The ENF System

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 – Natalie: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

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Instead of leading me out of the mall, Hugh turned down a corridor that had only a storefront for a department store at the end. Not many people seemed to be shopping there.

"I think we need to do an experiment," he said.

"An experiment?" I was too shook up from thinking that I was well and truly finished with this crazy dare and having those expectations dashed to be able to process what he was saying.

"Yeah. We need to check to see if you can get points from me seeing you flash. I mean, I don't see why that shouldn't be the case, right? So it's ten more points."

All in the interest of the pursuit of knowledge. Right. It had nothing to do with him wanting to get a good look up my skirt. Strangely, though, I found that I wasn't all that irritated at his motivations. I actually kind of liked it.

"Go sit on that bench and spread your legs." He said it so casually, like it was not big deal, like it was something that I did every day.

And I just ... did it. I walked the thirty or so feet to the bench. I sat down facing him. And I spread my legs wide, fully revealing my panty-clad crotch to him.

Luckily, there was no one around him, so this time the show was for him only. That made me feel better but, somehow, no less embarrassed even though he'd seen so much of me already today.

He kept his eyes firmly on the area between my legs as he walked slowly to me. "You are so incredible. Amazing. Did you know there's a wet spot on your panties? Like a big one. Wild. Just wild."

Even though his tented shorts clearly showed his arousal, him pointing out signs of mine transcended all the humiliations that I'd experienced already today.

One would not be crazy to think that my response at that point would be to snap my legs shut and to demand to be taken home. Except, no, that didn't happen. I didn't say a word, just sat there with my legs wide open displaying myself for his - and apparently my - pleasure.

I honestly couldn't say how long we stayed like that, but, even though it felt like forever, it was probably only a minute or two. Then I noticed movement behind him. An elderly gentleman who reminded me a little bit of my grandpa was slowly walking past toward the store. Hugh noticed my gaze shifting and glanced behind him.

I figured he'd tell me to close my legs or, at the very least, he'd stay where he was, between my exposed crotch and the man.

Nope. He moved to the side to give the guy a better view. So did I snap my legs together? Also nope. I just left them like that, like somehow I couldn't cover myself unless Hugh told me to.

The guy stopped and stared, because why wouldn't he? And I just sat there, exposed, motionless.

Again, what was happening to me?

Then the worst thing possible happened. The man started walking toward me.

So many things ran through my mind about how this encounter was about to go. I wasn't really concerned about anything physical happening because the guy was really old and frail. Hugh wasn't exactly a known fighter, but he had six inches and a hundred pounds on this guy.

No, I was really concerned that he was going to yell at me, tell me I was a total S-word. Call me every name in the book. Swear at me. Yell at me.

I didn't know if I could take that. I was sure that tears would be springing up soon, and I so hated crying in public.

I looked to Hugh, waiting for him to intervene. Instead, he stood back just watching, panting, almost drooling. Way to step forward and protect me, Hugh.

"Young lady," the man said.

I tensed. Hugh seemed to as well.

"Thank you," the man said. "You really made an old geezer's day. My wife and I, God rest her soul, used to do stuff like this when we were first married. Brings back some really good memories."

I had no idea how to respond to that. Hugh didn't say anything either.

"Anyway," the man said, "I wish you two all the happiness in the world, and thanks again for bringing joy to my day."

And with that he turned and left.

Hugh recovered first. "I'm sorry. This was stupid. I got way too caught up in things and ... that could have gone really badly. All of this could have. I was thinking with the wrong head. Are you okay?"

I nodded, my legs still spread wide open.

"We should go," he said.

I obviously agreed, so, of course, what I said was, "Are you sure? The time can't even be half over yet."

What? Those words had not come out of my mouth. Surely not.

"Yeah. I'm sure." He reached out and nudged my knee.

Electricity shot through me as his fingers touched the bare flesh of my leg. I barely suppressed a moan. I did, somehow, manage to close my legs and stand.

The trip to the car passed in a blur, and it wasn't until we were halfway home that I came out of my stupor.

"Huh," I said. "I haven't gotten a quest completion notification yet."

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I really hoped I hadn't just done that for nothing. Well, not for nothing. I'd liked turning Hugh on so much, and, honestly, that old guy's words made me feel good. Well, conflicted but mostly good.

"You'll probably get it when the time limit is up."

Eventually, he pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex and quickly found a spot for his car.

When he turned it off, I said, "I am really, really keyed up right now. Is there anything else you want to do? Anything else at all?"

And, yes, I was one hundred percent aware of exactly how dangerous that question was. I didn't care.

He grimaced. "We shouldn't. We really shouldn't. This is all moving way too fast."

"Your call," I said, feeling a little vindictive for earlier when he'd shifted responsibility completely on me, "but experience points and leveling are important, right? Another dare would be a good idea, right?"

The eagerness and reluctance that warred on his face mirrored what he must have seen on mine many times today.

"Fine. Just a moment."

A blue box soon popped up.

I'd asked for it, and I'd gotten it.

"What do you want me to take off?" I asked.

"Whatever you are okay with."

"No. I am at your command. I will take off anything you want but only what you tell me."

He gulped. "Nat..."


"You're serious about this?" he asked.

"As a heart attack."

"I'm not going to say no, then. I'm not even sure if I could refuse if I wanted to at this point." He paused briefly. "Take off your shoes."

Without a word or a moment's hesitation, I slipped them off. Since I wasn't wearing socks, that left my feet bare.

"The quest is to take off the clothes and leave them in the car," he said. "That means walking through the parking lot and up two flights of stairs. It's not even full dark yet. Any of your neighbors could see you. Are you sure you want me to continue?"

"I neither want you to continue nor to stop. I am simply putting myself completely one hundred percent in your hands. Whatever you want."

The impact my words had on him were immediately apparent. His tented pants visibly twitched.

"Okay," he said, his voice husky, "take off the dress."

Some part of me realized that I was about to commit myself to walking up to my apartment wearing only panties, a tank top that barely covered the bottom of my stomach, and my bra. What if Mrs. Sanderson who lived downstairs from me saw? She'd not only be disappointed in me, but everyone in the complex would hear about it. I'd never be able to show my face outside without blushing again.

I was way too far gone for such small matters to impact me, though. I quickly pulled the dress over my head and dropped it in the back seat, as far away from me as I could get it.

"And the ... the ... shirt," he said.

It soon joined the dress in the back seat.

His eyes roamed over my body, covered only by the same sexy bra and panty ensemble that I showed off to him earlier. It was at once not nearly enough coverage and way too much. Way too much. My hand went to catch for my bra on my back in anticipation of his next command.

"I want so, so much to tell you to take that off," he said. "Infinitely much. But I'm planning on walking you up to your apartment, and I think you're going to invite me inside when we get there. I'm absolutely positive that, if you take that off, I'll not be able to refuse, and, honestly, you're too important to me for me not to refuse."

"It's your choice," I said, trying to keep the disappointment from my voice.

"Hang on a second and let me open your door." He quickly exited and walked around, soon doing just what he'd said.

I barely remembered to grab my apartment key that I'd placed in the center console earlier. Now that would have been truly embarrassing, to walk all the way upstairs in just my underwear only to get there and have to come all the way back down because I couldn't get in the locked door. I almost put the key back down.

As soon as my bare feet met the concrete and I stood up, though, reality hit me. I was standing outside in my apartment complex parking lot in full view of anyone who happened to look wearing just a sexy, skimpy bra and panty set. Worse - and it struck me as crazy that anything could possibly be worse than this - I knew that, had Hugh simply said the word, I would have been doing this completely butt ass naked. Had I lost my ever loving mind?

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