what it was, it just leaped out from the top of the elevator and was gone in a flash.” He pointed to the ceiling above the walkway leading to the other direction and stated: “It ran that way and it was very fast!”

Zhang XiaoBai was puzzled and asked: “How is it possible that you’re the only one who saw it when there are multiple pairs of eyes but didn’t manage to see it? It can’t be that your eyes are blurry, right?”

Gu Ning, however, ignored Zhang XiaoBai’s remarks and walked over to the elevator door to check out the ceiling. There was a thin layer of transparent water-like trail that could be seen, trailing along the direction of where Xiang Yi had pointed out. This should be the trail left by the thing that Xiang Yi said to have burst out of the elevator. She had focused on listening intently and was sure that she heard some movement in the elevator previously. Yet only Xiang Yi had seen it, so it could be concluded that the thing’s movement speed was very fast.

She turned around and warned everyone in a deep voice: “Everyone be careful and stay alert.” She glanced up at the ceiling: “There might be some mutated zombies.”

What Xiang Yi had said would be questioned by everyone but Gu Ning’s words were rarely doubted by anyone.

The crowd was shocked and those who had experienced dealing with the mutated zombies previously changed their expressions. Huang MengYao was not present the last time but seeing the grim and wary expression of others, she also understood how frightening the mutated zombies were.

Recalling the tentacles with suctions that clung onto his chest previously when fighting the mutated zombies, Jia DaoZhang rubbed his chest to reduce the disgusting feeling and asked: “It won’t be similar to that tentacle-sucking monster last time, right?” Looking around uneasily and continued: “This place is strangely sinister, let’s not waste any time and hurry up, grab the stuff we need and get out of here.”

Brother San agreed: “Let’s move quickly and stop idling. I’ve also felt that something is off here.”

The rest of them agreed, and without any further ado, they quickened their pace and ran in the direction of the pharmacy.

Xiang Xu did not detect anything unusual with her spiritual power that she had emitted so she retracted it before spreading it out again in a large net to shield everyone in it.

The corridors were full of wreckage and severed limbs, with very few intact bodies to be seen. The gnawed bodies were horrifying, lying in disarray in the corridors, creating a distressing visual impact for the human eye and mind. Even Gu Ning only stared straight ahead and did not dare check it out too closely. Huang MengYao’s face turned a shade whiter, holding back herself from shrieking and followed closely behind Cheng Ming while carefully avoiding stepping on those corpses.

The pharmacy was large and looking through the glass panels, a violent struggle must have taken place in it as the shelves were all knocked out of place. The door was wide open and in front of the doorway lay a corpse with the back of its head smashed in by some blunt object.

Brother San immediately dragged the corpse away from them and threw it into the side of the corridor, then he stopped everyone who wanted to enter and said: “I’ll go in with Gu Ning, Zhang XiaoBai, and Cheng Ming. The rest of you, remain outside so you all can deal with any situation that happens.”

Gu Ning nodded: “Brother San is right.” Then she took the lead, stepped on the blood-stained floor, and entered.

As soon as they had entered, they saw two female bodies in white coats lying under the table by the window, both were in a crawling position towards the door. On the floor were various medicines that had fallen from the shelves.

The shelves were more than two metres high and the pharmacy had a small ladder for the pharmacist to climb up and get those medicines, so the view was blocked from looking further in.

Zhang XiaoBai excitedly urged: “So many medicines! Gu Ning, quickly use your space and store all these medicines.”

Gu Ning nodded then with a wave of her hand, she emptied the first row of shelves all into her space, then she walked to the second row, then the third row, then the fourth…… In less than a minute, Gu Ning had wiped out all of the medicines in the pharmacy, including those that had fallen on the floor as well as the ones in the storage room.

After ransacking the pharmacy, the four of them exited, and then the group continued exploring. They opened the doors to every room along the way and then collected everything they could use into the space. Gu Ning and the others barged into an operating theatre where there was a corpse lying on the operating table in a gnawed mess. Its stomach had been ripped open, the whole scene was so gruesome that Xiang Yi had pulled Xiang Xu out of the room.

Gu Ning silently collected all the equipment and stuff into the space.

Then all of them retreated to the corridor.

Brother San glanced at the building next to him and asked: “Do we still go there?”

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Gu Ning roughly estimated the things she had collected in the space, plus the fact that she had been having an uneasy feeling in her mind ever since she had stepped into the hospital and replied: “Forget it, let’s just go back.”

The crowd was relieved to hear Gu Ning’s decision, it was obvious that everyone was worried by the thing that Xiang Yi had witnessed coming out of the lift and just wanted to leave as fast as possible.

Zhang XiaoBai walked at the end of the group and followed everyone forward.

At that very moment, a drop of liquid dripped down from the ceiling and precisely onto the top of Zhang XiaoBai’s head. He stopped in his tracks and wondered as he touched the top of his head for a moment. Feeling the wet and slippery mucus, he subconsciously glanced up——

A long cold, slippery object strangled Zhang XiaoBai’s neck at the moment when he tried to cry out in surprise. The spiky tip plunged directly into his throat and gagged him from making any noise! Zhang XiaoBai’s eyes widened in horror as he stared at the people in front of him who were walking away unaware. He tried making sounds but it was too difficult to even open his mouth while his stomach churned and wanted to throw up. As he was about to unleash his psychic power, suddenly something stung his tongue and his body instantly felt like it had been struck by electricity. Zhang XiaoBai’s whole body went numb and weak that he couldn’t even move his fingers. However, he was conscious enough to feel the cold, slippery snake-like object wrapped around his neck tighten for a moment before he was dragged backward by this “tail” from some part of the mutated zombies’ body…..

Turn around ah! Please look back ! ! ! His eyes were reddened with bloodshot as he stared deadly at the group that kept moving ahead while he was screaming in his mind! Hoping that someone would glance back at this point, yet he could only watch as Gu Ning and the others moved further away from him. The object that wrapped around his neck was getting tighter as if it was trying to strangle him straight to death. Zhang XiaoBai was simply devastated when half of his body was dragged up the stairs!

However, just then! Gu Ning, who had been walking in front, suddenly felt that something was wrong. Zhang XiaoBai had always been the most talkative, yet he had been quiet for so long? A sudden ominous feeling arose in her heart, and she jerked to a halt to glance behind her and it was just that glance! Gu Ning happened to see Zhang XiaoBai’s feet disappearing into the stairway!

Gu Ning was instantly shocked and shouted: “Shit!”

Gu Ning’s shout was simply frightening in this oppressive atmosphere! Without waiting for others to react, Gu Ning had already spun around and chased Zhang XiaoBai up the stairs with her knife in hand! At the same time, she yelled to Fang Fa in the group: “Fang Fa! Quick go and save Zhang XiaoBai!”

Fang Fa’s psychic power was speed ability and at the very moment when he heard Gu Ning shout, he didn’t even have the time to check if Zhang XiaoBai was gone and just hurriedly mobilized his psychic power. His body immediately rushed out like an arrow shot off from the bow!

The others reacted quickly as well! They immediately noticed that someone was missing from the group and when they heard Gu Ning’s words, they were all shocked, then spun around and chased after them!

Although Gu Ning didn’t have speed augmenting ability, she was still extremely fast because of her body mechanism! She went up the stairs in three steps per stride along with Fang Fa to chase after Zhang XiaoBai!

The mutated zombie was dragging its long “tail” with the end firmly wrapped around Zhang XiaoBai’s neck while its hands and feet were firmly glued to the ceiling like suction cups. It darted across the ceiling like a gecko and its body, including its face, was covered in a layer of transparent slime, leaving a trail wherever it crawled——

Even though the mutated zombie speed was very fast, Gu Ning and Fang Fa followed them by the slime trail. However, dragging a prey with its “tail”, its speed was slightly slowed down but the mutated zombie refused to release the prey that it had caught so easily. The mutated zombie had only fled to the third floor when it was caught up by Fang Fa who was in hot pursuit. Fang Fa saw that Zhang XiaoBai’s neck was held in a deadly grip, his face had turned reddish and his eyes were about to burst out from the choking which looked simply horrifying! Fang Fa was startled, then once again increased his speed while holding onto his knife tightly. His mind was focused on saving Zhang XiaoBai from the mutated zombie and didn’t even bother to see how scary that mutated zombie looked!

In a blink of an eye, Fang Fa, being a speed ability user, appeared in front of Zhang XiaoBai! Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately raised the knife and slashed it! The mutated zombie didn’t seem to expect Fang Fa’s agility so it didn’t manage to dodge and the knife directly slashed at its “tail”! The mutated zombie hissed out in pain! However, the slash made by Fang Fa only left a small cut on the “tail” of the mutated zombie! It didn’t even manage to leave a deep wound!

The mutated zombie was in pain! It hissed and growled! It went berserk and swung the “tail” that had coiled around Zhang XiaoBai! Then with a strong fling, it threw Zhang XiaoBai against the wall! Zhang XiaoBai wrapped by the “tail” was slammed heavily into the wall before falling to the ground. His whole body curled up in pain and coughed violently!

As soon as Zhang Xiaobai had been shaken off, the “tail” instantly swung toward Fang Fa! The “tail” was incredibly agile after getting rid of Zhang XiaoBai! And it was extremely fast! It lunged straight at Fang Fa! Fang Fa’s heart thumped as he saw how fast the “tail” had moved but it was too late for him to avoid it. Thus he could only grit his teeth and raise his knife to block the attack!

Zhang XiaoBai’s body was in severe pain, and recalled being stabbed by the stinger on the “tail” of the mutated zombie which caused his whole body to be paralyzed, and couldn’t even move his fingers. Right now when he saw Fang Fa was fighting head-on with it, he wanted to warn him to be careful of the stinger on the “tail”. Yet the more anxious he was, the more he coughed. His face was so flushed with anger and anxiety that he almost couldn’t catch his breath and was about to pass out!

It was like the “tail” had eyes on it! It wasn’t afraid of the knife in Fang Fa’s hand as it swept the knife away and flung it to the side before lunging toward him again! Fang Fa’s sharp eyes noticed that the tip of the “tail” was abnormally pointy and as if he was fighting his nemesis, he was afraid that there was something tricky about it. He didn’t have any knife in his hand right now and didn’t dare to fight it directly with his bare hand, so he could only retreat immediately! Luckily he was a speed ability user, if it were any ordinary person in this situation, they would never be able to avoid the attack. He managed to use his speed psychic energy to distance himself three or four meters away instantly! That “tail” smacked right into the wall with a loud pow! It was simply mind-blowing and terrifying!

Seeing that the blow had missed, the mutated zombie darted quickly along with the ceiling and the walls on the side. It was unburdened at the moment and was incredibly fast as it rapidly closed in on Fang Fa! It was only then did Fang Fa take a good look at the face of the mutated zombie which was covered in a layer of mucus. The left face was rotting but the right face was still intact and both eyes were tightly closed. It looked weird and disgusting, and there was no telling what it used to capture its prey’s location with such high precision! Fang Fa couldn’t give it more thought, knowing that Gu Ning and the others were desperately trying to reach here, all he had to do now was to stall for some time.

Therefore, he used his speed ability to start running along the corridor and around the hall in a mad frenzy!

Yet the mutated zombie that had lost the restraint was on the same pace as Fang Fa! What’s even scarier was that Fang Fa could only run on the floor while it could dash around on the ceiling and walls. Fang Fa reached the end of the corridor with no other route, and just as he turned around to find another way, the mutated zombie snapped off the ceiling, dropped to the floor, directly blocking his path of retreat!

As if sensing that Fang Fa had nowhere to run, it slowed its movements, dragging its long “tail” like a gecko on the ground as it approached Fang Fa. Its “tail” flipped upside down in an arc, like a scorpion holding up its stinger getting ready. At the slightest movement from Fang Fa, it would not hesitate to stab it towards him!

Fang Fa stared at the slime-covered face from a distance and felt suffocated. He glanced back, the window behind him was open, would he die if he jumped from the third floor? At the same time as he thought about it, he wondered why Gu Ning and the others were so slow in rescuing?!

Fang Fa was unaware that Gu Ning and the others were in a more dangerous situation than he was!

Xiang Yi and Xiang Xu were surrounded by Gu Ning, Brother San, Jia DaoZhang, and others in the middle. Xiang Yi gripped the knife in his hand so tightly that even his voice was noticeably trembling uncontrollably: “What… What the hell are those things…….” He watched in horror as at least four or five extremely disgusting mutated zombies dragged their long “tails” and were covered in slime, slowly approaching them from the ceiling……

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