The Drainpipe Colony

Chapter 4: Scarlet (H) – Chapter 4 (1/2): ‘Live a life you can be proud of.’

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On our way back to the house with Emily, everything began to tilt back and forth, and my knees grew weak as I planted my hand on top the stone fence next to their door.

"Everything alright?" Emily asked.

"Yeah." I rubbed my eyes and leaned all my weight against the stones. "Just not used to working like that is all."

When I opened my eyes again, Emily was leaning against the fence with me. "I gave you the easy stuff though."

My vision fixed itself, but I still felt I had to lean up against the fence to keep me from falling down. "I know."

"Don't know what to tell you, but most jobs are gonna be harder than working a couple hours in a barn."

"Then I'll have to find a way to get my body in shape. Somehow…"

"For now, follow me and I'll show you to your room," she said as she opened up the front door.

"My room?" Those words gave me the energy needed to stand up and follow her inside the house. When we got to another door, I peeked in with no expectations, but when I saw a full bed, my heart started thumping. "Are you saying this is my room for tonight?"

"We ain't gonna make you sleep on the floor or nothin'."

Walking up to the bed, I was lost in it. A hot meal, a roof over my head, nice people and now a warm bed?

Turning to her, I kept my head down. "Thank you."

"No big deal. Get your rest and I'll be working 'round the house if you need anything."

"I'll let you know, but I'll try and not be a bother to you."

Emily left the door open as she walked away, leaving me to look around the room. Bare walls and a single bed with a desk next to it. Not much more in here other than that, but that'd be far more than I needed.

After shutting the door, I crawled into bed, got under the blanket and felt a whole other level of comfort wrap around me like a warm hug.


Being tucked in by my parents every night.


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Staring up at the ceiling, I lost myself in that memory and began to mumble. "I'm somehow still making it after all this time. I did some pretty rotten stuff, I know. I'm sorry…" My eyes begin to close themselves. "'Live a life you can be proud of.' That's what you two told me, but there ain't nothing proud about what I been doing. I keep saying I don't need to do anymore stealing when I get to the city. That I'll find work and get money the honest way, but I barely managed a couple hours working in a barn." I turned over on my side and let out a sigh. "I know you two aren't around anymore, but I could really use some advice right now…"

I waited to hear the tiniest bit of anything, but my eyes and body gave out first, and I passed out.




My eyes cracked open to the tiniest amount of sunlight outside. While still laying in bed, I stretched out and cracked every bone in my body like it was some kind of instrument. In that moment, a bed was now on my list of most wanted items.

With another big stretch, I rolled myself out of bed. My legs were still sore, but a whole lot better nonetheless. Keeping myself steady, I walked out into the dining room where Mrs. Becker was making breakfast with Duke and Emily already at the table.

"Mornin' Scar," Emily said as she pulled out a chair next to her for me.

Shambling up to the table and sitting down next to her, "Scar?"

"Yeah, short for Scarlet. Is that okay?"

"I don't mind."

"How'd you sleep?" Duke asked.

"As great as everything else you people have given me."

"Happy to hear. We're going to be heading out as soon as we're done eating, so be ready."

"I will."

I spent the rest of breakfast not speaking much, and instead focusing on the soup that was just as good as yesterday's. When everyone was done, Duke spoke up. "Alright. Everything's all set, so let's get going."

"Thank you for the meal," I said to Mrs. Becker, who gave me a smile and took our bowls.

"I wish you the best in the city, and if you ever be needing any help in the future, well hopefully we can help out again."

With 'thank you' being tired at this point, I gave a nod with a small smile.

With everything set, Emily, Duke and myself all walked outside and climbed onto the carriage, where we finally began to make our way to the capitol.

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