The Elf Born Under The Red Moon

Chapter 20: Amy’s Loving

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“ Alright!” Naralis raised his fist in triumph.” Let's get back to eating. I want to try those scallops next.” Naralis exited the cell moments later humming to himself, leaving the others to wallow in confusion.

Emily crossed her arms and looked at her family. The silence of their stupor made her uneasy. “ Fuck it. I’ll be the one to say it. Your big-ass friend is a crazy person, Edward.”

“ Emily Amira Sullivan! A noble lady shouldn't sully herself with such words!” Amy put her best stern parent face on.

Emily gave her a face full of attitude.“ Drop the act mother. We all know your tongue is filthy, Ms. Noble lady.” Amy could hear the sass in her voice.

“ It was worth a damn try.” Amy bowed out with as much grace as a drunkard. Emily followed soon after, leaving the three men to talk among themselves. Adam faced the door while his two sons passed glances, awaiting his word.

“ Well, he did pass, but I admit I was taken back. I’ve killed for righteousness. I walk the path of justice. He didn't kill that man out of justice, Edward.” Adam looked down at Edward and Edward could see the concern in his eyes.

“ On the outside, he seemed innocent, but we saw how quickly it turned the other way. Be careful son or the blade you use to cut,  may end up cutting you.” Adam’s footsteps could barely be heard walking out of the cell.

“ Edward, I apologize once more. Naralis wears his mask well. I thought he was fine but he clearly isn’t.” Edward gave Maurice’s shoulder a firm grab and looked him in the eye. What had happened to Naralis was horrible. He thought his brother was horrible and rotten, but Maurice's explanation settled the air between them. Edward blamed himself for David’s death more than anyone. He felt that his siblings had the right to hate him. He hated himself. Now he felt they were even.

“ I already forgave you, brother. No more apologies. No more about the past. Only the future from here out.” Edward gave him a light punch to the chest and the boys shared laughs and smiles before heading to the dining room.

“ Me teaching you how to not be a manner-less buffoon did nothing huh?” Edward laughed. Naralis had food and sauce everywhere. Instead of talking with a mouth full of mashed potatoes, he gave Edward two thumbs up and a wild smile.

“ So Naralis, how much do you know about your constitution? I’ve heard of the sun and moon affecting others, but it was usually negative, but you are blessed.” Adam raised his glass and took a few sips.

Naralis to a glass of wine to the head to down the food in his mouth. “ From what I remember, my mom and I share similar abilities. My mother, Eowyn, could control the light and the heat the sun provided. Under the moon, she could control gravity. My father claimed that her magic was even stronger than his.” Naralis closed his eyes and let out a laugh that sounded deafening in the silence of the once noisy dining room. Naralis opened his eyes and saw everyone’s gazes on him.

“ Everyone in this room besides Edward and Naralis, leave now. Emily, fetch Edward's mother.” There was no playfulness in his tone. The cool patriarch was no longer.

“ Yes, father.” Emily bowed and exited the dining room. Soon, it was empty besides Adam and the two in question.

Adam said nothing. He simply eyed both boys. Edward couldn't return his gaze, but Naralis stared back in contempt. Emily soon returned with a frail-looking woman. Her large bangs covered both eyes and the rest of her jet black hair fell down her back. Her features were sharp and thin, almost as if she hadn't eaten for days. She wore a white dress that reached her ankles and exposed her collarbones. Over it, she wore an elegant red robe, folded at the corners, uncovering its white insides, and held at the middle of her chest by a red gemstone pin.

Her steps were just as light as Adam's, but her walk was more elegant. As Naralis watched the woman make her way toward Adam, he recognized the uncanny resemblance. This was Edwards' mother. He felt no pressure from this woman, but it also made him remember that he felt no pressure from Amy either. Charlotte stood beside Adam and bent over as Adam whispered a few words in her ear. Charlotte hadn't looked at Edward since she arrived. Instead, she turned her head at Naralis. She opened her large, round pale red eye and the hair around it moved as if it had a mind of its own. The pressure exuded from her right eye, sending shivers down his spine. Beads of sweat formed at the crown of his head. By his estimate, Charlotte had to be on par with her husband in power.

" I'm going to ask questions. If you lie, she can tell and your life as you know it ends here." Naralis gulped. This wasn't an empty threat, so lying was out of the picture, but he couldn't figure out what he said that set this all off.

" So tell me, what are you Naralis?" Adam's voice was flat and indifferent, but his eyes carried malice.

" I don't understand what's being asked. I'm an elf from the Grave Violet tribe."

" Let me rephrase the question. Are you a celestial?" Naralis could hear his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes slowly crept to Edward who looked as if he hadn't had a meal in months. Edward gave him a nod. He knew there was nothing getting past his mother and harboring secrets wasn't worth his friend losing his life.

" Why ask questions you already know the answer to?" Naralis hissed back.

Charlotte raised her hand and Naralis felt the hair on the back of his neck stand. Every fiber in his being screamed at him to run away, but Adam stopped her before his death could occur.

"You see, a fae woman and her parents came to me a while back claiming that a celestial was here. She described him as a red elf with silver hair and eyes to match. I've never seen a red elf beside you and you are the only one with the markings she described."

Naralis' brain went into overdrive looking for answers. Who was this big mouthed fae? On cue, the memory of the green haired fairy he met before the first day of class emerged. Her actual name was Fae. 

" And now, you just talked about magic. Not mana. Not aura, but magic. A word only mentioned a few times in the most ancient of texts found in caves dating back to more unevolved times. This is where celestials and their history were mentioned. Very few people know of magic, but somehow you do? Answer the question. Are you a celestial?"

" I am. What does it mean to you? Why does it matter?" 

" He's telling the truth," Cassandra muttered. Her right eye ability was referred to as the all-seeing eye. There was nothing that could get past it. 

" Are you from this planet Naralis?" The elf glanced toward Edward who gave him another nod of affirmation.

" No. I am not from this planet. My parents brought me here through a rift so that I could escape."

Charlotte nodded to Adam.

" Do you know anything about celestial history?"

" I have no recollection of celestial history. I didn't have any memories regarding my race or family until I was about to die."

" He's telling the truth."

Adam let out a sigh. This information would throw the world into chaos. 

"You live, but you need to understand what you being real means. We've recorded everything there was about the celestials that used to be on this planet, so the information I'm about to tell you isn't shit." Charlotte took a seat beside Edward and poured herself a glass of blood.

" Celestials are a race created by the first universe to ever exist. By the text, it was called the First Embodiment and it was meant in a literal sense. From the drawings in the caves, the First Embodiment was a being without a word to describe its true size. Its inside contained all the stars and planets in the entire universe as we know it. It was said that the First Embodiment grew tired of loneliness and created life. The first two races, The Celestials and the Defiant's. These were cosmic beings of great powers gifted directly from the universe itself. The Celestials are described as perfect beings. Both genders were tall, well endowed, smart and handsome to progress the life forms they created on each planet. The Defiant's were more beastly in nature, but didn't fall behind in strength or intelligence.

 The Celestials were a multitude of different colors and features while the Defiant's were black or gray.

The universes themselves came from a war between the celestials and Defiant's which caused the First Embodiment to explode and scatter. Celestials sought to evolve their created life forms and gave them some of their power which we refer to as aura and magic which the Defiant's strongly opposed in fear of rebellion. Their fear eventually came true. Life forms on every planet waged against them both and supposedly wiped them all away, but your presence here means that some of them may be alive.

" Do you understand why I was hostile to you know Naralis? I like you. In fact, I wish you were one of my sons,  but you being alive means the planet isn't safe. If you survived, I'm sure some of the Defiant's and their bred beasts survived too. This also means you are destined to be a being no one can control and I've seen just how crazy you are. Who's to say you won't wipe life away from this planet like your brethren had?

" I understand patriarch, but I'm not evil enough to do so. I may be a bit rough around the edges, but Tanyl instilled morals in me. " Naralis looked into Adam's eyes to figure out what the vampire was feeling. " I swear it. If I unjustly act, I will willingly give you my head, but. " The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. Charlotte could see death hovering around Naralis like a pitch-black blanket of fog. Her all-seeing eye could see what his aura ability was rooted in and its revelation made her skin crawl.

" If I am mistreated beyond repair, I will have no choice but to act accordingly. I will spare no one who wrongs me or those close to me."

Adam's inner voice  told him to strike Naralis down here. He knew this boy’s future would threaten the safety of this world, but he could also be its greatest protector versus a cosmic threat or a rift-kin that couldn't be handled. The rifts had suddenly become unstable three months ago and his gut told him Naralis had something to do with it.

" I share those same views and I'm glad my family is on your side. You boys are dismissed. Tell no one of this conversation. "

With that, Adam waved them away and discussed the things with Charlotte.

" Shit, that was intense. How do you stay so cool in the face of danger like that? You are more awesome than I ever imagined!" Edward was in awe at the elf beside him. In the face of his mother and father, Naralis didn't back down. It was like he was watching a hero from one of the stories he grew up reading. Naralis simply chuckled at his comments. 

" Everyone is strong to someone who's been weak their whole life."

The pair went their separate ways as Naralis took his time to admire the lavishness of the Sullivan home. He opened his room door and stopped dead in his tracks. Amy was in bed wearing a sheer nightgown, exposing her hard pink nipples.

" I've been waiting for you all this time." Amy battered her eyes and shifted her body to further show her curves. Amy was plump in all of her womanly places. Her red eyes were large and hazy. Lust filled her cheeks red. Her features were soft and delicate. Her lips were full and light pink.

" You-you- you were waiting for me?" Naralis pointed at himself.

" Who else?" Amy chuckled." Come lie down beside me."

Naralis followed her orders with weak knees. 

' This feeling again. This isn't a spell. Women just make me uneasy.'

Naralis sat at the corner of the bed, nervous to say the least.

" Come lay down closer. Am I not attractive enough? Amy's words were playful, but she was testing him. The men she chose always turned her down due to her status and being the Sullivan patriarch's first wife.

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" You are one of the most beautiful women I've laid eyes on."  Naralis smacked his hand on his lips. He didn't mean to just blurt out what was on his mind.

Naralis climaxed the bed until he was beside Amy. He could smell her sex through her panties.

" Um. I-I'm a virgin!" Amy laughed at his nervousness.

" That's fine honey. You know, watching you stand up to my husbands made me a little wet." Her sultry voice made his hormones rage.

" Wet where?" This wasn't a sexy question. Naralis was actually confused.

Amy grabbed his hand and slowly slid it down her warm and toned body until it reached a place scorching with heat.

" This is your-"

" Yes"

"And you'll let me-"


" All night long. Take off your clothes. I can't be the only one naked." Amy laughed.

Naralis took his shirt off the fastest he had ever done before. His heart was beating a million times a minute to Amy's amusement.

Naralis unbuckled his pants and slowly lowered them, exposing his silver bush and the sheer girth of his flaccidness.

" Dear Drac. You are blessed beyond measure elf!" Amy couldn't keep her excitement at bay.

" It gets bigger." Naralis confident smirk piqued her interest. He released his pants and the rest of his knee length member was exposed. Amy could barely make out words with it out.

" Are you part-"

" No, I'm not part orc. Just a blessed elf." Naralis said with his hands on his hips and his head held high. His smirk conveyed just how he felt.

" What am I supposed to do next?" 

" Stand on the bed in front of me and I'll take care of the rest." Amy's face lit up with a bright smile.

Naralis stood in front of the woman on her knees in front of him. Amy's hand gripped the base of manhood the best she could, causing his knees to buckle and his toes to curl.

' A woman's touch feels different from when I touch it. This feels good. No better than good. This is amazing!'

Mere seconds later, his manhood stood rock solid, casting a big shadow across her face.  Amy eyed his member with eyes wider than a gorge. The head was wide, but the member only got thicker in the middle before slimming down a bit at the base.

" Such a grotesque shape," she whispered. She traced her finger across his tip, to the middle of his cock which was a bit larger than her head. Naralis let out little moans as his tip leaked a bit. Amy took as much in her mouth as she could. Naralis couldn't stifle these moans and let out a groan of pleasure. Amy grabbed both of his hands and placed them on the back of her head. Naralis wasn't stupid enough to miss this message. He slowly filled her throat completely, but she was a pro. Amy breathed through her nose and urged him to pump faster. The sounds of gagging echoed off the walls until Naralis felt an unfamiliar sensation stir in his loins.

" Amy! Somethings coming!" Amy grabbed both of his butt-cheeks and pushed him as far down her esophagus as she possibly could. Naralis let out a loud grunt and his body shuddered in ecstasy. Amy wasn't prepared for the amount of  juice he let out. She gulped as much as she could down before the rest came out through her nose.


Amy released him and caught her breath. A grin crossed her face as his member did not go down one bit.

" Looks like your constitution grants you stamina in other places too." Her seductive tone made him want to ravish her, but he didn't know how.

" It's my turn now. Get in between my legs a lick what I tell you." Her commanding tone hit a kink he didn't know he had.

In front of him was a glistening wet slit with pretty pink petals and a plump button at the top.

" Do you see the little nub pointing from its hood? It's called a clitorous. Be soft and gentle with your tongue. Just like a fight, read the woman's body movements while you please her. As long as you listen to her body, you'll be able to please any woman. Now come enjoy your meal.”

Naralis lowered his head and started with awkward light licks. Amy's body did nothing and he could tell from her whatever he was doing did nothing. He applied more pressure and slowly swirled his tongue in a circle. Her body shook and her nails dug into his hair.

" You're a quick learner." Amy's breathing became harder as her climax developed.

" Now, insert a finger and gently feel around until you feel a bumpy area. Then rub it as hard and fast as you can."

He did just that. It was only a few inches in and Amy's body crumpled like paper as Naralis fingered her like a mad man with her clit in his mouth.

" Now drink me!" Amy pushed his mouth toward her opening and her sweet nectar flooded his tonsils. Amy's pelvic shot up as she climbed in his mouth. 

" You taste amazing Amy! I never though sex was this good! I'm going to do it with everybody!"

Amy laughed and reached for his face. They shared a kiss, intertwining their tongue and juices with each other.

" That wasn't sex Naralis." She said with a bubbly tone." Amy pointed toward his raging boner. " Next is putting that big boy inside me. Do you want the front or the back first?"

" I'll take the back first I guess."

Amy got on all fours and Naralis had a full view of her plump ass.

" Wow. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Amy snickered. " Some women like it soft and romantic while others like to be pounded. I'm the latter. Don't worry about any technique. Give into your urges. Conquer me Naralis."

His tribe's teaching flashed through his mind.

' Sex is the biggest battle for domination besides war.'

From what he saw back home, women held the advantage of stamina. Women almost always beat the men in the battle of sex. He didn't want to lose to Amy or anyone else. Naralis sunk his hands into Amy's fat ass and plunged himself into her uterus. Amy let out a shriek of pain and pleasure as her body tried to adjust to his loins. He didn't give her the chance.

Sweat burned his eyes and ran down his cheek onto the bed. The headboard banging against the wall was like a hammer to a strong nail. Amy's moans grew louder and louder as her vagina squirted time and time again. Amy had no Idea how long they'd been doing or how many times she'd orgasm, but her womb was full and his seed stained the bed. The light of sunrise showed through the blinds as Naralis relieved himself for the upteempth time. Her voice grew hoarse and her body sore. She underestimated just how much vitality Naralis' constitution granted him.

Her final orgasm came before she had no more energy to take the beating Naralis gave to her womb.

" No more. I-I can't take anymore. " Her smile was weak, but she was as happy as she'd ever been in a long time. Naralis was still ready, but he would never take advantage of a woman. He plopped himself beside the woman who looked like she had a bad drinking night.

" Did I do well Ms. Sullivan."

" What you lack in technique, you make up for in god-like stamina. You are the greatest I've ever had and I've had a lot of partners over the years. "

" Do you want some of my blood?" Naralis stretched his arm toward her."

" I thought you'd never ask."

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