The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 6: 6

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Ch6 - The Monarch’s Heart Is Difficult to Fathom


I reread the raws of the previous chapter and made some small corrections regarding Feng Luan’s favorability score: it was, actually, in the negatives and kept decreasing (in case you’ve read the chapter before I edited it yesterday!) As of now, his favorability score is -18 LOL. Happy reading!! 

Ye Yang didn’t know what he was poisoned with.

He was so woozy, he just wished to close his eyes and sleep soundly. However, as soon as his eyelids drooped and shut, the imperial doctor yelled in his ear, “shijun, you must not sleep.”



Before the words had been so much as shouted, his arm twinged. When he opened his eyes, he caught sight of Feng Luan pinching him to the point that he grimaced in pain, yet he did not dare to direct his anger at Feng Luan. After a long while, he muttered out a sentence, “……this is domestic violence.”

Feng Luan raised his eyebrows, seemingly not comprehending the meaning of this comment; instead, he coldly ordered, “you’re not allowed to sleep.” 

Ye Yang, “……”


Ye Yang darted his eyes away. He also didn’t really want to sleep, yet he couldn’t stand how his eyelids would sag down. The imperial physician was so perturbed that his face appeared a little distorted, feeling awkward to glance at Feng Luan. He uttered, “Your Majesty, this……”

Feng Luan understood and raised the tone of his voice, “Kang Ning, let the others go down.”

Ye Yang’s shoulder was injured. If the imperial physician had to make a diagnosis and give treatment, he had to at least untie his outer coat. The palace banquet was held in a high building. The assassin was put under arrest by the emperor’s guards; the palace people standing together on the side was anything but convenient for this situation.


Kang Ning originally regarded Ye Yang as a fellow not pleasing to the eye, however, after Ye Yang risked his life to save Feng Luan. He was sweating profusely and, with his anxiety reaching the limit, he turned around and called at the top of his voice, ordering the others to keep away from this place and the imperial guards to watch over the entrance to the stairway, then hurriedly ran back.

Ye Yang was perspiring from the pain and, as a consequence of being poisoned, he could not restrain himself from shivering. He was being cradled in Feng Luan’s arms—he undid a part of the front of his coat, exposing to view his attractively thin shoulder, along with the hideous wound, the skin and flesh stained with blood and dirt, blackening. The imperial physician wiped away the poisoned blood for him and took out a small bag packed with hair-thin silver needles used for acupuncture. Right at that moment, Ye Yang turned his head and caught sight of them, immediately recalling a fragment from a classical TV drama. Thinking of it, but also not wanting to think of it, he opened his mouth and spoke shakily, “……what’s your honorable surname?”

The imperial physician was immersed in heating the silver needles and Feng Luan replied in his stead, “his surname is Rong.”


Ye Yang, “……” 

Imperial Physician Rong’s silver needle glinted as he held it, declaring, “shijun, this may hurt a little.”

“I am aware……” Ye Yang’s line of thoughts were in total chaos, and he appeared to be in a confused state of mind. He mumbled to himself under his breath, “now, it’s no use even yelling out ‘Lord of Ten Thousand Years’……”

Imperial Physician Rong, “……”

Feng Luan, “……” 

After a short while, Feng Luan lifted his hand and pressed Ye Yang’s head to lean against his chest. His wide robe and large sleeves obstructed the sunset glow from reaching Ye Yang’s corners of his eyes, and he whispered softly, “do not worry, it won’t hurt.”

Feng Luan rarely used such a gentle tone. Ye Yang almost thought he had misheard. He made an effort to try to be in good spirits and, as if in a stupor, he raised his head and gazed at Feng Luan, searching for the line of text that would tell his favorability score. Then, he saw it——

「Feng Luan’s current favorability score is 32」

Ye Yang, “……” 

Blocking a knife once could increase the favorability score by 50?! This brought him straight from death’s door caused by the negative favorability score!

He became more energetic, given how he’d barely escaped with his life. His heart was deeply moved, and just as he was about to utter something, Imperial Physician Rong raised the silver needle and pierced it into his shoulder, saying □□.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Yang cried out in fear and screamed from the pain, “fuck!”

Mfcu Oejc, “……” 

Ye Yang, “……the grasses are tall and the nightingales are in the air of the February sky.”

Lf qjerfv ab uijcmf eq jcv, bearlvf atf tlut yelivlcu, tf rqbaafv atf tjio wbbc jvbgclcu atf cluta rxs bo atf Hlzl.

Ye Yang, “heaven…… heaven and earth have been overturned…… hurt each other…… what…… what else do you want to do……”

He stared as Feng Luan’s face darkened, and thinking of the favorability score of 32 and Feng Luan’s speed of making it drop, he dared not say anything more. He put on a brave face, closed his eyes and directly buried his head in Feng Luan’s arms. 

Mfcu Oejc’r ybvs rffwfv ab mjggs j ojlcais vlrmfgclyif vfilmjaf, sfa lmf-mbiv ogjugjcmf ecojlilcuis, ktlmt wluta rbwfktja qbrrfrr j rbbatlcu foofma. Tf Tjcu mjiwfv vbkc j ajv, raloilcu jcv fcveglcu atf qjlc bo yflcu qglmxfv klat atf rlinfg cffvifr lc tlr rtbeivfg. Lf ofia atja la kjr bcis joafg j ibcu alwf atja atf lwqfglji qtsrlmljc ilutais ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo, jcv rajafv, “Tbeg Zjpfras, jii lr kfii.”

Ye Yang hastily struggled to pull at his clothing to cover his shoulder, however Feng Luan had already stretched his own hand to tidy him up, and then picked him up in a princess carry.

Ye Yang was given a fright—he had never been carried in this position before. Yun Yang, however weak, was still a man. Feng Luan appeared to be holding him quite effortlessly. He was, inevitably, somewhat mortified, and hurried to say, “Your Majesty, I can walk just fine by myself!”

Yet, Feng Luan didn’t let go. The imperial physician merely bowed his body in respect and followed from behind; the imperial guards did not even squint in their direction, as if they had never seen anything—that is, except for Chu Lian, who glared at him gnashing her teeth, a big 50 popping up above her head. 

Ye Yang was a bit terrified.

Chu Lian’s favorability score was –171. Was it really safe to go on like this ma?!

It was fortunate that the imperial carriage was ready and waiting outside; Feng Luan did not ride with him. When his feet were back on the ground and he wanted to climb into the carriage by himself, he felt his legs were like jelly, as if it was strenuous to even stand.

He had not expected for such a thing to occur during the Qixi Palace Banquet, given how there was no incident of the sort in the novel. After Yun Yang fell in the water, the palace investigated the murder continuously, and for a short while, the people were alarmed. Perhaps, because of this, the assassin was perturbed and the matter had been put to an end by itself. 

In only two days’ time, the plot of the original book had changed dramatically. Chu Lian was not favored, nor was she pregnant, and he had become Chu Lian’s number one rival. He couldn’t even imagine what would happen next.

That won’t do—he had to get the plot back on track.

Each of his advantages were based on his familiarity with the plot, and if it didn’t get back on track, he’d have a hard time saving his life and an even harder time protecting the Yun family.

It dawned on Ye Yang. 

At times like these, he should try to set Chu Lian up with Feng Luan!



He had already fainted on the carriage and came around in the afternoon of the next day. He felt a stinging pain traveling across his shoulder when he roused. It just so happened that a servant of the palace came to inform that Chu Lian and Imperial Concubine Shen had arrived to pay him a visit, and Ye Yang was hesitating to meet them. Another little maid sprinted inside, stumbling over her words from nervousness, announcing, “shijun! His Majesty has returned!”

Ye Yang, “……” 

Since Feng Luan’s favorability score was only 32, he didn’t dare refuse to see him. In the case that he met Feng Luan, naturally, he’d have to meet Chu Lian and Shen Xiangning as well.

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However, Chu Lian’s favorability score was currently –171. On the condition that he was seen with Feng Luan again, it was bound for Chu Lian’s favorability score to drop once more.

Therefore, the following question arose: how could he make Chu Lian be delighted without letting Feng Luan’s favorability score decrease too much?

Ah, this brutal question was too hard. 

He was still in a quandary and had a splitting headache, when several people, who came to visit the sickly patient, had walked in together.

Ye Yang could clearly recognize that Kang Ning was carrying several brocade boxes in his hands, handing them to a servant, seemingly as gifts presented by Feng Luan to him.

Ye Yang pondered uneasily.

It was known to every individual in the palace that Feng Luan preferred gentle, quiet and elegant beauties. If he acted as if he was too delicate and sat unspeaking, Chu Lian would think that he was pretending to be miserable in order to win over the Sacred Heart. 

He had to do the exact opposite.

Besides, Feng Luan’s favorability score was 32; it would be no biggie if it dropped a bit.

Feng Luan parted his lips to inquire, “is Yun shijun feeling better today?”

Before he even finished speaking, Ye Yang began to reply in a gravelly voice. 

Ye Yang, “dear me! Brother, come on, come on, why did you bring something with you? We are all friends here, what are you so polite for?”

Feng Luan, “……”

Chu Lian, “……”

Sure enough, the addition and subtraction to their favorability scores floated above their heads at the same time. 

「Feng Luan’s current favorability score has been increased by 1, current favorability score is 33」

「Chu Lian’s current favorability score has been decreased by 1, current favorability score is -173」

Ye Yang, “……” 

Wait a minute, isn’t this wrong?!

Why did the tyrant’s favorability score rise?!

Everyone fell silent. Ye Yang was at a loss. He secretly peeked at some of the people. Chu Lian’s expression was gloomy, however Shen Xiangning was in a good mood. She and Chu Lian were sworn enemies. Chu Lian’s misfortune was Shen Xiangning’s joy.

Feng Luan was poker-faced, giving Ye Yang no chance of knowing his emotions. He could only sigh deeply, wondering what was going on inside his mind. 

Chu Lian abhorred him. Watching him babbling and regarding his actions as a move to get Feng Luan’s attention, it was expected for her favorability score to drop.

But, something was wrong with Feng Luan.

Before, when he had spoken in his dialect, Feng Luan’s favorability score had decreased. Yet, after using himself to shield him from the dagger, how come each of his actions were increasing Feng Luan’s favorability score?

Could it be that… after he had saved the dog emperor, the dog emperor was moved to the point that he liked him? 

His heart was heavy; suddenly, someone barged in to inform of the Head Court Lady’s arrival, sent by the Empress Dowager.

A servant of the Empress Dowager—Ye Yang was not so bold as to send her away. Once the servants stepped inside, they presented their gifts, too. Before they could explain their purpose, Feng Luan opened his mouth lazily and uttered, “you do not need to ask anymore. Zhen will rest at Yun shijun’s place today.”

When he had hardly finished speaking, his favorability score was increased by 5, as if he felt especially contented with his decision.

Ye Yang’s heart trembled with fear and he hurriedly insisted, “Your Majesty, I am ill……” 

Feng Luan, “even more the reason to stay here and take care of you.”

Chu Lian, “……”

「Chu Lian’s current favorability score has been decreased by 20, current favorability score is –193」

Ye Yang covered his face with one hand, remaining speechless. 

The Empress Dowager’s Head Court Lady knitted her brows slightly and listened to the order; but, before leaving, she sneaked a look at Ye Yang with a hint of a warning. Ye Yang was, of course, aware of her glaring eyes, but was genuinely confused. Chu Lian was in a bad mood. Shen Xiangning was just as jovial. Seeing Ye Yang looking quickly at her, she winked at him.

The imperial harem was much too complicated for Ye Yang to understand.


Chu Lian couldn’t sit still.

She stayed for a short while, rose to her feet and left the chamber, Shen Xiangning following with a smile. Only Feng Luan and Ye Yang, who was in a complicated mood, remained in the palace. While waiting for the servants to bring the medicine for that day, Feng Luan spoke softly, “there are dozens of people around zhen who’d guard until their death. If such a thing happens again, you just have to look after yourself.” 

Ye Yang blurted out whatever came in his head in response, “you think I’m willing to serve you, but I’m just doing what’s right: serving the people. The red scarf on my chest is old yet bright-colored.”

When he finished saying this, he couldn’t help lowering his voice and muttering, “but you’re not the ‘people’ either…… you’re actually the three mountains weighing down on the people, and you’ve got to be somewhere in the Five Black Categories of class struggle.”

Feng Luan frowned slightly, appearing to have gotten used to Ye Yang’s nonsense. Since he was in a good mood, something which was rare for him, he went on to say, “rest well today. If you have the time and your health permits, you ought to practice more.”

His words were sincere and addressed to Ye Yang. Yun Yang’s body was much too frail. He also wished to exercise to strengthen his body. At least, he used to train a lot in school. Seeing how the imperial garden was spacious enough, it could be used as a training ground. 

Ye Yang couldn’t stop himself from nodding in agreement, but didn’t expect Feng Luan to continue and ask a question, “what do you want to learn?”

Ye Yang was stunned, “to learn?”

Feng Luan, “Whatever you want to learn, zhen will teach you.”

Ye Yang, “……” 

Ye Yang peered at Feng Luan’s favorability score of 38 and recalled the bizarre setting of his favorability score, ensuring the addition of points to Feng Luan’s score. Exactly like a gold medal of immortality—it seemed that Feng Luan would not kill him no matter how much of a goblin he was.

Ye Yang had always been the experimental type.

Ye Yang cleared his throat with all his might. “Then…… Then I want to learn to break a boulder with my chest!”

Feng Luan, “……” 


「Feng Luan’s current favorability score has been decreased by 1, current favorability score is 37」

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