The Elf Born Under The Red Moon

Chapter 18: Brotherly Love

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Gholu's arm shot up, snatched Naralis' hand to his mouth, and dug teeth into his flesh. Naralis grunted in pain and looked toward Lina with a face full of distress.

" Help me! "

Lina did nothing but watch. Naralis became light-headed and could barely stand. He was losing so much blood. Edward pleaded to Lina, who shot him a stern gaze that quickly shut him up.

Luna walked before her mother and put her hands on her hips. Their eyes met and Lina saw her daughter looking at her just like her mother did when she did something wrong.

"Mother, are you going to let grandpa kill him?"

" It's clear my father needs more of his blood. If this boy is as durable as everyone claims, this much should be fine. Now move out of my way." If Lina's eyes could kill, Luna would be dead.

Naralis gave up on trying to pull away from Gholu and just hoped he stopped before he died. His knees buckled, but Edward caught him. Edward could see Naralis turning a pale red and panicked.

" Let go of him, you old piece of shit!" Edward sunk his teeth into Gholu's outstretched arm. Gholu winced a bit, before letting go. He licked his lips  and sighed." There's my sworn brother's grandson. Gholu's eyes opened slowly and Naralis caught a glimpse of his slitted red eyes. Gholu smiled from ear to ear, exposing his long and sharp canines. " This must be the savior my grandbaby was talking about."

Gholu looked at Naralis up and down. He was confused about Naralis' race, but he decided now wasn't the time to ask about his origins." Everybody's so damn tense. I wasn't going to kill the bastard. It's just that his blood is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted." His speech was interrupted by the sudden warmth and euphoria he felt as his body was engulfed in a golden flame ." Your blood tastes better than any alcohol I've ever had. It's almost like a drug. It's like the effect of cannabis and alcohol multiplied by a thousand! Ask Edward."

Gholu got out of his bed and Naralis got a good look at the man. Naralis couldn't guess his age, but the man looked like a student at his school. He shared Luna and Lina's tan skin and hair color. His features were sharp and masculine and his hair was a bit wild. At first glance, one would think he was a big bulky country bumpkin if not for his white horns. Gholu was a few inches shorter than Naralis, but his frame was a lot more intimidating.

Naralis looked at Edward, who was smiling awkwardly. " Well, buddy." Edward placed his hand on Naralis' shoulder." When you were recovering, your body expelled the poison into the air and I would've died if I didn't drink your blood. Hope you don't mind." Edward flashed him a smile. Naralis was happy his blood healed his friend. He'd protected someone close to him. It didn't matter if he drank his blood without his permission.

" You can drink my blood whenever you like. Thank you for staying by my side through it all, but how did you know he drank my blood?" Naralis looked at Gholu with a tilted head. " Vampires release venom when they bite to turn someone into a vampire or kill them. You're either immune or your healing ability is just that amazing you lucky bastard. Where's the damn alcohol? I'm tired of this sober shit." Gholu continued to ramble on. Lina grabbed Gholu's black royal robe with the family's insignia on the back and walked him out of the door. She stopped just before exiting and gave Naralis a bow and mouthed " Thank you."

" You will be compensated Naralis and our deal is still on." Luna intertwined her arm with his and smushed her breast against Naralis, whose face turned redder than an apple." Before you two love birds go any further, you have to see my father before he becomes impatient. Now let go of him you heathen and let's get a move on." Naralis was about to walk off, but Luna stopped him dead in his tracks. Luna's eyes were full of lust. She placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks, closed her eyes, and slowly leaned forward. Naralis' palms were sweaty and his eyes were wider than a canyon.

' Is this an attack? Why am I so nervous? Is she controlling me? But I want this.' Their lips locked, and Luna's tongue assaulted his. Luna was the dominant one. It was as if she sought to control him. Naralis was more awkward, slowly exploring her mouth. Luna grabbed both of his hands and guided them from her thighs to her waist to her plump ass. Naralis grabbed a handful and his fingers sank in like he was grabbing a firm pillow. The pair let out moans of satisfaction but were interrupted by Edward.

"Hey, you two. We have someone very important to meet. Your little PDA show can wait until tonight. Come on Naralis!"

Naralis let go as slow as he could and his eyes never left Luna's smiling face.

" B-by Luna. See you later on if you want to o-or can. Ehm. I would like for you to come and uhm-" Edward grabbed by the ear as hard as he could and dragged him out of the door. Naralis walked through the halls, staring at his hands.

" Edward, do all women make you feel this way? She was so warm and soft and she let me touch her but!" He turned to Edward with an excited expression. Edward let out a few chuckles and patted him on the back." Buddy women are the greatest creation the gods have ever made. If you think one is good, imagine two or three busty plump women all over you. You've already missed our mana class assessment, but our combat assessment will be here in a month. Some of my friends and I are going to a brothel to celebrate and of course, my best friend is invited. I promise you won't want to leave." Edward flashed him a smile.

" I can't wait!"

The pair made their way outside where Lina had a carriage waiting and soon they were off to Edward's house. " Look Naralis. Remember the etiquette training I gave you.No slouching. No eating like a pig. Remember, when we are in the throne room, if my father asks for you to speak, get on one knee and do not look him in the eyes. I don't know how many of my siblings are there, but play nice with Maurice. My other siblings are cool besides Emily. She's more dangerous than Maurice. Treat her with respect. We should be good if you remember what I taught you." Naralis nodded in conformation and continued staring out of the window of the carriage.

They arrived at an estate similar to Luna's home and Edward was greeted by a multitude of people on arrival.

" Tell my father that Vulen is here and we'll be ready to meet him soon."

The maid nodded and attended to her duties. Naralis and Edward crept their way around his home trying to avoid his other siblings as best as they could. By a stroke of luck, they got him to his room without any instructions. Naralis took a look around Edward's room in awe. Silk sheets and a ridiculously large bed. He had his bathroom in his room and his closet was the size of his room at school.

" Go wash that sweaty elf smell off and put these clothes on. I'll use the guest bathroom. Don't leave this room until I come back."

Naralis took a good look at the clothes. He could tell the all-black attire was expensive." Got you, but are your clothes going to fit me? You're short."He let out a chuckle." Hey, you were the size of my little brother a few months ago. Don't start making jokes now you smelly elf. It's mana thread. Just like our school clothes. Hurry up. My dad won't be able to wait any longer."

Edward's bathroom was just as big as his closet. Naralis took a good look at himself in the mirror that stretched from wall to wall.

' I've changed so much.' He admired his physique and flexed his muscles with a smile before washing his body. After he got done drying and putting on his clothes, he went back to the room where Edward was waiting for him.

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" You clean up well my friend. If I was a woman, I would totally bang you." Edward gave him a thumbs up.

" Thank you?" Naralis said." I'm kidding. Button up the rest of those buttons and put on these shoes. It's time for you to meet my father."

Edward led him toward the throne room where Adam sat with two of his children present. There was also a blonde-haired woman sitting on a throne beside him. As soon as Naralis set foot in the room, Adam released his aura toward him. Naralis gritted his teeth and tried to fight it, but he was sent to his knees seconds later.

' I know it's only a test but damn! These people are only strong because I'm weak! Wait until I-'

" Naralis!" Edward nudged him. Naralis didn't realize that he was staring directly in the face of Adam with eyes full of rage.

" My apologies!" Naralis stood on one knee. " I didn't mean it."

Adam let out a low laugh. " No, you meant it, but that's exactly what I was looking for." Naralis raised his head and looked at Adam once more. " Edward is my son and he chose you as his sword. You must protect him, regardless of the foe's power. And you gave me a scary glare." This time, Adam burst out in laughter. " I like you Vulen!"

" Dear! Ehm. Please. You are royalty. Act like it!" The blonde haired looked at Adam and then at Naralis.

" I am Amy Sulivan-Bosworth. The matriarch of this family. It's nice to finally meet you, Vulen. We've heard so many positive things. Please come in."

Naralis headed toward the center of the room and Edward headed toward the seat beside his sister. Naralis got back on one and stared at the ground.

" Get up, Vulen. I know you don't want to kneel to me." Adam respected the boy in front of him. In the face of a threat that he couldn't scratch, Naralis defied him in front of his family. Some might say that's suicidal, but this was the type of man he wanted his favorite son to have by his side. Naralis stood with his back straight and his arms locked behind him

" I brought you here today to negotiate with you. Your blood and constitution are valuable gifts. Everyone saw your healing ability, but only Edward saw what happened under the moonlight. Do you know what happened when Edward drank your blood for three months?

" No sir. I wasn't aware." Naralis didn't question why Edward didn't tell him. There had to be a good reason why he was silent.

" Good. I ordered him not to." Adam nodded at Edward and returned his attention back to the kneeling elf. " Edward wasn't born with the best constitution for martial arts. It wouldn't have mattered if he wasn't my son, but since he is, it puts our entire family in danger, but you fixed his body. His mana veins were so small that you could barely see them. His aetherial body itself was weak which meant his physical body wouldn't be able to surpass a normal vampire's limits of power, but then he drank your blood."

Naralis looked at Edward who gave him a thumbs up and a wide smile.

" Not only did his mana veins begin to become stronger, but his mana sensitivity was raised to heights that most pills haven't been able to reach. It even permanently raised his mana sensitivity!" Adam slammed his hand on the armrest of his throne. " Your blood granted him immunity to that foul poison. In three months my son developed two cores. I never thought he would get past one! So I thank you Vulen and now I'm here to offer you wealth in exchange for your blood to only be sold to my family. You'll have our protection and loyalty. "

Adam glanced at Maurice who went up immediately and stood in front of Naralis. Naralis hated the sight of the man in front of him. Even with Naralis towering over him, Maurice was still the most intimidating figure, but to Naralis' surprise, Maurice kneeled in front of him.

" I am gravely sorry. I promise I only ordered them to rough you up. I didn't think they would go so far. I won't ask for your forgiveness, but my reasoning was sound. I did it to protect my little brother who I love dearly."

" What? How was that to protect me!? You hate me because you think I'm your father's favorite and then tried to kill my friend!"

Naralis didn't know what to think. Sure he was tortured, but he knew he would survive. He was beaten to half to death by his own tribemates on multiple occasions, so someone else doing it didn't mean much. He knew that he hated the man in front of him, but he could see and hear the sincerity coming from him.

" Allow him to speak to Edward," Naralis said. Edward looked at him confused. Shouldn't he want to kill Maurice?

" Yes, I am jealous of Edward. He is the only one of us born from true love and not an arranged marriage. Still, we were as close as siblings could be. Things changed when he got friends and threw me away. Then-." Maurice started to sniffle and tears stained the ground below him.

" Our brother David was killed. Our enemies ended up poisoning Edward's mother, and Edward in anger went looking for answers. I tried my best to stop him, but his stupid friends kept enabling him!  Then he left the house and father ran after him and put the rest of us in danger. Our enemies attacked when he wasn't home and we lost David and almost lost Edward!" He looked up at Naralis. Both of their faces were full of tears.

" My brother got killed and I almost lost another. If only I could've stopped him, but his friends got in the way. He was young,  impressionable, and called anyone his friends. Those stupid fuckers took advantage of his kindness. So I decided to deal with those close to him in my own way and I'm sorry you got lumped up with them."

Naralis hugged Maurice as his mother did him in his memories. He understood Maurice's motives and if he was in Maurice's shoes, he would've done a lot worse.

Edward approached both of them and wrapped his arms around them. Adam, Emily, and Amy cried silently.

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