The ENF System

Chapter 38: Chapter 38 – Hugh: It’s porn, isn’t it?

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As Nat and I walked back to the table, I was so distracted trying to come up with a good way to tell Julia about the system that I didn't even pay attention to Natalie's swaying chest.

After we eventually sat, Julia looked back and forth between us and, with a serious look on her face, said, "It's porn, isn't it?"

I literally had no idea what she was talking about and, with all the accumulated eloquence I'd mustered in my eighteen years on this planet, could only reply, "What?"

"You two want me to star in a porn video with you," Julia said. "A three-way, right?"

The feeling of being completely flabbergasted was becoming my natural state tonight. Natalie looked at me, as obviously confused as I was.

"I'm sorry," I said, "but how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, Nat told me that she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend and that she was hoping that the two of you could help me. Obviously, I figured you wanted to set up a fundraiser to offset the medical bills, which I appreciated a ton. I hate the thought of my parents being saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt or more on top of having to bury me, so I've been making the rounds with people who are trying to set things like that up. There are multiple bake sales being put together, and there's even talk of a charity softball tournament. It's all quite overwhelming to see how everyone is responding. At least it's motivating me to get out of bed in the morning."

I have to admit that my heart broke for this girl. No one should have to be thinking about such things at our age.

"But then you two walked in ang took a seat and it was obvious that you had no clue I was sick." She turned to Nat. "It's clear that you've since told him about the Big C, by the way. He's looking at me now with that same mix of deference, like he has to tread on eggshells not to upset the dying girl, and pity that everyone else has."

Nat winced. "Sorry."

"No, it's cool," Julia said. "I'd really expected him to know from the beginning. It was nice dealing with someone who actually seemed completely disinterested in me for a change, though."

"I wouldn't say disinterested exactly..."

She shot me a look that said, "Really?"

Yeah. Okay. Her statement wasn't unfair.

At least I understood why I'd gotten the impression that she was fake. She was trying to hide the anger and bitterness at the diagnosis, all one hundred percent understandable reactions.

"Anyway," Julia said, "after the obligatory catching up and small talk, you never brought up any fundraising ideas or let me know that you're representing a certain club or whatever. Then, weirdly, you started talking me up to him, like you were trying to get him interested in me."

"I wasn't-" Nat tried to say but got cut off by the same look that had shut me up.

"I've been approached a few times by couples wanting to try a threesome, but, usually, it's the guy who's pushing for it." Julia chuckled. "You were selling me hard, too, and he was like, 'Nah.' It was kind of amusing actually. So that made sense to me at first, but then I started to wonder. First, even though Nat was pushing it, I just don't feel like she's into me at all. Like no attraction, and there never has been. So strike one for my theory. And then I remembered that this meetup was supposed to be for my benefit, right, and I don't think Nat would outright lie to me like that, especially not considering the Big C.

"So" Julia continued, "it's elementary my dear Watson. Porn. We shoot a video and split the proceeds. You get paid. My parents don't go quite so far in the hole, and I won't be around to really care who sees it."

Listening to her, she was actually being very logical. I was impressed. It wasn't like I could fault her for not thinking about the possibility that I'd been given access to a system that shouldn't exist outside of fiction.

She turned to Nat again. "Which leads me to my main concern. You."

"Me?" Nat asked.

"Yeah. This isn't you. Switching to contacts because I know you're way too chicken to let them cut your eyes with a laser. Not wearing underwear ... Don't look so shocked. You're being ridiculously careful with your skirt. Combine that with the obvious fact that you're not wearing a bra, and it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

Nat's mouth gaped.

"And, you're doing porn?" Julia said. "That isn't the Natalie McGuire I know. It makes me worried that you might be getting into things that will lead you down a very wrong path."

I watched as a bunch of emotions flitted across Nat's face, fury most prominent, but she also looked flustered as her face heated. I imagined that she wanted to deny the porn accusation but remembered the pictures I'd taken kind of qualified. Then, though, she acted just like Julia had described people treating her, just backing down without a word.

For my part, the concern for Nat's well being actually made me like Julia more. I was concerned about the fast changes, too, and worried about the fact that I was still encouraging them. If nothing else, maybe bringing her on board would give us a check so that Nat and I didn't get too carried away.

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"The two of us are definitely experimenting," I said, "and we're both very cognizant that things are moving fast."

"How fast?" Julia asked.

As I was about to speak, Nat cut me off. "No. That's enough. I am an adult responsible for my own actions. You two will not talk about me like I'm a child."

"You do you," Julia said. "This whole situation is sending up red flags, though. Surely you can understand that."

"Can we please just get back to the real issue?" Nat said through gritted teeth.

"Will do," Julia said. "Let's cut to the chase. How much? I'm not morally opposed to porn or anything, and it's not like I have to worry about any pics or videos coming back to bite me in the ass in the future. It still has to be worth it, though. I'm not going to demean myself for chump change."

"It's not porn," I said. "It's not a fundraiser, either. And I have no desire whatsoever to involve you with Nat and my love life."

Those statements finally made Julia look confused. "What then?"

I shook my head ruefully. There was no good way to do this, or, if there was, I couldn't figure it out.

"If I can do one impossible thing," I said, "can you keep an open mind that I might be able to do another?"

"Are you like a magician or something?" Julia asked.

"Another tack, then," I said. "Do you trust Natalie?"


"Oh come on," Nat said. "We've known each other for forever! Have I ever lied to you?"

"There was that time in third grade when you told me that Jack Simons didn't like me because you actually had a crush on him."

Again, Nat's mouth gaped, and I had to stifle a laugh. I'd have to ask her all about Jack Simons sometime.

"Seriously," Julia said. "Yes. Though I'm still concerned about Nat, I don't think she'd outright lie to me or want to harm me in any way, especially not now."

"I know how impossible it sounds," Nat said, "but he might be able to help you. He's not a liar, and he's not crazy. Just hear him out."

"Pinky swear?" Julia asked.

Nat actually held out her hand, and they locked pinkies.

"Pinky swear," Nat replied.

"Alright, it's unimaginable to me that Nat would break a pinky swear." Julia grinned. "It's our most sacred oath."

Well as silly as that sounded, I thought it was the best I was going to get. "What's your last name, Julia?"


I generated an invite and sent it over.

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