The End of Era

Chapter 2: Experiment-101(Part-1)

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~1 day ago~

The snow was frigid and the wind had a biting chill as it blew across the icy landscape. The light of day had disappeared far too soon, leaving behind an eerie blanket of darkness which seemed to wrap itself around all that existed within its boundaries. Looming in the middle of this frozen terrain was an old dirt road leading into some unknown destination, or at least that's what it appeared to be from afar. 

The large tank trucks rumbled down the wind-whipped snow road, metal creaking and wheels groaning with every bump. The engines revved as they chugged up a steep rise, inching ever closer to their destination despite the icy conditions. A fierce gust of wind kicked up a thick curtain of white around them but still they pushed forward until finally reaching their destination.

Wallace gazed out of the truck’s window at the snow-covered trees and fields that shot past him. The night was cold, almost unbearably so, but he remained stoic in his silence as they continued down the winding road.

The other soldiers had grown quiet over time, their hushed conversations frequently punctuated by shivers caused by the chill air around them. Even Wallace felt a bit of a chill on his face and hands; it seemed like no matter how well layered up one got before heading out here into this windy winter wasteland, there always came moments when it would fail to keep you warm in your journey's colder parts. 

Breaking through his thoughts with determination he announced loudly,"It is cold." His statement sent an uneasy ripple across all those present in the cabin as each soldier glanced towards another for agreement or perhaps disagreement about this current state of affairs. While none spoke after him save for nods from someheads - nothing needed to be said: It was agreed upon by all that yes indeed it truly was cold... very cold!

"Can you do something about this cold?" he asked Hayes as he clutched at himself for warmth desperately trying to maintain some semblance of body heat despite the frigid air nipping around him mercilessly.

 "Didn't you have some sort of resistance to cold?"

"Ahhh.. that's it," He exclaimed suddenly remembering their end-of-term lecture on elemental magic abilities available to those trained in it properly “I forgot., HaHaa…", As amusement came through into his voice even if briefly until casted away by Hayes who sighed while narrowing eyes looking very displeased yet knowingly being understanding too due feeling same way himself right now Wallace shifted uneasily at Hayes' words. He had trained to fight monsters and those who harm their Kingdom, not the cold and he felt unprepared for this new challenge. The air was freezing and Wallace could see his breath by now; something which made him shiver even more than before. 

Forging on towards whatever awaited them further down the road even amidst harsh weather conditions; this is what it meant to be part of an elite fighting force!

The journey had been long and grueling, the cold winds biting at their faces as they trudged through the snow-covered landscape. But finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at their destination: Frosthold.

Frosthold was a small city, nestled at the base of a towering Mount Frostbite. The streets were deserted, the only sign of life coming from the occasional hunter trudging through the snow, their weapons and supplies slung over their shoulders.

"It is the worst day of the day."

Wallace sighed heavily as he got out into the cold air.

One of the trucks, which was carrying Wallace and his friend Hayas, broke down as they were entering the city. 

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"Out! All out!" barked a gruff voice from inside the broken-down vehicle; it was their commander ordering them to get out and walk into town instead. 

Hayas handed Wallace a warm bottle of water and said "Cheer up - we're almost there." 

The snow crunched beneath Wallace's feet as he walked. The winter air was crisp and cold, but the scene before them seemed to warm their hearts with its beauty. A small figure in a white coat ran around, playfully dodging tufts of powdery snow while her laughter echoed across the frozen landscape. 

"Hey Hayas," Wallace said with a slight chuckle as he looked at the young children playing nearby. "To think of it again. How old is your daughter now?" 

Hayas smiled warmly while gazing fondly at little girl who was blissfully unaware of their presence. "She's getting close that same age," He nodded towards the small child enjoying herself without any real worries or concerns; she enjoyed living freely &without restraint.

Wallace said with a smirk: "Your wife, Alicia is your daughter must be as well! I'd like to meet her soon." 

Hayas smiled at his friend's words; he knew that this was simply an attempt by him to lighten the mood.

He returned his friend’s smile before replying in kind: "Of course... once our mission has been completed, we can pay her a visit!" 

Suddenly , their commander, Luwis stopped mid-stride and glared at the two walking beside him, Wallace and Hayas. He tried to mask a grin as he shouted: "What are you two talking about? Keep moving!" 

Wallace eyes widened in terror before he quickly looked away, embarrassed. "Yes sir," he muttered meekly. As soon as his gaint Commander resumed marching ahead of them, Wallace started whispering something to his friend, Hayas again; this time more quietly than before so that it was almost impossible for his commander to make out what had said been--almost!  

"That giant old man, Luwis, that is why he doesn't have a girlfriend!", snickered privately Wallace with an expression on face displaying satisfaction making clear who he referred too.  

Suddenly there was a loud thump sound which made Wallace jump simultaneously like a rabbit caught unawares by hunter lights . At first glance it appeared monumental Luwis’s big hand clenched tight tightly.

"Who are you calling a giant old man?"

Luwis growled threateningly at Wallace who then began to apologize profusely meekly saying sorry word by word trying to deescalate the situation.

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