The ENF System

Chapter 88: Chapter 88 – Amy: Eavesdropper’s curse

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I still couldn’t believe how willing those two girls were to just strip off completely right here in the store. Receive a quest. Get naked. No big deal. Natalie was a little more reluctant than the blonde but only a little bit.

Yuck. I could never and would never do that.


And that “but” was bigger than my own behind, and that was saying something.

But, what if my refusing to do any more quests resulted in one of these people dying? That would be my fault. I didn’t think I could live with myself, even if it was the blonde.

I sighed. “Send the quest.”

Hugh didn’t react. I probably said it so quietly that he didn’t hear. I had to repeat myself louder.

“You’re sure?” he asked.

“No. But send it, anyway.”

A moment later, I got it.

If I understood the situation correctly, the system assigned the numbers of points based on how difficult it was for me to go through with it, and doing something similar to what I’d already done would result in diminishing returns. Showing him my breasts had been worth 250. This was 175.

“That’s a really high amount of XP,” I said.

“I messed with it until it gave enough for you to get to the next level. I hope that’s okay.”

Yeah. That made sense. I was only doing this for the extra level so that was actually a really good call.

Even with him adding the modeling requirement and the pictures, the high value meant that the clothes were likely to be very revealing. Could I live with showing off something like Natalie wore? Maybe. Could I live with showing off something like the blonde wore? Hard no.

I nodded.

The quest did require me to first get naked, but that part would at least be out of their sight. I quickly retreated to the back room.

Since I had Natalie’s explanation of how she’d manipulated the Inventory, it was relatively trivial to figure out how to store my current outfit, slotting it for quick access. One second, I was fully clothed. The next, I was as naked as the day I was born.

I let out a little squeal.

And, okay, I know that it seemed silly that I would have been taken by surprise, considering that the Inventory did exactly what I told it to do, but this was something that only happened in novels, not in the real world.

Then it hit me that I was totally, completely one hundred percent butt ass naked at work. Everything from my bare feet to my gigantic breasts to my hairy place down there was completely out in the open. I squealed again.

I wore my uniform to work. I wore my uniform from work back home. There was no shower here, and I wouldn’t have used it if there was one. I had literally never had any occasion before tonight to be even slightly undressed at work, much less naked.

That was bad enough, but this back room also happened to be the one that housed the camera monitor that showed Hugh and the two girls on the screen. I knew that they obviously couldn’t see me, but it still felt weird that I was seeing them while completely undressed.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I quickly pulled up my Inventory and willed my equipment bottom to appear. A tiny piece of green fabric materialized in my hand.

What. The. Crap.

I examined it more closely. It was basically a thong. I really hoped this was just the underwear portion and there was something else coming.

With no other choice, I slipped it on. The thin strap felt weird as it wedged itself into my butt crack. The part that wedged itself into an even more sensitive place felt that much weirder.

I glanced at my backside. Well, I wasn’t naked anymore, but I wasn’t really covered, either. Only the barest extent of my hairy triangle was concealed. My massive butt cheeks were completely out. There was no way I could walk out there like this.

Maybe I’d get lucky and there would be something that covered this.

At a thought, another piece, a shirt, appeared in my hand. It was tan, seemed way too short, and looked like a tank top. I felt the absurd desire to tell the blonde that I had one of her pieces of equipment.

I pulled it on. As I feared, it was really short. More like a sports bra than a tank top now that I had it on. It bared a lot of my cleavage and left most of my rounded tummy uncovered. It did, however, provide much more support for my huge boobs than I would have expected for such a flimsy garment, and it didn’t seem transparent in the slightest.

The next piece to materialize was a sort of jacket. A green half jacket that covered my shoulders and upper arms but didn’t close and didn’t come much further down than the sports bra.

And that was it for the clothes. The system had to be joking. I couldn’t go out looking like that.

The jacket did have a quiver built into the back of it, which I thought was kind of neat. I didn’t have to worry about an extra strap or the thing falling and dumping out the arrows.

Speaking of arrows, though, there was only one inside. I pulled it from the quiver. It was straight and made of wood instead of fiberglass like the ones I typically used. Sharp metal tipped it. What felt like real feathers, green and brown, were attached to the other end.

Upon finishing my examination of the arrow, I noticed that there was another one in the leather tube.


I pulled that one out, too. Now I had two arrows in my hand and there was, somehow, still one in the quiver.

A never ending quiver? Nice.

I put the two arrows back inside, and they disappeared, leaving only one.

Curious, I took an arrow out and put it on the table with the monitor. After several seconds, it disappeared. Just vanished. Interesting. Did that mean it wouldn’t stay in a creature’s body that I hit or would it stay until the creature died or what?

Regardless, the quiver was one of the best things that had happened so far. If I truly didn’t have to worry about quantity of ammunition, that removed a huge worry that archers normally had to deal with.

The quiver being attached to the jacket did mean, however, that I would have to wear the stupid piece of clothing. Yuck.

Oh well, I’d just have to wear it over a normal shirt. That shouldn’t be a big deal.

Just for the sake of completing the outfit, though, I summoned the accoutrements.

The system apparently had a thing for barely covered crotches paired with very high legwear. Even compared to the knee high boots that Natalie and the blonde wore, though, mine were ridiculous. The hard brown leather came to just below my knees just like theirs, but a section of much more supple material extended far above that, to my mid-thigh with a thick green band that matched my jacket. The band came to a point that stuck out to the side of my leg. It looked like something a pirate would wear. Yeah. No thanks.

The bracers, a pleasing mix of green and brown, were both stylish and practical. I’d wear these even though there was no way I’d touch the rest of the outfit.

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The final piece of clothing was a glove for my right hand that provided protection for the two fingers I used to pull back the bowstring. I had calluses built up, so I didn’t typically use one of these anymore, but this one was so comfortable that I thought I’d give it a try.

Overall the colors were nice, but the coverage – for lack of a better word – left me way too exposed. My stomach was completely out in the open. My boobs were way too front and center due to the sport bra deep neck. And my butt was basically naked. There was no way I was going to let anyone see me wearing this.

Fearing the worst, I had my Inventory give me the starter bow. It was, in a word, magnificent. Dark green striations that matched my outfit blended into the polished brown wood. And the curves, graceful arcs with no sharp edges, were so pleasing.

Even better than the classic and classy appearance was the way it felt in my hand. Amazing. I was born to hold this weapon. Period. With this, I would conquer any foe that came at me. I could not wait to go over to Larry’s place and do some target practice.

My confidence soared.

Until I remembered the quest. Well, I’d just have to fail this one. There was no way I could walk out into the store wearing this.

My eyes went to the monitor. The blonde wasn’t in the picture. She must have went outside or was in the restroom, and, whereas the group had appeared to have been standing in silence before, Hugh and Natalie were now having a conversation. Feeling more than a little guilty, I turned the volume knob on the monitor so that I could hear what they were saying.

“I don’t think she’s going to come out,” Hugh said.

Natalie responded. “Yeah. She looked really nervous.”

Okay, that was no big surprise. I’d been in here for a while, and it would take a blind person not to notice how I felt about the quest.

“Will you answer something for me completely truthfully?” Natalie asked Hugh.

“Of course.”

“What do you think of Amy’s body?”

Oh no. I should not be listening to this. Not that the realization made me turn off the monitor of course but still.

“My girlfriend wants me to truthfully comment on another girl’s body. This sounds like a bad idea.”

“It probably is, but it’s important.”

Hugh sighed. “Anything for you.” He paused. “I think she is, in general amazing. Did you see how she took over explanations when I started losing it? That was why I wanted her in the party. With her here, there is so much less pressure on me to know everything.”

My eyes kind of welled up at that. Not many people in my life had ever expressed true, honest appreciation of anything about me.

“I understand that,” Natalie said. “I like her, too, as much as I can having not really gotten to know her, yet. I asked how you felt about her body, though.”

He huffed, clearly having wanted to avoid the subject. “Honestly, if not for my skill, I definitely would have been sporting wood. When it was time to give her the last quest, I could have found something to level her up without making her expose her breasts to me, but I was dying to see them. I feel really bad about it, but they were awesome.”

What skill was he talking about? More importantly, though, huh?

He got flustered all of a sudden. “I don’t mean that having big ones are important, though. I was completely honest about how much I appreciated yours before you made them bigger. Really. It’s just that hers are … wow, you know?”

He didn’t know I was listening, and, from his perspective, it would have been better to deny liking that part of my body if he was going to lie to his girlfriend. Could he actually mean it? Did he really appreciate part of my body?

That didn’t make any sense.

“What about her … other curves?” Natalie asked.

She meant, obviously, the fact that I was fat.

“I think she’s nice and fluffy,” he said. “Honestly, I don’t discriminate. I like naked girls of all shapes and sizes. I mean, I can look at Julia and appreciate that her body is flawless, but I don’t go around thinking one girl is too X and that girl is too Y. All women have something about them that I can appreciate, and there is very little that I just don’t like, you know?”

I didn’t disgust him? But he didn’t seem to take any enjoyment at seeing me.

“Did you tell her how much you appreciate her body when she was doing the quests?” Natalie asked.

“Of course not!”

“Why not?”

“Because I would have sounded like a total creep. And you’re my girlfriend. I didn’t want to give her the wrong idea. I deliberately kept myself from showing any reaction. I wanted to make it seem clinical.”

Really? That was what he was doing? I thought … I thought the worst.

Natalie frowned. “I think you messed up.”

“How so?”

“Remember when you and I started doing this stuff?”

“I remember that we went from people who kind of knew each other a little to doing stuff in bed together awfully quickly, which is something I only want to do with you.”

“Yeah,” she said, “but there’s an emotional component that you’re missing. It’s not just about getting into a relationship; it’s about being appreciated for something about yourself that you thought was disgusting. You reassured me at every step of the way that I was wrong about how you viewed my body. You deliberately withheld that reassurance from her.”

“Oh. Yeah. I can see how that would be bad.”

I turned off the volume at that point, feeling really conflicted. Hugh actually appreciated my body. I had never even considered the possibility of a guy seeing my form as anything positive before.

The ramifications of that, really, weren’t all that earth shattering. He had a girlfriend to whom he was obviously very committed, so it wasn’t like anything could happen between him and me. But that didn’t really matter. I wasn’t wanting to chase after boys for sex or anything. It just felt nice that he did appreciate me like that.

I kind of felt that I should actually go through with the quest.


I thought the curse of an eavesdropper was that you were never supposed to hear anything good said about yourself. The result of this curse was completely different. I had heard something positive, but, because of that, I was going to have to do something that terrified and mortified me.

I was going out there.

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