The Dracophage Skill Tree

Chapter 34: 34. The Master’s Brother

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Zeff opened his eyes as the sound of Sylvan's humming awoke him from his sleep. The clock of the car they had… borrowed… read 6:11 AM. Despite that, Zeff asked groggily, "What time is it?"

Sylvan, who had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, only said, "We're almost there. Maybe 15 minutes away."

Zeff and Sylvan had been driving now for just over 32 hours, only stopping to ask for money for gas two or three times. Thankfully, each time, they (Sylvan, acting as a frail old man) only had to beg for around 3 to 4 hours before they had enough to move on so that they had made relatively good time.

Zeff could only close his eyes wearily.

Because Sylvan had volunteered to drive the whole way (likely due to being traumatized by the accident that cost him an arm two days ago) and even though Sylvan had all but demanded he visit the skill tree and see what he could unlock, Zeff had spent much of the trip sleeping and thinking.

'What is waiting for me in the Underworld…?' This singular thought occupied his waking thoughts more than any. Of course, he thought about Zayn's strange behavior on the bridge, his dad, how cool it was that he could breath fire, and much more. But those were all mostly fleeting thoughts that only visited for a moment.

"We're here." Said Sylvan with a critical expression.

"And where is here, exactly?" inquired Zeff, looking out of the window as Sylvan wound through the busy streets past men and women carrying backpacks and books.

"It would appear we're on a college campus." Sylvan chuckled facetiously as they passed a giant marble plaque that said 'Welcome to the University of California, Los Angeles'.

"We're at UCLA?!" Zeff exclaimed as a shiver ran down his spine and images of his university days back in Texas began to flash through his mind.

"This is where the Navi led us…" responded Sylvan curtly as he pulled to a stop, seemingly unaware of the PTSD his friend was presently experiencing. They were in front of a tall building surrounded by shrubs that had been cut to perfect spheres. The bustling and hustling of college students on their way to class and talking with one another filled the air.

"University. How wonderful." Said the men in unison. Zeff had meant it sarcastically, and even begrudgingly. While Sylvan had a twinkle in his eyes like a kid on his way to a candy store.

*Ring-Ring* Said Sylvan's phone which was mounted to a cell-phone mount on the dashboard.

Sylvan didn't hesitate to answer it, putting the phone on speaker. "Hello?"

The distorted and deep voice of a man sounded from the receiver. "Dr. Sylvan White. Please proceed directly inside, room 413A. Leave the car running. Speak to no one. When you first enter, there should be to jackets folded neatly in a chair on your left. Put them on." *Click* said the phone as the speaker hung up without waiting on Sylvan's reply.

"That definitely wasn't Matea…" Zeff pointed out. "What if this is—"

"A trap?" Sylvan finished. "I doubt it. Why give us the ring, cure me, heal my arm, and lead us here only to trap us?"

It made sense, Zeff had to admit.

Sylvan quickly grabbed the phone and exited the car, leaving it running as he had been instructed with Zeff following suit. The men entered through the large golden double doors leading into the mostly empty building and, sure enough, just to there left were two blue and white UCLA jackets.

Zeff hadn't changed his shirt since he had fought on the bridge and now, after catching a glimpse of a young man staring at him with a concerned expression, he remember to look at himself in the reflection of the glass doors.

He had holes in his shirt from where he had been shot, a few splatters of blood here and there, and mounds of mud still covering large sections of his front and back.

"Hurry up, boy. Put this on." Sylvan whispered, handing him the jacket. Zeff threw the jacket on with gusto, turning to the young man and giving an enthusiastic thumbs up. "We had a crazy night, man." He tried his best to sound like what he thought a 'real college student' would sound like. But, on seeing Zeff's forced smile and hulking shoulders that nearly ripped through the too-small jacket, the man only seemed more concerned. But after a short pause he gathered his wits and walked away at a normal pace.

"Okay." Zeff began with a relieved sigh. He at once approached the elevators that were just nearby and pushed the up arrow to summon the elevator. The elevator doors immediately slid open and he stepped in.

Sylvan, however, wasn't behind him. Instead he was still standing, staring at the wall just above the chair where the jackets had been. On the wall was a plaque with the names of the departments and people that had offices in the building. "It seems this is the dean's office."

"Um, that's great, Doc. But we need to go."

"Keep your socks on, boy.—"

"I don't think that's the expression…"

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"—We're going…" He said as he finally left the wall and stepped into the elevator, pressing the '4' as he did, closing the sliding metal doors of the elevator. "Zeff-boy." Sylvan began as the elevator passed the 2nd floor. "We don't know who or what we're going to encounter in here. As I said, I don't think it's a trap. But let's keep our guards up at the very least, okay? Don't forget. These are the people that kidnapped me and have your father in captivity as we speak… He might not be our enemy, but he sure as h*ll isn't our ally."

"I hear ya, Doc." Zeff said, the the mention of his dad souring his mood. "I won't let my guard down."

*Ding!* rang the elevator as it reached the 4th floor.

After a short pause, the doors slid open to reveal a man standing on the other side, his hands behind his back like a wise old hermit.

The man looked to be in his late thirties to early forties. He was shorter than Sylvan by a full head's height and his bright red hair was well kept and tidy. He had a prominent forehead and chin, with a thin face with freckles dotting his rosy cheeks. His eyes were kind and youthful and the blueness of them seemed almost unnatural like someone had replaced them with polished sapphire.

Sylvan at once took in his breath.

Zeff, of course, found the reaction completely inappropriate. He was about to say something but the look on Sylvan's face, an incredulous, leery gaze, stopped him dead in his tracks.

"H-How is this—"

Tears at once began to fill the man's eyes, as he opened his arms to embrace Sylvan who hesitated to jump forward and embrace him with the same energy. "Silver! It's wonderful to see you, my friend."

"But W-Will? How is this possible?!" As he said it, he touched the man's face, in a way that seemed a bit too familiar for Zeff's liking. 'So much for 'keeping our guard up'…' He thought. It was almost as though the two men were long lost relatives.

"We have much to discuss, Silver." said the man, smiling warmly. But there was a strange reluctance to it, like he only half meant it.

"B-but it's not possible. You shouldn't be here—" began Sylvan, his eyebrows suddenly creasing into furrows, "Unless—".

"—And you must be Zephaniah Corad." Said the man awkwardly, addressing Zeff and seemingly ignoring Sylvan. "Please come in. Take a seat." His misty eyes from before were all but gone and was now replaced by a cold sweat which was forming on his brow. He suddenly seemed a bit too nervous given the exchange the men had just shared.

"S-sure…" replied Zeff eyeing Sylvan who was seeming more and more uneasy with every passing second. It wasn't lost on Zeff, either, that he hadn't yet told this stranger his name. "So you are this 'Master' we have heard so much about?" Zeff began nervously but he was almost immediate cut off by Sylvan.

"Don't speak to him, Zeff… Not until I get some answers…"

By the way he said it, it was more than apparent that his earlier joy was all but gone, replaced by what could only be anger.

"Doc." Zeff chuckled nervously, "You're scaring me… Why are you suddenly acting all weird—? We knew who we—"

"Zeff. I HAD intended to take you to a friend of mine, Doctor William Fynn. But I gave that up after I met Matea who told me to see her mysterious 'Master'—" He said 'Master' with a dry kind of cynicism that was so obviously mockery that it was nearly comical. "—a high ranking member of the Rings!"


"Zeff. This *IS* Doctor Fynn!"

Zeff didn't understand why that would make Sylvan so upset, or why he was so surprised. He didn't quite know what to think given these strange circumstances.

The red-haired man, hushed Sylvan and beckoned he follow him. "Step into my office…" As he said it his eyes darted to and fro as though he was looking for an assassin to jump out from around a corner at any moment.

"Not until you—"

"Brother!" whisper-yelled Doctor Fynn. "Please."

"Brother?!" yell-yelled Zeff.

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