The ENF System

Chapter 92: Chapter 92 – Natalie: Mistress

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I left Hugh’s car feeling like I had permission to do whatever I wanted with Julia, and I fully intended to capitalize on that approval. I practically ran up the stairs.

If there was one word to properly describe my mood at that point, it was aroused. Or excited. Lust-filled. Okay, the best word was probably horny.

Tonight, I’d walked around in Walmart without a bra, walked out of the dressing room wearing only lingerie, stripped naked outside behind a store, hiked a literal full mile naked save for slutty boots, masturbated along with Julia while Hugh both watched and video taped us, went through a drive thru wearing just those boots, streaked that fast food restaurant, pumped gas naked, gotten naked in a convenience store, groped the ass of a girl I had just met, and spent a lot of time wearing an outfit that barely covered my essentials. And all that was after being pleasured by my boyfriend and my best friend while tied spread eagle and naked to a bed.

So, yeah, I was in need of orgasms. Lots of them. And, if Hugh wasn’t going to stay to give them to me, then Julia would just have to step up to the plate.

After walking into my apartment, I locked the door behind me and stowed my outfit in my inventory, leaving me butt naked. I stared with hunger in my eyes at Julia, still in her barely there chain mail bikini.

“Are you as worked up as I am?” I asked.

“Walking around wearing this? God, yes.”

“Take it off for me.”


“Take it off for me. Don’t disappear it into Inventory. Take it off. Piece by piece. Show me.”

God! Was this what it was like for Hugh when he ordered me to strip? I definitely understood why he did it.


“Mistress Natalie, ma’am.”

Julia’s mouth dropped, and I almost burst out laughing. I managed to keep a straight face, though, and not ruin the moment.

“Mistress Natalie, ma’am,” she said contritely.

I knew that she was saying it half jokingly, but it still made my nether regions tingle. And I was positive she was only half joking.

“I feel so vulnerable right now even though you’re the one who is naked,” she said.

She was right. I felt confident and in control even though I wasn’t wearing a stitch. It was weird.

“Stop stalling and get your top off,” I said. “Let me so those big beautiful melons.”

“Yes, Mistress Natalie, ma’am.”

Each time she said it, it seemed like she took the words more seriously.

Her hands went to the back of the bikini top where there must have been a latch because, a second later, it sprang free. No longer fastened, the heavy metal pulled the garment down, and it slid off her arms, revealing those amazing tits with their erect nipples, and fell to the floor with a clang.

God! She actually looked nervous. She was obviously getting into the role play. I was pretty sure that Hugh would have stopped things at this point and had a long conversation about safe words, but I sure wasn’t going to do that.

“And the bottom,” I said, my firm, commanding voice surprising even me.

“Yes, Mistress Natalie, ma’am.”

I didn’t know which one of us was juicing harder at her saying that.

Her hands went to the waistband of the skimpy bottoms, and she struggled to pull the metal far enough from her skin to get her thumb hooked in. When she finally did, it took a bit of effort to push the garment down, the metal not wanting to give at all.

It wasn’t like she had much covered in the first place considering how much the holes in the chainmail showed, but it was still tantalizing to watch her slowly reveal her most private place to me.

No. Not her private place. Her pussy. She was revealing her pussy to me.

Moisture glistened. She was definitely as wet as, if not more so, than I was.

Getting the metal bikini bottom off grew easier once she’d completely cleared her hips. She just let go and the garment ended up tangled around the top of her boots. She seemed a little frustrated that she had to maneuver it over them in order to get the bottom totally off.

I nearly laughed but again managed to hold back so as not to ruin the mood.

Hugh did have good taste. The boots combined with being naked did add something to the process. For one of the few times since I first met her, Julia actually looked vulnerable.

“And the boots,” I said.

“Yes, Mistress Natalie, ma’am.”

It was impossible for her to take those off without flashing me a bit more than she maybe intended, but, other than that, I didn’t find taking off footwear all that sexy. I was just impatient to get the the next part.

“On your knees, slut!” I ordered.

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I have no idea where that came from, but she instantly complied. She looked so servile like that, like I could tell her to do anything. I seriously considered breaking out the handcuffs that Hugh had purchased, but I didn’t want to take the time.

Instead, I walked over to stand just in front of her and spread my legs.

“Service me,” I said.

“Yes, Mistress Natalie, ma’am.”

She bent forward and began licking my clit.

“Yes, slut,” I said. “Good slut.”

God! What was happening to me? I was dominating my best friend, ordering her to lick my pussy. And it felt so, so good.

One thing I could say for Julia was that she was very enthusiastic. Gentle, but energetic. There wasn’t a single portion of my hot wet folds that didn’t receive ample attention from her tongue.

I had already been pretty worked up before she ever started, so it didn’t take long for me to orgasm, an experience I’d never had while standing before. That definitely wasn’t my favorite position as my knees went weak as I came.

Panting, I said, “Up and on the bed. On your back. Spread your legs.”

My words came fast, urgent.

She moved fast, too, ready for her turn. I had a different idea, though. My body was definitely not yet sated, and it was my understanding that there was a certain position that allowed partners to pleasure each other.

I crawled onto the bed but with my head pointed toward the foot, opposite of Julia’s orientation. As I maneuvered my knees on either side of her torso, I glanced back at her. She nodded her approval.

I pushed my pussy into her face and lowered my own head toward hers.

God! I was sixty nining my best friend, and I felt absolutely no shame or embarrassment about doing so. My only concern was with getting my need met and meeting hers in turn.

I dove down, vigorously darting my tongue all over her clit, tasting her. She moaned before getting to work.

It was almost like a competition. A battle. Who could make the other cum more often or harder than the other? It was a competition, however, that left both of us winners. Exhausted puddles of satisfied flesh, but winners.

I eventually crawled up next to her and spooned her, my hand stroking her bare thigh. She did have an absolutely amazing body. I liked that I could truly appreciate it, now. It was like I had been partially blind all my life and I could now see.

As we cuddled, however, I soon noticed that she was more pensive than I would have expected. Maybe even sad.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Just thinking.”


“Friendships. Relationships.”

“I am so glad to have you back in my life,” I said. “I didn’t realize how much I missed you until you were suddenly spending time with me again.”

“Yeah, that’s been nice. Some aspects have been unexpected but nice.” She sounded amused.

I laughed. “I never in a million years would have thought we’d end up in bed together like this. You don’t regret it, do you?”

“Absolutely not. I was so horny that I was about to die. I would have suggested it if you didn’t.”

“I’m not sure what I did could be considered ‘suggesting’.”

It was her turn to laugh. “True. No regrets there, though.”

“But there are other regrets?”

“I’m kind of jealous of what you and Hugh have,” she said. “I’ve never pursued that kind of relationship as I’ve always, I guess, valued breadth over depth. I have a couple of dozen girls I could text right now to put a party together and many, many dozens of guys who I could invite over for some fun. Would a single one of them have been there when I was on my death bed, though? Besides you, I can’t really think of one. Being honest, I don’t think I would have been there for any of them in that situation, either.”

She paused. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, this realization that your way might be better, but something about tonight just really made it hit home that maybe it’s what I really want.”

“Then I hope you find it,” I said. “I want you to have all the happiness in the world.”

And I meant that completely. I couldn’t help but wonder, however, what this new desire of Julia’s meant for our team. I was positive that the system didn’t want her branching out looking for a relationship; it wanted her fulfilled by her teammates.

How much was this going to come back to bite us?

I did the only thing that I could do at that moment. I embraced her tightly and made sure she knew how much I truly cared about her.

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