The ENF System

Chapter 90: Chapter 90 – Natalie: A new Nat

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Amy reminded me so much of myself at the start. She seemed absolutely gob smacked that any man could actually find her appealing. I totally got that.

It made me feel so much empathy for her.

In a lot of ways, I was still a lot like her. Despite the fact that my body had changed quite a bit and that my boyfriend had told me and showed me over and over and over again that none of it mattered to him, I still couldn’t get over my fear that he’d end up with someone prettier and sexier.

I simply could not help being who I was, though. Years of rejection had made me into that, and it would take time to change the way I felt.

In other ways, I realized just how far I’d come in such a short period of time. Here I was standing in public wearing a brief top with no bra and a short skirt with no underwear, an outfit designed to show me off and make me look like sex personified. And it didn’t even bother me all that much.

Obviously, if I saw anyone pull into the parking lot, I’d retreat out of sight, but around my boyfriend and my new teammates? A week ago, I wouldn’t have let a single soul in the world see me wear this. Now, I was fine with it.

That made me think, though, Hugh was definitely going to send me the same quest he sent Amy. He was going to want me to wear this and only this tomorrow – wait, it was well after midnight – later today for practice. There was no way I could do that. This skirt was way too short for any physical activity without anything underneath it. I’d be flashing everything I had with every movement.

Other guys and possibly girls besides my teammates would be seeing those parts of me up close and personal. That would be … hot. And bad. And arousing. And mortifying.

God! This was all so, so confusing. As badly as I wanted my private parts to stay private, I also wanted to show them off.


Being honest with myself, if he told me to go to that practice wearing nothing under the skirt, I would do it. Truly, if he told me to go to the practice naked, I … didn’t know. Maybe. I probably wasn’t quite ready for that, so I didn’t think he’d ask it of me.

Julia was going to be next to naked, though. She’d probably like it.

Those thoughts lead me to think about the overall design of our outfits. They made a lot of sense for showing the three of us off and making Hugh – and me since I got that Bisexual skill – all hot and bothered. They didn’t make sense for combat.

 Like I had done with my staff, I concentrated on my outfit. A box popped up.

I concentrated on the benefits. Self Repair was useful but relatively uninteresting. If the gear got damaged in any way, as long as it’s durability didn’t reach zero, it would eventually regenerate back to full. Damage Reduction was much more useful.

I shared what I just discovered with Hugh.

“What do you make of this?” I asked.

“It sounds like, if something stabs you in the stomach causing ten of points of damage to be taken from your health pool, only nine points will be subtracted instead.”

“Even to a part of me that’s not actually covered by the cloth? That seems weird.”

“Weirder than magic and getting experience and levels by taking your clothes off?” he asked.

“Good point.”

“I’m more concerned about the Set Status,” he said. “Can you dig down into either of those descriptors, either Full or Unaltered?”

I did. Full came up as simply meaning that the entire set was being worn. If any piece of the set was not included, the benefits would not work. I read that all to him.

“That’s what I was afraid of,” he said. “If any portion of the set gets lost or destroyed, you lose the benefits for the entire thing.”

That was a worrying point.

“And Unaltered?” he asked.

A moment of focusing on it brought up a blue box.

“No,” I said. “That could not possibly mean what I think it means.”


I read the message to him.

He laughed. “It absolutely does mean that, if you add panties or a bra under that outfit, you lose both Self Repair and Damage Reduction.”

“Hugh, I can’t go around in this skirt all the time without panties. It’s too short. It’s indecent.”

He shrugged. “How important is to you to reduce literally every hit taken by one point of damage?”

I glared at him.

Amy chose that moment to return from the back room, fully dressed in her work uniform. “What’s going on?”

I told her about the newest indignity foisted upon us by the system and said that she should check her own outfit. In a blink, her uniform was gone, replaced by the archer gear.

Okay. That was cool. How awesome was it that we could set up different outfits in our Inventory and instantly switch them?

“You’re right,” she said, her eyes wide. “The only difference is that my archer’s equipment gives me a damage reduction of two points instead of one. Just like with yours, I have to wear it just like it is now in order to get that.”

She looked like she was going to panic.

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“Amy,” Hugh said, “remember that we only need that damage reduction in the dungeon, right? Except for the quest for practice later if you choose to accept it, there is no reason for you to wear this outfit in public or something. And the only people who should see you in the dungeon are the rest of your party and the creatures we’re all trying to kill.”

He made an excellent point. All the people in the party had already seem me completely naked. What did it matter if I wasn’t wearing panties under my short skirt in front of them? And Inventory made it super easy to get changed.

“Yeah. Okay. That’s true.” Amy looked down at herself. “I guess I am kind of getting used to it. I just changed into it without even thinking about how revealing it is.”

Now that I was paying attention to her instead of the impending disaster of having to wear basically a cheerleader skirt sans panties, I noticed that there was something different about her. She seemed more relaxed, less tense.

Less aroused.

She had been in that backroom for a while. I grinned at the obvious conclusion. She had been so aroused that she’d had to go jill herself off.

That was hot.

I smirked at her. She noticed, and I was positive she instantly understood why I’d done that. Instantly, she hunched over and crossed her arms across her stomach.

For some reason, it was like I suddenly saw her in a different light. She was no longer just a teammate and a potential friend. She was this pretty, sexy girl who was so, so vulnerable right now.

I licked my lips.

“Amy,” I said, “I just want you to know that I appreciate you, too. I appreciate all of you.”

I glanced at Hugh. He was looking at me with wide eyes. I didn’t care.

“Can I hug you?” I asked Amy.

She looked more than a little flummoxed by the request but nodded mutely.

I walked up to her and embraced her tightly. She was taller than me, so my chin was basically resting in her cleavage. Instead of grasping her on her back, I let my hands rest on the back of her thighs. I started stroking them softly.

Up and down my fingers moved, from the top of her boots to just the below the bottom of her butt cheeks. She moaned.

I tried to think how the old me would have reacted to something like this. A sexually charged atmosphere. Someone paying attention to me sexually for the first time. I think I would have went along with it, and it certainly seemed like she was as well.

“I really, really like this outfit,” I said.

She grunted.

I let my fingers brush the bottom of her butt. She tensed for a moment before relaxing. When my fingers returned, this time going higher, she didn’t tense. Instead, she just moaned.

“This is okay, right?” I asked.

She nodded. It was almost imperceptible, but it was definitely a nod. In response, I abandoned her thighs all together and concentrated on stroking her bare butt cheeks.

Amy started full on panting.

“Hugh is keeping himself off limits,” I said, “but, if you ever want to join Julia and me or just spend time with me, you’re always welcome. Okay?”

She nodded.

I could tell she was enjoying the attention, but I didn’t want things to go too far, yet. I pulled away.

She looked … confused. Partially relieved. Partially disappointed. I could live with that.

“I look forward to seeing you later at practice,” I said. “Maybe if you accept the quest, we can continue our hug.”

Amy blushed.

Hugh cleared his throat. “Anyway, we probably should get going as it’s really late and we have class in the morning.” He paused. “Oh, one more thing we needed to discuss. I was thinking about seeing if we could add another party member. I haven’t gotten any indication that I’m limited to four.”

He looked at me like he expected me to object, but I was fine with that. The more, the merrier at this point. I had only been truly irritated at him leaving me out, not him adding more girls.

Not getting any objections from me, he turned to Amy, “Are there any of the LARPers you would recommend?”

“Uh… Maybe? There are a couple who would probably be interested.”

“Could you have them come over to Larry’s for practice?” he asked.

“I guess. I’ll try.”

“Great. Thanks.” He turned to me. “Nat, if you could get Julia, we’ll go ahead and go.”

My spirits were pretty high. I was having fun. Showing off for my boyfriend. Flirting with girls. This was a whole new Nat, and I kind of liked her.

“No problem.” As I was walking away, I turned back to Amy and winked. “Don’t forget to change back into your uniform before a customer shows up.”


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