The Duchess's Dangerous Love Life

Chapter 57: 56

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Chapter 56

“It’s alright.”

“Let’s spend some more.” He urged, wanting to pamper his wife more.

Although Adele wanted to ‘act like his wife’, she still wasn’t used to this type of treatment and felt shy. “That is enough for me.”

“Are you sure? Don’t want anything else?”

Adele shook her head.

Noah amusedly glanced at her. He was overjoyed that his little wife, who had no greed for luxury, asked him to buy her something. If possible, he would really like to buy more of this and that, but the only problem was that she didn’t want anything.

“Tsk. It’s so hard to win the duchess’ heart.”

“I told you, it’s already enough for me.”

But in his mind, it wasn’t enough. She was his wife, so she deserved the best things the world could offer. He already had enough wealth to spoil her rotten. Clicking his tongue inwardly with regret, he kissed Adele’s red ears.

“Tell me if you need anything else.”

Adele shrank back and nodded, “Thank you.”

“Anything for you.”

Adele wanted to remind him that they were outside, but her heart pounded so hard at his sweet words that she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. So, she quietly allowed him to kiss her.

Noah’s lips went over her ears, to her forehead, cheeks, and bridge of her nose. When it finally came down to her lips, she pressed her lips into a thin line, hiding them inside her mouth. He burst into laughter at her actions. She looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks puffed.

“Why are you so shy? We’re already a married couple.”

“We’re outside…”

“Then let us return to the castle.”

Leaning against Noah, Adele was led by him and headed for the door. Lina followed, grinning stupidly while holding a jewelry box.

As they left the store, Philip saw them and sighed deeply.

“Commander, there is something I need to report.”

Noah frowned, displeased with the sudden interruption, but he had no choice but to let go of Adele and walk towards his subordinate. Listening to Philip’s low whisper, he rubbed his temples.

Adele didn’t know what was going on, but it seemed like something urgent has occurred. Noah turned around and reached out to her. A warm hand touched her reddish cheeks.

“Are you still staying here to look around?”

“Yes, it’s been a long time since I went out.”

“Then I’ll come to pick you up later.”

“Oh… okay.”

Noah raised an eyebrow at Adele’s slightly timid answer, “I feel uneasy hearing such a weak answer.”


“I’ll have a knight follow you around.”

Adele didn’t like that and reasoned out, “It won’t happen again.”

“No.” his was voice was firm and brook no room for discussion, “It’s too dangerous.”

“I’m really fine—”

Adele was suddenly pulled into his arms. Noah tousled her finely combed hair and whispered into her ears.

“How could I bear to leave you unprotected?” Noah also didn’t like men following her, even if they were his own knights. It’s just that, he couldn’t be around her every minute of the day even if he wanted to.

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“Why are you saying such words?”

Adele tilted her head and looked up at him.

Big brown eyes fluttered incessantly at him, her endearingly chubby cheeks and pinkish lips puckered in curiosity.

This look was fatal for a man.

Yes, this was exactly the kind of face that would make him want to kiss her right away.

Noah frowned, wanting to wrap her up and keep her hidden inside castle, “Don’t give that kind of face to other people.”

Adele blinked innocently, “What face?”

Noah simply kissed her forehead lightly.

Adele felt the gazes of the passersby and pushed him away, face furiously blushing from the unexpected kiss that she looked like a ripe tomato. Noah raised his hands uncaringly as if nothing happened and shrugged his shoulders.

Adele pursed her lips and couldn’t help but stare blankly at his back as he walked further away from her with Philip in tow. At this distance, she could no longer hear Noah’s voice speaking to his men.

“Third Division Battalion Commander, guard my wife. You,” he pointed to another knight, “come with me.”

Among the knights, the 3rd division knights specialized in assassination. They move secretly, concealed within the shadows. With this arrangement, the lady wouldn’t know she was being escorted.

Philip felt an ominous feeling that this escort order would last for the rest of his life and felt sympathetic. He stroked his arm, then beckoned to the Commander of the Third Division that was hiding currently hiding somewhere in the alley, to come out and reveal himself.


After Noah left, a lot of time had already passed when she got set foot out of the boutique. She donned the dress she was going to wear to the dinner party and hurriedly bought teacups for the tea party. At that time, a young girl was standing in front of the alley crying and looking around.

“Older brother… where are you…”

Judging by her appearance and clothing, this girl is a commoner that lives in this neighborhood. It seems like she lost her brother. Adele approached her child, bent her knees, and spoke to her.

“Have you lost sight of your brother?”

Sniff, sniff. “Yes…”

“Where did you lose him?”

“H-he told me to stay here and wait for him, but he isn’t back yet. He said he was going to get some flowers.”

The easiest way for commoner children to earn money was to pick flowers from the mountains or fields and deliver them to flower shops. Adele assumed that this girl’s brother appeared to be doing something similar. She remembered that she needed some flowers for her tea party too.

Adele smiled and extended her hand to the child, “Shall we find him together?”

“My brother told me t-to not go near nobles.”

“It’s alright, I mean no harm. He won’t scold you for that.”

At Adele’s gentle smile, the child smiled back and took her hand. Noticing Lina with her luggage following after her, she walked towards a flower shop. She initiated a conversation so that the child wouldn’t feel awkward or nervous.

“What will you do once you find your brother?”

“Um. My brother told me he’ll be going to get some vegetables and then we’ll eat some stew!” she said cheerfully, obviously looking forward to the meal. However, she frowned. “But, what date is it today?”

The girl abruptly stopped walking and had a thoughtful expression on her face, then she realized something.

“Today is the day that the pretty brother will come!”

“Oh? Pretty brother?” Adele smiled in amusement.

“Yes! He will be there if you go to the alley behind the flower shop!” the little girl grinned, “He gives me candies! You should go together with me!”

Before Adele could reply, the girl grabbed her hand and dashed forward.

Adele followed her hastily and suddenly arrived in an alley behind the flower shop, where a man and a hooded boy stood apart from each other.


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