The Escapades of an Incubus

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Incubus System

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I woke up with a yawn stretching my arms above my head. Hearing my shoulders pop into place, I blinked rapidly to try and regain my vision. It took me several seconds before I could see clearly. The room's light came from the sun peeking through the blinds on the window. My clothes were still scattered all over the floor. I felt like I had slept for days.

My name is Kamadeva. At least, that's what the app told me. I've lived in New York City since I was born. I'm just an average human who works as a deliveryman. But one day, I suddenly found myself transformed into something else.

I was lying on my back with my eyes closed and my hands crossed over my chest. I slowly opened my eyes. A faint blue glow illuminated the room, casting a soft light over everything. That gave me a good indication that my transformation was complete.

My phone pinged as I stretched out my arm. Seeing I had received a text message, I reached for it and checked the contents.

"Welcome Player to the Incubus System! This system will help you become stronger and conquer every woman you want."

A week ago, I would have dismissed this as a prank. I mean, who would believe that Incubus's and demons even existed?! I used to 5ft 9in tall bronze dude a week ago.

Now I'm an even six-foot tall demon-human with dark-skinned body-covered muscles and scale patches. I had horns growing on top of my head, which stuck straight outwards. Both of my arms ended in black claws. I didn't really know how much I weighed because I wasn't exactly sure what my normal weight should be.

My brown eyes are now amber golden eyes, and my former black hair is now a very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail. My outfit seemed straight out of the middle east, except for the fact that I was wearing some kind of leather pants that went down to my ankles, exposing my bare feet. On both hands, I had a pair of gloves, which covered my palms and fingers.

For some reason, I wear a lot of jewellery, including a bracelet around my right wrist and a necklace that goes down my left side. There's also a small amulet hanging from my neck.

These changes are not only physical. I feel different inside too. I don't think I ever felt this confident before. My mind feels clearer and more focused than ever before.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't stop staring at my new body. I could stare at myself for hours. Thankfully people don't seem to notice my demon features at all. I guess most of them assume that I'm just another handsome guy, and I am, after all.

I got up and made my way toward the bathroom. After taking a shower, I dressed in an outfit that was very Egyptian-like. I put on a pair of black jeans with a blue shirt with gold designs. I tied my hair back into a ponytail and walked out of the hotel room.

It was already late afternoon when I stepped outside of the hotel.

I look at my phone. "Crap!" I exclaimed. I had completely forgotten about the delivery I had due today.

I quickly jumped on my bike and raced to the address. Fortunately, it turned out to be the house of the client. While I was rushing, I heard a ping and looked at my phone again.


[Name: Kamadeva Thatch] [Age: 19]

[Level 1] [Exp: 0.00%]

[Race: Demon-Incubus] [Title: N / A]

[HP: 200/200] [DP: 10/100]

[Nickname: None Gained]

[Perk: None Equipped]

Basic Stats:

[STR: 20] [VIT: 20]

[AGI: 25] [CHA: 15]

[INT: 20] [WIS: 10]

Romance Stats:

Charm: 5

Looks: 5

Wit: 5

Stat Points: 0

[Partners - 0]

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Damn, I'm really am a demon now...

After arriving at the client's house, I rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, the door opened.

"Hey there. Have you come to deliver the package?"


After I delivered the package. I went to back to my phone. I frowned as I read it. I understood most of the information and numbers since I had played some games before. My attention focused on my race. I had never seen anything like this before.

My current stats show that I'm an incubus, which means that I need to have sex a lot. I recalled having read something about incubi before, but I didn't remember much details regarding them.

'What is DP?' I thought to myself.

To my shock, the app answered my mental question. "DP: Demonic Power. Power is used by demons to use skills or heal themselves. You can get it by performing sexual activity with a woman or man. Incubus are bisexual. Meaning they prefer either men or women.'

That explains why I have felt so strong and powerful these past few days. I haven't done anything sexual yet, but I do feel a rush whenever I look at a beautiful woman.

"Do I have skills?" I asked the app.


Mind Reader Lv 1 - Read someone's mind to learn their weakness. Cost 10DP.

Pheromones Lv1 - Attract women or gender of the same sex. Cost 2 DP.

Charm Lv 1- Skill used by succubus or incubus to attract the opposite sex's attention. Provoke them to do sex with him. The higher the level of this skill, the higher your opposite sex's desire to have sex with you.

Dark Healing Lv 1 - Skill used by demons to change 10 DP to 100 HP. The amount of healing will increase at each level. 10DP

Demonic Energy Lv 1 - Skill used by demons to strengthen their attacks and increase speed in combat. Strength and speed increase by 30% per level. 10DP

Demonic Erection Lv 1 - Skill used by incubus to erect without having to do foreplay. Gives greater pleasure, cock length and amount of semen will increase at each level. DP5

Demonic Manipulation Lv 1 - Skill used by demons to manipulate someone to do something they want. Work less effectively on strong-willed targets. The chance of success is determined by skill level. DP7

Eyes of Observation Lv 1 - Skill used to analyze targets. DP2

"New Mission-001"

I paused my reading for a moment. "Okay..." I said out loud. "What mission?"

[Have sex with a virgin high schooler. 14 to 19]

"What? Why?!" I yelled out in surprise.

"You have to complete this mission to proceed." The app replied.

I shook my head. "No, I refuse!" I was thinking about what to do when a thought occurred to me.

"Failure of completing the mission will result in death." The app warned me.

I froze for a second, then sighed. "Fine!" I muttered.

I pulled out my phone and typed in the confirmation code that appeared on my screen.

Shit! What have I gotten myself into?

'Pick your targets'

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