The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 9: 9

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Ch9 - Willing

Ye Yang gazed at Feng Luan’s dour expression and swallowed back the words on the tip of his tongue several times. He truly had no idea how to explain this.

He was aware that Feng Luan was aggrieved, yet at the moment, he could only reluctantly tug the corners of his mouth and grinned at Feng Luan, saying, “Your Majesty, I advise you to treat everyone and everything equally.” 

Feng Luan, “……”

「Feng Luan’s current favorability score has been decreased by 10, current favorability score is 30」



Ye Yang nearly blubbered on the spot.

It was easy as pie for him to make the favorability score greater, how could it suddenly plummet back to 30? 

Ye Yang stiffened and looked away.


He couldn’t comprehend for what reason Feng Luan unexpectedly showed his face here. Darting his eyes around, he spotted Wan Juan and Mama Li sticking half of their heads in to peek inside from outside the hall.

That being so, the matter was much simpler—on tenterhooks thinking that something might happen to him, she hurried to find Mama Li for help. Mama Li was also stumped, deciding on simply looking for Feng Luan.

Feng Luan thought he was being chastised by the Empress Dowager and believed he was injured. He anxiously rushed over, just in time to hear Ye Yang shouting about how he should treat everyone equally.


Ye Yang could imagine Feng Luan’s wrath at the moment, given that the favorability score was 30. He didn’t have the nerve to talk nonsense anymore; he had to lower his head, appearing to be still a bit wronged.

The Empress Dowager continued nagging, “Your Imperial Majesty, you ought to listen more to others’ suggestions.”

Feng Luan retorted coldly, “mother, your humble son is still occupied and will take his leave first.”


He seized Ye Yang’s arm and dragged him out. However, Ye Yang’s shoulder was still aching terribly and Feng Luan was hauling that very same wounded arm. One tug caused indescribable pain to his heart, which prompted Ye Yang to cover his shoulder with his hand. He had always felt that Yun Yang’s frail body had a low pain tolerance. Such a small injury made him tremble from the suffering. It was not difficult to follow Feng Luan outside the hall. He glanced up at Feng Luan, yet didn’t open his mouth, when a tear had fallen on Feng Luan’s hand. 

Ye Yang was taken aback.

Wait a minute, what was that? Tears? Was he crying?

He raised his hand and wiped his face, quickly discovering that it was dampened and he seemed to be weeping. Ye Yang rubbed his face carelessly two more times, desperately trying to keep his tears at bay. Unaware of what was happening, Feng Luan tugged his arm for two more steps, bringing about another wave of sharp pain to the wound in his shoulder. The tears couldn’t be held in anymore and trickled down.

Feng Luan finally halted, stared back at him doubtfully and asked, “you……” 

Ye Yang covered his face with one hand and declared, “that was not me, don’t look at me.”

He felt a tad ashamed. How could such great masters shed tears when in pain? For a moment, it appeared that even the base of his ears had reddened, but he could only lift his hand to hide from Feng Luan’s eyes, mumbling, “men don’t shed tears that easily, anyway…… anyway, that was not me.”

Naturally, it was as a result of Yun Yang’s sensitive body being unable to bear the pain and it had nothing to do with Ye Yang.

Feng Luan, “……” 

Feng Luan seemed to register that, at the moment, he was holding Ye Yang’s injured hand when he was still incensed. He was somewhat at a loss. He turned to look at Kang Ning next to him and caught sight of him signaling with his eyes, mouthing, ‘Your Majesty, apologize quickly.’

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Feng Luan, “zhen……”


After all, he was the sovereign of a country and had never asked forgiveness from anyone, taking into consideration his status. As he gazed at Ye Yang, his clumsy apology was stuck in his throat. He couldn’t utter a word, and yet Ye Yang still placed his sleeves over his face, waving his hand at him and insisting, “I’m alright…… hic.”

Tf Tjcu, “……” 

Mfcu Oejc, “……”

Jgslcu jcv mgslcu kjr bcf atlcu! Qts vlv tf tjnf ab jirb tlmmeq!!!

Tf Tjcu kfca rmjgifa jii bnfg jcv mbeivc’a rajcv tbk rtffqlrt jcv jyjrtfv tf ofia. Lf tjvc’a kfqa ilxf atlr lc sfjgr, rb wemt rb atja tf yfilfnfv j agef wjc jwbcu atf batfg wfc rtbeiv tlvf jcv rtfv afjgr rfmgfais lo tf kjcafv ab mgs!

Feng Luan was flustered. 

It was not that he had never watched a man cry his eyes out—a man of high rank such as himself had long gotten accustomed to seeing the pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy of others. He had watched countless people cry, but Ye Yang was striking; looking at him sobbing aroused within one pity and the need to protect him. On top of that, Ye Yang had also hurt himself whilst defending him from a dagger. In a fit of anger, he pulled on his wounded arm and made him cry.

He whirled his head to look at Kang Ning again. Kang Ning heaved a sigh, hating iron for not becoming steel. He stepped close to Feng Luan’s ear and whispered to him, “Your Majesty! Quickly coax him!”

Feng Luan, “……”

Feng Luan put up a brave front, glanced back at Ye Yang, cleared his throat and said stiffly, “do…… do not cry……” 

Ye Yang sullenly replied, “I’m…… I’m not crying……”

Feng Luan gritted his teeth and apologized, “it is zhen’s fault. Zhen should not have tugged at your arm. Does it hurt? Do you wish to see the imperial physician?”

Ye Yang inhaled deeply, “I’m feeling well, I’m not in pain…… hic.”

Ye Yang, “……” 

Feng Luan, “……”

This scene has become even more mortifying!

Ye Yang genuinely didn’t know how he could explain this to Feng Luan. He truly didn’t want to weep at all, yet the teardrops kept falling. He had almost humiliated himself; pausing for a moment, he breathed in deeply, wiped away the tears casually with his sleeve, marched forward and declared, “I’m feeling well. I’ll go back first.”

Feng Luan stopped dead for some time and Kang Ning couldn’t help but push his arm. He also inspired deeply and followed closely after Ye Yang. Still, he wasn’t courageous enough to talk to Ye Yang, fearing he’d bring him to tears again. He gave the impression of being a child who had done something wrong. 

Wan Juan was absorbed in thought. Then, she hastened to get to Ye Yang’s side, talking under her breath eagerly, “Young Master, you’re still formidable! His Majesty was moved at once!”

Ye Yang, “……”


He was not joyous in the slightest. He only hoped to return to the palace early and shake off Feng Luan.

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However, he had clearly forgotten another thing. 

Yesterday, Feng Luan assured him that he’d permit his parents and older brother to visit the palace. The first thing he did early in the morning was go to the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility, and had never been informed of this matter by anyone. Right at this time, he happened upon Yun Lin and the others, who were led there by the servants.

Although Ye Yang had stopped crying, the corners of his eyes were flushed, signifying he had just shed tears. Feng Luan was also treading on his heels with a remorseful face. He raised his head and noticed Yun Lin’s expression darkened; his heart sank.

The Yun family was formed of a stern father and a compassionate mother. The old lady’s eyes became pink at the rims once she took in Ye Yang’s appearance. Prime Minister Yun was controlled, albeit his eyes dimmed from distress. Despite this, he could not blame Feng Luan for this matter. Yun Lin’s face, on the other hand, was somber, appearing to be incredibly displeased and managing with difficulty to tolerate this.

Ye Yang had no alternative but to explain awkwardly, “I…… I’ve just fallen down in the imperial garden……” 

His excuse was awfully feeble, but he recalled the way the Yun family would end up. He didn’t wish for any falling-out between the Yun family and Feng Luan, thus he coughed violently and had to give a justification again.

Feng Luan had already announced, “it is zhen’s fault.”

Ye Yang glanced back at him in astonishment—he certainly didn’t expect Feng Luan to directly acknowledge his mistake. For a while, he didn’t know how he should deal with the situation at hand. Feng Luan didn’t utter anything anymore. In his presence, the Yun family were more or less overcautious and only hurriedly spoke a few words; Yun Lin, however, was still lowering.

So much had taken place successively these days. Ye Yang supposed that Yun Lin was discontented. He frowned and thought for a moment, yet he really couldn’t come up with an excuse. When Prime Minister Yun and the others were about to leave, he gently pulled Yun Lin’s sleeve and said softly, “Elder Brother, you don’t need to think too much about it.” 

Yun Lin couldn’t help knitting his brows. Feng Luan was sitting outside and flipping through a folding book and, believing he would be unable to listen in their whispered conversation, he lowered his voice and asked, “were you crying?”

“I……” Ye Yang could only summon up his bravery and force himself to make up an explanation, “Elder Brother, I am willing.”

Yun Lin, “……”


Once Yun Lin left, Feng Luan’s eyes revealed his entangled feelings.

Feng Luan was unclear for what reason he had waited for the Yun family to be escorted out of the palace by the servants. However, afterwards, he coughed lightly, as if he had come to a decision, and declared, “zhen has something to say to you.”

Ye Yang quietly drew back.

A tyrant behaving solemnly was always not a good sign. 

“All that you have given utterance to in the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility today, zhen has heard,” Feng Luan affirmed. “You ought to be apprised of the Empress Dowager’s desire for zhen to continue the bloodline of the imperial family.”

Ye Yang trembled with fear and nodded.


Feng Luan added, “but, zhen is not of the same opinion.”

He appeared to not know how to express his thoughts to Ye Yang. He furrowed his brows and pondered for a short while, then reluctantly stated further, “not including you, there are Imperial Concubine Chu and Shen in the imperial harem. Be that as it may, zhen…… is not interested.” 

Wait a second, this plot…… Did he read that in the book?

Ye Yang had an epiphany.

“The seniors are urging you to wed, do you want me to ward them off?” Ye Yang was startled, “no, but I can’t bear a child. Your Majesty, it shouldn’t be that you want to have your first child with someone outside the palace, is it?”

Feng Luan, “……” 

Thinking of Chu Lian and the Empress Dowager’s fixed gaze, Ye Yang shivered, fiercely shook his head and refused, “I’m afraid of death, so I can’t help.”

Feng Luan, “……”

Ye Yang, “why don’t you discuss with Imperial Concubine Chu? I reckon she’s quite curious about you.”

Feng Luan, “……” 

「Feng Luan’s current favorability score has been decreased by 10, current favorability score is 20」

Ye Yang, “it’s just…… Imperial Concubine Chu is also a beautiful, older sister……”

「Feng Luan’s current favorability score has been decreased by 10, current favorability score is 10」

Ye Yang, “……” 

Ye Yang hurriedly changed his words, “I will help you.”

Feng Luan faintly nodded and replied, “set your mind at ease, zhen will protect you unconditionally.”

Ye Yang was rendered speechless.

Getting stabbed with a dagger for him was a straightforward way to get his favorability score to reach higher than 30. How come that in two days, though, a few problems caused him to suddenly return to how things were before? 

He couldn’t grasp Feng Luan’s idea. At Feng Luan’s age, comparing him with the other emperors in the ancient times, his children should’ve long ago been running around in large numbers. Nevertheless, Feng Luan refused to visit the imperial harem. In the original book, he was forced by the Empress Dowager to spend the night at Chu Lian’s palace. All night, the light was dimmed, and although it was later mentioned that Chu Lian was pregnant, there was no specific description of it. Ye Yang cogitated about it for a long time, but could barely come to a relatively certain conclusion.

Some of the tyrant’s functions…… Weren’t there some obstacles?


The realization flashed through his mind.

If that was the case, it could also justify Feng Luan’s purity. It was a widely known fact that being fast and small didn’t affect the reproductive function, but it would naturally make one feel inferior—especially Feng Luan, who was the most respected and venerated ruler. In the original novel, if it wasn’t for the Empress Dowager putting pressure on him, he’d be unwilling to expose his shortcomings. 

How tragic.

This was incredibly tragic!

“Zhen has perceived,” Feng Luan said, “that you do not have a pleasant time in the palace.”

Ye Yang gazed at him sympathetically. 

“Zhen gives his word,” Feng Luan frowned a tad. “All you ought to do is cover up for zhen for a period of time. Zhen guarantees that you’ll be provided with riches, honor and a glorious life. Once everything will have ended, zhen will find a way to let you out of the palace.”

Ye Yang clutched Feng Luan’s hand, hot tears welling up in his eyes.

“Your Majesty, you shouldn’t worry about it. This important master agrees. I understand it all too well,” Ye Yang’s voice was bursting with sincerity. “Hit me up, I’ll make sure to keep quiet about everything!”

Feng Luan, “……hit you?” 

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