The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 3: 3

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Ch3 - The Original Recipe of Fried Chicken

Ye Yang believed that the tyrant’s brain was genuinely sick.

Yet, now, the dog emperor’s favorability score was at stake of dropping even further. He really didn’t dare resist too much—it was just a bath, just a bath and it wasn’t like he hadn’t helped his father clean himself in the bathhouse before. Since they were men and the tyrant himself didn’t mind much, there was nothing to be afraid of. 

Kang Ning ordered the servants to place the bucket bath and the steaming water inside, then waited at the side. He hoped for the servants to come and fulfill their function of attending to him, but Feng Luan merely glanced at Ye Yang, who was standing there, and uttered, “get here, Yun shijun should come and serve me.”

Ye Yang had to take a deep breath and pull up his sleeves; then, he lifted his head, laid his eyes on Feng Luan and opened his mouth to ask, “fine, where do I rub?”



Feng Luan merely raised his eyebrows a bit, then lifted his arms and fixed his gaze on Ye Yang, saying, “take it off.”

Ye Yang, “……” 

Alright, it’s starting to get irritating.


Exhibiting a complete lack of expressions on his face, Ye Yang strode to Feng Luan and bowed his head to untie the belt around his waist. His nightwear was more easy-fitting and uncomplicated than his other clothing—if not for this, Ye Yang would not even know where to begin to undress him. Though, when he stepped close to him, he got a whiff of the faint, smoky fragrance Feng Luan’s body seemed to exude. Each and every event that had occurred that day immediately flashed in his mind, and the movements of his hands, which were tugging at Feng Luan’s belt, became slightly stiff; evidently he was bearing a heavy responsibility.

I’m untying the belt, and then what?

It shouldn’t be that he also had to help the dog emperor strip off his pants, right?


He raised his head and met Feng Luan’s lowered eyes, and on top of that, he became aware of the change in the favorability score that hovered above Feng Luan’s head.

「Feng Luan’s favorability score has been increased by 1, current favorability score is 24」

Ye Yang, “……”


Removing his clothes meant his favorability score would get higher? 

Stinky hooligan!

Ye Yang halted his movements and gnashed his teeth in anger. He fretted that, at this point, if he went along with this addition to the score, he wouldn’t be able to protect his innocence. With his favorability score of 24, Ye Yang was in a position to freely do lots of things.

The atmosphere was ambiguous, wasn’t it?

In that case, he had to put an end to it himself to show this tyrant! 

Ye Yang yanked smoothly and efficiently the belt from around Feng Luan’s waist; despite the front opening of his nightclothes being not done up, he didn’t even spare a glance at it. He took the lead in patting Feng Luan, then directed his gaze at Feng Luan squarely and beamed, saying casually using his very strong Northeast Chinese dialect, “Elder Brother, I’m not half-bad at this.”

Feng Luan, “……”

Ye Yang looked steadily at him. Afterwards, he seized hold of the front opening of his garment and pulled at it, then tossed it back and onto the screen. However, when he shed this particular item of clothing, he was amazed to the point of flinging his second year disease away in the wind. He didn’t forget to spout nonsense and praised him, “how do you train your back muscles? Teach me bei.”

Feng Luan, “…………” 

He caught sight of Feng Luan’s favorability score plummeting to a measly 15 and felt that his goal had been achieved.

Autumn’s arrival brought unpleasantly cold weather. Ye Yang believed that, due to the drop in temperature, Feng Luan wouldn’t stay stark naked for too long, and he had also blurted out words that immediately had Feng Luan’s spirits dampened. It went without saying that Feng Luan wouldn’t wish to hear him heap praise on his legs and buttocks training. Such crazy talk directed to a stern individual like Feng Luan was impossible to listen to.


As expected, Feng Luan remained silent for a moment; then, he spit out four words cooly, “you have no shame.”

Ye Yang already had a strategic response prepared in his mind. 

“But you also took your clothes off in front of so many people,” said Ye Yang in muted tones. “You have no shame.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mfcu Oejc, “sbe……”

“Po atfgf jgf bcis akb bg atgff ujgwfcar, sbe mjc pera jrx atf ilaaif kjlalcu wjlv ab tfiq sbe kfjg atfw,” Tf Tjcu wewyifv. “Cgf sbe kbgglfv jybea ibrlcu ojmf?”

Mfcu Oejc, “……” 

Lf abbx tffv bo Mfcu Oejc’r mbwqifzlbc yijcmtlcu ogbw kgjat jcv ecvfgrabbv atja tlr ubji tjv yffc, sfa jujlc, jmtlfnfv. Mffilcu nfgs qifjrfv klat tlwrfio, tf kjr lc gfjvlcfrr obg atf wbwfca Mfcu Oejc’r ojnbgjylilas rmbgf kbeiv vgbq bcmf wbgf jcv oeglberis rfcv tlw yjmx ab tlr yfv.

Beyond his expectation, Feng Luan stared at him gloomily for a long time, then eventually he drawled, “is Yun shijun jealous?”

Ye Yang choked on his words.

「Feng Luan’s favorability score has been increased by 1, current favorability score is 16」 

Ye Yang, “……”

No, no, what kind of magical brain circuit was this?!

Ye Yang attempted to explain, “I’m not……”

「Feng Luan’s favorability score has been increased by 1, current favorability score is 17」 

Ye Yang, “……”

Feng Luan coldly declared, “rest assured, Yun shijun. Zhen will come back when time permits.”

That won’t be necessary!!!

While Ye Yang was wrapping his mind around the sudden turn of events, Feng Luan had actually caught hold of his hand and gently pressed it on his own chest. 

Feng Luan’s upper body was without a single article of clothing, hence the two of them were skin to skin. However, perhaps because Feng Luan stood exposed to the cool air, his body felt fairly cold to the touch; that caused Ye Yang’s palm to warm all over, as if a fire was ablaze on his chest.

Ye Yang was dumbfounded.


For the first time in his life, he was molested in such a way, and as one would expect, it was impossible for him not to resist.

Ye Yang clenched his teeth together tightly and pulled his hand back, but the ding that sounded in his ears as above Feng Luan’s head materialized a -10 scared Ye Yang witless and prompted him to immediately press his hand back on his chest. 

The favorability score dropped to 7! How do you play this game?!

Ye Yang reluctantly looked up at Feng Luan, showed him a gratifying smile and suggested in a shaky voice, “Your Majesty, it’s cold, it’s important that you don’t catch a cold.”

But, Feng Luan said, “zhen has done horsemanship and archery since childhood, and isn’t a pampered, pot bellied person.”

Frightened, Ye Yang smacked his lips and nodded repeatedly, “Your Majesty is high and noble, tall and strong, healthy and robust, and powerful!” 

He quietly glanced up and noticed that Feng Luan’s favorability score didn’t change.

Ye Yang had no other choice but to brace himself to continue speaking volubly and at length absolute nonsense, “such drop-dead gorgeous men, mighty in spirit and heroic in bearing, with an imposing appearance as Your Majesty are few and far between in this world! Worthy of being the True Dragon, the Son of Heaven and the Lord of Destiny!”

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Feng Luan replied weakly, “you’re exaggerating.”

He did say that, yet the ruby-colored ‘favorability score has been increased by 1’ still popped up above him. It suddenly dawned on Ye Yang that any person could be affected by flattery—even an arrogant tyrant like him would enjoy listening to rainbow farts! 

“There is no exaggeration! Your Majesty! I dare not tell lies!” Ye Yang felt that he had grasped the best magical weapon that’d assure his survival. He had already forgotten his hand was still very much in contact with Feng Luan’s pectoral and lost no time to carry on, “you are one of a kind wise ruler, only devoted to the government affairs. Despite the sun not being up in the sky, you are wide awake. Such a thing is truly capable of evoking praises and tears, making anyone visibly moved.”

Feng Luan, “……what zhen has done is something the ancestors of past dynasties would have done.”

“It is precisely because Your Majesty and the ancestors were diligent when dealing with government affairs, benevolent and loving of their people that we live in such prosperous times today!” Ye Yang exclaimed. “Lost items are always returned, doors are left unbolted at night, the people are well-fed and well-clothed. We are lucky to have been born in this world!”

Feng Luan, “……” 

Feng Luan shifted his gaze away, clasped Ye Yang’s wrist and silently moved his hand from his chest.


「Feng Luan’s favorability score has been increased by 10, current favorability score is 27」

Look at that! Look at that! It’s too easy to raise this favorability score! 

Ye Yang considered himself an actual genius.

Feng Luan coughed lightly, keeping his sight directed anywhere but at him. He only instructed, “zhen will go to court after bathing. It’s still early. You go first and rest.”


Ye Yang was somewhat astonished.

Using his ability to examine his language and observe his countenance, he noticed Feng Luan’s impenetrable eyes darting around as if he didn’t know what to focus his gaze on. It was very likely that he was embarrassed by his honeyed words. However, given his status of a tyrant, there was definitely not a shortage of sweet-talking people around him. Why was the young fellow looking as if he was rarely praised by others? He casually lauded him and, unexpectedly, he turned bashful. 

Be that as it may, he slipped out as quickly as possible; saying or talking too much never meant anything good. He had to keep the favorability score intact—which had, fortunately, returned to 27.

It was still early in the morning. Ye Yang could clearly see darkness permeating the surroundings outside. He had no idea what time it was; he wished to go back to sleep, yet he came to a standstill and spun round, silently searching for a chair to sit down.

The tyrant’s temperament was unpredictable. If he actually left, he’d cause the dog emperor to feel unhappy in some way or another. Therefore, it was better for him to wait around for a while. After Feng Luan left his chamber, he’d go back to nap.

But, the dog emperor bathed too slowly. After sitting for some time, he was drowsy and dozed off by the table without intending to. 

Once Feng Luan was finished washing himself, he stepped out and was faced with this scene.

The beauty supported his head using his hand, his silky sleeves sliding to the curve of his arm to reveal his creamy elbow, as white as a magnolia. There was a vein faintly sticking out, which inevitably made people feel pity for him. He leaned on the small table, and seemed to be fast asleep, but could be easily awoken. Evidently, this was not a place for one to nod off on.

It was getting late and Feng Luan should’ve left the palace early. Knowing that Ye Yang wanted to please him, he stood in front of him and slightly raised his eyebrows, calling out to him. “Yun shijun?”

According to him, if Yun Yang wanted to charm him, he should’ve woken up by now, cast his eyes on his figure as though in a stupor and feigned naivety, telling how he drifted off outside. 

He recalled that Chu Lian had done this act in the past to whet the desire of others many times before. He disliked it.

However, Ye Yang didn’t rouse. Feng Luan was a little impatient. He was just pondering on how long would the young man pretend for, when he made out the sound of slow murmuring coming from Ye Yang, as if he was saying something.

Feng Luan furrowed his brows slightly and stepped forward in order to hear his words clearly. He called out again, “Yun shijun.”

The beauty’s eyelashes trembled and his lips were glossy and moistened. As Feng Luan stayed close to him, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of the sensation when he stroked these soft lips today. He wavered a bit, before reaching out with his hand to caress the side of the beauty’s face. Without warning, Ye Yang parted his lips and held his finger in his mouth. 

The squishy and warm feeling that came to his fingertip made Feng Luan breathe rather harshly; the tip of his tongue slid over his fingertip and Feng Luan knitted his brows. He was about to back off from the other, when Ye Yang gently smacked his tongue against his finger and sucked on it, taking it inside his mouth.

Feng Luan’s voice was slightly heavy and dull. He frowned and uttered, “Yun shi……”

Ye Yang bit it, then spit it out without hesitation.

“Pah, what is this?” Ye Yang muttered in his sleep. “What is this fried chicken finger I’m sucking on, it tastes awful.” 

Feng Luan, “……”

Feng Luan looked at his hand, specifically at the very obvious teeth mark left on his finger. Although he was not bleeding, there was a visible red bruise. He stood mum for a moment. Studying the culprit of this incident, he caught sight of Ye Yang faintly opening and closing his lips, speaking in an undertone.


“Don’t steal my chicken drumstick……” Ye Yang smacked his lips, “no, I can’t eat anymore, this master is dying from overeating……”

Feng Luan, “……” 

Feng Luan gnashed his teeth in anger and, in a deep voice, he burst out with, “Yun Yang!”

Ye Yang abruptly jerked awake from his beautiful dream and gazed dumbly at Feng Luan before him, as well as at the big words that appeared above Feng Luan.

「Feng Luan’s favorability score has been decreased by 25, current favorability score is 2」

Ye Yang, “……” 

What’s the matter? What happened? Why did it suddenly drop so much?!

Feng Luan huffed angrily, raised and pointed his finger at him, “you remember it for zhen.”

Ye Yang, “……”

Remember…… Remember what? What did he do?! 

Feng Luan flicked his sleeves and strode out of the chamber, leaving Ye Yang at a loss.

What the hell is going on!

The favorability score that was so easily brought to 27 had now dropped to 2. How could he still play!

All of a sudden, the door slammed open from the outside and Mama Li stuck her head inside. She appeared grim as she inquired, “Young Master, why is His Majesty angry?” 

Ye Yang couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He muttered to himself, “I don’t know……”

His life would be in peril if his favorability score dropped lower than 0. His life was hanging by a thread now, and he didn’t know what to do to save himself.

Mama Li hurriedly closed the door and stepped inside the chamber. “Don’t panic, Young Master. This slave still has a plan!”

Ye Yang, “……” 

He couldn’t help but recall the jade stick…… It definitely wasn’t a good plan.

Mama Li took her satchel that she brought, rummaged around in it, pulled out another object from it and solemnly handed it over to Ye Yang, saying, “Young Master! Diligence can make up for clumsiness, study hard and you will have a brilliant future!”


Ye Yang darted his eyes to what he was holding.

It was a thin pamphlet bound in leather with a plain cover, and when he flipped it open with quivering hands, he read the words written on the first page. 

「Pictures of Secret Spring Night Shows」

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