The Emperor Lives Again

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The Emperor Lives

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Zarek had always known being the top dog in the galaxy came with its ups and downs, but being zapped into another dimension? That was a first. One moment, he was sitting pretty on his throne on Solaria, soaking up the view of the blue sky; the next, boom - he's in a whole other world. Though he was feeling pretty bewildered, Zarek's memories of his former life were still crystal clear, so he was determined to find a way back home.

"Hey, you," A voice spoke to him.

He blinked his eyes, "Yes?"

"Stand up," The guard replied, "We've arrived."

As Zarek stumbled to his feet, covered in soot and dirt, he couldn't help but feel a little impressed by his captors. They may have been obnoxious, but they certainly knew how to make an entrance. As a prisoner of war, Zarek wasn't exactly thrilled to be in this predicament, but he had faced worse. The real problem was that he was now stuck in another freaking universe. The assassin who banished him was kind of a genius if he had to admit it. Rather than trying to kill Zarek's modified, nearly indestructible body, they transported him to a world filled with magic.

"What's this place again?" Zarek asked, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

"The kingdom of Fioren, where you will pay for your treachery against the Queen," the guard sneered.

"Uh, hold on a sec. I'm just a traveler who got caught up in your war by mistake," Zarek protested.

"Silence, mongrel," the guard scolded, "Save your words for the Queen. She'll decide your fate."


In all honesty, Zarek could have escaped from this predicament a while ago. The technology in this place was extremely primitive - seriously, who uses horses as transportation these days? But there were some perks to being stuck here. Magical transport and horses that could run for days on end without getting tired? Now that was something he could get behind. Zarek had even asked the other captives about this magic stuff, but they just gave him some vague, nonsensical responses. Oh well, at least he had some cool transportation options to keep him entertained while he was stuck here. 

As he strolled into the kingdom, Zarek couldn't help but admire the orderly streets and rich cultural traditions. The tall, reinforced walls and guards decked out in shiny armor added to the regal atmosphere, and the constant commotion in the streets was a sign of prosperity. It wasn't the worst place he had ever been, but Zarek couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen better. As he made his way through the main road, he noticed the commoners shooting him some serious stink-eyes and tossing various types of fruit at him.

"Eat shit, you dirty rebel!" the man screamed, flinging a piece of fruit at Zarek.

"Alright, alright, I get it," Zarek thought to himself as he ducked to avoid yet another flying piece of fruit. Can't they just call a truce on the fruit-throwing? I mean, come on. These things aren't exactly easy to come by in this time period, right?

After getting pelted with all sorts of juicy fruit, Zarekwas finally dragged into the castle. They were taken to an open field in the back quarters, where they were hosed down like a bunch of dirty animals. As they stood in a line, shivering and dripping wet, Zarek couldn't help but notice the ominous guillotine situated in the middle of the field. Several burly dudes were manning the crude machine, eyeing the prisoners hungrily.

"You will stand trial before the Queen," A person instructed, "In the case that you prove to be indecisive, you will bear the guillotine."

As he stood towards the back of the line, Zarek couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed than the other poor saps. Some of them were biting their nails in anxiety, while others were huddled close together, looking like they were about to pass out. Meanwhile, Zarek was just standing there, trying to keep a cool head. 

Hey, no use getting worked up over something that might not even happen, right?

"Who are you?" The guard growled, pointing his sword at the first prisoner.

"Die, you scum," the prisoner spat back, looking like he was ready to take on the whole kingdom.

Zarek couldn't help but roll his eyes. 

After some heated back-and-forth arguments, it was finally time for the rebellious prisoner to face the guillotine. Something about the Queen being a dictator? Zarek wasn't really paying attention, partially because he was starting to doze off. But hey, the guy was pretty brave - he didn't flinch, even though he was about to lose his head. Zarek had dealt with a lot of rebellions in the past, and they were usually a lot more complicated. Entire planets would rise up against him, causing all sorts of chaos. But this guy? He was just one dude with a death wish. It was almost admirable, in a weird way. Maybe not the brightest move, but still kind of impressive.

Zarek's eyes darted around the execution grounds, taking in all the details. He knew the Queen usually watched these proceedings from above, so when he spotted a young woman with bright silver hair, he knew he had found her. She seemed to be in her mid twenties, with a cold, detached expression on her face. It was clear that she had a lot on her mind, but she was patient enough to listen to the prisoners before passing judgment.

"You, who are you?" The guard pointed his sword at Zarek, clearly suspicious.

"I'm really just a traveler," Zarek replied, trying his best to look innocent. "I got caught up in the rebellion by accident. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"Oracle, does he speak the truth?" The guard turned to the robed figure standing next to the Queen.

After several seconds of contemplation, the Oracle nodded.

"What are you doing here, then?" The guard frowned, clearly not convinced.

Zarek shrugged. "I have no idea. One day I was I have no memory of how I got here."

"Perhaps a summoning mishap?" The guard looked to the Queen for guidance.

"Take him inside the castle," she said, tilting her head. "I will personally have a word with him. I want to know more about this supposed 'traveler' and how he ended up here."

Execution avoided. Score!

Soon enough, as expected, the other prisoners all met their untimely end at the hands of the guillotine. Zarek found himself dragged into the study quarters of the Queen, which were impeccably clean and filled with bookshelves and interesting trinkets. Some of the items had a clear magical nature, which Zarek couldn't help but be intrigued at. He was given back his clothing, which was in relatively good condition considering the circumstances. He had been wearing some summer attire when he was transported to this strange land, and although it was a bit out of place in this medieval kingdom, it was still better than being naked. As he took in his surroundings, he couldn't help but wonder what the Queen wanted with him.

"So, um, what's the deal here?" Zarek asked, trying to make small talk. "I mean, I'm just a guy who got accidentally transported to this place. I actually didn't mean to cause any trouble."

The Queen raised an eyebrow at him, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Well, according to the Oracle, you are telling the truth. But that doesn't change the fact that you were caught up in a rebellion against me. I need to know why you were involved, and what your intentions are."

Zarek feigned panic in his voice. "Intentions? I don't have any intentions! I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I swear!"

The Queen chuckled, shaking her head. "Calm down, I believe you. But I still need to know more about you. You clearly have some special abilities, and I need to understand how you came to be in my kingdom."

"Okay, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I just want to find a way back home, and I promise I won't cause any more trouble."

Zarek tried his best to sound sincere as he promised the Queen that he wouldn't cause any more trouble. Inside, however, he was secretly plotting all the different ways he could take over the kingdom. But he knew he had to play along for now. After all, he was just a poor, innocent traveler who had stumbled upon this kingdom by accident, right? That's what he was going to keep telling himself, at least.

"Tell me where you come from?" The Queen asked.

"Solaris," Zarek replied.

"I have never heard of such a kingdom?"

That's because it's a galaxy, idiot.

"It's very far away," He replied with a nod, "I don't think I've ever heard of your kingdom either. Is it a small, obscure place that no one has ever heard of?"

"Fair enough," She nodded, "What is your profession?"

"I was an Emperor."

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She narrowed her eyes, "Were you? Or are you just trying to impress me with your royal title?"

"Yeah, no. I was actually an Emperor. For real."

"Care to explain how you ended up here, then?"

"My kingdom rebelled. It was a real mess. I had to flee for my life." He lied.

"Ah, so you are familiar with the predicament I'm in."

"Oh, absolutely," He chuckled, "But don't worry, I have plenty of experience dealing with rebellious subjects. I'm sure I can help you get your kingdom back in order."

"Well, I appreciate your confidence," The Queen said, trying to hide her skepticism, "But I think I'll stick with my own advisors for now."

"Speaking of advisors, where is your King?"

"Why do you wish to know?"

"So he's dead," Zarek replied, "Got it."

Usually, the kingdom would not be ruled by a Queen unless the King had no heirs and had suddenly passed away.

"Hey, watch it," The Queen warned, her eyes narrowing, "My husband is not dead. He's just... indisposed at the moment."

"Oh, I see," Zarek said, trying to look apologetic, "I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that, you know when a kingdom rebels and the King is nowhere to be found, it's usually not a good sign."

"Well, my husband is not exactly the fighting type," The Queen admitted, "But he's still alive and well, I assure you. He's just... taking a break."

"A break?" Zarek asked, raising an eyebrow, "From what?"

"From the ruling, of course," The Queen said, rolling her eyes, "It's a lot of work, you know. Sometimes a person just needs a little break from all the responsibility."

"Right," Zarek said, trying to suppress a smile, "I'm sure he's just taking a little vacation. Maybe he's lounging on a beach somewhere, sipping coconut cocktails."

"What are coconut cocktails?" The Queen said.

Zarek tilted his head. Guess they didn't have them, "No worries."

The Queen continued, "But enough about my husband. We have more pressing matters to discuss."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Zarek said, bowing his head, "I'm at your service."

"Good," The Queen said, her expression turning serious, "I need you to help me put down this rebellion once and for all. Are you up for the challenge?"

"Absolutely," Zarek said, feeling a sense of excitement wash over him, "I may be just a traveler, but I've dealt with more than my fair share of rebellions. I'm sure I can help you get your kingdom back in order."

"I hope so," The Queen said, looking at him skeptically, "We'll see if you're as capable as you claim to be. In the meantime, I'll have my advisors work on a plan to defeat the rebels. We'll meet again tomorrow to discuss our strategy."

"I'm ready for anything," Zarek declared confidently, "I've faced down armies and overthrown governments. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's crushing rebellions."

The Queen raised an eyebrow at his bold claims but didn't comment. Instead, she simply nodded and said, "We'll see if you can live up to your reputation. In the meantime, I'll have you stay in the castle as my guest. You'll have access to all the resources you need to help us come up with a solid plan."

"Thanks," Zarek nodded, "Also, why are you so trusting of me?"

"The Oracle has said you are the chosen one to save our kingdom."

"Did he really say that?"


"How much do you pay him for these oracles?"

"Quite a lot, but he has assisted us in the past."

"Well, if the Oracle says I'm the chosen one, then it must be true," Zarek said, trying to keep a straight face, "Although I do have to wonder about his qualifications. I mean, does he just sit around in a crystal ball all day, making up prophecies for the highest bidder?"

The Queen's expression turned serious as she replied, "The Oracle is a respected and trusted figure in our kingdom. His prophecies have proven to be accurate and helpful in the past. I have no doubt that he is sincere in his prediction that you are the one who can help us defeat the rebellion."

Zarek held up his hands in surrender, "Hey, I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm just saying, if I'm going to be the chosen one, I'd like to know a little more about the guy who chose me. That's all."

The Queen let out a small sigh, "I understand your skepticism. But please, try to keep an open mind. The Oracle's prophecies have been instrumental in our success in the past. I have every confidence that he is right about you as well."

"Alright, alright," Zarek said, still trying to suppress a smile, "I'll take your word for it. After all, if the Oracle says I'm the chosen one, then who am I to argue?"

As Zarek was led into his opulent chambers, he couldn't help but marvel at the lavish decorations and the impressive array of bookshelves that seemed to line every wall. With a plush, king-sized bed and numerous ornaments and trinkets adorning the space, it was clear that this was a room fit for royalty. Though Zarek's negotiating skills might have left something to be desired, it seemed that the Oracle had come through for him in his time of need. And while it remained to be seen if Zarek was truly the chosen one or not, at least he had a comfortable place to rest his head for the night. Perhaps the Oracle wasn't so bad after all.

As he wracked his brain for a way to put down the rebellion, the most obvious answer seemed to be to just drop an orbital nuke on the rebels and call it a day. But, of course, that wasn't exactly an option. So he went to Plan B: barge into the rebel base and start a one-man rampage. Sure, it wasn't the most sophisticated solution, but at least he had some perks working in his favor. With his neural chip and basically unbreakable body, maybe he could make it work.

That was it.

He just needed to grab some equipment in the morning and he'd be good to go. A sword should do the trick.

Perfect. Plan secured.

Feeling satisfied with his strategy, Zarek drifted off to sleep, grateful for a bit of respite from the usual stresses of his life. This was practically a vacation for him.

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