The Editor Gets A Second Chance

Chapter 9: Catheryn

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After their newfound fame, Dubois studios had decided to rebrand and now just called themselves 'Dubois.' This was a thankful thing for James as he got tired of having to add studios at the end of their name each time he referenced them. They also changed their logo from just their name to a big bell that swung to the right and their name in cursive to the left of it. 

Dubois' resources had also been getting spread thin for about 3 months. They were getting many requests from other studios to get some help in their films. The studio had allowed their employees to get work from these studios as helping hands.

They don't usually do this, but right now their name was hot and they were getting multiple requests. This allowed these studios to put the Dubois studios on their credit lists or allow these smaller studios to say they worked in conjunction with them. It could help Dubois increase their filmography and as a way to advertise. It was a win-win.

This also allowed the P.R. team of Dubois to work on further advertising the movie while it was still hot in theatres.

Of course, this meant that James couldn't get in contact with Dubois. He did have other offers, but he wanted to see if Dubois wanted to work together with him again. He had already gotten comfortable and it would help to work with familiar faces. Also, who knows if any other environment would be just as hospitable and allow him to have as much control?

"I'm sorry we couldn't get in proper touch James, you know how busy we've been after the release of the movie."

Catheryn and James decided to formally meet over drinks at a classy bar near the studio.

"It's fine, no worries. I just want to know your plan moving forward. Did you want to run it back and maybe make a part 2 for Alien? I also finished the Predator script and storyboard I was talking about," James said as he slid his Predator comic over the table.

Catheryn flipped through the comic with one hand, with a glass of wine in the other.

"Well, you know, if you wanted to work together again... you could always join our studio, another pair of hands would be really useful," Catheryn asked with a glass of wine in her hand.

James thought about what she was saying and was confused for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we really appreciated your help, and we know how talented you are. We want you a part of our design team. We even want you to be the head of our film editorial team if you're interested. You would get a lot of benefits and would have a lot of say in the direction of our design team. You would have a lot of work with us, there are so many studios knocking on our doors."

"I see... I don't think I can do that. I want to work on movies of my own, of my creation. I have a lot too many ideas to be working on someone else's. Wasn't what we did great? I just don't see any downside to doing what we did again.

"Yes, our partnership was a great success and we got a lot out of it, but..."

"You got another offer," James added.

"Yes, we've gotten another offer, one so big, I don't think we can pass it up. The production is going to be huge and the pay is massive. We are going to need all hands on deck, so as I said, we could really use your expertise for something like this."

"I see... but I'm going to have to decline. I want to focus on my own work and I don't really want to work on a film that isn't my own."

Catheryn slowly passed back James his comic.

"I see..."

"Can I get the name of your new movie?"

"Raiders of the Lost Ark."


James hissed as he had completely forgotten about this movie, but why was it coming out so early?



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"So, you want another drink?"

"Sure, why not? When do you guys get production started?"

"Ugh, please don't mention work right now. Let's just have drinks please."

"Haha, I got it. A bottle of wine please." James ordered a big bottle as a final goodbye to Catheryn.

Well, it was meant to be their final goodbye, but they ended up getting a little too drunk.


*Slight NSFW*

*Mmh mmh*

"Take your jacket off," Catheryn moaned.

"Yeah," James said absentmindedly as he moves his hands around Catheryn's body, not really hearing what she said.

*Mmmh mmh*

"Take it off," Catheryn repeated.

Jake finally realized what she was talking about and took his jacket off. He then picked her up, grabbed her by her waist, and carried her into the bedroom.

She wrapped her legs around him, grabbed his head, and continued to make out with him.

*Door slams shut*


The next morning, Catheryn got up early and left before James woke up.

She ended up sending a text saying they should meet up again sometime, but James wondered when that would be. They were going to be too busy to ever link up, so it seemed things were going to end here.

He also had so much he needed to do. Endless tasks to be done and connections need to be built.

James wanted to relax this morning, at least for 20 more minutes.

He didn't want to think about anything right now.

"Let's just think about what happened last night," James thought to himself.

After enjoying that small respite and basking in the afterglow of what happened, James' worries came back about what his next step would be.

"Well, what the fuck do I do now."

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