The ENF System

Chapter 26: Chapter 26 – Natalie: No!

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I had to talk to Hugh about this most recent quest. Surely, there was a mistake or something. Since I was standing with my bare butt in his face, I turned around. "Are you positive you want me to do bend over like that right in front of you?"

"Absolutely. Why wouldn't I?"

Because it was going to be utterly and completely humiliating for me to show off those parts of my body to him, especially with him being less than a couple of feet away? Yeah. Like that was a consideration for him.

"Well," I said, stalling as I tried to come up with any argument that would sway him, "I won't exactly be presenting the prettiest parts of my body to you from that position. Surely, you'd prefer to look somewhere else."

"You're joking, right? That view is definitely my favorite. I'll be able to see literally all the best parts of you. Well, the ones you probably most want me not to see, anyway."

God! There was just no way to persuade him. He just outright admitted that the more embarrassing it was for me, the more he liked it.

I was really going to have to do this.

"Two minutes?" I asked, my voice pleading.

"Yep. Two whole minutes," he said cheerfully.

I was officially starting to think of the Natalie who made all those expectations clear to him a little while ago as Naive Idiotic Natalie. What in the world had that dumb girl been thinking? She wanted to live, embrace her opportunities? Give me a break.

Her mouth, however, had gotten me into this mess, so I'd just have to soldier through it.

"Can you at least promise me that we can move on to my fourth request after I finish this quest?" I asked.

He grimaced. "I had a lot more stuff I wanted to do first, and I kind of worry that we won't end up doing anything else after."

Was he really not as ready to pop as I was? I thought he got off on watching me do this stuff. Did he possess superhuman willpower or something?

"Can it wait?" I asked.

"I'm not sure you're going to be willing to give me carte blanche again."

Well, that was true. I think I'd learned my lesson. Probably. Maybe. It all depended on how that fourth request turned out, really.

"Tell me some of the things you really want to do." I could not believe I was having this conversation with him, negotiating with him to give me orgasms now instead of later, practically begging him, while standing fully naked in my living room. Talk about surreal.

"The two biggest are testing your charisma stat increase and taking you out streaking."

After he said that first part, I was really wondering what exactly he had planned for testing because, given the way he approached the subject, I was positive I was going to find it objectionable, but, after he said the second, my mind was completely blown.

"Streaking? Like actually bare naked streaking? As in going to a public place that is not inside my apartment and taking off all my clothes and running around? That's what you are referring to as streaking?"

"Yeah. Well, except for the taking off your clothes part. Ideally, you'd leave those here."

He said it like it was so obvious, like of course I would go with him somewhere butt naked. No problem. Just walk to his car in my birthday suit. Say hi to the neighbors.

A little voice in my mind told me that I had no right to get angry. I'd told him to not take my feelings into account, and he definitely wasn't. I had no idea what things he was going to suggest, though.

"And you think that's safe?" My voice was ice.

"It's all in the planning."

"Hugh, no. I am not doing that. I am not ready."

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"Good. Finally."


"Don't get me wrong," he said. "I really like this, and the idea of pushing your limits turns me on like crazy. I love that you want to please me, and I want you so bad right now. But this isn't how this is supposed to work. This isn't about turning me on; it's about turning each other on. You should not be forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do. We should be talking about things and figuring out what to do together."

My jaw dropped. "So you were trying to teach me a lesson?" I didn't know whether to be mad because he'd been disingenuous with me or throw myself into his arms and never let him go because of how wonderful what he said was.

"No, I was taking you at your word because that's what I committed to do. Everything that I asked of you so far was stuff I really wanted to see you do, and, honestly, I completely and thoroughly enjoyed watching you do it."

I ... didn't know how to respond to that. "I guess we need to talk this through. Let me go grab a towel or something to wrap up."

A blue box popped up before I got halfway to the bathroom door. He was starting to get really fast at generating those.

I stopped and turned back to him. "That's what you really want?"

"Yes. You're beautiful. Your body is gorgeous. If I had my way, you'd never put on a single stitch of clothing again."

I sighed. I wouldn't be going that far anytime soon, but I still did want to please him. I guess I could carry on a conversation while nude. I mean, it would feel so weird to go back to my bed completely naked and just casually sit down across from him, but it wasn't something I found objectionable really..

Before I even took a single step in his direction, however, he stopped me.

"Might still want to go get a towel."

Huh? Why? We'd established that I wasn't going to cover up. Then it hit me. To sit on so I wouldn't stain my bedcover. I was so dripping wet that that was a thing that would happen.

God! How mortifying.

I sheepishly did just that, laying it out and sitting on it.

"I'll start," he said. "Is there anything that happened so far that you regret doing?"

"Not really? I mean, everything I did was so ridiculously mortifying, and each step got worse and worse. And there's this little voice inside me screaming that you're going to think really nasty things about me and be disgusted that I'm doing this and because I'm so obviously horny and, somehow, thinking those things makes me even hornier and even more embarrassed which makes me hornier and..." I let out a breath that was half way to a cry. "I'm a complete mess."

"You know that I don't think those things, right?"

"Of course. Logically. But I'm not sure that logic plays into this."

"Okay. And you know that it's okay for you to like sexual things, right? It's okay to be turned on by kinks, too."

I closed my eyes for a moment. "Again, logically, intellectually, but not emotionally."

"It's okay. We can work on it."

"I don't understand. How are you so calm about all this? A couple of days ago, you were as nervous or more than me about talking about anything that even touches on sex."

"Hmm. You're right. I am being unnaturally calm right now. I should be terrified about what might happen between us, and there's no way I should be able to look you in the eyes while you're sitting there naked." He stopped for a second. "It has to be the system. It's changing me just like we theorized that it was changing you."

"I think you got the better end of the deal."

He laughed. "Absolutely. I got you."

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