The ENF System

Chapter 83: Chapter 83 – Charlie: Book 2 Prologue

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“Hey, Upchuck,” the senior brother called.

Shit. I hated that nickname. I should have known better that first week than to drink more alcohol than I could handle. Throwing up combined with my name made it too easy for these assholes.

Of course, that would never be a problem again. My Tolerance skill would let me drink as much as I wanted with no ill effects and control exactly how drunk I let myself get.

The sooner everyone forgot the nickname ever existed, the better, though. But as a pledge, I had no choice but to run when any of the senior brothers called, correct name or not.

“Yes, Senior Brother?”

“Toilet on second floor is clogged. Take care of it.”

Being a pledge sucked. We always got shit duty, sometimes, like now, literally. Luckily my star was rising fast.

I didn’t say a word to the senior douche, obviously, but, on my way to the stairs, I saw the exact one of the pledge brothers that I needed.

“Ben, come with me,” I said. “There’s a problem with the toilet on the second floor.”

“Yes, sir,” he said.

I grinned at the response. Technically, I didn’t outrank him as far as the frat was concerned, but word had apparently gotten around.

We dodged a couple of people making out as we climbed up to the second floor. On party nights – and every Thursday night was party night – the frat house was completely nuts, but that was one of the reasons I’d joined. Fast booze and fast girls, there was nothing better than either except maybe the combination of the two.

Ben followed me into the restroom.

“Take care of that, will you?” I said.

“Yes, sir.”

“So, did anyone tell you why you should be so respectful of me?” I asked as he applied the plunger to the absolutely disgusting toilet.

“No, they very carefully and specifically didn’t but said that absolutely treat you like the most important person in the pledge class. One did imply that you were likely to become the president of the entire fraternity one day.” He dodged back to avoid any of the filthy water getting on him.

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“It’s a huge secret.” I told him. “Only six of our brothers besides you and me know. We all met earlier today to pick a new inductee, and you were nominated.”

He nodded as he plunged again. This time the toilet drained.

“Two movie quotes for you,” I said. “With great power…”

“Comes great responsibility,” he finished.

“Good. Second, the first rule about Fight Club is…”

“Don’t talk about Fight Club.”

“Exactly,” I said. “Those two quotes sum up our rules. I can give you great power, but that means you have a great responsibility to me. The first part of that responsibility is your discretion. If you even think about mentioning anything we talk about to anyone outside the circle, I will make you pay. Understood?”

He nodded, his eyes wide.

I generated an invitation to him and sent it. His eyes glazed over as he read it. I couldn’t see it, obviously, but I’d had the first system user write it out for me. The second one, without as far as I could tell, knowing that I was going to ask, wrote out the exact same thing. I was almost positive that the two hadn’t collaborated, so I was pretty sure I knew exactly what I was sending:

Ben was stunned to see the box pop in front of him, of course, but I soon talked him into accepting the invite and followed that by generated his first quest, to get one of the many girls downstairs to flash her boobs for him. It was a nice and easy task that, along with the system generated quest, would get him to level 2.

As soon as he left the room, I let the smile fall off my face. What a loser. He had absolutely no spine. I hated that I had to add people like that in order to advance myself. I’d limited my first six system users to Level 6, which had only gotten me enough points to reach Level 7. I’d prefer to be five or ten levels ahead of them, but that meant branching out and adding more and more brothers.

I guess that was fine. It wasn’t like I was really worried about word spreading. Who’d believe them?

The important thing was that, in order to have the power I desired in the future, I needed to be patient and build up my base.

Of course, I’d already accepted my combat subclass, mage, as well. The extra attribute points were nice for keeping my power level above my subordinates, but the spells were lackluster at best.

Speaking of which, there was the obvious path to power of leveling up subclasses. I brought up the quest again.

I’d looked up the coordinates. Northwest of St Louis, about an hour’s drive from campus. I seriously thought about heading up there and checking it out. I didn’t like the sound of “combat” and “surviving party member,” though. I kept circling back to the same conclusion. There would be no future power if I was dead.

Yeah. No. Hard pass.

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