The Emperor Has An Illness

Chapter 36: CH 30

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The Empress Dowager didn’t make things difficult for Lady Xi of Refined Countenance?

How is that possible?

Who is the Empress Dowager?

She is the Emperor’s birth mother!

She was the victor of the previous Emperor’s imperial harem intrigue!

After she became the Empress Dowager, she became even more eccentric, reprimanding princesses, punishing imperial concubines, beating eunuchs to death, and so on.

Everyone except for Emperor Jing Li was afraid of her.

How could she treat Liao Qing Qing differently?

Emperor Jing Li and Noble Consort Liang were astonished.

Emperor Jing Li responded, “This son doesn’t dare.”

Then, Emperor Jing Li’s and Noble Consort Liang’s eyes drifted to Liao Qing Qing.

Liao Qing Qing wore a scarlet palace dress today, a dangling ornament on her head and had earrings on her ears. She appeared to have dressed up deliberately. But now, her sleeves were pushed up to her elbows, and her hands were covered with mud.

Emperor Jing Li looked at Liao Qing Qing’s hands and asked, “What’s going on?”

Liao Qing Qing slightly raised her hand and asked, “Your Majesty, are you talking about this imperial concubine’s[1]hands?”

“Mm. How did it become like this?” Emperor Jing Li asked.

Liao Qing Qing said with a smile, “This imperial concubine and the Empress Dowager are planting flowers and removing weeds.”

“Planting flowers and removing weeds?”

“Yeah. Spring is a good time to plant flowers and vegetables. At the same time, it is also the season when weeds grow like crazy. If we don’t get rid of the weeds in time, the delicate flowers will wither before summer.” Liao Qing Qing explained.

“So you have been planting flowers and removing weeds here?”

“Mm.” Liao Qing Qing nodded her head.

“Nothing else?”

“What else could there be?” Liao Qing Qing asked.

Of course, it refers to the Empress Dowager… Emperor Jing Li looked at the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager also had mud on her hands. She ignored Emperor Jing Li. She said with a detached voice, “Lady Xi of Refined Countenance, it’s noon. Let’s stop removing weeds now. Come out and tidy yourself up.”


The Empress Dowager departed from the bonsai area with the support of Chang Momo. Liao Qing Qing also followed and headed towards the main hall by following the Empress Dowager.

Soon, both of them changed their clothes and came out one after another.

The Empress Dowager looked towards Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li remained silent.

The Empress Dowager looked at Noble Consort Liang.

Noble Consort Liang recovered from the shock and hastily said, “Empress Dowager, this concubine[2] has nothing to do today. So I went to the imperial kitchen to prepare an Eight-treasure Decoction made with eight precious herbs such as fish, goat, ginseng and Atractlodes. It can replenish the blood and it is very suitable for the Empress Dowager.”

“Noble Consort Liang is thoughtful.” The Empress Dowager said, “Chang Momo, receive it.”

“Yes.” Chang Momo took it from Noble Consort Liang’s hand.

The Empress Dowager said, “Drink it while it is hot.”


Chang Momo took two bowls and poured the thick and fragrant Eight-treasure Decoction into them. She gave one bowl to the Empress Dowager and the other to… Liao Qing Qing.

Emperor Jing Li, “???” Shouldn’t it be for me?[3]

Noble Consort Liang, “???” Why is it given to Liao Qing Qing?

Liao Qing Qing asked in surprise, “For me?”

Chang Momo said, “Lady Xi of Refined Countenance has worked hard all morning.”

“Thank you, Empress Dowager and Chang Momo.” Liao Qing Qing also really needed to replenish her energy. Without a hint of pretence, she held the bowl of Eight-treasure Decoction and took two sips without using a spoon.

“How does it taste?” The Empress Dowager’s face was still expressionless, and she sounded detached.

Liao Qing Qing naturally responded, “Delicious.”

The Empress Dowager nodded, turned to Noble Consort Liang and said, “Noble Consort Liang, it tastes good.”


Just… Just…. Just like that?

The smile on Noble Consort Liang’s face hardened, and she politely replied back to the Empress Dowager.

In fact, she was about to vomit blood in anger.

This is the soup she spent her silver on!


She thought she could see a joke of Liao Qing Qing!

In the end!

Instead of making things difficult for Liao Qing Qing, the Empress Dowager gave her soup to Liao Qing Qing. How could she?

On what basis?

Did she spend money to seek abuse? 

Noble Consort Liang restrained herself so that she didn’t let her smile crumble.

The Empress Dowager took a few sips and asked, “Emperor, Noble Consort Liang, is there anything you need for you to come in a hurry?”

Emperor Jing Li responded, “This son has nothing he needs.”

The Empress Dowager turned to Noble Consort Liang and asked, “What about Noble Consort Liang?”

Noble Consort Liang could only grit her teeth and said, “This concubine has nothing as well.”

“Then all of you should leave. This grieving one[4] is also tired.”


Emperor Jing Li, Liao Qing Qing and Noble Consort Liang got up and left Shouxi Palace in this order. Noble Consort Liang bowed to Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li did not bother looking at her and left with Liao Qing Qing.

She angrily returned to Linhua Palace and smashed four teacups! She had also hit a palace maid.

But she still did not understand how Liao Qing Qing could be liked by the Empress Dowager.

Meanwhile, the person who did not understand was Emperor Jing Li.

After Emperor Jing Li and Liao Qing Qing returned to Lisheng Pavilion, he kept staring at Liao Qing Qing. Liao Qing Qing asked in confusion, “Your Majesty, what’s wrong?”

Emperor Jing Li then asked, “What did you do in Shouxi Palace today?”

“Planting flowers and removing weeds.”

“That’s all?” Emperor Jing Li asked in disbelief.

“That’s all.” Liao Qing Qing replied.

“The Empress Dowager didn’t make things difficult for you?”

“She did.” Liao Qing Qing replied truthfully.

Emperor Jing Li continued asking, “How did she do so?”

“She always picks on this imperial concubine.”

“Pick on what?”

“Everything. She said that this imperial concubine was playing word games with her. She said that this imperial concubine doesn’t know anything. She said that this imperial concubine only knows how to admit to her mistakes.”

“And what did you do?”

“This imperial concubine just keeps admitting to my mistakes.”


“I admitted to my mistakes very seriously.”


“Then the Empress Dowager kept a straight face, ignored this imperial concubine and mended the flowers and grasses. Since she was busy, this imperial concubine couldn’t be idle, right? So this imperial concubine pulled up her sleeves to help weed and plant the flowers. There were so many mosquitoes and insects. It was Chang Momo who gave the veiled hat for this imperial concubine.”

“And then what?”

“Then…. Your Majesty, you know this imperial concubine likes to grow vegetables. So this imperial concubine concentrated on planting flowers and removing weeds. Then, you and Noble Consort Liang came.”

Emperor Jing Li looked straight at Liao Qing Qing. Suddenly, he understood. The Empress Dowager was used to seeing all kinds of thoughts the imperial concubines had. But she didn’t know how to make a move against Liao Qing Qing, who was simple and straightforward.

She just… just let Liao Qing Qing make arrangements for herself.

Liao Qing Qing asked, “Your Majesty, this imperial concubine has not offended the Empress Dowager, right?”

Emperor Jing Li laughed.

Liao Qing Qing asked, “Your Majesty, what are you laughing at?”

Emperor Jing Li held Liao Qing Qing’s hand and said, “You didn’t offend the Empress Dowager. On the contrary, the Empress Dowager is probably quite fond of you.”

“Really?” Liao Qing Qing was shocked.

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“Really.” Emperor Jing Li nodded his head.

“Then the Empress Dowager has a different way of liking people.”

“What?” Emperor Jing Li did not quite understand.

Liao Qing Qing said, “In the entire morning, this imperial concubine had not seen the Empress Dowager smile.”

Emperor Jing Li nodded. “She is like that.”

Liao Qing Qing thought about it. When she first met Emperor Jing Li, Emperor Jing Li seemed to have the same poker face as the Empress Dowager.

Emperor Jing Li squeezed Liao Qing Qing’s hand and said, “In the future, you can be closer to the Empress Dowager.”

“Why?” Liao Qing Qing asked in confusion.

“It will be advantageous for you.”

“What advantages?”

Emperor Jing Li looked at Liao Qing Qing with a meaningful glance and said, “The Empress Dowager is an extremely smart woman. You can learn more from her. In addition, I hope she can support you in the future.”

“Support this imperial concubine to do what?”

“What do you think?”

“This imperial concubine doesn’t know.”

“So stupid.” Emperor Jing Li pinched Liao Qing Qing’s nose.

Liao Qing Qing immediately covered her nose and asked, “Your Majesty, what are you doing?!”

“Punishing you.”

Liao Qing Qing rubbed her nose and said, “That’s too much.”

Emperor Jing Li asked, “Who are you talking about?”

Liao Qing Qing answered without hesitation, “I’m talking about Lady Xi of Refined Countenance!”

To be cowardly so quickly!

Emperor Jing Li couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“???” You must be crazy, right? You can even laugh at this. What’s so funny about this?

Emperor Jing Li pulled Liao Qing Qing’s hand and said, “Let’s go and have lunch.”

“Yes. Oh, right. Your Majesty, for today’s lunch, there are small green vegetables grown by this imperial concubine.” Liao Qing Qing said.

“Qing Qing, I remember that you seem to have been growing these small vegetables since last year. Why are you still growing vegetables this year?” Emperor Jing Li added with a disdainful expression, “Do you only grow small vegetables?”

“How is that possible?” Liao Qing Qing could tolerate people saying that she wasn’t proficient in zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she couldn’t accept people saying that she could only grow small vegetables. She quickly defended herself, “The vegetables researched by this imperial concubine haven’t grown yet.”

Emperor Jing Li asked, “When will it grow?”

“Probably in another two or three months.”

“Fine. I will wait. Oh, right. The ploughing ceremony will be held in a few days. I will be going out of the palace to plough. This year, the Empress Dowager should also be going. This is to set an example for the officials and also pray for the blessing of the Great Wei Dynasty for favourable weather. Are you going?” Emperor Jing Li asked.

“Does it mean ploughing the fields?” Liao Qing Qing asked.

“Yes.” Emperor Jing Li nodded his head.

“Your Majesty will be personally ploughing the fields.”

“That’s right.”

“Do you know how to, Your Majesty?”

“A little. Will you go or not?”

“I will!”

“I know that you will be willing to go. I will be busy during this period of time and I can’t accompany you every day. The Empress Dowager will certainly also summon you to Shouxi Palace. Although I asked you to be closer to the Empress Dowager since it would be good for you, there are also disadvantages. After all, the Empress Dowager is the Empress Dowager. It’s difficult to guess what she’s thinking. Be more careful. Do not make any irresponsible remarks. If you feel that something is not right, order someone to report to me. I will come and save you, do you understand?” Emperor Jing Li’s voice was very gentle.

Warm spread across her heart upon hearing that.

For some unknown reason, the more she got along with Emperor Jing Li, the more she felt that Emperor Jing Li was good.

He is so good that he is not like an Emperor.


He is like the male protagonist of idol drama.

I spit. That’s not right!

It should be that he is like a male supporting character in an idol drama.

He wholeheartedly cares for her, the female protagonist.

She quietly gazed at Emperor Jing Li.

Emperor Jing Li repeated his question, “Do you understand?”

Liao Qing Qing nodded. “I understand.”

“Let’s go. Let’s go have our meal.”

“Mm. Mm.” Liao Qing Qing hurriedly nodded her head.

As soon as they sat down at the table, Liao Qing Qing placed vegetables onto Emperor Jing Li’s bowl with her chopsticks.

This time she was incredibly enthusiastic and proactive.

There was no need for Emperor Jing Li to remind her. She also removed the fish bones for Emperor Jing Li.

Warmth surged through Emperor Jing Li’s heart when he saw the dishes in the bowl. He dined with a graceful posture, after which they read a book together.

After a two-quarter hour lunch break in the bedroom, Emperor Jing Li had to see his imperial subjects.

Liao Qing Qing was tired in the morning and was a little sleepy at that moment, so she did not intend to get up.

Emperor Jing Li sat on the edge of the bed and said, “I’m leaving.”

Liao Qing Qing answered in a daze.

“Aren’t you going to see me off?”

See him off?

The person in front of her is the Emperor and not an ordinary person. She can’t treat him lightly. She sat up at once and bowed with her hands cupped in front and said, “This imperial concubine respectfully sees off Your Majesty.”

Emperor Jing Li smiled and looked at Liao Qing Qing, who wore an inner garment. Half of her hair was on her chest, and her unpowdered face appeared lazy, dainty and lovely because of her sleepiness.

It was as if an invisible feather tickled his heart.

He couldn’t help but lean forward and suddenly kissed Liao Qing Qing on the cheek.

Liao Qing Qing was immediately stunned. It was a soft, warm sensation. In the two lives, this was the first time a man kissed her. Her mind instantly went blank. Her soulful eyes stiffly turned to Emperor Jing Li and stared at him.

Emperor Jing Li, however, was amused by her appearance. In a somewhat raspy and extremely charming voice, he said, “Continue to sleep. I will come back at night.”


Emperor Jing Li walked away.

Liao Qing Qing froze.

After a long while, she snapped out of it and flung herself onto the pillow.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

This despicable Emperor kissed her!

Her heart is beating so fast.

What’s going on?

She rolled uncontrollably on the bed, thumping it and covered her face with her arms. Then, she banged her legs against the wall and exclaimed, “Ow! Ow, ow, ow! I have no place to release my hormones! This makes me feel so shy!”

As soon as she finished howling, she turned her head and saw Emperor Jing Li again.

Emperor Jing Li asked in surprise, “Beloved concubine, what are you doing?”

Liao Qing Qing suddenly realised her indecorous posture. She hurriedly put her legs down and pulled the quilt to wrap herself tightly. She said under the quilt, “This imperial concubine respectfully sees off Your Majesty again.”

“Okay. I just came back to get a jade pendant.”


“I’m really leaving this time.”


Emperor Jing Li took the jade pendant and left Lisheng Pavilion. He pursed his lips while walking. In the end, he couldn’t keep it pursed anymore and burst out laughing.

Fu Sheng beside him was so frightened that he couldn’t walk steadily.


What’s wrong with His Majesty?

[1] 嫔妾(pín qiè)- This imperial concubine. It is a self-appellation that can only be used by Lady of Talents (才人), Noble Lady (贵人), etc to the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

[2] 臣妾(chénqiè)- this concubine/I, your servant (self-appellation of a lower-rank female). The literal meaning is ‘this subject and this concubine’.It is a self-appellation used by the ranks including and above Consorts. They are used by Consorts, Noble Consorts and Empress, etc. in front of the Emperor, Empress Dowager and Consorts, Noble Consorts that have a higher rank.

[3] 朕(zhèn)- I (imperial) or we (imperial use).

[4] 哀家(āijiā)- This grieving one/ I (self-referring by a widowed empress etc, used in historical novels and operas)

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