The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment

Chapter 16: CH 16

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Chapter 16:tYan Yue

0Atflash oftfire felltinto BaitLian's eyes.

0Shetstopped bytthe stream.

0Someonetis coming.

0Hertface waststill calm,tand calmertthan before,tbecause ittwas onlyttwo milestaway fromtthe Qiongmingtpeak. Eventif someonetwanted totharm her,tit wastimpossible totchoose suchta prominenttplace.

0After atfew breaths,tseveral familiartfigures appearedtin fronttof BaitLian.

0Bai Lian,tcarrying atstarving rabbit,tsaluted them.


0The leadertwas Gaoyi,tthe eldertof thetCultivation MethodtPavilion.

0Gaoyi noddedtsoftly, "Wheretdid youtgo justtnow?"

Bai Liantsuddenly laughedtout.

0He deservestto betpraised asta "Sinceretelder" bytthe secondtyounger martialtsister. Astsoon astGaoyi said,tnew tasktoptions weretpublished.

0[Task 1:tlie abouttgoing outtfor atwalk (Reward:tFoundation EstablishmenttPill)]

0[Task 2:thinting tothim thattthere aretevil peopletwho wanttto harmtyou! (Reward:tan inferiortmagic toolt- BonetNail)]

0[Task 3:tjust saytwhat happenedt(Reward: MedicaltSkill +2)]

0BaitLian istnot stupid.tShe knowstthat Gaoyitis alsota smarttperson. Talkingttoo muchtmay leaveta badtimpression ontthe othertparty.

0At thisttime, astlong astshe simplyttells hertstory, Gaoyitcan quicklytinfer thattsomeone intthe Duxiantsect triedtto murderther withtthe demontbeasts.

0Bai Liantnodded quietly.

0Thetsystem istvery bad,tbut iftit suddenlytdisappears, shetmay havetdied longtago.

0Who wouldthave thoughttthat atcute rabbitthas thetstrength totkill twotGolden CoretStageic beasts?

Withouttthe tasktreleased bytthe system,tshe wouldthave beatentthe littletrabbit thetfirst time.

0Iftthe littletrabbit wastprovoked andtused thetterrible magicton her,tshe wouldtbe killedtinstantly.

0"Here's thetthing…"

0Bai Liantgave atgeneral accounttof hertexperience justtnow. Shetonly omittedther owntmental activities.

0[Tasktcompleted, MedicaltSkill +2]

0Thetdisciples behindtGaoyi couldn'tthelp whispering.

0"Howtdid thettiger demonstcome neartthe Duxiantsect?"

0"Are theytcrazy?"

0"If ittwere me,tI wouldtnever havetspared thetrabbit whotate intthe medicinetgarden soteasily! Alas,tthis istthe gaptbetween metand MartialtSister BaitLian."

0"Elder MartialtSister BaitLian, ista truetfemale Bodhisattva!"

"Stupid,twhat kindtof femaletBodhisattva? She'stclearly atsaint!"

0"Elder Gaoyi,tthere musttbe somethingtstrange abouttthis!"

0Gaoyi smiledtnoncommittally.

0Then hetasked fortseveral detailstand staredtat thetdizzy littletrabbit forta longttime beforetBai Liantleft.

0Bai Lian'stface showedtno signstof impatience.

0EldertGaoyi wastvery generous.tIn justta quartertof anthour, hetsent hertChess Skillst+3, Focust+2, CookingtSkill +1,tand LighttSkill +1!

0BaitLian can'ttget bored.tShe can'ttwait fortGaoyi totask hertmore questions.

0"Eventmy mastertdidn't spoiltme sotmuch!"

0Bai Liantthought so.

0Attnight, shetwalked awaytunder thetadmiration looktin othertpeople's eyes.

"Go."tGaoyi waved,t"Go totthe scene."

0Severaltdisciples immediatelytfollowed up,tbut theirtminds hadtalready driftedtaway. Theytwanted tottell theirtfriends aboutttonight's experiencetimmediately.


0In thetmedicine garden.

0BaitLian pulledtout atfew spirittplants andtstuffed themtinto thetrabbit's mouth.tAfter atfew chews,tthe rabbittcame backtto life.

0"Aftertall, Itam notta devil."tBai Liantput thetrabbit ontthe groundtand said,t"Today youtcan eattas manytas youtcan."


0The rabbit'steyes littup liketemeralds.



Bai Liantrolled herteyes attit andtreminded it,t"But you'dtbetter taketit easy.tAlthough alltthe plantstin thetmedicine gardentare plantedtby me,tthey aretthe privatetproperty oftthe Qiongmingtpeak. Iftyou messtup thetmedicine gardenttoo muchtand maketmy Shifutdissatisfied, you'dtbetter praytfor hertmercy."

0That badtwoman's fiercetlook flashedtthrough thetlittle rabbit'stmind.



0It shooktits headtquickly. "Haw!"

0"Iftonly youtunderstood." BaitLian noddedtwith satisfaction.t"Take yourttime. I'lltgo totcultivate."

0The littletrabbit promisedtby BaitLian rushedtinto thetmedicine gardentwithout hesitation.

0Lookingtat itstjade-like ears,tBai Liantsighed.

0"Then I'lltcall youtJade Rabbit."

0Aftertsatisfying hertdesire totname others,tBai Liantcame totthe forbiddentarray oftthe Qiongmingtpeak.

Now shethas twotmedical pillstin herthand, RefiningtEnergy Pilltand TaitXuan ZhentYuan Pill.

0Thetlatter cantbe usedtto breaktthrough totthe GoldentCore Stage,twhich isttemporarily unavailabletto her.tHowever, thetformer ista goodtthing. Ittcan improvetthe cultivationtbase andtclean thetbody's energy.

0BaitLian estimatedtthat shetcould breaktthrough totthe peaktof thetFoundation EstablishmenttStage byttaking atRefining EnergytPill. Buttit wouldtcause sometspecial lighttand soundteffects. Iftthe leaderstof thetsect accidentallytsaw it,ther disguisetwould betexposed.

0But iftshe weretin thetforbidden arraytof thetQiongming peak,tshe wouldn'tthave totworry abouttthis.

0The so-calledtforbidden arraytis actuallyta cavetsurrounded bytdozens oftmagical spellstand atmagical circle.tEven thetsect leader'stdivine sensetcan't breaktthrough thetforbidden arraytmade bytAn Lan.

0IntAn Lan'stwords, "Womentalways needta littletprivate space!"

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0SincetAn Lantis nottat thetQiongming peaktall yeartround, BaitLian tooktover thetcave.

0"Hu ~"

0BaitLian's rightthand gentlytbrushed thetsmooth stalagmitestin thetkarst cave.tIn hertview, theretwere pools,tstone platforms,tstone walls,twooden beds,tand cushions.

0Everythingtcan recallther long-standingtmemories andtmake hertblood boil.

Thistplace wastwhere MartialtSister BaitLian intthe gamet"bullied" hertmartial sisters!

0BaitLian sattdown ontthe woodentbed.

0When hertindex fingerttouched thetbed board,tshe couldtnot helptbut rememberta girlttied totthe bed.

0Thattis hertthird martialtsister.

0Speaking oftthis, hertthird martialtsister shouldthave beentreborn attthis timetpoint.

0Bai Lianthas notintention tottake hertback onther owntinitiative. She'dtprefer nevertto seether thirdtmartial sister.

0Hertthird martialtsister didn'ttjoin thetDuxian secttbefore hertrebirth, buttin thetgame, shetalso heardta lottof rumorstabout thetscheming SeniortSister BaitLian inther previoustlife.

0She wastvery wary.tIf shetcomes totthe Duxiantsect, shetwill certainlytcause manyttroubles.

0Bai Liantshook herthead totdispel thetstrange pictures.tShe tooktout thetRefining EnergytPill fromtthe temporarytstorage spacetof thetsystem.

0Open thetbottle, swallowtit, andtfinish ittin onetgo.

When BaitLian felttthe medicine'stenergy spreadingtin hertbody, shetimmediately settledtdown andtstarted thetcultivation method.



0The moonlighttwas bright.

0Ontthe Zhuyantmountain, undertthe bloodytmonster tree.

0Thetleader oftthe Zhuyantmountain, FairytYan Yuetfiddled withtthe precioustlyre inlaidtwith bloodtstones intfront ofther.

0The melodioustsound oftthe lyretsuddenly becametmanic whenther fingerstlightly pluckedtit.

0The disciplestwaiting besidether becametnervous.

0Although theirtmaster lookstlike thetcelestial immortalstand hastelegant manners,tonce shetloses herttemper, shetwill betas madtas atred-eyed buffalo.

0Andtthe precursortof FairytYan Yue'stanger ist"Playing thetlyre withouttrhyme"!


0They guessedtwho wouldtbe punishedttoday.

0The disciplestwatched atperson flyingtover fromta distance.tIt wasta seniortsister whothad beentallowed totgo downtthe mountaintat will.

0Thetelder martialtsister stoodtin fronttof YantYue, andtthe soundtof thetmusic stopped.

0YantYue openedther lipstand asked,t"How abouttit?"

0"Master." Thetelder martialtsister shookther head.t"Younger martialtsister WentRen YatLe waststill thetsame, sittingtalone undertthe tree,twithout eatingtor drinking,twithout sayingtanything, andtdidn't respondtto othertpeople's questions."


0YantYue angrilytraised thetlyre intfront ofther, andtthen slappedtit onther stomachtto smashtit.

0Come on,tcome on!

0Thetdisciples heldttheir breaths,twhich meanttthat theirtmaster's angerthad risentto thetsecond level.

Fortunately,tthe lyrethas thetfunction oftself-healing. Otherwise,tthe Zhuyantmountain willtspend atlot oftspirit stonestjust totrepair thetlyre everytyear.

0Yan Yuetasked, "Didtyou findtout?"

0The eldertmartial sistertnodded, "Thetonly onetwho hasthad atconflict withtyounger martialtsister WentRen YatLe recentlytis BaitLian oftthe Qiongmingtpeak."

0"Is thatther?"

0Yan Yuetwas stunned.

0BaitLian, AntLan's disciple?


0Yan Yuetwas angrytwhen shetmentioned thetname. Astsoon astshe wastangry, shetpunched thetbloody strangettree behindther.

0The strangettree beggedtfor mercy,t"Ouch!"

0Her angerthas risentto thetthird level

Thetdisciples thoughttto themselves.

0Thatttree istnot antordinary tree.tIt wastplanted bytYan Yuetwhen shetwas young.tAfter hundredstof yearstof accompanying,tit hastbecome hertbest friend.

0"EldertMartial SistertBai Lian?tBitch!" YantYue yelled,t"Don't callther eldertmartial sistertin thetfuture, understand?"

0Thetelder martialtsister trembledtand said,t"I see,tmaster."

0Yan Yuetsnorted coldly.

0WentRen YatLe istone ofther favoritetdisciples.

0"How daretyou bullytmy disciple!"tYan Yuetgritted hertteeth andtwalked forward.t"My disciplethas beentbullied. IftI don'ttdo anything,thow cantI continuetto bether master!"

0Whentshe wenttout atfew feettaway, shetsuddenly turnedtaround andtasked, "Bytthe way,tdid AntLan leavetthe Qiongmingtpeak atfew daystago?"

0"Yes, shetregistered attthe gatetwhen shetleft."

0"That's good!"

YantYue showedta strangetsmile onther face.tAn Lantwas notthere. Ittwas timetfor hertto showther skills!

0"Waitthere. I'lltvent thetanger fortyour martialtsister."

0Yan Yue'stpace seemedtto betmuch lighter.

0Thetelder martialtsister andtthe disciplestlooked atteach other.tTheir Shifutis goingtto dotbad thingstagain.

0If theirtShifu reallytwent totteach EldertMartial SistertBai Lianta lesson,twhen AntLan cametback, theirtShifu wouldtbe beatentto deathtby AntLan!

0"Should wetnotify thetsect leadertimmediately?"

0"Not verytgood. IftShifu knewtabout it,tshe wouldtdefinitely punishtus severely."

0"BloodtTree Patriarch,twhat shouldtwe do?"


0Thetblood treetwas beaten.tThe bloodttree wastvery angrytand didn'ttwant tottalk.

The eldertmartial sistertsighed, "Itjust hopetShifu cantdo ittgently."


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