The Dungeon Harem I Built With My Elf S** S*ave

Chapter 55: Volume 3 - CH 2

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「L-L-L-Let's go back-nya ......? N-N-Nemu wants a warmer dungeon-nya......」

「Y-y-y-y-you can't g-g-g-g-g-go back. ...... because w-w-we're going to become a bird. ......」

Teeth chattering, Hazuki and Nemu looked up at the high mountains.

They were in a trading town at the foot of the mountain, just before their destination, the territory of the Kingdom of Sardonyx, where the mined goods and industrial products are traded.

At a quick glance, there were not many unusual items, and the only thing of note was the unusually low price of a machine powered by magical steel, which Mars and the others use daily.

These include lamps that are generally used for room lighting and machines for heating water.

Perhaps it is because these items can be purchased and sold in other towns for a profit, or perhaps it is because merchants are negotiating loudly with each other about the price.

However, it seems that the advanced technology of Dwarves is not generally distributed to the public.

Moreover, it seems they can't buy submarines or airplanes.

――Well, it's not going to be that easy.

The Kingdom of Sardonyx is a Dwarven kingdom, but this trading city is a human city in another country and there are no Dwarves to be seen.

Surely there are Dwarven merchants who wholesale their goods in this city if you look for them, but Mars didn't bother to look for them, considering that they would be meeting many of them in the future.

「It is indeed a bit cold. Not as much snow as I expected, though.」

「It's cold, but it doesn't feel as cold as those two say. Compared to the desert, it's a comfortable temperature.」

There were piles of pure white snow everywhere as if it was in the way, and the temperature was a little below zero.

However, many people are coming and going at the foot of the mountain, and there are plenty of campfires to heat the place, so it doesn't feel that cold.

In terms of coldness, the real thing is yet to come.

After all, they are about to climb the world's highest peak in the snow.

Even if there is a trail, it is still a treacherous route with crevasses if they take a wrong step.

Naturally, there were no campfires to be heated along the way. On the contrary, most of the places are covered with snow on a meter scale.

Moreover, this is not just a tough mountain climb, but a true polar journey with monsters adapted to the environment in the mountains.

That is why all of them are well equipped for the cold.

They were all wearing high-quality fur coats purchased in the towns along the way, warm underwear, hats, earmuffs, gloves, scarves, and boots that covered up to their knees.

Lilia and Nemu, in particular, have longer ears than humans, so they had to be well protected against the cold or risk frostbite and necrosis.

In order to avoid detection by the monsters, the women wore white clothing so that they could blend in with the scenery, while Mars wore black clothing so that the monsters' eyes would be focused on him.

「I-I-I-I'm going to freeze from the inside of my body. ......――Ah!? Nemu-chan, your breath is turning white!? Huh, me too!? Even though it wasn't like this in the carriage!」

「T-t-that's true-nyaa! Why-nya!? That's so interesting-nya!」

Although they said it was cold, Hazuki and Nemu were enjoying the environment they were experiencing for the first time in their lives with every fiber of their being.

They were in a completely leisurely mood, bouncing around, slipping and falling, and making noises about how cold the snow was when they touched the piles of snow on the roadside.

Except for the snow, it was not a very beautiful scenery with all the machines, people, and ore, but Mars was also somewhat deeply moved by the snowy scenery for the first time in this world.

「Pervert woman ......Why do you wear short skirts when you say it's cold? You know it's cold at the bottom. Are you trying to die?」

「B-b-b-but I'm wearing long socks. ......」

「Still, aren't you shivering because of the cold. ......?」

「B-b-But, I have a plain face compared to the two of you, and i-i-if I were to expose myself less, I wouldn't have much of a presence!」

「That's your reason!? Don't worry! You have a presence in your words and actions!」

Mars, Lilia, and Nemu are all wearing long fur coats and boots for full protection, but only Hazuki refuses to go up the mountain until they start climbing, so she chooses to wear a short coat and a skirt.

Mars wondered if there was a reason for this, but it seems that it was an appeal for her presence.

He remembers when he was in Japan, high school girls used to wear short skirts even in winter, and Mars chuckled at the thought that girls of this age might have similar ideas no matter what world they live in.

――Fashion is spirit, I think? I have heard such a saying.

This time, as expected, she obeyed, but Lilia is no different in that she values cuteness over functionality. For some reason, she tries to be as thin and sexy as possible. It's a sight for sore eyes, but seasonality is important.

Since she intends to bring warm clothes to the dungeon as well, she has brought a lot of spares in case they get torn in battle.

From among them, Mars made Hazuki change her coat into a longer-length one and change her underwear into pants as well.

「 was warm......I would never wear a skirt in the snowy mountains. I thought I would freeze my ass off!」

「Ne-Ne-Ne-Nemu is still cold-nya......P-put her in Mars-nyan's clothes-nya」

Nemu crawls into the front of Mars's coat, which is the largest of all, from underneath, and the two of them become like a two-person haori.

Nemu, the smallest of the two, was tucked into the front of Mars' coat, and she looked satisfied with the warmth of the coat.

It is a place where people come and go, so it is a little embarrassing to be the center of attention to a certain extent.

Fortunately, both Lilia and Nemu have their ears covered, and Nemu's tail is also inside her clothes, so they are not attracting attention as a "different race".

But apart from that, the fact that Mars had three beautiful girls with him attracted a lot of attention.

「Nemu-chan, I can't move in this state. Also, it's rather embarrassing!」

「Just a little-nya.....Just like [Wake up-nya!] when you wake up, you need to be ready to go outside-nyaa ......」

In short, she is convinced that she wants the guts to go out into the cold weather, and he hugs Nemu, who is clinging to him, over her clothes.

Nemu's body temperature was high, and Mars also felt it warming up.

Her small, immature body is filled with so much future, and Mars is responsible for it.

Even if he cautions himself that it is a bit arrogant to think so, it is definitely him who holds the fate of these girls in his hands.

If he makes the wrong decision, he could end up letting them die. The lack of power is his own fault, with no room for excuses.

Although they don't actively talk about it, the death of Julis, who had been a friend, albeit temporarily, at the Great Norn Tomb, gave everyone an indescribable sense of helplessness.

――If I had been able to grasp Julis's heart, it would not have ended like that.

If you live, you will die. And the dungeon is the place in this world where death is the quickest.

All of them were beginning to reaffirm this obvious fact.


Lilia looked at Nemu with a sullen face.

She envies and resents Nemu, who is spoiled by nature like a child.

With Lilia, her pride gets in the way and she can't do it in public.

Lilia hates the possessive desire within her, and she holds back, saying that she will be hated if she speaks out in such a selfish manner.

「Let's do that too, Lilia-san!」

「I won't do it! I won't do that in public!」

「I want to get my head caught between Lilia-san's boobs inside your clothes!」

「I hate it all even more, though!?」

Lilia kept her distance as if to ignore the approaching Hazuki.

She was facing Hazuki, measuring the distance between them and preparing herself to avoid Hazuki's thrusts.

「Horse, Nemu wonders if they will be alright-nya? ...... Are they cold-nya? Will they get their food-nya?」

「I'm sure they'll be fine because they are taken care of in a solid and expensive horse stable. I've paid for a year in advance, and I've also been bouncing tips off of them, so they don't have to pay them back if the term is shortened.」

As soon as they started climbing the mountain, Nemu started glancing toward the town.

The higher they climbed, the more often she turned around.

She clapped her gloves and looked and sounded restless.

It had been six hours since they had begun their climb, and the town below was so small that they could only make out the outline of it.

Nemu's concern was for the horses they had left in town.

Since it was not possible to climb the mountain by carriage, they had left the horses in the town at the foot of the mountain.

Nemu is particularly attached to the horses, whom she has traveled with for a short period of time and taken care of together, and she is anxious about leaving them.

She is worried that they will be mistreated out of her sight.

「Because humans are scary-nyaa ......」

As a different race that is considered lower in rank than humans, Nemu has a history of being discriminated against and abused, especially among slaves of the same status. Nemu's words were mixed with what was instilled in her at that time.

She has been misinformed, has low self-esteem, and is somewhat self-deprecating.

She has honestly assumed that what she thinks is wrong, and when asked if she is confident in her answers even when studying, she will ask if she is wrong without any evidence to support it.

In fact, Nemu was sleeping alone in the same place as livestock, not even in a slave hut, and it seemed that she was being exploited by her fellow slaves for food. Even slaves, if they are slaves for combat, are given a certain amount of food. Nevertheless, Nemu's emaciated body was the result of such mistreatment.

――Nemu's upbringing was too unfortunate. It is not a wound that can be healed overnight.

Nemu's wounds lie in a deep place that even she does not understand.

Born and raised in an environment with no one to rely on, she has lived her entire life by suppressing her feelings of regret. Perhaps that is why Nemu is so close to Mars and the others.

Mars pats Nemu on the head from her hat and says, 

「It's okay. Humans are not as bad as you think, Nemu-chan」

「Horses can't talk, so they can't say anything even if they're being bullied-nya. As expected, Nemu wanted to force them to come with us-nya. ......」

Mars wanted to bring them along too, but the horses were bizarrely afraid of the 【Treasure House of Dreams】

It is possible to allocate a room for the horses in the treasure room that has been expanded in the Great Norn Tomb, but there is nothing he can do if the horses won't go in there in the first place.

Even Mars, which is used daily, the treasure house of dreams is sometimes creeps him out, so perhaps animals are instinctively evasive.

「C-Compared to the steepness of this mountain, the horses must feel like they are in paradise. ......The 「hut looked comfortable ......」

「The stables looked warm. I know! How about burning all the snow on this road with my fire magic!? It would definitely be warm!」

――What a dangerous idea!

Mars, walking in the lead, is startled by Hazuki's voice coming from behind.

It is a statement that Lilia, who hates Dwarves who destroy nature, would never accept.

「...... do it」

Lilia, holding a stick similar to a ski pole in both hands and staring at the snow on the ground that Mars and the other three had just stepped on, mumbled something contrary to what Mars had expected.

The snow on Lilia's hat and shoulders, combined with her white clothes, made her look like a snowman walking around.

「Eh! Can I burn it!?」

「No, you can't! If the snow melts all at once, it might cause an avalanche or something, so even if monsters appear, don't use intense magic! That's why the physical guys, me and Nemu, are in the lead!」

「Y-you're right, I meant it as a joke too. ......!」

Lilia's face, reddened by the cold, turns even redder.

When there is a snowstorm, they can get by inside the 【Treasure House of Dreams】, but if it is snowing a little, they have to keep climbing without stopping or they will never get there.

However, Lilia, who is not strong enough to climb at such a pitch, would gradually fall into a slump.

After all, it was like an amateur mountain climber suddenly challenging Everest.

There was no need to carry heavy loads, and there were no trouble places to rest, but it was still a difficult climb.

Lilia must have been exhausted and the sheer severity of the climb caused her to speak out.

If she had thought about it calmly, Lilia would have come to the same answer as Mars, but she lost her composure.

You can take a long break at the 【Treasure House of Dreams】, but as long as you can only go out to the same place as where you opened, the reality is that you will have to work hard in the end.

They have been using the restroom and taking short breaks, but they haven't been resting long enough to sit down.

Lilia knew she had no choice but to keep going, so she did not ask for a break, but it had been about six hours since they started climbing. It was still some time before evening, but it seemed like it was time to take a break.

――I'm a little tired too, and I think Lilia would be even more tired.

The back of his nose was cold and aching, and his hands and feet were a little tired from the cold.

It bothers him a little to think that if they rest, they won't be able to go on today, but it is more problematic to hoard fatigue that will not be resolved by the next day.

Above all, the situation where Lilia is losing her judgment is very bad.

As is the case with dungeon traps, it is not good for Mars in front and Lilia behind to be unable to judge the situation correctly in an environment where there are many natural traps where a fall into a crevasse or other trap could result in a single shot out. There is a high probability that Hazuki will fall into a trap.

Mars has learned well in previous dungeons that breaks should be made for those who are the least physically fit.

「Let's stop here for today. It would get colder and the visibility worse after dark. And even if we work hard for another hour, it won't make much difference.」

In the long run, it's not a journey to be rushed for a few more hours. Don't push yourself too hard.

「It's cold outside, but I'm sweating all over my clothes. ...... It's sticky!」

「Hazuki-nyan, you smell sweaty-nya. It's suffocating-nya」

「On the other hand, why is Nemu-chan's skin so smooth!? Could it be that you don't sweat!?」

「Maybe because she's not too tired-nya?」

「It is said that cats do not sweat except for their paw pads, so Nemu must have such a characteristic, though I do not know much about it. ―Hazuki, I'm going to prepare for a bath. I don't want to stay in this state for too long in front of Master」

They all enter the 【Treasure House of Dreams】 and take off their winter clothes one after the other.

Their clothes are covered in sweat, sticky and uncomfortable.

Mars thinks to himself, as he is the one who is sweating the most and smells the worst since he has been leading the way and has always been walking through the fresh snow.

He wonders if it's simply because he's young and has a high metabolism, or if it's because he's a bit sweaty to begin with.

But I don't think it smells bad.

Perhaps it is because I am a male that I feel it is somewhat pheromone-like.

Sweat-soaked hair stuck to Hazuki's neck and face, and he felt a sexiness on her young face that reminded him of the way she looked at the time of the act.

In contrast, Nemu had not changed much in appearance, and with a carefree face, she was fixing her bangs, which had been disheveled by the hat and snow, with a hand comb.

Lilia was the one who had changed the most in terms of appearance.

Her face and neck were red like frostbite, her eyes were tired and half-moon-shaped, and her long, beautiful blonde hair was now a mess and bulged out.

If one were to look at her without knowing the situation, one would be concerned that she had been attacked by thugs or something.

「M-Master. I am aware that I am in a deplorable state, so I was wondering if you could not look at me too much. ......¥

「No, it's like a medal of adventure. Besides, Lilia is pretty in any state. ――And to be honest, not only Lilia, but all of us, are definitely dirty.」

Whether it's in a dungeon or anywhere else, adventures always involve dirt.

If it's bloodstains, it's one thing, but if it's sweat, you're too nervous to worry about it, and since it's a physiological phenomenon, it's useless to worry about it.

「Well, don't worry so much about dirt.」

「I know, but still.......It is not a figure you want to be seen in. I want to be clean and fully formed.」

「I like how sweaty you are, though. ――Simply put, it's erotic.」


――Well, as long as you can take care of your appearance, you're healthy.

As an adventurer, it's good that you can afford to pay attention to essentially unimportant elements.

Mars was a little relieved to see that not only Lilia but also Hazuki and Nemu, still had the mental capacity to do so.

To begin with, Mars and the rests are too hygienic compared to the average adventurer.

It is common for ordinary adventurers, those without funds, to not take a bath for a month, regardless of gender, even if they are not in a dungeon.

Adventurers who do not have a 【Treasure House of Dreams】, as Mars has, cannot even change their clothes while in the dungeon. At best, they can only wipe their bodies.

The reason Mars and the others were careful about sanitary conditions was not only because they wanted to stay clean, but also because they were wary of the diseases that an unsanitary environment could bring about.

It is still unclear to what extent the healing magic that activates the body to recover is effective against illnesses.

Therefore, they take a bath at least once a day.

「That's right! You don't have to worry about it! I'm actually sweating all the way down to my pants! They're really digging into my butt!」

「I'm not that bad, but ......? It's dirty ――is that really sweat?」

「Even though I tried to cover it up!? ――It's sweat!」


「It's true!」

Lilia pulls back slightly and moves away from Hazuki.

When she hears that Hazuki is wetting her underwear, Mars imagines something else.

After all, it is the sight of Hazuki masturbating as she watches Lilia having intercourse with Mars that strongly impressed Mars. Hazuki is told with a straight face by Lilia that she is a lewd or pervert woman, but Mars cannot deny it at all.

Perhaps it is because she basically lives in an extreme environment, but she has a tremendous sex drive.

If she is left alone, Mars can hear her moaning at a high rate, and she seeks him out whenever the opportunity arises.

Although they do not appear to be masturbating, it is similar for Mars, Lilia, and Nemu.

They are half-open to the idea that it is healthy and good for them biologically.

「Nemu got annoyed because it was digging into her buttocks, so she took it off secretly when she went to the bathroom a while ago-nya」

「You're not wearing it now!?」

「Actually, Nemu haven't worn them for about half the day-nya! Pants underneath? When she is wearing them, she thinks it's okay if she doesn't wear them-nya」

Nemu, who had returned to her normal clothes, fell on her back on the sofa and hugged her favorite stuffed fish toy.

A glimpse of white skin could be seen through the gap between her shorts and thighs.

There was definitely no underwear in sight.

He can't help but notice the glimpse of flesh that is neither thighs nor buttocks.


「I-I was just looking!」

Lilia, whose eyes are glazed over, chastises Mars in a slightly low voice.

She senses that his gaze was on Nemu's lower body.

In Nemu's case, she doesn't like to be constricted, and in most cases, she wears no bra on top, but when he is told that she has no panties on, he can't help but be concerned.

Even if the other person is an aunt, it is no longer a habit to look at her underwear. There is no way to correct it even if you are blamed for it. No panties are the highest level of it.

Mars is the first to take a bath.

The women often bathe together, especially Hazuki and Nemu, who take long baths, but Mars alone.

The reason is simple: the length of time they spend in the bath and the length of the post-bath process are different.

Mars is the first to get out of the bath and prepare the meal.

It is a pleasure for Mars to have time to try elaborate dishes that require a lot of time and effort, let alone eating.

In his previous life, he used to think that he could just buy meals and there was no need to cook them himself, but since coming to this world, he has come to realize that he enjoys building up and acquiring skills.

Cooking at the end of the day also serves to bring the spirit back to the daily routine.

That way, it motivates him for tomorrow.

While considering everyone's preference for compromise, he thinks of a well-balanced menu that includes meat, fish, and vegetables.

Just then, he was struck from behind by a sudden weight around his neck.


「Nemu rather eat a big fish than a small one-nya! She will help you get the scales off-nya!」

「N-Nemu-chan, you came out of the bath without wiping yourself off again!? You need to dry yourself properly or you'll catch a cold!」

「She wiped her body properly, though-nya?」

「Your hair is messy! And you can't just do it randomly! You have to wipe everything clean!」

Mars felt a slight weight on his back.

It was because Nemu, still naked after her bath, had jumped on Mars, clinging to his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Pressed against his back were her face and her adult-sized breasts that didn't match her words or actions.

Unlike Lilia's watery breasts, which change their shape as they are manipulated, Nemu's breasts have a strong firmness, and even if they are crushed, they try to return to their original shape with great force.

They are more resilient than soft, and they are still immature for their size.

It was a daily occurrence for Nemu to cling to Mars like this.

Nemu said that it was a hassle to dry her long hair, and it was no wonder that she did not wipe it properly, but she also did not want it to stick to her body when she put on her clothes.

Nemu's solution is to stay naked until it dries to some extent.

After that, she spends the rest of the day wearing only a Mars shirt, which is quite large for Nemu. As a slave, Nemu has no culture of underwear.

「But Nemu has never caught a cold-nya」

「But it's still no good. Hazuki-chan is in trouble every day, isn't she?」

「Because Hazuki-nyan always tries to put something on Nemu-nya.」

「Like the lotion, right? You need something like that to stay beautiful. At least it's not harassment.」

「Does it make Mars-nyan happy if Nemu is clean-nya?」

「Of course!」

「Nyaaa ......――then Nemu will go put it on-nya!」

With that, Nemu jumps off from Mars and walks back to the bathroom, completely naked, her hair and tail soaking wet, splashing water all over the place.

She has not yet fully grown, as seen in the balance between her small buttocks and the nub of her waist.

In that sense, Lilia was a finished product. And unlike Mars, who is growing and aging, Lilia will look the same for about the time it takes for Mars to die.

――Hazuki-chan will not change that much anymore, but I wonder what kind of adult Nemu-chan will become.

Nemu, who is only 15 years old, will continue to change her appearance greatly. They say that beastmen are originally large in stature, and now that her nutritional condition has improved, she may become a surprisingly tall and beautiful woman. It might be a paternalistic view, but he was genuinely looking forward to it.

Mars smiles lightly as he wipes the wet floor.

Nemu, who has no idea of lying, is straightforward in the way she shows her affection.

She tries to be liked not only by Mars but also by Lilia, trying to help them in any way she can, or even starting to study to be useful to them.

Hazuki herself said, in a sarcastic tone of voice, that she was a little bit bad-mouthed toward Hazuki because she thought that Hazuki, who usually has a strong masochistic streak, would be more pleased with Nemu's words.

After taking a bath and eating, each of them had free time until bedtime.

Basically, they do whatever they want, but recently they often take turns watching Nemu's studies.

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Hazuki is in charge of science and mathematics, and Lilia and Mars are in charge of humanities.

When it comes to social studies, both Mars and Hazuki have often asked Lilia to teach them.

Mars grew up in a remote rural area and did not have many opportunities to learn about this world, and Hazuki lacked such knowledge because she grew up in a Tomb Guard village.

In other words, they lack common sense, but in this world, such people are in the majority.

The fact that Mars only knows about the environment in which he lives is no different from what he knew in his previous life in the modern world.

Even if the world has changed, human beings are still human beings.

「Nemu doesn't understand most of what Hazuki-nyan is saying-nya. Nemu doesn't know what the problem is-nya」

「I don't get it either. ......」

「Nemu-chan can do pretty well, and I thought we'd try something a little harder: ......」

Hazuki, who is a math prodigy, has crazy standards, and she'll come up with higher math problems for Nemu, who's just starting to learn.

――This is not even high school level.

Only a college math department would have a problem with this difficulty level. ......

Although he had been reincarnated, Mars, who had not spent much time studying, had no idea what Hazuki was talking about. He had not studied properly in decades, so to speak, and his confidence was limited to the high school level at best ―― and even then, it was a basic.

「Pervert women, you are not suited to teach, let alone answer. You are not good at adapting to the level of understanding of the other person.」

「Is it that difficult? You can solve it if you do it with a simple "cha-cha-cha", "sara-sara-sara", and "gacha-gacha", you know?」

「That's it! Why do you explain with your onomatopoeia that we don't understand!?」

Lilia shakes her head from side to side, gesturing that she can't believe it.

Hazuki's conversation is full of onomatopoeia. To be honest, she doesn't sound very intelligent.

That is why she did not immediately recognize Hazuki's mathematical talent.

「That's what my mother said to my father! I remember he said, 'Sometimes I don't understand what you are saying!' My grandma was like this too,...... so I guess it runs in the family!?」

Hazuki's parents, whom they encountered in the Great Norn Tomb, had turned into undead, but Mars felt a little sad, wishing he could have met them before they died. Surely they were similar to Hazuki in some ways.

Lilia, who was as upset as Hazuki at that place, was probably thinking the same thing as Mars, and she was a little less accusatory.

「W-well, ...... the basic premise of explanation is to make it understandable to others. Let's choose our words a little more carefully.「

Coughing, Lilia suddenly becomes gentler.

Mars felt that Lilia was more cautious than anyone else when it came to touching other people's emotional wounds.

While she was watching Nemu study, she was doodling a small doodle of a beetle and a fish fighting in the corner of her notebook.

The sound of water, a little sticky, echoed in the bedroom.

The room was brightly lit, and Mars and Lilia were in the center of a bed that could accommodate five or six people.

At night, when there is nothing more to do but sleep, it is time to make love.

Not all the members always participate, but basically, they all lie on the floor in Mars' private room, letting their instincts loose and keeping their hips close together.

Lilia, in only her underpants, was mounted on top of a completely naked Mars, and she collapsed on top of each other.

Mars thinks that Lilia's bad and cute thing is that she tries to hide Mars from other women. She is possessive.

Still no loud moans or sounds of flesh striking flesh.

It was time to get ready to mingle, the most lovely time of all.

They do some caressing of the flesh, but they spend the most time kissing, their tongues entwining with each other.

「Nmhh...... *pant*......♡ Mars, I love you......♡」

「Me too......」

Lilia's rough-feeling tongue reaches out from above.

As soon as they felt the tickling pleasure and sweet taste, they entwined and confirmed each other's sweet taste even more.

Then Lilia gripped Mars' shoulder tightly, and their lips were just licking each other.

Their tongues entwined with each other stickily like slugs mating.

Lilia's tongue sucking on his tongue strengthened his erection to the point that it felt like it was going to burst.

Lilia's mind was relaxed because she was satisfied with basic needs such as food, and also with the spiritual fulfillment of having someone she trusted in her life.

They spend endless hours flirting with each other, trying to pin each other's upper and lower lips with their mouths, licking the backs of each other's front teeth, and so on.

They filled the long hours with debaucherous, sweet pleasure, so long that it was hard to tell which was which mouth.

――The inside of my mouth is too heavenly. I'm going to ejaculate because I'm too excited just by this.

Compared to the other girls, Lilia loves kissing and the tongue work that accompanies it is superb because she loves it.

Even Mars is at the mercy of Lilia's kisses as if she were claiming him as her own property.

Waves of electric current-like pleasure reverberate through her entire body, making her feel as if she were being directly touched on the nerves in her spine.

She is confident in her ability to optimize the movements of her body, but on the other hand, when her sexual desire is turned on, her entire body functions in that direction at once.

「Hmph, mmhh, nnaaahhhh......♡」

Not to be outdone, Mars put his arms around Lilia's back and run his fingers over the sweat in the hollows of her spine.

As he traced slowly from her waist to her neck, he felt Lilia's breathing on Mars's face become a little irritated by the movement of his fingers.

Lilia's breath was as hot as a hot wind, and he could feel it even if she didn't say it out loud.

「Lilia ......」

When her mouth leaves his mouth in an inarticulate gasp, Mars looks at her and calls out her name.

Lilia looks away as if embarrassed.

It's not much different from when they first met that she feels irresistibly embarrassed if she doesn't keep immersing herself in it.

The feeling of her soft breasts crushing against the lines of Mars' body intensifies the ridges of her lower body.

――Her body is too soft, she smells so good, she's so cute and erotic, I can't stand it. ......!

My blood is gathering so much that I have a painful erection...!

「I-I can't help it if you press against me so hard ......! ♡」

The sweaty, slippery flesh of her belly crushes his penis as well, causing Mars to wiggle his hips back and forth as if he were rubbing against it, baring his mating desire.

The flesh, lubricated by sweat and enduring juices, was hot, further intensifying the anticipation of what was to come inside.

The sweat and saliva seemed to slowly and stickily dissolve the boundary between their bodies.

Grasping Mars' shoulders, Lilia used her whole body to move back and forth, fueling her sexual desire to the point of making Mars' head go blank.

The bulge in her lower abdomen, which is unique to women, made her strongly aware of the organ that would be located deep inside ― the womb.

「Do you want to go in already ......?♡ It's very jumpy, isn't it?♡」

Lilia was pleased with the fact that the man she loved was having a hard-on for her.

Lilia whispers with an inviting, mischievous tone and expression.

「Yup. I'm about to explode......」

Mars slides his arm down from behind her back and squeezes Lilia's round ass above her crotch.

The line from her tight waist to her large, swollen buttocks is feminine. The difference in the way men's and women's bodies are made was troublingly attractive.

Her buttocks, which were both resilient and soft, swallowed Mars' fingers like a pit.

It is not that they are not resilient, but the softness of the female body, which seems to suck in points rather than surfaces when pushed in, is always a wonder to touch.

As he rubs, he slides Lilia smoothly and casually from her crotch to her belly.

Tracing her buttocks where her pants were digging in, he slowly moved his fingers toward her secret area so that Lilia could see.

Lilia's whole body stiffens for a moment as she realizes that he is about to touch her most sensitive area.

Pleasure also comes with tension, especially if it is sensitive.

Lilia's face showed a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

「D-Don't hesitate, j-just touch me, please ......♡」

「――Your begging is so erotic」

When he dared not to touch her crack but touched only the base of her legs and inner thighs, Lilia, who had lost patience, begged him with a troubled look on her face.

There is not a man who does not get excited when a normally cool woman begs him. Mars is no exception.

Lilia's flirtatious breathing, which resembles a gasp, makes him feel as if he has no time to spare, and his instincts tell him to let go of his thoughts.

He reaches out his fingers to the lascivious crack between Lilia's legs, which are wide open, and this time, without rushing, he suddenly touches it from the vulva and strokes it directly to the clitoris.

Her pants were so moist with love juice that they could be described as sticky.

「Nnnaaahhh! ♡」

「You are so wet, aren't you?」

「P-Please don't say that! G-Geez.....Do you like to make me embarrassed like that?」

「Maybe all guys like it. I think it works for everyone.」

「――I'm not interested in any man but Mars!」

Saying in a musky voice, Lilia hides Mars' head between her breasts.

Her chest, heaving in time with her breathing, caresses Mars' face.

Her sweaty, moist breasts are warm, and Lilia's sweet body odor surrounds him, making him feel as if he's drunk.

An intense heartbeat tells him of Lilia's arousal.

When this happens, he can no longer help but become a sex-controlled beast driven by the desire to ejaculate.

「You're surprisingly possessive. Even though you're so calm.」

「B-Because ...... Ahh, my nipples......! ♡」

As her upper body rises a little and Lilia is in a near push-up position, Mars suckles on her breasts. Unlike a lactating child, he licks and tweaks her nipples, rolling them around in his mouth.

The pink nipples are so plump and swollen that it is difficult to crush them with just his lips.

He rubs them with the tips of his front teeth, and her voice rises to a high pitch, and Lilia lets out a faint, charming cry.

He lifts her breasts as if scooping them up from below, making small ups and downs with all his fingers without effort.

He felt indescribable happiness as he fondled her breasts, which felt like solid water, a feeling that only Lilia possesses.

He felt like it was going to spill out through the gaps between his fingers.

「They are so lovey-dovey! I want to be penetrated so hard in the back that I would cry too!」

「They're doing it-nya!? Nemu is jealous-nya~! She wants to have her head stroked too-nya! The part with her ears feels so good-nya! Mating feels good, too-nyaa!」

「Then can I touch it too!?」

「Hazuki-nyan isn't very good at it, so I don't want to-nya」

「D-Don't make fun of me, both of you!」

Mars tried not to pay too much attention to them while Mars and Lilia doing it, but of course, the other girls are there too.

Hazuki and Nemu were grinning and looking at Mars and Lilia.

They find it amusing that Lilia, who is the leader of the girls during the day, is being so goofy and childishly sweet-sounding at night.

Nemu was lying naked on the bed, snacking on sweets and wagging her tail for no reason, watching Mars and the others as if she were watching a movie.

Hazuki, completely naked and wearing only net tights, was on all fours, rubbing her crotch against a cushion.

Her lower body was so whipped that the net tights were digging in and accentuating her soft flesh.

It was Hazuki's usual practice to get ready while waiting, but he had a feeling she simply liked to masturbate.

Lilia, completely distracted, had changed the kind of redness on her face to the direction of being laughed at, even though shame is a shame.

Strangely annoyed at Lilia's loss of concentration, Mars slid one hand down and pulled Lilia's pants to the side as if to pull them away from her crack.

Just as Lilia does, Mars wants her to look only at him during the act.

I myself am at the end of my patience, and if I have to take Lilia down and remove her pants now......, it will be a little less exciting.

If that's the case, he'd like to insert it inside her while she's still wearing them.

There was also a sense of perversion and excitement as if they were between humans and animals when she was still clothed.

When Mars pressed the glans against the crack of the plump labia majora, it deviated into a squeezing motion.

Conveniently, he rubbed the glans against it until it became slick with her love juices.

But there was no way he would allow her to escape from the penetration, so he pushed his stiffly erect penis against the vaginal opening and thrust his hips upward.

He decided to start the day in the cowgirl position.

「Aaahhhh...... I-It's so big ......! ♡」

「As always, the entrance is so tight ......!」

He feels the tip of the glans inside the sucking vagina as if it is nibbling on him, and he screams in agony at the tightness of the vulva as if it is going to tear it off.

Out of the corner of Mars's eye, he sees Hazuki, who is making a comment to an onlooker, "It's starting!" but she didn't go through with it.

No matter how nicely she tried to explain it, what they were doing was sexual intercourse driven by her sexual desire.

As long as it is an act of enjoying pleasure by rubbing sensitive mucous membranes against each other without any sense of reason, it is embarrassing no matter how far the act goes.

「Mmmhhh, mmhh, fuhh, nnhh......!♡ Th-the tip finally! ♡♡」

*shove-shove* and thrusting his hips, he gradually twists his entire penis into Lilia's stuffed flesh.

Even though they had done it many times every day, it is not easy to accept Mars' huge cock.

Even with her weight on it, it is attacked by a strong tightness that pushes back

「I-I might not last that long. ......!」

The complexity of the folds packed in the narrow vagina was still not grasped, even though he had done it an unknown number of times.

The vagina itself undulated intricately in time with Lilia's breathing, as the fine folds lapped at the penis, one by one.

When the fluid-soaked vaginal meat swallowed half of the penis, the sensation of ejaculation began to build up.

The vagina, which had been squeezing back and forth, now changed the direction of its tightening, as if inviting him to go deeper and deeper.

「Ahh, aahhh! ♡ The thick part, i-it's grinding inside me!♡ Nnhh!♡ Nnhh!♡ Aahh, aahhhh.....!♡」

Lilia moaned in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry as she bucked her hips.

Mars' beloved women are athletic in every sense of the word.

They are exceptionally fit and toned, with muscle mass that is different from that of other women in the area.

When the tightness of the innate organs is combined with this, the sexual sensation is so strong that one feels as if one is about to die on one's stomach.

In fact, most of the time Mars ejaculates while feeling as if he is about to die as if he is releasing his soul into the air.

Since he has been training in body manipulation magic ever since he learned about magic, his sexual sensitivity and ability are extremely high. The amount of semen produced in a single ejaculation is several times that of a normal person.

When he ejaculates vaginally, his mind goes blank, and everything but the sensation of ejaculation is paralyzed, and he can even feel each sperm clawing his urethra.

When Mars has a buildup, the ejaculation continues vigorously for almost a minute, and he is unable to do or think anything during the ejaculation.

Therefore, his desire for sexual intercourse was not comparable to that of an ordinary person.

「Ahhh, auuuhhh ♡ Aahiihhh ♡ ――I-it's in the deep!!」

A bump, a feeling different from that of soft and fluffy vaginal flesh, hits the glans.

He thinks he's going to ejaculate just thinking that he's penetrating the deepest part of Lilia's vagina.

After all, that is the place where males instinctively go for.

When Lilia confirms that she has reached the deepest part of her vagina, she sits up fully and begins to move her hips back and forth.

Her clitoris hits and rubs against Mars' lower abdomen. This seems to make her feel good both inside and out.

The hard cock is scratching and crawling as if it is violating everything inside her vagina, and a short, doggy-like gasp involuntarily comes out of Lilia's mouth.

Deep inside her body, which was in such heat that she thought she was indecent, her uterus was screaming, "Give me sperm!"

If Mars doesn't ejaculate vaginally, Lilia's womb will be screaming.

She does not want anyone, not even Mars for that matter, to see her wiggling her hips while spraying lewd fluid, but her body naturally desires such a lewd act.

She knows that the man she loves the most will pour a lot of semen into a woman who bares her instincts in such a vulgar way.

And since it is a cowgirl position, Mars, who is a bit bored, would not be pleased unless the woman straddling him is in a state of disorder.

Lilia is embarrassed by this thought, but grabs Mars's hand and guides it to her own breast.

She then places her hands on Mars' belly and begins to move her hips up and down.

「Does it feel good? Does it hurt?」

「I-It feels so good! ♡ Nnahhh.....!♡ ――M-my pussy feels good!♡」

Lilia's white, slender body is like a dream battleship with many things to please men.

Her exquisite face, which sometimes shows a combination of slight juvenility and beauty, her large breasts that bounce, her long hair that waves as it goes up and down, the smoothness of her thighs as she straddles him, everything intrigues Mars.

With the pleasure of having a huge cock screwed into her sensitive area, Lilia was beginning to slowly shift her position.

Mars unwittingly removed his hands, which had been engrossed in her breasts, and joined them with Lilia's hands.

The force of Lilia's fingers was so strong that Mars felt a slight pain.

A watery sound echoed through their bodies.

「Ahh, nnmhhh......! ♡ Haaah, Mars, Mars.....!♡ I love you!♡ Aahhh, ahh...Kiss me, please kiss me.....Nnnmhhhh!」

Tired of the vertical motion, Lilia falls back down on top of Mars.

Every time Lilia utters the word "I love you", the tightness becomes stronger as if inviting her inwardly to lead Mars deeper.

「Haaa, ahh, fuhh... ......! ♡ Nnhhh, gghh! Aahh! ♡」

Lilia's up-and-down movements become more and more intense, her face and voice lose their composure, and her kisses become more and more languid.

Mars, realizing that his first climax was near, began to move his hips and rub her vagina.

After many times of touching, it becomes clear that Lilia has a strong sexual zone deep inside her.

She had developed a strong sexual sensitivity there, and now, when she was aroused, a light poke was enough to make her climax.

「Aaahh!♡ Aaah!♡ I-I'm cumming......! I-I don't want, to cum alone.......!」

「I-I'm about to cum too!」

「Together, let's cum together! ♡」

The testicles were already up to the base, sending so much sperm for ejaculation.

The tip of his urethra was spurting out sperm-mixed pre-cum.

Ejaculation was near because the sensitive back muscles were continuously exposed to the slithering folds and the strong, weight-bearing stimulation.

Mars is a premature ejaculator by nature. However, unlike masturbation, he has sex with a partner.

He is not allowed to feel good only for himself, and he must give the other person the same or even greater pleasure.

So he just held back and was already on the verge of climax.

The entire penis became numb and the sensation faded from the tip.

The sensation returned the moment the semen was released into Lilia's body.

All kinds of pleasure returned, heightened to the utmost limit.

「――I-I'm cumming, I'm cumming! ♡ Aahh♡ No, no, no, even though, I want you to love me, even more!♡ Ahh, fuhh, c-cumming, noo, I'm cumming!♡」

Lilia climaxed with her whole body shaking and panting like a scream.

At the same time, the inside of her vagina tightened as if it had been gripped by a hand, and a squeezing motion was made from the base of the penis to the glans.

The female's instincts involuntarily perform an internal piston.

It is a surprise blow to a male who is holding back ejaculation.


Thump, spluurttt-spluurrrttt! Splurt-splurt, spluuurrtt!

Semen rushes up the urethra and out through the bell opening.

Although it flew out vigorously into the deep of the vagina, the gravity of the cowgirl position caused it to come back to the glans.

But coming back felt like half of it.

From the sticky feel of it, he guessed that the other half was stuck inside Lilia's vagina.

The semen was solidified into a jelly-like substance by the first ejaculation, so the volume was smaller than usual, but the concentration of sperm was quite high. If ovulation is taking place, it seems possible to make her pregnant with this single sperm ejaculation.

A sense of fulfillment from the seeding male covers Mars' entire body.

His lungs crave massive amounts of oxygen, and his blood flow and muscle movement are concentrated on a single point in his groin.

「NNnmhhhhh......♡ Ma-Mars' tremendous momentum......♡ is making spluurt-spluurt in the pit of my stomach! ......! ♡」

「I can't stop......Ughh」

「Please let it all out......♡」

「Y-you shouldn't tighten it. ......! Ugh!」

It was tightened, and even though he was still ejaculating, it was squeezed even more.

Even though he finally finished cumming, his erection still wasn't over. One ejaculation is not enough to make him lose his libido.

「Ah! I'm next! My pussy is already soaking wet! I want you to spank me and make me cum hard! I love it when you do it to me like I'm a thing!」

Hazuki, wearing only net tights, opens her legs in an M-shape and shows off her labia under her soaked and clumped pubic hair by opening them with her fingers.

The sight of her vaginal flesh, glistening red and slick with her love juices, also aroused Mars's sexual desire for Hazuki.

「Nemu wants you to play with her at the base of her tail-nya. It's so soft and nice-nya」

「No! Of course, I'm going to be Mars-san's next partner! It's-all-mine!」

Mars's face was covered with Lilia's breasts again, and he had difficulty breathing.

His heart was comforted by Lilia's fierce heartbeat.

In the end, he would have to deal with all three of them together that day.

Over the next month, they would all aim for the top of the mountain.

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