The Eclipse Clan

Chapter 8: Chapter Seven

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"So what do we do with him? He kinda knows." Dani was in Elia's arms looking at the man who wished for nothing more than for this to all just be a dream, sadly it wasn't.

"Um, well aunt Evelyn doesn't like us using our mind control so we might just have beat him until he forgets?" Chloe tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled kindly.

"Would that work?" Dani asked curiously as she had never been beaten to the point where she lost consciousness or lost memories before. The man sat on the floor shivering as if he were in the arctic naked.

"Okay. You can alter his memories." Evelyn looked at the man and felt he was quite pitiful, so she allowed it. Elia sat down on a nearby couch, pulling Dani's soft body onto her lap.

"Um... aunt Evelyn? Why don't we use mind control normally?" Dani asked cautiously not wanting to upset Evelyn. Victoria looked at her sister and then shook her head.

"We can literally change the very personality of a person just by wanting to. My sister decided that it would be too boring to do so, so she banned it." Hearing Victoria, Dani nodded in understanding.

"So you'd rather play games on normal or hard mode than easy. I can understand that." Evelyn nodded feeling that Dani summed up everything quite well, pretending not to see Elia's eye roll.

Chloe stretched her body and walked over to the man and crouched, tilting his head until his fearful eyes met her golden ones. The man's eyes turned blank and a few moments later, Chloe pulled away and sighed.

"He'll only remember delivering the clothes and leaving. Ah! I forgot to do something!" Everyone watched Chloe run up the stairs to her room, a smile showing on Dani's lips.

"She's quite the free spirit." Dani muttered and everyone nodded in agreement. Dani was about to get up when Elia ran a finger down her spine, causing her to let out a low growl.

"Do you want to shower? You can use my bathroom." Elia spoke with eyes full of hope and Dani couldn't bring herself to decline, so she nodded and Elia's smile blossomed like a blooming flower.

"Mom, I'll be in the shower!" Elia practically half dragged Dani up the stairs, ignoring the knowing grin on Evelyn's face as well as Victoria's small sigh of helplessness.

Dani wondered whether or not to mention the clothes, but then she just shrugged as she could always get them later. Elia led her to her room, pushing open the door and pulling Dani along.

"We don't normally get dirty like humans do but we like the feeling of being clean." Elia led Dani to a door and opened it, revealing a beautifully designed bathroom and shower.

Dani stepped into the bathroom, the scent of Elia nearly overpowering her senses, but she quite liked the smell so she didn't mind it much and just looked around curiously.

She stopped in front of the mirror, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it to the floor, turning and looking at Elia who stared back without the slightest intention of averting her eyes.

"Are you coming in?" Dani glanced at Elia's clothes which looked quite expensive, wondering if she were going to shower too. Elia bit her lips softly and nodded, so Dani turned and walked into the large shower to wait.

Dani turned on the water, slightly wincing when the sound of water flowing up through the pipes and spraying out on her body like a mist. Dani's left ear twitched and she turned and looked at Elia who had entered the shower with a flushed face.

Much like Dani, Elia's skin was unnaturally perfect, and Dani felt a faint tingling in her stomach, one that she quickly pushed down and turned away and grabbed a rag from the wall and started to wipe her body gently.

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"Do you like Ivy Dani?" Elia looked at Dani's slender back, eyes roaming up and down her petite figure as she walked closer, her emotions in chaos.

"Like her? Well. She is very pretty..." Dani nodded and Elia felt her heart sink as an irrational surge of jealousy and frustration nearly overwhelmed her, but then Dani continued.

"But I like you more Elia. You're very kind and thoughtful, while Ivy is kinda impish and mischievous." Dani felt Elia move and then a pair of soft arms wrapped around her body, a pair of plump breasts pressing against Dani's back softly.

"Thank you." Elia buried her face into Dani's hair, greedily inhaling her scent while Dani felt a tinge of embarrassment because she had never confessed to a girl before.

"Let's shower." Dani tugged Elia inside, letting the water flow over both her and Elia's bodies. Dani felt her body tremble when Elia gently wiped her back with a cloth, but she didn't dislike it.

Dani felt a hand on her shoulder guiding her to turn around, getting an eyeful of Elia's pale skin and bright pink dots adorning her chest. Dani closed her eyes, not wanting to be tempted so much by Elia.

"Dani, I really love you... so so so much~" Elia's voice got softer as she spoke, and for once Dani actually felt a bit wary because despite being a Royal Vampire, she knew there was a big strength gap between Elia and her.

"Hehe, thank you? I'll go dry off now." Dani tried to run, but Elia hugged her tightly, her hands locking Dani in place. Because Dani was facing Elia, the latter had no problem tasting her lips hungrily.

"You had your way with me, so why don't you let me have some fun?" Elia tightened her hug, pressing Dani's petite body against her own as she licked Dani's full pink lips, relishing in her taste.

"Mmph~" Dani tried to speak, but Elia took the opportunity to slip her tongue into her mouth, twirling her tongue against Dani's, enjoying Dani's soft moans that were more like music to her ears.

Elia's hand traced Dani's midsection, going lower with each soft touch, and soon Dani felt cool fingers caressing her most intimate parts, drawing a hiss from her lips.

To Elia, Dani's body was soft and fragrant, but when her fingers touched that part, Elia felt Dani grind against her fingers impatiently and she nearly lost her reasoning.

She enjoyed Elia's hands toying with her, but she hadn't expected Elia to put them inside, so when she felt Elia's fingers filling her up, her legs nearly buckled while Elia tightened her grip, thrusting into her slowly at first, then increasing her speed until Dani could barely think.

Dani's small hands cupped Elia's perky bottom, playing and massaging it as she wished in an attempt to get Elia to stop but Elia didn't, instead sticking her tongue down Dani's throat much like the latter did to Ivy.

Feeling stuffed on both ends, Dani tried to get Elia to stop or to slow down, but as Dani opened her mouth to make a noise, Elia sent her tongue deeper into Dani's throat, and Elia could feel a spray of liquid trickle down her thighs.

Dani's throat was bulging as Elia's tongue entered her esophagus, going deeper until Dani could feel her warmth in her stomach, causing more and more liquid to spurt out onto Elia's thighs like a broken faucet.

"Ah~" Dani felt Elia's tongue slowly retreat, and she could barely withhold her excited moans as Elia's fingers filled her up beneath, leaving her a shaking and squirting mess on two legs.

"Mine... all mine. Right Dani?" Elia playfully licked her bright pink nipple and Dani's head nodded rapidly lest she ended up making Elia want to do more. Elia smiled and kissed Dani's forehead gently, picking her up and bringing her out of the shower.

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