The Eden Series 02: Sara Noble

Chapter 1: Eden 02: Chapter 01-02 Sara Noble

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Chapter 01: Sara Noble

Teenager Sara Noble opened her eyes to a nearly dark room. Thanks to the little LED lights coming from the various smart tablets she owned. This allowed her eyes to adjust quickly to the near darkness. On the way to the bathroom she picked up her school tablet to check out the news, latest trends, or watch the latest viral video as she did her business.

She admired the picture and story about the newly appointed Queen Mariana. The photo featured the queen herself along with her foster parents, steward, and some Alpha City council members invited to witness the event.

Sara briefly wondered what it was like for Mariana growing up in Freetown right after losing your parents. Age-wise they were only a few years apart.

Sara double-checked her history homework. The teacher requested they write what they could remember when they first came to Eden and what they could remember about the short war between human and Nereid people. What little Sara could clearly recall was sleeping in bunker beds with her parents and the day they were captured by a Leather-Wing Patrol.

Sara was a bit ashamed to admit she still had a rare nightmare or two about Leather-Wings. Sara recalled the day they were sent out to pick fruits from trees and the guards were lifted out of sight. The next moment Leather-Wings and Riders landed around them in a loose ring.

No one ran but huddled even closer to each other looking around wildly. A few minutes later they were ordered to move to a jungle clearing and Sara remembered being in awe of the airships.

Trying to recall her short time in Camp Freedom was a blur. Then the happy day they moved into this Victorian-style house. The childless elderly couple who ran the rice farm needed help and along with another Nereid family, they moved in to become one big family.

Sara glance over her homework and saw no grammar or spelling errors. Happy with her work she put aside her tablet to finish her personal business.

Returning to her room after cleaning herself up and getting ready for the day. She discovered her bed had been taken over by mom's pet jungle cat.

Nearly as big as the farm dog Rusty. Stripes looked at her if to say thanks for keeping the bed warm for me.

“I don't suppose that I can have my bed back? ” Sara asked and in response, Stripes laid down for a nap.

“Whatever, you little terror. If you weren't so good at taking care of mice and rats we wouldn't put up with you. ” Sara said petting the cat who barely reacted by purring loudly.

Sara went to her computer desk and ready her area for another day of school from home. Thankfully, she could wear her PJ bottoms still since no one could see her from the waist down.

Looking out the window she saw it was another light raining day which came as no surprise giving into the fact that it was the rainy season. Sara passed the time by glancing over the latest headlines.

“Idiots. ” Sara muttered to herself when she came across story about the terrorist group known as Deep Water. As Sara glanced over the story she learned it was another drone-related bomb attack. Not all of her people were happy they had surrendered and the old cast system of rank was dissolved.

Her tablet chimed and Sara responded by joining in on the shared video group of her first class. The hours before dawn's first light was spent doing classes via the school network. Some of her fellow classmates didn't mind being seen in their PJs, but Sara had a bit more modesty.

She ended her morning school hours with her favorite class which was her tech class. Sara barely closed her tablet down and pushed herself away from her desk thinking about a morning swim when her adopted Grandpa tapped on the door. No one else in the house knocked on her door like that.

“Come in. ” Sara said and knew that he would never enter into her room. He merely pushed the door open partway and smiled at the sight of her.

“All done with school, I see. Morning practice with wooden knives then you can take a dip in the lake. ” He said and Sara wondered if everyone from Japan was like her adopted grandpa.

“I need to feed Silky and change into my wetsuit. ” Sara said referring to the farm's pet Silk Weaver. His fenced-in area did nothing to stop the rather large spider from leaving but served more as a warning for others not to go near the hole that was his home.

“Silky got two fat Water Beatles from me already. Don't be late. ” Her grandpa said next and shutting the door then the sound of his footsteps walking away.

Sara scrambled to undress and pull on her wetsuit which she would wear the rest of the day. Maybe, it was due to her decreased aging or just her genes, but she was small for her age. She lacked the large female curves her mother had. From a distance, she could be mistaken for a younger girl.

The moment Sara left the house she had to be on her guard taking the same route she always did. Sometimes, her adopted grandpa liked to surprise attack her. One week, he made himself a Gillie suit and knocked her off her feet from a ground position.

He did amuse the rest of the family by sneaking up on her younger adopted brothers and sisters as the dreaded moss monster for the rest of the week.

Today, he waited in the open over the raised row of dirt between two of the rice fields. Some of the farm drones were already moving about tending to the plants. The spot he picked had some very uneven footing.

Ten feet away were two wooden knives stuck in the ground for her to pick up.

Sara didn't like twisted ankles or bruises, but she understood that all this was for her personal protection. As grandpa explained it, that some boys didn't take no as an answer.

Rusty, the farm dog came over to watch as he sat a good distance away. Sometimes, he would bark with excitement and playfully nip at grandpa when he thought she needed a bit of help.

Sara knew he was unusually smart for a dog and when she asked her adopted grandpa where he got him. He would only say from a nice woman in Alpha City when he was a puppy. It was understood he was most loyal to Sara being that they grew up together.

Sara thought she did pretty good until grandpa got her with a leg sweep that sent her into the water. He was there with a helping hand and nodded to signal their exercise was over with.

“Go for your swim then join us for breakfast. ” Grandpa said and collected the wooden knives from her.

Sara wasn't surprised to see her adopted siblings already in the lake's water. Grabbing some wrist weights from the second barn. She joined them and went down deep where it was so quiet all she could hear was her own heartbeat if she listened closely.

Grandpa called it her Zen time, but Sara like the quiet of the moment the most.

Sara stayed there a few more minutes before she decided it was time for breakfast.

Getting out of the water she returned the wrist weights and paused to look up the stairs to the upper level. There was her workshop where she repaired the oldest farm drones and even improved on the design.

Sometimes she just liked to race the drones around using her smart glasses as a HUD. A feeling that left her a bit sick sometimes. She was not a big fan of heights but felt safe when she still had both of her feet on the ground. Sara remembered the one summer she went to a summer camp to help her overcome her fear of Leather-Wings and heights. She came back less than three weeks later a bit more stressed out.

Sara hurried to the mudroom where she showered off the lake water then toweled herself dry still dress in her wetsuit. Like her adopted brothers and sisters she joined them by sitting at the table.

Where her dad normally sat was a hologram of him sitting at a table inside his riverside warehouse in Alpha City. Her mother sat next to him her hand over his if he was really there.

“Make sure the solar panels on the barn's roofs get checked. They are predicting some heavy storms tonight. ” Her dad was saying to her mom.

“I will make sure it will get done and I also get the vertical windmills locked into the ground tonight. ” Joey said and Sara gave her younger stepbrother a nod. He was years younger and didn't seem to have a fear of heights like she did.

“Sara, it will be your job to make sure the barns are locked and check them after the storm. ” Her father said and even far away he managed the farm's chores. Grandpa didn't mind and saw to it that each task was done well.

“Yes, daddy. ” Sara said helping herself to a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. As always there was seasoned rice in a big bowl.

“That's my girl. I will be back before the rainy season and maybe you can spend the summer holiday with me in Alpha city after we all attend the light festival.” her father said next and Sara felt a thrill of excitement. She could browse over her father's latest secret drone designs and help him build them.

“Honey, you think it's wise to go to the city with all the trouble? ” Her mother asked and looked back at the children.

“Security will be tightened up during the holiday. Besides, we should exchange gifts. It's a tradition. ” Her father said and Sara couldn't wait until the rain clouds stopped pouring down.

The conversation returned to chores that had to be done and everyone cleaned their plates.

The day passed and Sara was happy they were still in the growing phase of the rice. Her main job during this time was to ensure the farm drones worked perfectly. Sara put away the last drone in its charging bed just as the deep rumble of thunder could be heard overhead.

Walking slowly toward the edge of the open doors she found the leather strap they used to pull the doors closed. A flashback of an old memory once falling from this height entered into her mind. For a second, she could feel the pain of her left arm bone sticking out of her arm.

'Deep breath. ' Sara thought and did so then latched it closed. Once the bad weather passed she could open the doors again to let the drones fly out.

Sara looked up at the rafters thinking it be nice to another level up there. Looking at the cables which ran from the solar panels to the charging beds for the drones. As Sara descended the stairs and left the barn. She could feel fat heavy raindrops just starting to come down.

Sara made it inside just in time as it started to pour. Grandma had a cup of hot tea waiting and Sara took it up to her bedroom where she sipped at it, while she did her homework. Sara fell asleep in her bed with a novel as the wind howled outside.

Sara felt like she only closed her eyes for a second when her mother was there shaking her awake.

“Come Sara, everyone to the basement. ” Her mother said and a sleepy Sara got out of bed and followed her down the stairs. As they entered the kitchen Sara could really hear the storm now.

The wind was roaring and the rain was really hammering against the house.

“What's going on? ” Sara said with a yawn as her mother opened the basement door.

“Hurricane just off the coast. We got warning messages just a few minutes ago. ” Her mother said and Sara could hear the rest of the family already down there.

As Sara went down into the basement she saw the younger kids were already playing on their game tablets. There was a heavy smell of food and dust. Sara had a cot sat aside for her closest to the stored food. There was little chance any storm could knock down the house, but the same couldn't be said for the windows. Anything could come flying through the glass.

“That's everyone. Try to get some sleep. We will check the farm for damage in the morning. ” Grandpa said and there were groans as the younger kids were forced to power down their tablets.

Sara closed her eyes a second time that night and felt more rested the next time someone woke her up.

Chapter 02: Furball

This time it was her adopted grandpa and he was whispering.

“Sara, It's morning's light. ” Grandpa whispered and Sara sprang up realizing she slept past the school hours.

“School was canceled due to some of the comm towers being down. We were spared some of the worse, but a few farms along the coast were hit hard. Get dress and join us outside. Gran and your mother will stay with the kids. ” Grandpa explained and Sara nodded seeing nearly everyone else was asleep.

Sara left the basement and returned to her room to dress. As always she wore her loose swimsuit under her normal clothes. Sara debating with herself on wearing her shoes or not. In the end, she decided it was best in case of anything sharp on the ground. There was no telling what the storm might have damaged.

Coming outside she saw her adopted brother Joey was the only other kid the adults trusted to help out.

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“Sara and Joey go check out the second barn by the lake. ” Grandpa ordered and they ran off to do so.

Even from a distance they saw not all was right. Solar panels had been knocked off and some dangle by their supports or power cables.

“How the hell did that happen? ” Joey said as they approached the barn.

Some panels laid on the ground. Joey stopped to pull one from the soaked earth.

The sound of a loose barn door could be heard just as the wind softly blew. Sara followed the noise to see the upper barn door had come loose during the night. Sara thought it was odd the door came loose.

The first level of the barn was dark, but Sara could find her way blindfolded. She made her way to the stairs and climbed them. In her loft area, she could make out the bench with the tools she used to repair drones and saw all the flying farming drones were still in their charging beds.

Sara crossed the room and saw the leather strap was partly dangling outside the door.

Hugging the wall she made her way to the door. She was nearly too it when Sara realized her heavy breathing was being echoed. As Sara held her breath she heard something else breathing. Looking back she saw nothing and as Sara shifted her weight a board under her foot creaked loudly.

Sara barely had time to curse her luck when the growling started.

Sara glanced upward to see something big and bat-like uncurl its wings. It landed with a thump and Sara found herself taking deep panic breaths.

Sara took a step back and with her other hand reaching for anything to use as a weapon. Her hand met the door and she felt the door swing open. Sara lost her balance and screamed as she grabbed the door hanging on to it for dear life.

This was worse then some of her nightmares. She could let go and suffer another broken limb or let herself swing back to the creature inside.

Joey appeared and shouted for her to hang on then he stared in shock as the Leather-Wing poked its head out the door.

Sara's foot slipped and she yelped as now she was only hanging on by one arm. Her left arm swinging wildly for a purchase. Sara's grip was slipping and below her, she saw Joey trying to position himself to cushion her fall. Pain surged through her hand as the Leather-Wing bit onto her free hand then pulled her back inside.

Sara scrambled to get onto the floor and laid on the boards. Sara stared in shock at the Leather-Wing that had rescued her. Only then did she realize then the creature's Wing was broken.

Another odd fact was just how small he was compared to other Leather-Wings she had seen from a safe distance. He didn't look like a baby, but it was a species of Leather-Wing she couldn't recall seeing before. Sara got to her feet and looked at her hand. Already the teeth marks were healing close and another very important fact came to her then about Leather-Wings.

“Bonding. ” Sara said quietly and rubbed her hand then looked at the Leather-Wing. Pounding feet and Joey was there with a pipe in hand.

Sara got in between them just as the Leather-Wing started to bare its teeth at him.

“It's okay. He saved me. I'm fine. ” Sara said and Joey lowered the pipe to look around Sara.

“Is that a Leather-Wing? ” Joey asked perhaps confused by its appearance like she was.

“I think so. Bat like and protective. I don't recognize the species. ” Sara said and they heard Grandpa calling for her.

Her screams must have been heard by nearly everyone. They moved to the top of the stairs to head off anyone else from coming up to the loft.

A minute later, Grandpa was climbing the stairs and stopped when he saw Sara and Joey.

“What happen?” he said puffing a little.

Sara explained everything in a rush and Grandpa had to hear it twice before the rest of the working adults could be seen below as they gathered around the foot of the stairs. Grandpa told everyone to wait and slowly came up the rest of the way. He paused in awe at the Leather-Wing and smiled at the sight.

Joey took this moment to go down the stairs and tell everyone else what had happened.

“Let me see your hand. ” Grandpa said and noticed the blood smeared on her palm and the faint scar of teeth marks.

“Hmm. ” Grandpa said and walked forward not frighten by the creature.

He slowly walked around him and the Leather-Wing followed his every movement. It growled when Grandpa got around to it's injured side and he paused.

He studied the wing with his eyes and nodded then walked the rest of the way around.

“Come, we need to make a few calls. ” Grandpa said and Sara followed him down.

Sara hadn't realized she been shaking with nerves until grandpa sat her down at the kitchen table with some hot calming tea. He had some trouble contacting the right people due to most of the comm towers being down.

The other adults had gone back to check the rest of the farm.

“Grandpa, what happens now? ” Sara asked feeling years younger and scared her life was ruined. The blood had been wiped clean and the bite wound was completely gone now.

“Well, I got a hold of some experts and they are flying in. Meanwhile, I think our new guest might be hungry. ” Grandpa said and for the first time, Sara realized he been cooking with the biggest pot they had. He had been throwing in nearly all the fish and rice they had close at hand.

By the time her and grandpa carried the large pot to the barn. The fish and rice had cooled down enough to eat. The Leather-wing took an interest in them and more so in what Grandpa was dragging toward him.

Sara stayed at the top of the stairs still a little fearful of the creature.

“Eat. ” Grandpa said to the Leather-Wing and step back to let him do so. It barely made a snack for the creature, but lifted the pot with his jaws and drained it dry.

Grandpa took this moment to snap a few pictures with his smartphone. Now that the morning light was stronger. He fiddled with his phone sending the pictures off. Sara noticed that he focused in on the wings. Every Leather-Wing had its own unique pattern.

“Grab the pot and we will wash it out in the lake. ” Grandpa ordered and Sara slowly walked forward and picked it up. The Leather-wing did nothing more then watch her.

After the pot was washed they spent over an hour collecting and stacking the damaged solar panels that fell to the ground.

“You know, I think our friend did this damage. See here, noticed the claw marks. Must have been the storm that carried him from the mainland. ” Grandpa said showing Sara the deep scratches on the metal casing.

Sara could picture it in her mind. Blown about with a bad wing and then clinging to the barn's roof for support. The Leather-Wing must have worked his way to the doors and pried it open for shelter.

They finished stacking them when shouts from outside could be heard. No less then four Leather-Wings and riders came out of the sky to land along the bank of the river that fed the nearby lake.

The team leader or captain introduced himself as Eric Vale. The only other person Sara recalled was the medic woman who carried a metal looking briefcase along with her gear. A woman by the name of Cindy Port with the Leather-Wing called Peach.

“Show me, the injured beast. ” Cindy ordered Sara and Sara led the way. Everyone else stayed back as Grandpa talked with them and showed them the pictures.

Sara stopped at the top of the stairs and Cindy did the same. Sara found the mirrored flight helmet a bit strange. Cindy just looked at the Leather-Wing and spoke to the rest of her team for a full minute. Then she finally removed her helmet. Sara saw an average looking woman with brown eyes and hair.

“Well, I don't know his breed. He is not from Utopia's Sanctuary or any Leather-Wing outpost either. No basic harness for one thing. ” Cindy said and prepared a dart gun.

“You're not going to hurt him are you? ” Sara asked feeling foolish to ask.

“This is more for my protection. He is a wild one for sure. I need him asleep while I set that wing straight and give him a regeneration injection. Lucky for him, we keep this on hand. ” Cindy said and carefully aimed then fired.

The Leather-Wing twitched and growled a little at Cindy.

Cindy tossed him a treat and he sniffed at it before licking it off the floor.

“That's it, little guy. ” Cindy cooed and the Leather-Wing slowly laid down and drifted to sleep.

“Give me a hand. ” Cindy said and walked straight over to the damaged wing. Sara paused for a second then jumped to obey.

“It's not as bad as I thought. Still, he will need a full week for it to fully mend. ” Cindy said and watched as she went to work. Sara's main job was to hold part of the wing. Cindy moved fast and finished up by spraying a paste-like substance from a can then injecting the Leather-Wing.

“Best we let him wake up alone. ” Cindy said double-checking some blood samples she took. Cindy took a few pictures and appearing to be uploading the information to someone.

As they returned to the other riders. Cindy seemed to get a reply back.

Sara stayed back from the team and their Leather-Wings, but close enough to hear everything.

“Sir, I have confirmed it and just got the wing image results back. That Leather-Wing is unknown to our database. Possible an Eastern Fur Ball judging from his appearance. ” Cindy said and Eric turned to the loft then nodded.

“Well, I suspected that after looking over the pictures. Little lady, you got yourself a species of Leather-Wing once thought to be extinct. ” Eric said addressing Sara.

“But, he is not mine. You're going to take him to a sanctuary once he is well?” Sara asked knowing the real truth, but she had to hear it from someone else.

“Miss Noble, I think you know even if we did. That Leather-Wing would come right back here looking for you once his wing was healed up. You two make a unique pair. Our first Nereid Rider and a rare Leather-Wing. If it is okay with your adopted grandpa I like to leave Cindy here for the next few weeks. ” Eric said and looked to her adopted grandpa who nodded.

“I can spare the girl from a few chores. Time for her younger adopted brothers and sisters to help out more. ” Grandpa said.

“I can camp out here. Me and Peach have slept outdoors plenty of times. I will make all of the arrangements. Let me think. We need extra food for the Leather-Wings and riding gear to fit you. ” Cindy said looking excited to be the first person to train a unique Leather-Wing.

“We will be close by helping out on other farms. Hopefully, that was the last big storm for the rainy season. Take care. ” Eric said and nodded to the others. All of the riders, but Cindy left flying toward the North.

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