The Emperor Lives Again

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Kingdom

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As the flames licked at the ruins of the once-great city, a small girl with crystal blue eyes and snow-white hair sat trembling in a pool of blood. She stood out like a ghost among the countless bodies that littered the streets, a tragic testament to the savagery of the conflict that had laid waste to her home. The sound of footsteps approaching made her heart race as she frantically searched for a way to escape the approaching danger. 

"Find her," a guard snarled, his voice carrying over the roar of the inferno. "Kill her and take the blade."

Tears of grief rolled down the girl's cheeks as she clutched the greatsword tightly in her hands. The beautiful weapon, with its gleaming white and gold linings and insignia of wings, etched into its surface, seemed to mock her in her helplessness. The old man, his arms clutched tightly around his stomach as he bled out from a wound inflicted by the guards, was the only family she had left in the world, and she was powerless to save him.

"Run," He coughed, his breath wavering.

She didn't understand why this was happening. Why was she being punished like this?

As she held his hands until his very last moment, rage and grief boiled inside of her. The tears streaming down her face were the only sign of the pain and betrayal she felt. When he took his final breath, she couldn't bear to stay there any longer. With a fierce determination, she stood up and ran as far as she could, away from the castle gates, away from the people who had always shunned her.

They called her a demon, something to be feared and hated, but she refused to let their cruelty break her.

As she stumbled through the dense undergrowth, the girl's heart was heavy with grief. Tears streamed down her face as she thought of all the happy moments she had shared with her master. But now, he was gone, taken from this world far too soon. The girl's body shook with sobs as she tried to come to terms with her loss. She clutched at her chest, feeling as though a piece of her had been torn away. The sense of betrayal was palpable, suffocating her with its intensity.

She collapsed to the ground, her body wracked with pain. She gingerly touched her bruised legs, feeling the tenderness from the rough terrain she had run through. Small cuts from the trees marred her skin.

How could this have happened? How could she have been so helpless to save the only person who had ever cared for her? Now, she was alone and hated, with no home or purpose. She had no idea where she was going or what she was going to do. All she knew was that she couldn't stay in the kingdom that had rejected her.

As the sun began to set, the girl's thoughts turned to the greatsword that she still clutched in her hand. It was a beautiful and deadly weapon, a gift from her master on the day that he had died. She had never used it before, but she knew that she would do whatever it took to protect herself and ensure that no one else would ever have the power to hurt her like this again.

"Luna?" a voice called out to her, causing her to blink in confusion.

"Sorry?" She frowned, her gaze focusing on the person who had spoken. "What did you say?"

"The envoy is coming soon," the person replied, their voice carrying a sense of urgency. "The Grand Duke has asked me to inform you to greet him as soon as he arrives."

Luna, adorned in a flowing robe adorned with white and red flowers, stood tall as she descended the grand staircase of her estate. As the esteemed Duchess of Aethoria, she was no stranger to the luxuries of noble life, but with the Duke occupied with affairs in the north, she knew it was up to her to assume the role of leader in his absence.

As she prepared to meet the newcomer, Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. Though she had never heard of this person before, he had somehow managed to save the troubled Kingdom of Fioren from the brink of rebellion. It was a surprise to Luna, given that the kingdom had been on a downward spiral in recent years.

"What was his name?" Luna asked.

"Let me..." The advisor behind her trailed off, seeming to hesitate before finally revealing, "Zarek."

Zarek was a name that piqued Luna's interest. As someone who had met her fair share of nobles in the past, she was used to being able to place someone's origins by their name. However, Zarek was a name that she had never heard before and it didn't fit the usual rhythm of names she was used to.

Initially, Luna assumed that Zarek must have been a noble with a strong political standing in order to have risen through the ranks to become the Hand of the King so quickly. However, she had also heard whispers of his past as a chief commander, leaving her to wonder about the origins of the man. How could she not have heard him before? 

He sat in the lobby, his tall frame exuding an air of modesty. His attire was striking, with a snake-like creature with wings and three heads emblazoned on it. Luna wondered if this was his family crest, but she had never seen such a creature before and couldn't be certain. As she studied his figure, Luna noticed that he was the ideal height and build for a soldier - his large frame and impressive strength would surely serve him well in close combat.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Aethoria."

He smiled, "Yes, it's quite a lovely place."

"Shall we get to business, then?" She asked, her gaze piercing as she leaned in.

"Of course," He replied, mirroring her posture as he outlined his proposal with confidence. "I envision a joint city on the border between our nations as a bustling trade hub, benefiting both of our economies. I am willing to fund eighty percent of the construction costs, in exchange for a higher share of the profits from the increased trade that it will bring."

"Although we are open to the idea of establishing more trade routes with your Kingdom," she replied cautiously, "setting up a joint city would be a complex and ambitious project. Who would oversee the construction and management of such a city?"

"I have some trusted workers and advisors who are more than capable of handling such a task," Zarek replied, his confidence in the project clear. "I predict the construction of the city will take at least one year, but we can set up temporary trade camps and routes in the meantime to strengthen our connection between the kingdoms."

"How will we handle territorial disputes?"

"The joint city will be a neutral zone, of course," Zarek replied, his voice smooth, "But I do recommend that you appoint a duke from your own kingdom to help oversee its operations. As for the majority of the nobles who will reside and work in the city, I suggest that they be chosen from my own kingdom. It will help to ensure a balance of power and representation in the new city."

"In case of a siege on the joint city," she asked, "who will provide military assistance? Our kingdom or yours?"

"I will personally ensure that all necessary military assistance is provided," he replied firmly.

"And what about environmental safeguards?" She pressed.

"We will strictly adhere to your kingdom's standards for protecting the environment," he reassured her.

"And provisions for intellectual property?" She asked.

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"I will have my legal team draw up fair and just agreements for protecting the intellectual property of inventors and innovators," he promised, "and I will send them over to you for review as soon as they are completed."

"I have one last request," She replied, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

"What is that?" He asked, intrigued.

"I want you to spar with me," Luna replied, a gleam of determination in her eye. "I want to see firsthand what the Hero of Fioren is capable of."

"You want this smoke?" He asked a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hm?" She asked, confusion etched on her face.

"I will accept your offer," He nodded, his expression turning serious. "But I have a condition of my own. What will be the prize for winning?"

"We will front the cost of development for the first month of the joint city," She smiled, a sly glint in her eye.

"I see," He nodded, considering her offer. "And no use of magic, of course."

"I accept that proposal," She replied, "But you will only use weapons provided by our kingdom. No outside assistance allowed."

"Shall we seal this deal with a handshake?"

Their hands met, sealing the agreement with a firm grip and a sense of newfound partnership.

After spending an hour delving into the fine points of their agreement, Luna was eager to test her mettle against the renowned Hero of Fioren. As a skilled Berserker and Grand Commander, she had seen her fair share of battles and had worked tirelessly to earn her title of Duchess from the King. Though it had taken her many years to reach her full potential, she was excited to see just how much the esteemed hero of the Fioren kingdom had to offer.

Standing on the sprawling estate battlegrounds, Zarek unsheathed a gleaming standard sword, while Luna hefted a massive greatsword with ease. With years of experience as a magic user, Luna's inner Tempering had reached a point where using magic was almost second nature to her. As a result, her reinforced mana circuits were constantly maintained, even when she wasn't actively channeling magic.

As Zarek tapped the blade of his sword against the ground, signaling his intention to attack, Luna smiled in anticipation. She knew that a warrior who moved with such lightning-fast speed was likely one who had also Tempered their mana circuits. Bracing herself, she expertly blocked and dodged his flurry of attacks, swinging her greatsword as if it were a mere fencing foil. Though Zarek was caught off guard by her agile movements and formidable strength, he quickly regained his footing and backed away.

He frowned, but clicked his tongue and shook his head.

He switched tactics, adopting the precise movements of a fencer as he closed the distance with quick, straight stabs. But Luna would not be caught off guard. Using the massive blade of her greatsword to cover all of his options, she swung with graceful efficiency, positioning herself further away as he approached. Though Zarek's speed was formidable, Luna's was even greater.

He took a deep breath, and suddenly his eyes glinted with a golden hue. Luna couldn't tell if it was magic or something else, but something in the air shifted and she could feel his increased presence. It was as if she was seeing him in a new light - as a formidable opponent. With one final, decisive attack, he dashed forward with incredible speed and precision.

But Luna was not about to be caught off guard. Instead of trying to block his attack in the usual way, she swung her blade in a wide, circular formation. Zarek managed to duck and dodge the sweeping attack, but Luna was quick to follow up with a powerful kick to his abdomen that sent him flying back several feet.

With a shake of his head, Zarek conceded defeat.

Luna paused, frowning in surprise. "But we're just getting started," she protested.

"You are a worthy opponent, Duchess," Zarek replied with a respectful bow. "I am honored to have fought you."

She couldn't help but wonder why Zarek had conceded so quickly. Was it possible that he had recognized that she was above his skill level and didn't want to reveal any further techniques? She had noticed that he was using several different stances and styles of sword fighting, and she couldn't quite get a read on his level of expertise. But she knew that it was not cowardice that had caused him to surrender so quickly - there was something else at play here.

"Very well," She nodded. 

"Thank you for the bout," He replied, bowing in respect. "I must take my leave now."

"You are an honored guest in our kingdom," Luna replied, a warm smile on her face. "Won't you stay for a couple of days longer? I would be happy to show you all that our kingdom has to offer - the finest food, the most luxurious accommodations, and perhaps even a tour of some of our most breathtaking landmarks."

Luna had only offered this proposal because, although Zarek was still somewhat lacking in combat skill compared to her, he seemed to have a wealth of knowledge when it came to negotiating trade agreements - much more so than any of the other envoys she had dealt with in the past.

She was intrigued to see what he would bring to the table, and she was excited to see how their respective trade companies might benefit from this new partnership. After all, she had built up a successful empire of trade companies under her family's name, and she was always on the lookout for new opportunities to expand her business ventures.

"Very well," He replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I would be delighted to accept your invitation, on the condition that you introduce me to your magical academies and perhaps even allow me to visit your magical library."

"We have an excellent academy in the capital that I think you will particularly enjoy," Luna replied, her own excitement palpable. "And our magical library is one of the finest in the kingdom. I would be happy to give you a tour."

"Then I accept your offer with pleasure," Zarek replied, bowing his head in gratitude.

"Fantastic," Luna exclaimed.

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