The Escapades of an Incubus

Chapter 3: Fly on the Wall

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A/N: Congrats, you perverts! You have chosen a barely legal girl (she is from a medieval world, so it’s sorta Gucci).

Themes: Mind Break, What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Wall Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex,

Star Butterfly woke up to the sound of her friend Maria-who used to be a boy but that a long story later- was yelling. It wasn’t an unusual way to wake up for her, and she yawned into one hand, looking around to see what all the fuss was about. She had been asleep on the couch next to their living room window in the palace, but it looked like they were not home at all.

She and Maria were fully clothed and locked in some brick room. When Star stood up beside her best friend and looked around, she realised there wasn’t a door at all, raising the question of how they’d gotten here in the first place.

Not by choice, obviously. Someone must have taken them here.

“What?” Maria said, throwing herself off the couch and landing on the ground with a thump. “Where are we? What’s going on?”

They both turned to each other and then looked out the window, showing them that they were on a rooftop somewhere in New York.

“How did we get to New York!” Maria yelled as she ran over from the corner where she’d been watching the two girls sleep. “We’re supposed to be in Echo Creek! How is this possible?!”

Maria looked at Star for answers, but Star didn’t know any either.

“Do you think we’ve been kidnapped?”

“Possibly.” Maria took the risk better than Star did because girl or boy, the Diaz kid, would always be the safe kid. Kidnapping was something any may have prepared for, and she’d been trained in how to handle it. Theoretically, at least. “I don’t understand how we’re in a room with four solid walls. It’s like someone dumped us here, then built the room around us.”

“Maybe it’s a trap,” Star mused aloud, turning back to look out through the window again. “It looks like we’re near Central Park.”

“Yeah, I guess….” Maria sounded confused.

“And I don’t have my wand either,” Star added.

“Oh no…”

Star looked down at her hands, which were still covered by the pink gloves she wore when she flew. That was a problem. A big one.

“There’s got to be a way out of here,” Star said as if she could will it so. “Let’s try to find it.”

The two friends looked around for anything that might help them.

“The walls are not completely solid,” Star said, pointing. “Look.”

Maria stopped her search spun on her heel, and followed Star’s hand to what appeared to be two holes cut into one of the walls. Each of them was a good metre wide, easily big enough for them to climb through. But the Latin boy turned girl could have sworn they hadn’t been there before. She raised the point.

“Maybe you missed them.”

“Star, how could I miss two gaping holes in the wall!?”

“I don’t know!”

Walking over, she felt around the rim of the hole. “It’s smooth.” Then, looking through, she saw a door on the other side. “And look, a way out.”

“Assuming it’s unlocked,” Maria said with susurration in her voice.

Star shrugged, which was easy to do without the use of her arms.

“You’re right,” Maria agreed. “Maybe we should check this out.”

The two friends looked at each other and then walked towards the hole.

“I will go first!”

Without a second thought, Start Butterfly pushed her arms and head through the hole, wiggling her way in without a care in the world for flashing Maria her behind. Maria, for her part, sighed and turned away to give her best friend a little privacy. Sometimes the princess can be really thoughtless about her body.

The sound of Star struggling behind her continued for a few seconds, maybe a minute, before there was a huff and an embarrassed silence. “Um. Maria…?”


“I… I might be stuck….”

“Yes, I heard that.”

Star was now lying halfway between the hole and the solid wall of the building it was embedded in. She could not reach the other side, let alone pull herself back out.

“Oh, Dios mío,” The safe kid said, seeing Star dangle only her lower end from her waist down was visible, her feet dangling awkwardly down to the floor with her bent over, upper body on the other side. Maria could hear her through the second hold and see one of her arms flailing about. “Realmente Estrella?” she asked, both of Star and any divine being out there. “Of course, your reckless actions will get you stuck…?”

“H-Hey! Don’t be like that. It’s just a little smaller than it looked. Okay?”

Maria turned around and crossed her arms, looking at the hole Star had put her in.

“Are you sure it’s not bigger than it looks?”

Star tried to say something, but her words became increasingly desperate until finally, she gave up and hung her head.

“That’s it no more nachos and candy for you.”

“Hey, hey, hey! Less talking, more helping.” Star struggled and kicked a little, then went limp. “C-Can you give me a push?”

The Latin girl signed again and muttered about how crazy her life had become; Maria stepped up behind Star and placed both hands on the back of her skirt, ignoring exactly what she was touching and giving a solid push.

Star didn’t move. It was apparent she was trying to help on the other side, pushing back on the wall with both hands, but apart from muttered grunts and the sound of her struggling, there was no movement. Maria kept trying anyway, carrying it on for a good two minutes before giving up and stepping back with a red face.

“I can’t believe this. What warrior princess gets stuck in a hole like that? And how is this wall so sturdy!?

“It’s not my fault!” Star wailed. “Just help me, Maria!”

“Of course, it isn’t. How could I possibly think you getting stuck would be your fault.”

“I was sure the hold was big enough before. I checked it and everything. It… It’s like it shrunk.”

Maria didn’t believe that for a second. Star was always rushing into things headfirst without thinking. This was just a more literal interpretation of that. “Sure, Star... Just wait there, and I’ll come to pull you out.”

“Be careful you don’t get stuck too….

Star, I know how to think ahead, unlike you sometimes.” Maria stepped over to the second hole, roughly at the same level as Star’s, and looked through it. She could see Star on the other side looking awkward and embarrassed and the door beyond that. “Hm.” Maria rechecked the hole, judging the size of it and running a hand around the circumference.

It was smooth, just like Star said. Not a hole was blown into the wall, then, but one placed there. She pushed her arm through without any trouble and then pulled back out, kneeling and considering the width and height.

She wasn’t sure why Star hadn’t chosen this one, to be honest. It was so much bigger than the one Star was stuck in – which was only as wide or tall as Star’s waist at best. This one, Maria could easily crawl through without any trouble. Even her father could have fit through something like this. It was just that much bigger.

Never underestimate Star’s ability to make life harder for herself, Maria thought, poking her arms and head through, then bringing a knee up to climb over the lip. It was bad enough that she accidentally turned her and Tom into girls without knowing how to change them back.

Then her knee hit the wall.

Odd. She was sure she had brought it high enough. Maria tried again, shifting her weight a little to try and bring a leg through, only to find her knee sliding up the wall to her stomach with no hole to speak of.

Suddenly nervous, Maria looked under herself, down past her small breasts to her stomach, which was pressed against the bottom lip of the hole. Pressing her hands down on it, she tried to push herself through, only to grunt as her bum refused to fit.

Star looked over, eyes flat. “Are you stuck?”

“N-No! I can’t be!” Maria struggled and pushed, kicking back with her feet to try and get a little extra force. It was all to no use, however. The hole – which she was certain had been bigger – was now snugly fit around her waist, locking her in place. “This doesn’t make sense!” Maria yelled. “I know the hole was big enough!”

“So was mine!”

“Ungh. Ah.” Maria fought to try and pull through, then gave up with an angry huff. “I cannot believe this is happening. If this is a practical joke, I swear the ones behind it will pay.”


“I really don’t want to do this!” Kamadeva grimaced on his face and looked at the adorable sight before him. The illusion over the room broke away as he took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the sweet aroma of virgin pussies that filled the room. “But I have to.”

Just let it be known that Kamadeva really hates being an Incubus. But he just couldn’t stop himself from the thought of actually having sex with one of these virgins…

He had gotten the mission over two months ago, and all the time, he’d resisted. It was too late now. His cock was already hard, and the thought of it inside one of these girls was enough to make him break his oath to never barely girls.

He slowly inched closer to Star, taking a step at a time.

His target Star Butterfly and her friend Maria Diaz’s rear ends poking out from the walls with their legs kicking wildly. Star’s pale legs free, and Maria’s tanned legs showed quite a bit of muscle on them. Held in place by the walls.

Although they were kicking and wriggling, no sound came through the wall. He wasn’t sure that the two would actually be quiet about all this, so that meant the wall was soundproof, hopefully, because he won’t stand a chance if Star had her wand or if Maria used her Karate on him.

Testing it, Kamadeva walked up and rapped a hand on the wall between them. “Ayo! Shawties. You Gucci?”

Listening for a moment, he couldn’t even make out a mumble or a shout through the wall. So they couldn’t hear him – and he couldn’t hear them.


Kamadeva’s lips curled into a smile as he moved on to Maria, reaching out with his right hand towards her butt.

A finger up the Latin girl’s leg, from the back of her knee up her thigh. The girl stiffened and kicked out suddenly, missing Kamadeva by a good margin. Again, there was no sound, and the Incubus took advantage of that, unknowingly laughing as he knelt between them, both their legs kicking on either side of him but failing to connect.

“Aw, you two seem to have a problem.” Laughing out loud, Kamadeva rubbed the back of Maria’s leg again, watching her buck and kick. As a demon of sex, he could reluctantly appreciate Maria’s shapely rear, tight yet so round, wobbling hypnotically before his face. “Hm. Trying to show off for me? That’s nice.”

Slowly, Kamadeva inched forward, his heart pounding as he reached out for Maria’s waist, her body was so warm and soft against his own, and he could feel her shiver when he touched her.

The girl went completely stiff for a second and began kicking back wildly. However, that proved a mistake as each of her feet was caught by his hand, the Incubus holding it firmly as he leaned close and ran his tongue over her ankle.

“Mierda!” Maria screamed, her voice muffled by the wall.

“You’re going to be so much fun,” Kamadeva said even though they couldn’t hear him.

Pressing his face into Maria’s thigh, the Incubus licked her skin and sucked on her flesh, leaving a trail of saliva on her calf as it dried in the air. His friend going to Star rear.


“Ah! Ah!”

You are reading story The Escapades of an Incubus at

The sound of their panting and their angry shouts were the only things Maria or Star could hear. Nothing came through the walls, and Maria was forced to admit that those on the other side probably couldn’t hear them.

It hadn’t stopped the indignity, however.

The touches, the slaps, the feel of people prodding, poking and playing with her lower end. Maria's face was red with embarrassment and fury, while Star hung beside her, arms limp down the wall and lips parted, breathing heavily with a red face.

“When I find the ones behind this, I’ll kill them,” Maria hissed.

“Hah. Hah. Hah…” Star gasped for breath. “I-Is it over…? H-Has it stopped?”

It must have. The Latin girl hadn’t felt anyone touching her for a few seconds. Her bare feet – she could feel that at least – were down on the floor, with her standing on her tiptoes. It was cold in the room behind her, and her skin tingled, especially her bum, which had taken its fair share of abuse. That looked to have come to a stop.

Whoever it was had obviously had their fun.

“It’s over.” She struggled again to try and pull free but gave up when all she managed was to nearly pull a muscle. They were well and truly stuck. “Just sit tight, and I’m sure this will be over soon enough Star.”

“Y-You’re sure?” Star sounded so nervous, so unsure.

So unlike the brave and reckless girl that she was.

“I’m sure. They wouldn’t dare.”


Eyes glowing red, Kamadeva smiled broadly as he watched Star and Maria struggle, knowing full well that they couldn’t hear him. He was pleased with his work, for once.

These two were virgins, and they had been trapped, unable to move, and bound together.

He was enjoying this way too much. Putting a finger into the waistband of Star’s rainbow knickers and slowly teased Star’s panties down, drawing them ever-so-slowly over the curve of her ass, exposing pale skin. Then down further, teasing at her asshole. The girl went wild, thrashing and kicking, trying to pull away, but Kamadeva held fast.

After a minute, the Incubus finally pulled the panties down the rest of the way; Kamadeva pulled them off one foot but left the other in, leaving Star’s god-awful underwear dangling on one ankle. Her pink slit was fully exposed, and to make it worse, the Incubus used two fingers to spread it, showing him her soft pink folds and innocent, untouched flesh.

Damnn! Oh my! This is so exciting!

The Incubus knew he shouldn’t enjoy this so much, but he could honestly say that this was the first time in a long time where he felt so excited, so alive.

Dropping his pants all five inches of himself, Kamadeva could feel his cock was rock hard just by looking at Star’s pussy. She was so cute. So so so so so so...

Demonic Erection! Casting the spell on his dick, Kamadeva continued to stare at Star’s pink slit, eyes glazed over as he enjoyed the view. With a soft sigh, he leaned forward, licking his lips as he stared at Star’s glistening pussy.

And then he dove in.

It takes five minutes for the spell to improve his cock so that it’s twice as big as normal.

In that five minutes, Kamadeva’s cock was at full mast, only about six inches, but thick and hard as granite. Pulling back his head, Kamadeva plunged his throbbing cock into Star’s pink pussy.

He paid no attention to how the girl went absolutely still. He just held it there and pushed forward, driving his length straight into Star’s cunt.

All thoughts of what Star might think vanished as he thrust deeper, his hips slapping against her bottom as he fucked her.

Faster and harder, he slammed his hips into her ass and rained down his own hand on it, echoing the clapping sound of his skin on hers.


He could feel himself enjoying way more than he was human.

With a growl, Kamadeva picked up speed, fucking Star as hard as he could until he was slamming into her so hard that his balls slapped against her ass.

As he fucked her, he could feel his orgasm building. He loved being with girls like this. And he loved getting his dick sucked, which helped him with his orgasm.

“Oh shit,” he hissed, feeling his balls tightening up.

Kamadeva arched his back and let out a mighty roar as he pounded Star’s pussy. He could feel his orgasm building, his balls tightening up. He wanted to cum inside Star.

Star moaned loudly when he started to slam into her, her body trembling from the force of the Incubus’ thrusts. She had felt an odd sort of pleasure build up inside her, her body tingling, her stomach clenching. She tried to relax tried to enjoy the moment, but instead, it made her tense up. Every time he hit her, Star felt as though the walls were going to fall around her, and she would lose control and collapse to the ground.

His balls tightened as he thrust into her one last time and held himself there, his fat cock spreading Star’s pussy lips wide as he grunted and groaned his orgasm. “Ahh! Ahh! Oh shit. Ahhh.”

His cock spurting hot seed deep inside Star’s womb, Kamadeva could feel his entire body tingle with power.

He’d cum inside his target. He’d filled a fourteen-year-old that he didn’t know with his hot cum. But, after all, this is done; he will hate himself later...

But right now, it was amazing.

He made her way over to Maria’s side, wondering what was happening on the other side of the wall. Was Star shocked, in denial, turned on? – or had she been fucked unconscious?

“My next prey lot is Maria Diaz – Star Butterfly’s best friend.” Kamadeva- gripped Maria’s ass with both hands, one of her arms under the Latin girl's stomach to do it. He pushed the cheeks together, showing off Maria’s bubble butt. “Again... I’m likin’ this waaaaay toooo much...”

Licking his lips, Kamadeva stood up and pulled Maria away from the wall, not hearing the wails and cries of protest.

His penis went from six inches to eight inches and was a little thicker. His large hands clapped down onto Maria’s cheeks.

Maria went very still.

“Mmm,” he mused, his voice low and sultry as he rubbed his palms down Maria’s smooth skin. Then, the Incubus lined his incredible girth and length up with Maria’s small slit and slammed himself inside. It was so sudden that the Latin’s feet were pushed up off the floor, her bum rising as Kamadeva squashed her against the wall, spearing into and through her virginity in one go.

There was no sound from the other side, no noise, but Kamadeva knew that girl had screamed. It is evident from how her legs bent at the knee, how her feet rose, and the toes of her one bare foot twitched and went rigid, sticking out. Gripping on tight, Kamadeva pulled Maria’s ass back a bit, dragging his length out of her to the tip. There might have been some blood there, but he was passed caring, too focused on how Maria’s lips clung to him, dragging along his thick, veiny shaft. Finally, when he was at the point of pulling out, he grunted and thrust into her again, pushing Maria up and making her ass quiver.

He set a punishing rhythm. In, out, in, out. It is evident that Maria was still trying to get used to him inside her, but he didn’t care. If anything, that must have made it better for him, Maria’s muscles were not yet relaxed, and her body was all the tighter for it. He grunted and slammed his hips back and forth in long and powerful strokes that must have had his cock curving up inside Maria, rubbing against her insides. His hands massaged and played with her ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh like a baker working at the dough.

His fingers dug in suddenly, leaving marks on her skin. His grip was firm that the tear spread, cutting a circle around where he was fucking her and leaving Maria with just a thin waistband on her hips. Her tanned behind and hips were on full display, and Kamadeva took pleasure in turning those a pretty shade of pink with several sharp spanks.

Maria’s moans became louder and louder as she got used to having a cock buried in her virgin pussy. How could he tell this? He wouldn’t know. But Kamadeva’s eyes full went full black as he fucked her, his cock sliding in and out of her, his balls slapping against her ass. Submitting to the pleasure, he slammed into her, his balls slapping against her ass with each thrust.

Suddenly, with a wicked thought, he slowly drew out of Maria and let go of her hips. The girl slumped, her knees and body pushing up against the wall as she no doubt gasped for breath on the other side. The Incubus rubbed his and her juices onto his shaft, then took hold of her hips with one hand and pushed her back into a standing position. He pressed the tip of his shaft into her tight little asshole.

Maria, knowing what was to come, went wild. She thrashed, kicked, swung her hips and did whatever she could to escape.

Kamadeva laughed and plunged his huge cock, slowly into Maria’s ass. He felt Maria tremble and shake and quiver all the way down to his legs body. Felt the struggles cease, the fight leave her; felt Maria’s legs tense as she pushed down against the ground, trying in some futile way to lessen the pain.

And he had only worked half his shaft inside her. Grinning with demonic glee, Kamadeva watched with devilish eyes as his thick girth stretched Maria, disappearing slowly into a far too small passage.

“Hahaha!” Kamadeva let out a demonic voice as he continued to put his dick into Maria’s ass, his eyes glowing yellow this time and his lips curling back.

It took another three minutes at least for him to work his entire length in. He had to push and shimmy his way through, forcing the last few inches in by pulling Maria’s cheeks apart to force her to relax. Or to unclench. Kamadeva doubted that the girl was relaxed at all with his monster stuffed into her.

Then he started to fuck the little Latin.

“Haha!” Kamadeva laughed. His thrusts shook Maria’s body and drove it forward. Her knees trembled, and that ass jiggled with each thrust, then would stretch out as he drew back, almost like she didn’t want to let go of him. He was as rough, if not rougher than he had been with her cunt, and he felt like his dick would be crushed.

His face in between pleasure and pain, he began to pick up his pace, grunting and gasping as he thrust in and out of Maria’s ass. Finally, after three minutes, he was close to cumming.

The Incubus then pulled painfully out of Maria, the sudden absence of his cock leaving Maria’s ass gaping open and sore. He spat into it, nailing the shot perfectly. Kamadeva watched as his spittle dribbled into her asshole and was out of sight. Laughing, he then lined himself up with her pussy once more and pushed into her. This time there was little resistance from Maria this time.

He thrust in and out of her quickly, slamming his balls into her clit as he hammered away, forgoing any rhythm now and just humping at her, squeezing her ass with his hands as he did.

He grunted suddenly, pushing in and holding her, pushing his body so hard up against Maria that her ass was squashed into his pelvis and her feet lifted off the floor. She hung there, suspended and trapped between him and the wall as the Incubus blasted his cum inside her. “Ah. Ah.”

Hot cum filled her, and she felt a powerful orgasm rip through her, shaking her body and sending unwanted semen into her womb.

When he pulled away, Maria’s entire body fell, her feet touching the floor but then giving way, sliding back as her knees bent, and she hung there, limp. Kamadeva might have thought her unconscious but for the little movements that suggested, Maria was trying to find her footing but couldn’t. Several fat globs of semen dropped out of Maria and splashed on the floor.

Seeing two former virgin pusses full of his cum, Kamadeva’s human side went offline that night.

The Incubus wasn’t done with the two girls yet.


Five Hours later...

Star whimpered and shivered when she felt a plastic toy touch the skin of her ass. She didn’t realise that her own fingers were digging into the wall, her fingernails biting into the paint so hard that she drew blood.

How could she be this aroused? What was happening to her? This was so strange and wrong...

Maria began to groan again as the man took her from behind, and Star barely had a second to prepare herself before she did the same, rearing up with a hoarse cry as their kidnapper turned on the toy that was shoved into her ass. Her hands pushed back on the wall as her body jerked, her legs shaking as some horrible fiend t-took her.

Again. S-So many times. Maria cried out and sagged again, arms swinging under her. The Incubus laughed and kept up his relentless pounding, jamming the big purple plug inside her and pressing it down against her rectum until her legs were shaking and she was ready to collapse.

Star cried out as he came again, covering her insides with his vile cum.

All the while, the camera blinked and recorded it all.


Ten hours later...

Both Star and Maria were back in their rooms in Echo Creek. Any signs of them being kidnapped were gone, and it looked like they’d been given a room to themselves. They were both lying cross-legged on their beds, Maria on the left side of the bed and Star on the right.



I don't feel good anymore...

However, I heard my phone notification; it was the Incubus app's notification staring back at me. Three choices were presented to me again.


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