The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 88: CH 88

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Both the words that Luo long had just uttered in unparalleled terror and the screams that rang from the next door had caused everyone in the room to break out in a cold sweat.

Thinking of Father Gu and Mother Gu who slept in a separate room, Brother San was even more anxious and commanded in a hurry: “Fang Fa, Zhang XiaoBai! Go over and protect Teacher Gu!”

Meanwhile, they retreated toward the entrance of the room, as if sensing that they were going to escape, the vines suddenly picked up the speed and spread toward them!

“Ah!” Luo Long let out a scream! Somehow the vines that had fallen from the ceiling, wrapped themselves around his neck in a deadly grip! Dangling him upward!

Cheng Ming had already unleashed his wind blade, swoosh swoosh swoosh! The vines that were binding Luo Long broke with a loud snap as he fell from the ceiling and onto the floor. Before he could cry out in pain, he grabbed the knife underneath the quilt and slashed at the vines wildly.

Seeing that the room was already covered with vines, and it was not easy for several big men to move around in here, Brother San ordered: “Let’s get out first!”

The few of them quickly rushed out, while Cheng Ming covered their escape with his countless wind blades as his psychic energy surged out wildly. It swooshed and slashed at the vine that was dancing madly, filling the ground with vines that had been severed by the wind blades —— Once the vines were cut off and fell to the ground, blood actually flowed out of the broken vines, which looks shocking and horrifying —— The vines, however, seemed to be infinitely extendible, and the ones that were cut down, regenerated quickly!

Cheng Ming finally exited the room and shut all those vines behind the door as soon as he rushed out.

Yet as the door had just closed! All that could be heard was a boom! The vines had twisted together and broke a hole in the door! Then countless vines poked out of the hole and twirled toward them!

Next door, there were three adults, Huang MengYao, Gao Yue, Hong Jie, and more than ten children were sleeping in the room. Huang MengYao conjured a wall of fire with both hands to protect Hong Jie, Gao Yue, and the children behind her. Similar to the next room, this room was also full of vines but they seemed to be afraid of fire like the mutated zombies from the previous day. For a while, the vines were all in the mid-air, but didn’t dare to reach over the firewall!

A room across the hall was the place where screams rang out from time to time!

Only a few children were sleeping in that room which included Xiang Xu, Xiang Yi, Wu Sen, Zuo You, Wo Wo, and a few other children.

Xiang Xu was the first to notice the vines sneaking into the room, and she put up her spiritual barrier immediately but was still a step too late. Those vines quickly rolled up the ankles of three children and dragged them out of the window! One of them was Zuo You!

The three children were grabbed by the ankles and dragged outside, screaming in terror. Zuo You was even shrieking like a pig being slaughtered: “Help! ! ! There’s a ghost! ! ! ! Help! ! ! !” As he screamed, he clawed desperately at the ground, trying to find something to hold onto, but the ground was nothing but vines, so there was nothing for him to grab.

The other children including Xiang Xu were so startled by these things that they didn’t know what they were and reflexively retreated toward the door!

“Zuo You!” Wu Sen and Wo Wo shrieked at the same time! The first thing they did was to jump out to save him!

Xiang Yi didn’t manage to catch them and let them run out of the spiritual barrier! Wo Wo and Wu Sen simultaneously lunged out and grabbed Zuo You’s both hands, then gritted their teeth and held on for their dear life and refused to let go.

Zuo You were already crying in fear, he was crying and shouting: “I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m dying!”

The three children managed to hold onto each other tightly and the vines were held back by them for a while. Wu Sen quickly pulled out a dagger from his pocket and trailed down from Zuo You’s feet to the vines. He grabbed the vine that was wrapped around Zuo You’s ankle and started cutting it —— However, not before he had finished cutting the vines off! Some more vines came rushing in through the crack from the window and coiled straight toward Wu Sen!

Wu Sen acted as if he didn’t see the vines twirled toward him and just speeded up the movement in his hands, gritting his teeth and cutting back and forth on the vines. The dagger was given to him by Gu Ning and he took it out every day to sharpen it when he had nothing else to do. He had sharpened it so finely that it actually cut away the vines that were dragging Zuo You! He was so happy! Before he could tell Zuo You to get up quickly and run to Xiang Xu! The vines that came in through the window coiled around his thighs and his entire lower body at once. Without waiting for Wu Sen to cut them with the dagger in his hand, they yanked him hard and flung him out! The force was tremendous! In one swoop, he was pulled up and carried over the window sill! The moment he tumbled off the ledge, the vines had wrapped his body like a cocoon and dragged him away ——

“Wu Sen! ! !”

Wo Wo and Zuo You shouted in panic, both of them getting up from the floor with reddened eyes and about to lunge to the windowsill! Then they were jerked back by two hands.

Brother San dragged them with both hands out of the house to retreat.

Wo Wo shouted in anxiety: “Uncle San! Wu Sen has been captured by those things!”

Brother San didn’t speak a word, holding the two of them in his hand with a death grip as he retreated out of the house while conjuring an earth shield from time to time to block the vines that kept attacking them.

Shoved the two constantly struggling Zuo You and Wo Wo into the hands of the soldiers at the back and ordered: “Look after them!”

Zhang XiaoBai also ran down with Father Gu and Mother Gu from the second floor.

Brother San didn’t see Fang Fa who supposedly to go with him and asked at once: “Where’s Fang Fa?!”

Zhang XiaoBai ran down panting and answered: “He’s gone to find Gu Ning!”

Only then did Brother San realise that he seemed to have missed Gu Ning all along. Seeing that those vines kept banging against his earth wall that was blocking the doorway which would not last for long. He instructed his soldiers: “You guys, take them back to the truck first, pay attention to safety!”

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Wo Wo shouted: “No! We’re going to save Wu Sen! Where is Sister Gu Ning?! Sister Gu Ning will help us to save Wu Sen!”

“Listen!” Gao Yue suddenly warned coldly: “If you don’t want anyone to die because of you, then shut up and get into the truck obediently for us!”

Even Zuo You were stunned by Gao Yue’s sudden cold tone and could only tug Wo Wo’s arm and consoled: “Wo  Wo, let’s get in the truck. We can’t save Wu Sen even if we stay here. Don’t worry, Sister Gu Ning will help us to get Wu Sen back.”

Although Wo Wo’s eyes were reddened, she could only nod her head.

The soldiers then protected Father and Mother Gu, Hong Jie, Gao Yue, and some frightened and paled children as they withdrew from the house.

Fang Fa first knocked on Gu Ning’s door several times and found that there was no movement inside and the door was also locked. He vigorously banged and shouted Gu Ning’s name but there was no response. In desperation, Fang Fa directly raised his knife to destroy the lock and once the lock was broken, he pushed in but the room was empty!

He ran to the window and glanced down, yet there was nothing to be seen from the pitch darkness. He shouted twice for her but there was no response from Gu Ning and instead, he attracted more vines! He hacked away at the tangled vines then quickly retreated from the room and started searching in other rooms.

The people below only saw Fang Fa open the doors with great speed, but never sighted Gu Ning at all and they all had a sense of ominous feeling!

Fang Fa had searched all the rooms on the second floor with great speed then rushed down the stairs. His face was pale and spat out the news that shocked everyone: “Gu Ning is gone!” The temperature at night was very cold, but at this time, his forehead was covered with sweat: “I’ve searched all over the place and still couldn’t find Gu Ning. The door to her room was also locked……”

Jia DaoZhang yelled: “What are we waiting for! Let’s go and save them!”

Everyone had subconsciously believed that something could happen to any of them, yet never once had they thought that something would happen to Gu Ning. When the facts were presented in front of them, they had no choice but to plan for the worst. Since they had to save people, they had to uproot all those vines that were causing the problem.

However, after the soldiers had exited, the vines had blocked the front door as well. Countless vines emerged from each room like cold-blooded snakes crawling out which sent chills down their backs.

Several children and a soldier were being dragged away by the vines. The thought of the two corpses, drained of flesh and blood, sent shivers down everyone’s spine.

Brother San’s expression was grim as he watched the vines overlapping in layers and then instructed Fang Fa: “Fang Fa, you’re the fastest, try and see if you can recuse those people out first.”It was dangerous to move through so many vines alone, but those who had already been dragged away by the vines were in an even more dangerous situation at this point.

Fang Fa gripped the knife in his hand, not even hesitating, wiped a handful of sweat off his face, and nodded solemnly: “Alright.” As long as he thought that Gu Ning might be wrapped into a layer like a cocoon by these disgusting vines, then be drained of flesh and blood, he couldn’t wait a moment longer.

The moment he finished speaking, his entire body dashes toward the second floor like a bolt of lightning! The vines on the ground twisted and turned as if they were alive, and when a foot stepped on it, those vines would extend countless branches trying to bind the foot. Yet Fang Fa was extremely fast! Those branches had only just sprung up and he had already moved two metres away!

Zhang XiaoBai licked his cracked lips, his hand entwined with bursts of lightning: “Alright friends! Let’s get to work too!”

Previously, it was pitch black and all of them were confused when they suddenly encountered the mutated plant for the first time. However, after a brief moment of panic, the special abilities users had completely calmed down. With Huang MengYao’s fireball illuminated the whole place and was clear for them to see, they all started to use their fighting abilities normally!

Zhang XiaoBai grabbed a vine that flipped up from the ground and twirled toward him, then he extended the lightning in his hand through that vine instantly! The whole vine trembled violently like a mudskipper being electrocuted! The green leaves on the vine were rapidly charring at a speed visible to the naked eye —— finally, it emitted a strong burnt smell ——

Cheng Ming’s wind blades had already been sent out in a form of a wind hurricane! As he thought of the dangerous situation Gu Ning could have gotten into, his psychic energy surged out wildly, doubling the number of wind blades once again! With a harsh cracking sound, even the speed of the vine’s regenerating power was no match for such an intense wind blade attack from Cheng Ming! The blood splattered out from the broken vines which almost seem like a rain of blood showering the whole place!

On the contrary, Jia DaoZhang let out a miserable howl: “Cheng Ming, watch out for your special moves! You’re splashing blood all over me!” Although he was blaming Cheng Ming verbally, he immediately mobilized his psychic energy and stepped on a vine on the ground, and then his psychic power surged out —— the vines, from the point of his feet, quickly frosted over and then froze completely in the ice, unable to move.

Brother San’s earth ability and Zhong Xu’s water ability were less powerful than those trio mutated abilities powers. When facing this kind of mutated plant, their abilities were considered as support attack while helping the trio in diffusing some attack and at the same time, using their knives to slash at the vines that were closer to them.

Although Huang MengYao’s fire abilities were highly lethal, they were all in the house now, so if she really burn it down, it may cause a situation of accidental injuries. Fortunately, both animals and plants had a natural fear of fire, so Huang MengYao just held up a wall of fire to block away from all the attacks while her teammates unleashed their powers with confidence and at ease!

Shi Tou, who hadn’t performed much, finally showed the terrifying battle power of his special ability this time! Without dodging, he grabbed the vines that were reaching toward him, wrapped a few quick loops of them around his left arm. Then he grabbed the large vine with his right hand, let out a low cry before mobilizing his psychic energy which instantly increased to more than ten times his strength! All that could be heard was a wave of crunching snap! The vines that had been clinging to the ground with their little suction-caps-like tentacles were pulled up hard from the ground! The large handful of vines in Shi Tou’s hand had ripped up an area of at least three metres wide of vines! At that moment, Shi Tou roared again! His psychic power rose again! Those snapping sounds rang out in a wave, plak plak plak plak plak plak —— the vines that were yanked up by Shi Tou were broken! Blood splattered everywhere, making the whole scene extremely gory!

They were all stunned for a moment!

Only in an instant, they’ve all returned to their senses. The exit on the first floor had been completely wiped and they began to quickly clear a path to the second floor with only one thought in their mind at this point.

Those who had been dragged away by that mutated vines must hang on and wait for the rescues!

Gu Ning, hold on —— you must not die!

Fang Fa was desperately cutting the “human cocoon” that were tangled in vines with the knife in his hand. The drops of sweat mixed with rainwater dripped from his forehead to his eyelashes and into his eyes were causing burning pain. However, as if he couldn’t feel it, he continued struggling to untangle the vines. His palms were already torn and bloodied from the intense friction but he didn’t seem to feel any pain at all. At that moment, he had only one selfish thought in his heart, hoping that this one must be Gu Ning, must be the living Gu Ning——

Beside him lay two children who had been untied from the vines. Their faces were bluish and their eyes were staring blankly at the blacken sky which was raining. They didn’t blink even when the rain dripped into their eyes and rolled down from the corners as if they were tears streaming down from their empty eyes. Their thin chest didn’t rise or fall as they had completely stopped breathing.

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