The Elites

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: First Day of College

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Tokyo University of Business and Tech...


Outside the building, a black BMW pulls up in front of the university.

A crowd of college students is seen loitering about or heading to their first subject.

Because of the tinted windows, no one could make out the inside of the car.

The door to the driver's seat opens and out jumped a man wearing all black, a pair of dark sunglasses, and an earphone.

He walks around to the right back side door of the BMW and opened it.

"We've arrived, Miss." He says offering his hand to the person in the car.

"Thank you, Wan," the soft voice spoke and a perfectly pale, manicured hand reached out to take the driver's hand.

A set of smooth well shaped legs came out first, and then a young woman with dark brunette hair, and a slender figure came into view.

She stood on the sidewalk and stretched her arms above her head, "it's about time, it was beginning to get a little stuffy in that car. Anyway..." She looked back to reveal her beautiful facial features.

That's right, I'm still alive.

"Why have you come?" I asked dryly.

Another person slid out from the car and adjusted his shirt, he grins cheekily at me, "I was bored so I decided to tag along." he answered.

The good-looking jerk that followed me here was my grandfather's only disciple, Wen. 

"Seriously? Go back" I scowled turning away.

He slid an arm around my shoulder, "aw, don't be like that." He teased.

The reason why I'm standing here alive and with a grandfather I had no clue existed, was something that happened three months ago.

It all began after my body was tossed out and then carted to a dump site.

Then men who dragged me there were suddenly attacked and killed by one of my grandfather's assassins.

It turns out that he's been looking for his granddaughter for a while now.

After a blood test to confirm my identity, I was then sent to America where my grandfather stayed to do business.

I was sent to an intensive care unit where I was told about my condition.

Instead of being dead, I was what most would call a "Death Sleeper." In terms of someone who seemed dead but was actually in a death-like sleep.

When I finally awakened, a week had already passed.

Ever since then, my life was completely turned around in an instant.

From a new look, a name that was given to me as a child, and a whole new attitude.

For three months I went through hardcore training to match strange abilities that have been coming to light here or there.

Eventually, my grandfather said I was prepared to go out in public since I learned everything he taught me without fail."To think I'd get a genius for a granddaughter, I'm proud." I remember him saying this with a beaming smile.

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He prepared me a new passport back to Japan and told me I was free to do whatever I wished.

I told him I wanted a little cash to start with, I didn't tell him what I needed it for, but he respected my wishes.

"Alright, I can do that. Just do me a favor, while you're in Japan make friends with my disciple, he'll be a big help to whatever plans you have in the future." My grandfather had told me.

My grandfather wanted to make sure I finished school so he begged me to let him help me just this once.

That was last week, I've been in Japan for three days now and was attending college here.

Since my grandfather wanted me to meet his disciple I took it upon myself to look for the guy.

That's where this guy here comes in, it hadn't even been a week since I met him and he's already a thorn in my side.

I pushed his face away in annoyance, "haven't you heard of personal space?" I asked him.

He pressed his check into my hand, "hmm...perhaps?"

Let's just ignore him,

I turned and entered the campus building, he was following right behind me.

"So what's your first move?" He asked.

I ignored him and climbed to the second floor where my first class should be.

We stopped in front of a door with the words, "Business Marketing," on a plaque above the door.

I entered the room and was greeted by a room full of other students either my age or older.

"Ah, looks like we have two new students with us today, please greet us and tell us your names and majors." The professor says waving us to stand next to him.

Wen pushed me forward lightly until we were both standing before everyone, "Hey, the name's Wen, Zhao, I don't have a specific major." he says with a wink at the crowd.

It was just as well since he already finished college and was just here to follow me around.

Squeals were coming from all the girls sitting in their seats.

"Oh my gosh, he's so hot!" Girls were saying.

I think that he will become the campus hottie in no more than a day, he was that handsome.

I raised my hand in greeting, "hi, my Liu, Min."I greeted politely.

"Oh, she's pretty." Someone whispered.

"Not bad, we got one beauty and a hottie all in one day." Someone else whispers loudly.





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