The ENF System

Chapter 80: Chapter 80 – Amy: Blue screens and red face

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As Hugh went outside to talk to his girlfriend and the blonde that had rubbed me the wrong way, I tried to get my thoughts in order. I so did not want to reveal my unclothed body to anyone, much less to Hugh, but I really wanted to gain levels.

And, yes, it did cross my mind that all of this was some big prank, that they had other methods for gaining levels. The fact that the two girls had went out and pumped gas while naked – like literally butt ass naked with everything hanging out – assuaged my fears somewhat, though. If it was a prank, they were either ridiculously committed to it, or they were targets just as much as I was.

From how nervous Natalie seemed the whole time, I was inclined to believe that, for whatever reason, this was actually how they obtained levels.

So that left me needing to show off my body to Hugh. Yuck. Maybe I should go ahead and get the mop bucket ready as I’d probably be cleaning his vomit off the floor soon.

I tried to console myself by noting that all I had to do was get through the next however long the quests took, and we’d be past that part of things. When we got to combat, things would get easier. I could shoot arrows. No problem.

The door opened, and the alert bell dinged. Hugh walked back inside, a completely blank expression on his face.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“To be clear,” he said, “there is not now nor will there ever be any even suggestion that you must do anything sexual in the form of allowing yourself to be touched or touching anyone else, okay?”

Of course not. Who would want to touch me or be touched by me? I nodded.

“The next thing is an important detail about the actual quests,” he said. “You can only have three active at one time, and, a quest stays active until it’s either completed or, presumably, you fail it. I do not want you to feel that you have to do anything you’re really uncomfortable with, so we need to be careful about what I issue you, understand?”

I nodded again.

“What I’ve been doing with Nat and Julia is talking the quests out before I issue them. Basically, I get their consent to do them before I send them over.”

I shook my head.

“Uh… Was that you not understanding something or disagreeing with the approach?” he asked.


It would be embarrassing enough to have to do stuff for him. The thought of having to discuss it in detail? No way.

“Okay, so you don’t want to talk about it first?” he asked.

I nodded vigorously.

It sucked for him that I was being so non-verbal. That was not the way to make my opinions known and a terrible start to our working together. But this was such a mortifying topic of conversation. I couldn’t even. I just couldn’t.

“Hmm. How about I add a short time limit to all the quests, then? That way, if you don’t do it quickly, it will be a fail and hopefully drop off the list of actives.”

From the way he was talking, neither Natalie nor the blonde had ever failed a quest. That put a lot of pressure on me to not be the first. I steeled myself. I wanted the system. I wanted levels and stats and power ups. If this was what I had to do to get those things, I would do it.

I nodded a third time.

“Great,” he said. “Sending over the first quest now.”

“Sorry about the whole ten second thing,” he said. “That’s a system requirement, not a me thing.”

I had no way of knowing if he was telling the truth about that or not, but, honestly, whatever. Doing it for ten seconds was just as bad as doing it at all.

A sense of unreality settled in as I considered what I was about to do. There I was in the convenience store I worked in about to lift up my uniform smock and show a guy I barely knew my bra and, worse, my bare stomach.

As my hands went to the bottom of my smock, though, another quest popped up.

I raised my eyebrows in question.

“Oh,” he said. “You probably just received a system quest. That’s an automatic thing that’s not sent by me.”

Again, whatever. I was going to do it anyway.

“Wait,” I said. “You told me I had to get to Level 5? Why?”

He quickly told me about a system quest that he’d received that offered pretty big  rewards. I did really want an inventory.

“How many XP will I need total?” I asked.

“Five hundred.” He grimaced as he said it.

I understood why. I’d get 65 total for flashing my bra, but over half that was because of the additional system quest. I didn’t even want to think about what else I’d have to do to get the rest, but I doubted there was much, if any, of my body that he wouldn’t end up seeing.

My hands were trembling. I so did not want to even show my bra to him. But I had to if I wanted the rewards. If this all did turn out to be some horrible trick, though, I’d literally kill him. The cops would surely judge it to be justifiable homicide.

I was delaying the inevitable, though, and there was no sense in holding back any longer. Not wanted to draw things out any longer than I had to, I pulled the shirt up to my neck, revealing my rounded stomach and DD boobs encased in a massive, ugly brown bra.

His eyes went wide momentarily, so I’d at least had some effect, though he kept his face impassive. Obviously, a lot of guys liked big breasts, so I did have that going for me at least. With the bra holding them in place, I guess my cleavage wasn’t a terrible thing to have a guy look at. If I had to bare them for him, though, I was sure he’d be disgusted by how they sagged.

I counted slowly to ten using Mississippis and then dropped my shirt. Another box popped up.

And another after I dismissed the first.

You are reading story The ENF System at

And another.

Now that one… That notification almost made my discomfort worth it.

“I leveled!”

“Great job.” He sounded really sincere.

“Can I go ahead and assign the points?” This was so exciting.

“If that’s what you really want, I will not stop you, but you have an opportunity that the rest of us didn’t – getting your combat subclass before spending any points.”

That was a really good argument, unfortunately. As much as I was dying to pull up my character sheet and watch as the numbers increased, the gamer in me understood that his way was much better.

Well, I’d just have to use it as motivation to complete whatever new nightmarish quests he sent to me.

Speaking of which…

As expected, the next quest was worse. Far worse. He’d be seeing vast expanses of my skin from my ankles to my neck covered only by ugly, functional underwear, and he’d be seeing it from every angle. All the unsightly bulges and rolls.

I seriously thought about telling him no, but what was the alternative? I needed five hundred points to get an inventory. Period. If I didn’t show him my underwear, we’d end up being pretty stuck on anything else that I could do.

I told myself to screw it and just do it.

Quickly, before I could think too much about it, I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down to my ankles and again lifted my shirt. I tried not to think too much about what I was showing to him as I slowly turned in a circle while counting out Mississippis.

As soon as I reached ten, I finished the small amount of my turn that remained and dropped my shirt again. He stopped me, though, before I could pull up my pants.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, “ but it might be easier to wait for just a second before pulling those up.”

I understood why when the next quest came through and, when I saw it, even the notification that I quickly dismissed telling me that I’d reached Level 3 didn’t cheer me up.

“Pictures!” I exclaimed. “You want pictures of me?”

“It’s a way of escalating the situation for more points. If you really don’t want me to do it, we can wait out the five minutes, and I’ll see if I can send the same quest without that element.”

That made sense at least. It wasn’t like he wanted pictures of me scantily clad on his phone. He was just trying to get points as efficiently as possible.

“Fine,” I said and bent to take off my shoes and socks.

I wouldn’t have thought that slipping off my pants when they were already around my ankles and not covering anything would make any difference, but the symbolic act of separating them from my body made me feel so much more vulnerable.

For the first time, I also noticed a different sensation. A tingling down there. Was I … getting aroused by this?

My face heated.

No. There was no way that this would make me stimulated in that way. Just no.

My hands continued their mission almost without input from me, pulling my shirt up and off. I glanced down. My nipples were poking through my bra.


“I’m sorry,” he said. “We kind of forgot to mention that your class, Reluctant Exhibitionist, tends to make you react that way to exposure, and it kind of gets worse the higher your level.”

My eyes went wide, and my face turned even more scarlet at the confirmation that he’d noticed my state.

“That would have been good to know!” I said.

“Would it have changed anything?” He seemed like this really bothered him, like he really needed to know.

I deflated. “I guess not.”

“If it makes any difference at all, I think that Nat found that that reaction actually ended up helping.”

I boggled at the implication. She got so horny that it stopped bothering her that she was naked in front of him and apparently in public, considering that I’d watched her pump gas wearing only boots. Wow! TMI.

Regardless, I didn’t see how that helped me any. It was very apparent that he had absolutely no interest in me for anything other than help in combat.

Which was fine. I was used to guys not paying any attention to me like that. It was actually better that way as it brought some normalcy to a weird situation.

That was what I tried to tell myself at any rate. It wasn’t like I expected him to have sex with me or anything. He did have a girlfriend after all. But it would have been nice if the first guy I ever showed off any of my body to actually appreciated it.

Yeah. Like any guy ever would.



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