The Duchess's Dangerous Love Life

Chapter 10: (Rated 18)

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Chapter 9 (Rated 18)

Adele let out a deep sigh. Regarding the matter of marrying her husband’s brother, she still found it incredulous. It was an awkward relationship no matter how she looked at it, no better than strangers.

How can I even be with him? Adele bit her lips and stared at the ring on her finger.

It was a yellow diamond ring. Until a few days ago, there was another ring in its place.

“Enon…” she whispered his name.

Her ex-husband, Enon, was impotent. Because of that, they had never done anything other than kissing and touching. Which means, Adele has never had sexual intercourse before, and she thought she would never have one for the rest of her life.

Who would have thought she’ll have her first experience at the age of thirty-two? And it was even with her deceased husband’s younger brother. Adele looked at her trembling body. She didn’t even know why she was shaking. Was it the thought of losing her innocence? Was it because she was ashamed to remarry with her husband’s brother for money? Or was it because of…

“Tonight’s our first night.” Noah came out of the bathroom. He immediately became speechless when he saw Adele crouching at the end of the bed, hugging her legs.

An amused expression appeared on his face, “What do you think will happen if you crouch like that?”

“Are you really thinking of doing it?” she asked hesitantly.

“Doing what?”

Adele bit her lip as Noah pretended to know nothing. As he looked at her lips and smirked, she almost burst into tears.

“I’m grateful that you helped my family but… I’m your brother’s wife.” That’s right. She was his brother’s wife, so he shouldn’t touch her, right?

“Now you’re not. My brother is already dead.” He simply stated.

Even after his older brother died, Noah was calm without any emotion. He didn’t even reach out to his sister-in-law, Adele, until a few days ago.

Adele shook her head as his hand touched her white ankle.

“Please rethink your decision.” Her voice was almost pleading.

“What’s there to even think about?”

“We can’t go back if we do it.” she reasoned, “We… we can’t go back anymore.”

Noah, who had been fiddling with Adele’s feet, kissed her ankle instead of answering. Adele, who was intimately touched by the man, withdrew her body.

“There is nothing to think about, because you are now my lawfully wedded wife.” His voice was firm and brook no room for discussion.

Hearing his words, she couldn’t help but mutter, “…who even keeps the law these days…”

He smiled, “I do.”

“Everyone puts their sister-in-law in the family register and lives separately. Who even gets married with eac—ahh!”

Instead of answering, Noah grabbed her thin ankle and pulled her down. Adele was suddenly placed in the middle of the bed and struggled to get out. Then, a slip of the thin see-through fabric was stripped off, revealing her soft and smooth legs.

“Let me go!”

Ignoring Adele’s words, Noah touched her pale and tender legs with his thick hand. He smiled contentedly, then lifted one of her legs slightly and licked it very slowly, savoring it. Adele’s lips trembled at the strange sensation.


Noah licked the inside of her thigh faster. This time he bit and sucked the soft flesh very slowly.

A strange sensation made Adele shake her leg as if she was trying to escape, but Noah wouldn’t let go. Rather, he pushed his body right between her legs. Adele’s eyes widened at the firm, wide male body approaching her. Is this man really going to do it with me? But why would he even…

Noah stared at her and spoke in a low voice laced with passion. “Open up.”

She froze.

“Sister-in-law, open your legs.” His seductive voice coaxed her lightly.

Adele, who was looking at his golden eyes filled with lust, spread her legs slightly. Noah grabbed her legs and widened it further with his own hands. Before the startled Adele was able to stop him, he brought his warm mouth to her sensitive inner lips.

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“Ah!” Why there?!

Adele moaned in surprise as his hot tongue moistened her opening. Noah licked it in response to her sensuous reaction, then pressed the tip of his tongue against her bud. After that, he sucked intensely.

Adele opened her mouth at the thrilling sensation she felt in an instant.


His tongue, which had been lapping on her delicate bud for a while, rubbed the entrance of her private region and inserted itself. Feeling the strange sensation, Adele’s legs shuddered and unconsciously grabbed Noah’s head.

“N-no, uh, huh…” Her words turned increasingly incoherent and breathy.

As the tingling sensation rose from below and spread throughout her body, Adele bit her lip. Finally, after being tensed for a bit, a white substance came out. She let out a light sigh of relief.

But Noah wasn’t done yet, he placed his own thick fingers in the center of the damp, wet hole.


Noah’s finger went into that soft, narrow place that remained untainted for decades past, until today.

Adele lifted her upper body slightly, startled by the sudden stinging pain. He patted her shoulder lightly as if it was okay.

“Shh… It’s okay.” Noah kissed her lips lightly and lightly rubbed her soft bud with his thumb.

At first, she was frightened when it slid inside of her, but as his fingers continued to move, instead of pain, she felt a lump of pleasure clustering beneath her. Such a strange feeling. Adele wriggled her waist as she unknowingly raised her nipples.


Upon seeing this, Noah said to her, “Relax.”

Adele didn’t know what to do with Noah’s words. She didn’t know how to relax down there. Soon, his fingers went deeper and she grabbed Noah’s broad shoulders. He groaned, “Sister-in-law, you’ll end up cutting my fingers if you insist on doing it like this.”

“Uh, t-then don’t put it any deeper, uh…”

“If I don’t do this, it will be difficult to put my member inside and you will be in pain.” At Noah’s hoarse voice, Adele gazed down at his erect manhood.

No! Something like that will tear my insides apart! He has to stop! As she struggled, something hot and hard touched the soles of her feet.

Noah rubbed his genitals before the agitated Adele hurriedly pulled out her feet. At the same time, he moved his hand quickly through her insides.

“Stop! Mm… Mm…” As her little hole got wetter, Adele’s eyes became hazier.

No… no. Ah! It feels good. Her mind was a mess. She could feel the intoxicating pleasure of his fingers moving erratically within her. She gasped loudly.

Adele endured the embarrassing sensation of something pouring out of her genitals. But it was just for a moment, as Noah’s thumb pressed down on her tender bud, it stopped quivering.

But for Adele, this was a bigger stimulation than before.


Clear fluid came gushing out of Adele’s delicate part. After it finished pouring out of her body, Adele let out a ragged breath. She had no idea what just happened. She shook slight due to the remnants of pleasure that coursed throughout her body. Noah slowly pulled his finger out.

“We’re going too fast.”

Noah stared at Adele, sticking out his tongue and licked his wet fingers. His appearance was mortifyingly indecent that Adele shook her head and trembled.

He saw her state and lightly frowned, “Look at me.”

As if unacceptable, Noah grabbed her chin and directed it towards her. Staring at his golden eyes, her face turned red and she breathed heavily. She felt embarrassed by her naughty reactions. It was the first time she had seen herself like this.

“Sister-in-law, look at me.”

She silently fixed her eyes on him.

“I haven’t even started yet. Hmm?”

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