The Duke's Imposter Sister

Chapter 62: The Grand Duke’s Turbulent Emotions (1)

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Chapter 62 – The Grand Duke’s Turbulent Emotions (1)

Gris nodded reluctantly since she was unwilling to go against Stephan. Fortunately, a maid came and broke the frigid atmosphere.

“Please pardon my interruption, but they have announced His Excellency’s arrival at the front gate.”

As if he had been anticipating this news, Stephan immediately departed from the room with all the rapidity of a rushing stream.

“Let’s go.”

Gris walked behind him absentmindedly, only looking at the heels of Stephan’s leather shoes. As soon as they arrived at the main door of the mansion, they saw the Grand Duke entering.

It was only normal to at least acknowledge the people who arrived later, but he didn’t even spare them a glance. All that could be seen was the cold and angry back of the Grand Duke.

But who was he angry with? The innocent woman who confused him or his impulsive self…?

Gris asked herself these questions in silence before belatedly shaking her head. I shouldn’t continue dwelling on such things, she said to herself. He may have just been sensitive because of a setback in his work.

Then, the carriage arrived. The Byrenhag matriarch gently grasped Gris’ hand as she descended from the carriage with a complexion much brighter than the one she had when she left the mansion a few days ago.

“It seems that the house has been left unintentionally deserted. Did you miss your grandmother?”

Gris smiled like a child and nodded her head. Only then did she attract the Duke’s interest, but she did not have time to notice him since she was preoccupied with enjoying the warmth radiating from the grandmother, even if the feeling was ultimately fleeting.

“Yes, I waited every day.”

The servants busied themselves with moving Paola’s luggage into the mansion. Stephan embraced his mother amidst the bustle and commotion.

“I’m happy that you have returned healthy. When the doctor told me to prepare myself, I thought I would never meet my mother again.”

Gris found Stephan’s pretenses irritating. He was not the kind of person who would rejoice in his mother’s recovery even though he was her own flesh and blood. It would have been a blessing if the older woman recovered her health and regained her strength.

Paola, who was ignorant of her child’s darker side, laughed at her son’s affable demeanor. She seemed greatly pleased with his warm welcome.

“Thank you all for coming out to welcome me. If no one had been home, I wouldn’t have even thought of coming back. The carriage ride was surprisingly difficult.”

The grandmother cheerfully joked as she stepped into the mansion.

“Since we are all gathered here like this, let’s have a cup of tea together.”

Paola’s personal terrace served as the venue for the afternoon tea. She was seated first at the head of a table that was draped with a lovely, lacy tablecloth before offering seats to the Grand Duke and Stephan.

Gris looked around and sat down afterwards. She tried her best to put on a calm expression but couldn’t help but feel rather tense from the Duke’s presence.

If she allowed herself to lose her resolve, she feared that the sudden rise in her body temperature might cause her heart to stop. So soft was the touch of his lips, his face wrenched with thirst, and the breath that she persistently yearned for…

She shook her head as she tried to detach herself from these thoughts that weighed so heavily upon her chest. I don’t know why this is happening. Why do I keep thinking about Duke Vianut? What is this nervous throbbing in my heart?

Gris closed her eyes in an attempt to escape from the feelings she could not understand. She didn’t want to be consumed by his intensity and the allure of his appearance.

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Quite a long time had already passed but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to drink the tea in front of her. All she could do was just fidget restlessly. Paola noticed the awkwardness in Gris’ posture.

“Are you alright?”

Gris snapped back to her senses and rubbed her chest. She spoke as if she were trying to clear her voice.

“Yes, I’m okay.”

“I was concerned there might have been something wrong.”

The older woman nodded and smiled. Stephan lifted his mug and savored the scent of lime tea.

“Is the archbishop well?” he asked.

“Yes, he was very excited when he heard about Vianut’s upcoming marriage.”

Unlike the others who talked and laughed naturally, the Duke remained as placid as a statue. If it wasn’t because he found the tea time boring, then his impassiveness must be due to what happened yesterday.

It must have been too shameful for him to show his disheveled side to a whore. Gris decided to think about the situation more positively. They were both ashamed of the events that had transpired between them, so it was reasonable that they wanted to avoid the topic.

Gris glanced at Duke Vianut and took a sip of her tea. The scent of fresh lime perfused her body. Paola took this time to remove a handkerchief from a silk pouch and hold it in front of Gris.

“I bought this while I was at the cathedral. The beautiful colors reminded me of you. ”

The patterning on the handkerchief was reminiscent of a cathedral’s stained glass windows. The elderly woman fluttered it flatteringly. Gris took the handkerchief and gazed at it in disbelief.

“Wow… This is the first time I’ve seen a pattern like this.”

Such vividly colored red and blue threads were rare. Perhaps the grandmother really had thought about Gris when she made up her mind to buy it. As she touched the handkerchief, Gris realized that she did not deserve such a beautiful gift.

“Is it a bit… peculiar?” Paola asked anxiously, “Do you like it? ”

Gris’ hand jolted in surprise.

“No, it’s really pretty, but it’s such a precious thing.”

Stephan, who had been leisurely drinking his tea, laughed.

“It looks good on you, Yuliana. ”

From the undercurrent in his tone, he meant that she should graciously receive the gift. Gris lowered her head and held the handkerchief close.

“Thank you, grandmother.”

Stephen changed the topic as if he had been waiting for an opportunity to speak.

“Since we are all gathered, might I gauge your thoughts on holding a social debut banquet for Yuliana? Dirk and Adele will also soon be arriving to stay at the Byrenhag mansion.”

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