The Emperor Has An Illness

Chapter 31: CH 27

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Current Ranking: Noble Consort Liang → Worthy Consort + Virtuous Consort → Lady Xi of Refined Countenance →  Lady Li of Graceful Ceremony → Noble Lady Liao + Noble Lady Jiang

“Didn’t you go to keep Her Highness, the Empress Dowager’s company?” Liao Qing Qing asked.

“Mm,” The emperor responded.

“Then why are you free to visit me?” Liao Qing Qing was surprised and delighted.

“The Empress Dowager wanted to recite scriptures.” Emperor Jing Li said while washing his hands, “So I[1] came back.”

Liao Qing Qing handed Emperor Jing Li a hand towel. “Did you have your meal, Your Majesty?”

“I ate a little.” Emperor Jing Li wiped his hands, handed the half-damp towel to He Xiang and said to Liao Qing Qing, “I can still accompany you to eat some.”

“Don’t you have to go to Noble Consort Liang’s place?”

“She is not the Empress. I can go wherever I like.”

“….” You are really capricious.

Emperor Jing Li looked at Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing looked at Emperor Jing Li in confusion.

Emperor Jing Li inched towards Liao Qing Qing’s ears and asked softly, “Did you miss me?”

Liao Qing Qing, “….” So childish and mushy.

“Did you miss me?” Emperor Jing Li pressed.

Liao Qing Qing restrained herself and said, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine[2] just saw you yesterday.”

Emperor Jing Li blurted out, “Today is different. Today is the Lunar New Year. Without me accompanying you, you will definitely think of other people. I can’t let you think of other people.”

“???” What’s all this sophistry?

“Come on. Let’s eat.”

Emperor Jing Li sat down as he held Liao Qing Qing’s hand.

When Liao Qing Qing sat down, she didn’t forget to look at Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li asked, “What are you looking at me for?”

Liao Qing Qing quickly averted her gaze, picked up her chopsticks and said, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine will give you slices of mutton.”

Emperor Jing Li teased, “Thank you for the trouble, Lady Xi of Refined Countenance.”

Liao Qing Qing smiled and said, “You don’t have to be polite, Your Majesty.”

“I will also give Beloved Consort slices of meat.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Ordinarily, the two of them wouldn’t talk when they eat, but today was a special case.

Both of them ate hot pot and talked about some things. Emperor Jing Li was still the same changeable Emperor Jing Li, but Liao Qing Qing’s heart was different. Her whole heart felt warm.

Other than her paternal grandparents, Emperor Jing Li was the first person to spend the Lunar New Year’s Eve with her.

She was very happy.

Hence, she didn’t refuse when Emperor Jing Li proposed to drink. However, she overestimated her alcohol tolerance. After drinking two cups, her head was a little groggy, but her logic was still present. She quickly stopped and said, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine’s alcohol tolerance is not strong, so I can’t drink anymore.”

Emperor Jing Li said, “If you can’t drink, then don’t drink anymore. Eat the vegetables.”

“I can’t eat anymore.” Liao Qing Qing waved her hand.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m full.”

“Then don’t eat. Let’s see in the Lunar New Year.”[3] Actually, Emperor Jing Li was not hungry either.

“Can we not do that?” Liao Qing Qing asked. She hadn’t stayed up for the Lunar New Year for a long time. She felt so tired.

“No, this is the rule.” Emperor Jing Li said seriously.

Liao Qing Qing remained silent.

Emperor Jing Li walked to Liao Qing Qing and extended his hand, “It’s still snowing outside. Let’s go take a look.”

Liao Qing Qing placed her hand on Emperor Jing Li’s.

She thought Emperor Jing Li would take her outside to see the snow. But she didn’t know that she would be sitting on the soft couch in the bedroom to watch the snow outside the window. The snowflakes were illuminated by the palace lamp, like bright stars falling to earth with long tails.

Liao Qing Qing rubbed her eyes and found that the snowflakes did not have tails.

Rather, she was dazed.


It was the after-effect of the alcohol!

She felt that her head was getting drowsy and heavy.

But she didn’t want to sleep.

“Qing Qing,” Emperor Jing Li called out.

Liao Qing Qing turned her head to look at Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li saw Liao Qing Qing’s face was scarlet and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Liao Qing Qing shook her head. “This imperial concubine is fine.”

Emperor Jing Li reached out and touched Liao Qing Qing’s forehead. After much deliberation, he asked, “Are you drunk?”


“Seeing your foolish appearance, you are drunk.”

“You’re the one who has a foolish appearance.” Liao Qing Qing felt that her brain was rusty and her mouth was not her own anymore.

“Seems like you are drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.”

Drunk people loved to deny that they were drunk.

“Let’s go. I’ll carry you to bed. I won’t allow you to stay up for the Lunar New Year.”

As Emperor Jing said that, he carried Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing turned her head to look at Emperor Jing Li. She found that there were many duplicates of Emperor Jing Li. It sometimes becomes two Emperor Jing Li and three Emperor Jing Li.

“Your Majesty, where are you?”


She reached out to grab it. A slap landed on Emperor Jing Li’s face with a <pa> sound.

Emperor Jing Li’s face darkened.

“Your Majesty, where are you?”

Liao Qing Qing’s slender hand was touching Emperor Jing Li’s face.

This is acting crazy after being drunk!

Her alcohol tolerance is so bad!

Emperor Jing Li had never seen such a woman. He pampered her and indulged her.

She was becoming increasingly unruly.

He was very angry.

“Your Majesty.” Liao Qing Qing’s brain was no longer controllable. She looked straight at Emperor Jing Li. Her eyes were watery and blurry. Her fan-like eyelashes fluttered continuously. Her entire person looked naive and cute.

Emperor Jing Li was suddenly not angry anymore.

“Your Majesty.” Liao Qing Qing lay on top of Emperor Jing Li’s body.

“Are you calling a soul back?”[4]

“Your Majesty, this imperial concubine is very happy.”

“Happy about what?”

“I’m happy that Your Majesty has come to accompany this imperial concubine.”

“Is that so?”

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“Yeah, no one has accompanied this imperial concubine for Lunar New Year’s Eve in years.”

“Did you used to spend Lunar New Year’s alone?”

“Mmm. This imperial concubine used to be a little poor thing.” As Liao Qing Qing said that, she felt aggrieved. She recalled her lonely life in the twenty-first century and felt that her heart ached for herself. She said, “This imperial concubine is a little poor thing. Your Majesty, you have to be good to this imperial concubine.”

“??? I didn’t notice that you are a little poor thing.”

“Then you are not truly paying attention to this concubine.”

“How do I look carefully?”

“You’ve to look at me like this.” Liao Qing Qing straightened her body at once. Her petite face approached in front of Emperor Jing Li’s face and looked straight at him.

The tips of their noses almost touched one another. Emperor Jing Li immediately smelled the faint fragrance of Liao Qing Qing’s body. Then, he felt parched when he looked at Liao Qing Qing’s fair face, watery gaze and full red lips.

At this moment, Liao Qing Qing’s searing breath accompanied by her sweet scent diffused into the tip of his nose.

He could no longer control himself. He leaned forward and pressed on her red lips. The soft sensation began to spread from the lips.

There was a comfortable airflow to his limbs, swaying the heaviness in his body and mind.

He only knew that his head would not hurt when he was close to Liao Qing Qing. The longer he was close to her, the more comfortable his body and mind would be. But he did not expect that a kiss would have such a strange effect.

Apart from that, he was somewhat addicted.

Just then, his lower lips were suddenly bitten.

“Sss!” Emperor Jing Li cried out in pain.

Liao Qing Qing bit down and wouldn’t let go.

Emperor Jing Li had no choice but to press her shoulders to push her away. Just as he let her sit up straight, she wrapped herself around him as if she was boneless.

“Your Majesty.” Liao Qing Qing forcefully clung to Emperor Jing Li’s body.

“Sit properly.”


“I don’t want to.”

“Sit properly.”

“I don’t want to.”

After a few battles, it was as if Liao Qing Qing was grown from Emperor Jing Li’s body. Just at this time, He Xiang had come to deliver the soup to sober up. When she saw this scene, she was shocked.

“You can leave,” Emperor Jing Li said.

“But Mistress—”

“I am here.”


He Xiang left with joy and some worry.

Emperor Jing Li picked Liao Qing Qing like a pet and brought her to bed. He was about to let Liao Qing Qing have a good rest. However, who knew that Liao Qing Qing wouldn’t let go of him at all. He never knew Liao Qing Qing was so pestering.

He could only take off his shoes and get on the bed.

As soon as he lay down, Liao Qing Qing’s arms and legs wrapped around his body.

Emperor Jing Li, “….” The indescribable place that used to not have a reaction raised his head. But Physician Fan said that although the residual poison in his body was cleared, he was not suitable to copulate and could only endure it.

He turned his head to look at Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing’s small face was already buried in the nook of his neck.

He used to hate women touching him. No woman could wrap her arms and legs around him like this, but Liao Qing Qing could.

Not only did he not hate it, but he liked it a little.

He reached out and pulled the blanket over and covered his body and Liao Qing Qing. This was the first time he slept with someone like this, extra sweet and extra warm.

But he had to stay up for the Lunar New Year. He couldn’t sleep.

He then wrapped his arms around Liao Qing Qing, turned his head to look out the window. Snowflakes fell. His brows relaxed. Just like that, he looked at the monotonous snow scene outside the window.

Finally, he heard the sound of firecrackers in the palace to welcome the Lunar New Year. A solemnity surfaced in his heart. Another new year, his wish was the same as last year.

For the land under heavens and the country to be at peace!

After being certain of this idea, he turned around, pulled Liao Qing Qing into his arms and slowly shut his eyes.

He Xiang quietly extinguished the surrounding lamps.


The bedroom was plunged into darkness.

Emperor Jing Li fell asleep.

Liao Qing Qing was in deep sleep. A night without dreams. When Liao Qing Qing woke up the next day, she didn’t feel any different, except that there seemed to be a person sitting beside her.

She turned her head to look.

She saw Emperor Jing Li sitting on the edge of the bed in his inner garment,[5] putting on his shoes.

She was surprised and called out, “Your Majesty.”

Emperor Jing Li turned his head and asked, “Are you awake?”

“You just woke up too, Your Majesty?”


“Why are you awake so late today?” Usually, Emperor Jing Li disappeared before dawn. This was the first time Liao Qing Qing saw Emperor Jing Li in the morning.

“You aren’t happy that I lazed for a while?”

“Happy, happy, happy.” Liao Qing Qing sat up and said, “Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Your Majesty must have a good rest.”

“Yes. Last night was exhausting for me.” Emperor Jing Li put on his shoes and turned his head to look at Liao Qing Qing.

“What happened to Your Majesty last night?” Liao Qing Qing asked in confusion.

“You should think about it. What happened to you last night?”

“This imperial concubine?” Liao Qing Qing recalled for a moment.

Last night, she had a hot pot in the evening. Because she was too happy, she drank two cups of wine with the Emperor. Who knew that the after-effects of that alcohol could be so strong that when they sat on the soft couch to enjoy the snow, she saw doubles of the Emperor.

Then…. Then she could not remember anything.

She used to drink beer at company parties. She wouldn’t get drunk even after drinking two bottles. Such an exceptional person like her should obediently sleep after getting drunk.

Otherwise, how could she have no recollection of it at all?

But looking at Emperor Jing Li’s implication, it seemed that she had done something. So she cautiously asked, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine didn’t do anything last night, right?”

“What do you think?” Emperor Jing Li’s handsome eyes glanced at Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing replied, “This imperial concubine can’t remember. This imperial concubine felt that last night I—”

“You almost forced yourself on me last night,” Emperor Jing Li suddenly said.



The author has something to say: ——

Liao Qing Qing: What kind of international joke is this? I’m a drunken little poor thing.

Emperor Jing Li: I didn’t expect Beloved concubine to be so thirsty!

Liao Qing Qing: Am I… Am I… Am I really that thirsty?

Emperor Jing Li: Ask the readers if you don’t believe me!


[1] 朕(zhèn)- I (imperial) or we (imperial use).

[2] 嫔妾(pín qiè)- This imperial concubine. It is a self-appellation that can only be used by Lady of Talents (才人), Noble Lady (贵人), etc to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

[3] 守岁(shǒusuì)- See in the New Year/stay up all night on the eve of Chinese New Year. A long time ago, there was a ferocious creature called Nian. Each time, Nian emerged at night and returned to the forests after dawn and he would only come out to attack humans once every 365 days. People would call the eve of Chinese New Year a critical moment to defeat Nian. After the reunion dinner, people dared not to sleep and sat together to embolden each other. People lighted candles or oil lamps to stay up late, as a symbol to ward off illnesses and demons. This tradition has been passed down from then on.

[4] 叫魂(jiào hún)- Call the soul back (In superstition, it is said that one gets a certain illness because one’s soul has left one’s body. When one name is being called, their soul can return to the body.) Credits:

[5] 中衣(zhōng yī)- Inner garments, mostly white cotton or silk. Also called zhongdan(中单).

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