The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 85: CH 85

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The first thing Gu Ning did when she returned to the colony was to hide in the bathroom and entered the space first. Sure enough, the ocean level was a little further away from the waterline.

Gu Ning went out from the space and counted the split of the spoils of the past few days with everyone else. There were seven mutated crystal cores in total and only five were coloured. They got more transparent crystal cores instead, roughly around forty or so and twenty of them were harvested in a day. This at the same time proved that there were more and more evolved zombies spawning.

Currently, they had ten special abilities users in the team and Brother San suggested that the transparent crystal cores were to be shared equally among the ten. The remaining coloured crystal cores and mutated crystal core were all given to Gu Ning for safekeeping, which no one else had any objection to it.

It was still early as they had left the colony at 10:30 am and now was just 2 pm.

After having lunch, those who were sleepy took a nap, and those who couldn’t sleep coaxed Gu Ning to take out a deck of poker from the space. All of them actually gathered around to play cards and bet with the transparent crystal cores.

She also took out a set of mah-jong for Mother Gu, Hong Jie, and the rest to play with.

The soldiers who were not on duty at the main gate, gathered around to watch the fun while munching on the peanuts and melon seeds in their hands. The room was buzzing with activity.

Father Gu was not interested in playing cards so Gu Ning brought out the books collection she had swept from the supermarket for him to pick from.

Gu Ning glanced around at the lively scene in the house and for a moment, she felt as though she was on the other side of the world.

She smiled then walked out of the room and went to sit near Father Gu on the stairs in the front yard where some children were still practising holding guns.

The pistol weighed around six or seven pounds, several other children could not hold it for more than two minutes before they had to put it down for a long rest and these were because they wanted to perform in front of Gu Ning. However, Wu Sen, the little chubby boy, Zuo You, and the little girl, Wo Wo, were extra serious. The three of them were also the oldest in this group of children and Wo Wo was even a female. The tenacity they had shown made Father Gu proud and praised them a lot.

By now the weather had turned cooler, but the three children were sweating like raining. The chubby little boy in the middle was dripping sweats down to his trousers.

The sweat dripped into their eyes, causing them to blink incessantly. Yet they refused to lower their guns down, and Gu Ning couldn’t bear it, took a towel over to wipe the sweats off their faces.

Little chubby Zuo You was the first to put it down, Wo Wo withstand a dozen seconds longer but Wu Sen was the one who hold it for another two minutes or so before lowering the gun down with his trembling hands.

Gu Ning waved at the three of them and instructed: “Come here you three.”

“I’ve been practising for a long time today, I can hold it for over ten minutes from the start!” Wu Sen explained with some anxiety and frustration after walking over. He was afraid that Gu Ning would think that he could only last for that short period.

“That’s good enough.” Gu Ning looked at him with encouraging eyes as well as the other two, Zuo You and Wo Wo, who were staring at her with anticipation too: “Both of you are very good too.”

Zuo You smiled and his cheeks rose which made his eyes look even smaller. He scratched his head and replied with shyness: “They’re way better than me. If they hadn’t encouraged me, I wouldn’t have been able to keep up, hehe.” After saying this, he asked carefully and tentatively: “When can we really learn to shoot from a gun?”

Gu Ning thought for a moment and answered: “When you can hold the gun for twenty minutes.”

Zuo You were suddenly a little upset: “I can only carry it for eight minutes at most for now.”

Wu Sen, however, had a happy face: “Then I can learn how to shoot tomorrow!”

Gu Ning smiled and nodded: “As long as you can hold the gun for twenty minutes, I’ll have someone to teach you the shooting.”

Wu Sen nodded then cautiously glanced at Gu Ning, when he saw that Gu Ning was not that difficult to approach like usual, he gathered the courage to ask: “I heard from them that you have the best marksmanship, sister. Can you teach us instead?”

Wo Wo and Zuo you were also staring at Gu Ning nervously, afraid that she would refuse.

Gu Ning looked at their expectation and nervousness on their faces, thought about it, and replied: “I will if I’m free.”

A few older children who were resting a little further away were glancing over. When they heard Gu Ning’s reply, the way they looked at Wu Sen and the other two changed a little.

“Don’t practice anymore, go inside and let Jia DaoZhang get you some ice to reduce the swelling.” She instructed as she saw their swollen arms.

“I’m not tired yet!” Wu Sen said with bright eyes: “I’ll be able to continue practicing after resting for a while.”

Gu Ning rejected: “Combine work and rest. You’ve enough training for today, if you get injured from training, it won’t be worthy.”

Although Wu Sen was still slightly reluctant, he nodded obediently and followed: “Alright then.”

Afterward, Father Gu led the way into the house to find Jia DaoZhang.

Gu Ning glanced at the young children at the side who had picked up their guns and continued their practices before she headed over to the infirmary.

Before reaching the infirmary, she could see from afar that there were many people gathered at the entrance of the infirmary.

She saw Gao Yue standing in the doorway being accused of something. Instead of going there straight, Gu Ning stood right next to the infirmary on the stairs and watched.

A middle-aged man pointed at Gao Yue and shouted: “Aren’t you a doctor?! His leg is injured, why don’t you treat him!”

Gao Yue still had that same expressionless look and replied coldly: “I am a doctor, but I don’t have the medicine. If you have the medicine, I can certainly treat him.”

The man lashed out in fury: “And why were you able to treat those people previously?! All doctors should show love like parents! How can you be so profit-oriented? What did they give you?! It’s just a few pieces of bread! Have you lost your conscience for those?!”

Gao Yue didn’t even show a hint of anger, she just stood on the steps and looked down at the middle-aged man and stated out the facts: “I helped them because they provided the medicine. The goods are what they pay me for. I am not married nor am I pregnant so I don’t know what it means to be a parent. I am a human being, not a god, and have to eat to live. Even before the apocalypse, you have to pay the hospital to get the treatment. Naturally, I will cure him if you have the medicine. If not, please don’t stand in the way and block my business.” She was wearing a dirty unlikeable white coat, and with her hands in her pockets while honestly describing her thoughts of helping people with their illnesses as a form of business. Even Gu Ning was a little surprised by that.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth but was unable to retort, so he just cursed, then dragged the other guy and limped away slowly.

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The remaining onlookers, seeing that the drama had ended, scattered unwillingly.

Gao Yue glanced at Gu Ning who was standing on the stairs and asked: “Looking for me or are you here to watch the show?”

Gu Ning smiled faintly: “Looking for you.”

Gao Yue raised an eyebrow and replied: “Come in then.” Then she turned around and entered back into the room.

Gu Ning walked down the stairs and then entered the infirmary.

“Water is a scarce resource now, so I won’t be pouring it for you.” Gao Yue said before sitting down and crossing her legs naturally. Gu Ning couldn’t help but realised that she had long slender legs just like Zhuang Chen. Gao Yue gestured to Gu Ning after she had sat down: “Take a seat.”

It was only after Gu Ning had settled down then she continued: “What’s the matter? Go on.”

Gu Ning was too lazy to beat around the bush and asked her: “I just came to ask you a question. If there was a team that could provide you with enough medicine and supplies that you would never need to worry about, would you be willing to join?”

Gao Yue stared at Gu Ning and pointed out in a somewhat meaningful manner: “It seems that you guys have gained a lot this hunt. But never needed to worry about supplies is such a big promise in the current world.”

Gu Ning smiled unable to deny it.

Gao Yue was silent for a moment and studied Gu Ning very seriously before she finally answered: “I only have two requests.”

Gu Ning made a gesture for her to continue.

Gao Yue stated: “Firstly, if you failed to achieve the two points you promised earlier, then I can leave the team at any point.”

“Secondly, I hope that we can keep the relationship between us as a simple employment.”

Gu Ning was a little surprised by Gao Yue’s second request, but on second thought, she understood why Gao Yue had stated that. Gu Ning thought for a moment before agreeing: “No problem.”

Gao Yue frowned, somewhat surprised by Gu Ning’s quick decision. Undoubtedly, the terms Gu Ning had stated were a great temptation to her, she stood up and after glancing around and said: “I don’t have any luggage to pack, let’s leave now. Boss Gu.”

Gu Ning chuckled and then stood up.

“By the way, I have something I wanted to ask you.” Gao Yue asked as they walked out: “I want to know how you’ve healed Fang Fa’s injury?” She had examined Fang Fa’s injury that day and it would be difficult for the wound to heal itself without any stitches. Whereas today, she had witnessed Fang Fa walking very freely on his feet like everything was normal.

Gu Ning revealed a smirk before answering: “I don’t think I would need to explain this to you if it’s just an employment relationship.”

Gao Yue raised an eyebrow in surprise, not expecting Gu Ning to return her words so quickly.

The others were not surprised at all when Gu Ning had brought Gao Yue over. After all, the terms which they provided were very tempting and others would fight for it.

Gao Yue was shocked to see a room full of people laughing and playing cards, munching on melon seeds and peanuts. She lost her composure momentary before turning over to Gu Ning and asked: “It’s time for you to show me your strength, Boss Gu.”

Gu Ning called out for Huang MengYao: “MengYao, bring her to our warehouse for a tour.”

Huang MengYao smiled faintly: “Dr. Gao, come with me.” Then she led Gao Yue to the second floor.

“NingNing, why is this Dr. Gao calling you Boss Gu? It sounds so weird?” Mother Gu hadn’t missed the conversation while playing her mah-jong.

Gu Ning chuckled slightly before replying: “If she likes it, let her be.”

She didn’t even tell them what Gao Yue had requested from her as she didn’t think it was necessary. Even if it was just an employment relationship, Gu Ning was sure that Gao Yue wouldn’t find a better boss than her.

After coming down from the second floor, Gao Yue’s gaze on Gu Ning had changed slightly. In a room, on the second floor, it was piled with medical equipment and various medicines that Gu Ning had purposely stacked in there, while the other room was filled with supplies.

Brother San stared at his mah-jong while raising his volume and ordered: “Hey hey hey! I say, let’s all introduce ourselves! So that Dr. Gao would know us! Hey! Don’t touch that! I want to pon that three of bamboo!”

Luo Long was the first to respond and said: “My name is Luo Long, I’m a Gold element ability user.”

Zhong Xu sneered: “Tsk, Luo Long, you are always showing off your special ability. Why do you even introduce yourself as a Gold element ability user when people just asked you for a simple introduction —— Dr. Gao, we know each other but let me introduce you again. My name is Zhong Xu, a Water element ability user!”

Luo Long scolded: “Hey! How can you be so shameless, Zhong Xu?!”

With a room full of people bickering, Gao Yue managed to know everyone in the room.

Brother San concluded: “From now on, our health is in your hands, Dr. Gao!”

Gao Yue smiled unexpectedly.

Gu Ning secretly laughed in her mind that Gao Yue was probably shocked by this room of special abilities users instead.

“Oh right, where are Jia DaoZhang and Fang Fa?” Gu Ning suddenly asked.

Brother San replied: “Out for a walk probably.”

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