The Emperor Has An Illness

Chapter 27: CH 26.1

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Names mentioned in this chapter (which can also be found in the glossary):

-廖青青(Liào qīngqīng)- Liao Qing Qing, the female lead. 

-曦嫔(xī pín)-Imperial Concubine Xi, Liao Qing Qing’s current designation

-景礼帝(jǐng lǐ ​​dì)- Emperor Jing Li, the male lead.

–梁贵妃(liáng guìfēi)- Noble Consort Liang

-荷香(Hé ​​xiāng)- He Xiang, the female lead’s maidservant

–谢绎(xiè yì)- Xie Yi, a given name of Xie manor’s third son, also known as General Xie and Xie Zi Xing. He was the person Liao Qing Qing went on a blind date with. 

–谢将军(xiè jiāngjūn)- General Xie, refers to Xie Zi Xing. He was the person Liao Qing Qing went on a blind date with. 

Current Ranking: Noble Consort Liang → Worthy Consort + Virtuous Consort → Imperial Concubine Xi →  Lady Li of Graceful Ceremony → Noble Lady Liao + Noble Lady Jiang

When Emperor Jing Li saw no reaction from Liao Qing Qing, he once again turned around to leave.

“Your Majesty.” Liao Qing Qing gripped on the hem of Emperor Jing Li’s clothes.

“Let go,” Emperor Jing Li rebuked.


“You are really becoming more daring. Let go.”

“I won’t.” At first, Liao Qing Qing was holding the hem of Emperor Jing Li’s clothes with one hand. But now she was holding it with two hands and asked, “Your Majesty, why do you want this imperial concubine[1] to stab General Xie?”

Emperor Jing Li said bluntly, “Seeing him puts me[2] in a bad mood!”

“But he is innocent.”

Emperor Jing Li’s face immediately turned surly.

Liao Qing Qing quickly explained, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine really jumped for you.”

“Hmph.” Emperor Jing Li scoffed.

Liao Qing Qing emphasised once more, “I did!”


Liao Qing Qing anxiously explained, “Because this imperial concubine had to avoid arousing suspicion at that time. There was no way out, so I had no choice but to jump.”

Emperor Jing Li looked at Liao Qing Qing in confusion and asked, “What is the reason for avoiding arousing suspicion?”

Liao Qing Qing voiced her thoughts, “This imperial concubine doesn’t want to be alone with General Xie, and doesn’t dare to be alone with him.”

Emperor Jing Li asked, “Who let you be alone with him?”

“The kitchen was covered in smoke. General Xie came to patrol the backyard. This imperial concubine was alone in the backyard, so this imperial concubine had no choice but to jump.” This was the only way Liao Qing Qing could think of at that time.

Emperor Jing Li asked again, “You couldn’t go to the front yard?”

“The front courtyard door was bolted.”

Upon hearing that, Emperor Jing Li’s eyes narrowed. He immediately realised the crux of the matter and questioned, “You figured out that someone made you and General Xie to be alone together on purpose??”

“I didn’t. It was just a gut feeling.” Liao Qing Qing didn’t have any evidence and dared not to make irresponsible remarks. She continued, “I felt that something was too fishy.”

Emperor Jing LI asked unflinchingly, “Then what?”

“Then this imperial concubine had no way out. This imperial concubine thought that if this imperial concubine and General Xie had words, gossip would surely spread. By that time, this imperial concubine would not be able to explain herself properly and even implicate General Xie.”

“So you jumped into the ravine?”

“Mm.” Liao Qing Qing nodded and said, “This imperial concubine is Your Majesty’s imperial concubine. General Xie is Your Majesty’s general. Once there is a rumour, Your Majesty will definitely have to punish one person and it will form a knot in your heart later on.”

Emperor Jing Li looked straight at Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing continued, “General Xie is young and talented, dedicated to the country and has achieved great success in the Northwest. He is such a rare talent. It will be a great loss to Your Majesty if Your Majesty were to give him the cold shoulder because of such falsehoods.”

“You don’t want me to lose a great general?”

“Mm.” Liao Qing Qing nodded.

“Then when you jumped, didn’t you think about your own safety?”

“I did,” Liao Qing Qing answered.

“What did you think?”

“I think the ravine is not dangerous. If I fall, I would probably be disfigured and lose an arm and break a leg. I won’t die. If I am not dead, it means I can still enjoy my life.” This was indeed what Liao Qing Qing thought at that time. She could not drag down a loyal subject because of one person, harming many common people.

“… Aren’t you afraid that I will disdain you?”

“Your Majesty originally disdained this imperial concubine for not knowing anything.” She couldn’t even master the four arts[3] and write songs and poems.

Emperor Jing Li asked in response, “Don’t you know how to grow vegetables?”

“….” What kind of man is this! He’s referring to this again!

Emperor Jing Li scrutinised Liao Qing Qing from head to toe and said, “Usually you look foolish, but your brain is really not dumb at critical moments.”

“Who is foolish?” Liao Qing Qing was not going to admit that she was foolish.

Emperor Jingli asked, “Is it me?”

Liao Qing Qing vibrantly showed her desire to live. “No, it’s this imperial concubine.”

“Stupid!” Emperor Jing Li coldly said.

“How did this imperial concubine become stupid again?”

“I have said that you are my favoured concubine, what are you afraid of? Won’t you be safe by telling Xie Yi to jump?”

Emperor Jing Li said smoothly!

It was as if he had a grudge against Xie Yi.

Just now, he wanted to stab Xie Yi with a knife. Now, he wanted to call Xie Yi to jump into a ravine.

It was like he had to cause trouble for Xie Yi in order to ease his hatred.

Liao Qing Qing asked meekly, “Your Majesty, if Xie Yi jumped into the ravine, would you believe in this imperial concubine’s innocence?”

“….” Emperor Jing Li did not answer. If Xie Yi jumped into the ravine, it was indeed not as convincing as Liao Qing Qing “lost her footing” and fell.

Liao Qing Qing also remained silent.

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Emperor Jing Li’s anger slowly dissipated. He held onto Liao Qing Qing’s hand, sat on the bed and said, “I do believe in you.”

Liao Qing Qing naturally said, “Your Majesty, you’re a liar.”

“How am I a liar?”

“When you were so angry just now, you appear to not believe this imperial concubine.”

“I was angry because you are injured.”

“No, what you just said clearly was that this imperial concubine jumped the ravine for General Xie. The meaning in these words is that you don’t believe in this imperial concubine.”

“I, I was muddle headed from being angry.”

“Then you still don’t believe in this imperial concubine.”

“… Are you arguing with me?”

“…” Liao Qing Qing was shocked in an instant. Emperor Jing Li’s neurotic disposition gave off a sense that he was an ordinary person from time to time. This caused her to follow along and sometimes forget herself. She hurriedly corrected herself, “This imperial concubine doesn’t dare to.”

However, Emperor Jing Li didn’t intend to blame her and said, “I allow you to argue with me.”

“???” Something is wrong with this man, right?

Liao Qing Qing raised her eyes to look at Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing’s face was like the weather in June. It suddenly turned from a thunderstorm to a sunny day. With a smile on his face, he said, “Have a good rest. I still have things to attend to. Let He Xiang come and pack your luggage.”

“Mm. Then… Your Majesty isn’t blaming this imperial concubine, right?” Liao Qing Qing had to make sure of this before she could feel at ease.


“Nor do you blame General Xie?”

For Liao Qing Qing to be able to say Xie Yi so candidly showed that she did not have Xie Yi in her heart. The thin layer of resentment in Emperor Jing Li’s heart reduced significantly.

He looked at Liao Qing Qing and said, “I also don’t blame him.”

“Then this imperial concubine will respectfully see Your Majesty off.”

Emperor Jing Li bopped his head and left.

Liao Qing Qing let out a long sigh.


Even though her foot was in so much pain because of the sprain, she wasn’t able to catch Noble Consort Liang, Noble Lady Jiang and Noble Lady Jiang, she and Xie Yi were able to avert disaster.

Her sprained foot was worth it.

At this time, He Xiang’s voice sounded. “Mistress.”

Liao Qing Qing looked up.

She dragged He Xiang to jump into the ravine together. She thought she would go through the trials and tribulations with He Xiang. But she didn’t expect Emperor Jing Li to arrive on time and immediately carried her.

She had lived two lives. This was the first time she enjoyed being princess carried.

And it was carried by the handsome Emperor Jing Li!

She almost fainted in Emperor Jing Li’s arms.

Fortunately, she remembered the three people framing her. Not only did she forget she was being princess carried, but she also temporarily cast He Xiang aside. When she saw He Xiang, she hastily asked, “He Xiang, how are you doing?”

He Xiang replied, “Mistress, this maidservant[4] is fine.”

“How can you be fine? My foot is broken, aren’t you hurt?”

He Xiang lowered her head and said, “This maidservant isn’t.”

“Tell the truth,” Liao Qing Qing said with a straight face.

When He Xiang heard that, a warm current flowed through her heart. She did not conceal anymore and said, “It hurts a little when this maidservant just fell down. Luckily, it rained a few days ago. There was some loose soil and weeds in the ravine. This maidservant’s body is fine. There are only a few scratches on my neck and arm. It won’t impede my duties.”

Liao Qing Qing took a look at He Xiang’s neck.

Sure enough, she saw a red mark.

She felt guilty and said, “It’s all my fault.”

“Mistress, please don’t say that!” He Xiang’s family was poor. She had many siblings. She was one of many siblings and no one paid attention to her. Later, she entered the palace as a servant and maid. She was just doing the work of attending to people. Being beaten and scolded was an everyday thing. When she met such a respectful Mistress such as Imperial Concubine Xi, she was surprised and happy in her heart. She said, “Although this maidservant doesn’t know why Mistress has pulled this maidservant to jump into the ravine, this maidservant is Mistress’s maidservant. This maidservant is also willing to die if the Mistress orders this maidservant to do so.”

These words stunned Liao Qing Qing.

Then, she said with a smile, “It’s not that extent. I dragged you to jump together because it is also good for you; good for me. Good for both of us.”

“Mm. This maidservant knows that Mistress is not a reckless person.”

“…” Alright, this He Xiang has simply become her brain-dead fan.[5] She also did not continue to explain. It would be fine if she treated He Xiang better in the future. So she said, “Hurry, don’t say anymore. Come help me wash up. Later, we have to return to the palace.”


He Xiang quickly assisted Liao Qing Qing to wash up.

After it was done, the medicine from Imperial Physician Fan was sent over.

Noble Consort Liang came just after Liao Qing Qing drank it.

After asking about her health, Noble Consort Liang reprimanded He Xiang for not taking good care of her.”

Liao Qing Qing quickly said, “Your Highness, Noble Consort, this matter couldn’t be placed on another person. This imperial concubine only wanted to have fun, shy away from self-discipline and fell into the ravine by accident.”

“In the future, Imperial Concubine Xi should be more careful.” Noble Consort Liang said calmly, “Lest Your Majesty worry.”

“Yes. Your Highness Noble Consort is right.”

“In that case, Imperial Concubine Xi should pack up and return to the palace.”


After Noble Consort Liang left, He Xiang quickly packed up for Liao Qing Qing.

[1] 嫔妾(pín qiè)- This imperial concubine. It is a self-appellation that can only be used by Lady of Talents (才人), Noble Lady (贵人), etc to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

[2] 朕(zhèn)- I (imperial) or we (imperial use).

[3] The four arts refer to zither, chess, calligraphy and painting.

[4] 奴婢[núbì]- I; your humble servant (term of self-address used by servants, maid-servants and eunuchs when addressing the emperor, minister, concubines, etc.)

[5] 脑残粉(nǎocánfěn)-Brain-dead fans usually refer to those who are so obsessed with celebrities and different brands that they lose their reasoning. Such a kind of person will fiercely attack any words that are not good to the celebrities or brands they pursue, and even hurt innocent people. They often do unreasonable things for idols.

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