The Emperor Lives Again

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Specialist

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Ruling the galaxy wasn't all sunshine and rainbows - it was hard work. For one thing, most galaxies only had about ten to fifteen habitable soar systems, so when people said he was "Ruler of the Galaxy," it was more like "Ruler of Ten solar systems." Terraforming a harsh solar system was often more expensive and time-consuming than ruling one for centuries, so it made more sense to just go with what you had.

Secondly, an Emperor had to act as the glue that held everything together. With so many planets and solar systems, it was impossible to rule as a dictator, so the key was to control the military. By providing protection and maintaining control over the most important solar systems in the galaxy, he was able to keep everything running smoothly. And for him, those two solar systems were the Warzone System - filled with prison planets and harsh environments that bred fierce warriors - and the Prosperity Cluster, a hub of wealth and success.

So why was this all important? Because Zarek would replicate those actions here.

"Am I still linked to the Framework?" Zarek inquired, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

[Yes, the Framework is within your reach.]

"Hmm, so it looks like the Framework can function in different universes," Zarek mused. "That means we were close to figuring out interdimensional travel. I guess someone beat us to it, though."

[It's likely that they used a modified version of the Framework as a gateway to another universe.]

"Ah, that makes sense," Zarek nodded.

The Framework was a secret pocket dimension filled with all of Zarek's riches, possessions, and inventions. If it existed in this reality, it meant that the rules of creating a stable wormhole were kind of similar. The Framework couldn't travel between dimensions, but it had the power to create its own pocket dimension using dark matter. Basically, it was like a giant safe for all of Zarek's stuff. He used it to keep his valuable assets hidden from the rest of the universe.

Always good to be prepared, right?

[Be wary, because opening your Vault will take massive energy.]

"Right, energy pylons don't exist on this planet."

[It will be much harder for you to regain that energy. It will take some time for me to charge up your Core.]

"That's fine," Zarek nodded, "Materialize for me my Hyperion Sidearm and Nexus Computer."

[Opening the Vault will drain your energy reserves, so be prepared for a lengthy recharge.] warned the AI as Zarek reached for the Hyperion Sidearm and Nexus Computer, both of which materialized at his side in a matter of seconds.

"I guess I need to be careful with your energy usage from now on," he sighed, admiring the sleek weapon and advanced laptop - both of them crafted from durable carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer and designed specifically for him. The Hyperion Sidearm, equipped with a smart targeting system, holographic sight, and silencer, was his go-to in times of danger, while the Nexus Computer, featuring a quantum computing chip and expandable memory, was a technological marvel.

[You have 20% energy remaining.]

"How much to recharge when it's completely depleted?"

The AI took a moment to calculate before responding, [It will take approximately three months to fully recharge your Core.]

Zarek let out a frustrated sigh. "Well, that's just great. Because my Core uses dark matter, I can't just use any old energy cells to recharge it. I'll have to rely on the energy pylon to condense the dark matter, but building one of those is a massive undertaking. Show me the blueprint for it, again."

As Zarek studied the blueprint for the energy pylon, a holographic screen popped up in front of him, showing off all the intricate details of the massive project. "Well, this isn't going to be a walk in the park," he muttered to himself, taking in the sheer scale of the energy pylon. It was a ravenous beast, gobbling up energy from the planet's core like it was going out of style. And the amount of energy required to turn dark matter into condensed material? Let's just say it was a number that made Zarek's head spin.

But even if he managed to generate all that energy, there was still the problem of storage. His Vault was just too small to hold a fully assembled energy pylon - he'd have to build it piece by piece.

"Yeah, that's out of the question for now." Zarek conceded, "Get me my timepiece."

With a flash of light, a watch materialized on Zarek's wrist, a stunning work of art. But its true beauty lay in its ability to generate a protective shield on demand.

"Alright, let's see what our military is up to."

It took only a few minutes for Zarek to reach his destination. As he approached the bustling barracks, the sounds of clashing swords and shouted orders echoed through the air. The large, rectangular building was constructed of rough-hewn stone, with a sloping roof of thatched bricks, and guarded by two soldiers standing at attention with their spears crossed in front of them.

Stepping inside, Zarek found himself in a bustling hub of activity. The barracks were divided into two main areas: a large open space filled with rows of bunk beds, some occupied by snoring soldiers, and a series of smaller rooms used for training and weapons storage. The smell of sweat and steel mixed with the acrid smoke of the forge in the corner, and the walls were adorned with shields and weapons, each bearing the crest of a different noble house.

"Big history here, yes?" Zarek commented to one of the guards.

"Of course," the guard replied, nodding. "I heard from the Queen that you're here to create a squadron for the upcoming rebellion."

"That's right," Zarek replied. "I need to see your finest group."

"That would be Captain Maya," the guard replied, his voice carrying the weight of respect. "She's one of our finest commanders, with a reputation for being tough but fair, always putting the well-being of her troops first."

Zarek nodded, considering this information. "I'd like to speak with her if possible."

"I'll see if she's available," the guard replied, turning to leave. "Wait here."

As the guard departed, Zarek watched the training soldiers with interest. They moved with the precise, graceful movements of seasoned warriors, their swords flashing through the air as they sparred with each other. It was clear to see why Captain Maya was held in such high regard - her troops were clearly well-trained and disciplined.

As the guard walked back into the room, he was followed by a lively and stunning young woman with short, braided hair and sparkling green eyes. Dressed in the sharp uniform of a captain, she radiated confidence and determination, her radiant complexion only slightly marred by a few battle scars. It was clear that this was a woman who had faced many challenges and emerged victorious

"Captain Maya, this is Zarek," the guard said, gesturing to the newcomer. "He's here to speak with you about the upcoming rebellion."

"Nice to meet you, Zarek," Captain Maya said, offering her hand in greeting. "What can I do for you?"

"Spar with me," He pointed at a nearby training ground, "I want to assess your strength."

She nodded, "Very well."

The two of them made their way to the training ground and set up for their sparring match.

"Do you mind if I use my magic?" She inquired.

Zarek shrugged, "Sure."

[Would you like me to assess battle simulations?]

"No need," he whispered, readying his stance and gripping the hilt of his crudely made but still deadly sword. Despite its slightly off balance, the weapon felt like an extension of his arm. It wasn't so bad.

As Maya crouched in her usual stance, Zarek couldn't help but notice the way it perfectly hugged her slender yet toned frame. Wanting to see just how skilled she was, Zarek adopted a standard defensive stance and braced himself for her attack. But as Maya charged toward him with determination, Zarek was surprised by her strength and ferocity.

Although he had purposely dialed down his strength to match hers, Zarek still found it a struggle to block Maya's blows. But despite the intensity of the moment, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of this sweet and friendly opponent trying to beat the crap out of him.

As the two opponents faced off, it quickly became apparent that Zarek was in a league of his own. With lightning-fast reflexes and years of training under his belt, he expertly dodged and parried every attack, almost as if he could predict his opponent's moves before they even made them. Despite her best efforts, she was no match for his formidable defense, and it wasn't long before exhaustion set in. But Zarek showed no signs of slowing down, his defense seeming almost impenetrable.

"You're making me look like an amateur," She exclaimed, panting from the intense exertion. "I've never faced anyone who fought like you. Where did you learn your skills?"

He smiled, "I will teach you, soon enough."

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"Alright, I'll be sure to give it my all."

As she reached the end of her endurance, she summoned forth a final surge of strength and ignited her weapon with a burst of magic. The sword in her hand blazed with fiery intensity, the heat emanating from the blade so intense that Zarek could feel it from where he stood. Despite being so close to the flames, the weapon remained unscathed and the fire did not seem to affect her in the slightest. Zarek's eyebrows shot up in surprise and fascination at the powerful display of magic.

Despite her best efforts, Maya was no match for Zarek's superior skill and training. She had thrown everything she had at him, but it was clear that he was in a different league entirely. As she stood there panting and exhausted, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger at the sight of Zarek, who seemed completely unfazed by the battle. His face was a mask of cool indifference, but Maya couldn't help but be in awe of the precision and finesse of his techniques. It was clear that he was a seasoned veteran of countless battles, and no amount of training could replicate the level of skill he possessed.

"I surrender," She said, shaking her head in defeat.

"Tell me more about your magic," Zarek asked, tilting his head in curiosity. "How do you wield such power?"

"My flame magic?" Maya frowned, surprised by the question. "Didn't you use magic yourself?"

"Nope," He said, shaking his head.

Maya couldn't decide whether to laugh or bemoan her loss.

"I made a pact with the spirit of fire," She explained, lifting her right arm to show the insignia on her palm. "I control the power of flames through this contract."

"Tell me more about this contract," Zarek inquired.

"Well," Maya began, "In exchange for my magical energy, the flame spirit converts it into a special type of mana called fire mana. This allows me to control and wield the power of flames at will, and the spirit benefits by having a steady supply of mana to sustain itself. Without a contract with a human, spirits like the flame spirit must constantly search for sources of mana to survive. But with a contract in place, they can live for as long as their human partner does."

"Are there stronger contracts available?" Zarek asked.

"There are, often with higher level spirits," Maya replied. "But these contracts come with a higher cost. The stronger the spirit, the more demanding the contract can be."

"I see," Zarek nodded, his expression thoughtful. "That's certainly interesting."

With a wave of his hand, Zarek called the other knights of the battalion to gather around him. As they formed a circle, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the two dozen men and women before him. Though they were supposed to be the finest warriors the kingdom had to offer, they fell far short of Zarek's standards. Nevertheless, he was determined to make the best of it. With a nod to one of the guards, he signaled for them to fetch Eliza. It was time to come up with a battle plan.

To his surprise, Eliza arrived almost immediately, her face stern and ready, "You called for me?" she asked, joining the circle of knights.

Zarek's arm swept grandly across the map, his voice reverberating with confidence as he declared, "Our scout has finally located the rebellion's main camp. We'll launch a surprise attack, hitting them hard and fast before they have a chance to react. Maya will lead one team to eliminate their sentries and deactivate any alarms, while I'll lead the other team in a strike on the camp's very heart. With a bit of luck and a lot of skill, we can take them down."

Eliza examined the map, eyebrows knit in thought as she inquired, "But how do we get there without being detected? The camp is at the center of the rebel-controlled territory."

"Slipping stealthily through the verdant foliage, we'll utilize the forest's dense underbrush as camouflage. We don't need to worry about covering our tracks - simply take out the first rebel you spot. Given their limited means of rapid communication, it's best to focus on neutralizing their horses and transportation before attacking any border camps. Their alliance grows stronger each day, and it won't be long before the entire kingdom defects to their cause."

Zarek's finger wildly jabbed at various key locations on the enormous map, his furrowed brow and intense gaze making it clear that devising a flawless plan were of the utmost importance. He put on a show of commanding leadership, but secretly he knew the plan would work, even if he had to go it alone.

"We can utilize this route because it's conveniently located near our stationed troops, which means we can easily retreat to safety in the event of an ambush. It's crucial that we remain vigilant for any spies who might catch wind of this plan. The only unit privy to these details is us. What measures have you taken to curb the rebellion so far, Eliza?" Zarek inquired.

"To combat the rebellion, we've doubled down on patrols, reinforced our borders, and safeguarded our most valuable cargo. The rebels have succeeded in winning over a few of our cities, but as they delve further into the core of our kingdom, they'll be more exposed and vulnerable."

"Alright, I will leave you and commander Maya to sort out the groups. I have to attend to some other matters."

"Understood, Zarek. Commander Maya and I will divide the troops and devise a strategy by the end of the day," Eliza affirmed.

"Excellent. We'll launch the assault in three days. I have an audience with the Queen to discuss her plan of action," Zarek declared before turning to depart.


"So, have you made up your mind?" Zarek lounged casually as he addressed the Queen.

She regarded him with a look of appreciation. "I've heard about your tax policy proposals from the other advisors. It sounds like you caused quite a stir yesterday. However, I do thank you for exposing some of the corruption within our ranks. The Oracle has instructed me to trust you with devising a battle plan for the upcoming rebellion."

"That is also going smoothly," He replied, "What about my offer for King?"

"I...I believe I can grant you a title that reflects your deeds, but bestowing the title of King is much more complicated," she hesitated, a look of uncertainty crossing her face.

"Why is that?" Zarek asked, leaning forward with interest.

"My husband is hesitant to give up his title," she admitted with a sigh. "But after much convincing, he has agreed to appoint you as the King's Hand."

"And what if I just kill him and take the title for myself?" Zarek suggested, his eyes narrowed.

"I must be candid with you," The Queen replied, her expression grave. "My husband is taking a break from ruling because he is dying. He has been struck down by a deadly illness, and I didn't reveal this to you earlier because I didn't feel you had earned my trust. However, given your genuine desire to help our kingdom, I feel it's necessary to share this information with you now."

"May I speak with him?" Zarek asked.

"You can try, but he can barely whisper and his condition is grave," the Queen replied.

"Do you have a secret son you're not telling me about?"

"Rest assured, I will succeed to the throne upon my husband's deathbed," she replied.

"What are your thoughts on an arranged marriage?" Zarek inquired.

The Queen paused before responding, her brow furrowed in thought. "I understand your desire to ascend to the throne," she said carefully. "But I must admit, I am not convinced that an arranged marriage is the right solution. Such unions, based solely on political gain, have a tendency to breed instability and resentment over time. However," she added, her tone softening, "If you can prove to me that you have the ability and ambition to truly make this kingdom prosper, I may be willing to consider your proposal."

Zarek shook his head, trying to clear the chaos swirling in his mind. The desire to completely overhaul the current system was tempting, but he knew that it would take more than just his own determination to make it happen. He'd also need the support and allegiance of the people, which was a tall order. And even if he could somehow manage to rally everyone to his cause, starting a kingdom from scratch seemed like a monumental task. It would require careful planning, tireless labor, and endless patience - three things that he just didn't have time for.

Nope, tearing down the old and building something better would have to wait for another day.

"Fine, fine," Zarek sighed dramatically. "I guess becoming a ruler wasn't going to be a walk in the park anyways. But hey, if I can squash this rebellion and turn this kingdom into a goldmine, would you at least consider my proposal?"

"If you can make this kingdom prosperous beyond measure," the Queen said with a regal nod, "I will happily marry a man with such capabilities."

"I'm glad to hear it," Zarek replied with a small smile, "I must admit, I don't believe you've told me your name yet."

"Sylvana," She smiled in response, "It comes from the ancient elven language, meaning 'luster.' My parents named me the light of their lives."

"Quite a nice name."


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