The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 19: 20- Fire

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The Forest of Death was on fire.

That was the first thing Rowan noticed when he looked out the window. It was a natural reaction. The house had shuddered unnaturally waking the boy up. Seeing that there was an unusual brightness coming from the window in the middle of the night, he stared outside to find the cause.

That was how he found the fire, burning up the trees. Rowan noticed the trees from the Forest of Death were unnaturally sturdy. Even though the trees had caught on fire, they stood there like scarecrows. Not burning down or falling from the heat. The branches were slowly falling off due to the fire damage, but minutes had passed before the branches began falling. The fire made the trees light up lanterns at night as the fire slowly spread.  

How can the forest be on fire? Actually, more importantly, why is it on fire? He had never heard of the Forest of Death catching on fire before. Questions flashed through Rowan’s mind as he stared outside. 

What had caused the house to shake? A burning tree collapsing on the ground? That shouldn't be possible as Rowan quickly ruled out that possibility. A tree falling wouldn’t be enough to cause the house to shake. If the tree had fallen on the house maybe it would be enough to wake someone up, but the fields separated the forest from the house. There was some comfort in that, since there was no chance of the fire spreading to the house. If there were crops on the field, it would be a completely different story. 

Rowan looked to the side at his roommate who was still sleeping. How someone could still be sleeping after their house trembled violently was beyond Rowan's understanding. He really wanted to insult his roommate the first thing that came to mind, but that would be an insult to Mr. Bacon.

 It was more important to figure out what to do next as he had absolutely no idea. His indecision immobilized his body as he tried to figure out what to do next.

Thankfully, Rowan didn’t have to think of a solution. Someone already noticed the fire and their response was immediate. Rowan's room door flew with a bang, followed by the loud voice of Grandpa Rodan. “Wake up boys! Put on your shoes and get ready to leave!” There was a sense of urgency that Rowan had never heard from in Grandpa Rodan’s voice.

The shout was loud enough to wake Aaron up and the young Helmstrum lord landed on the floor with a thud. Not fully comprehending what was happening, Aaron was still in a groggy state. “W-what’s happening?”

The question wasn’t good enough for Grandpa Rodan as he rushed over, grabbed Aaron and slung him on his shoulder. Rowan was already putting on his shoes and was prepared to follow the elderly man so he did not have to share the same treatment as Aaron. This earned a nod of approval from Grandpa Rodan as they moved towards the house’s entrance.

“We’re going to move towards the barn and meet up with the animals. Then we’ll wait and see from there. This is the first time I've seen the Forest Of Death on fire after living here for so long. Whatever the cause of this fire is unnatural. Once we meet up with the animals, we can figure things out from there.”

 As they left the house, they were greeted with a surprise. The animals had already left their own homes and were already waiting for their owner. Their own animalistic instincts had already sensed something was wrong and they had reacted accordingly. Sir Bacon with his head high was with his two wives standing attentively to the side. Dolly and Bessie calmly munched on some hay as they stared at the humans. Buckbeak, the most arrogant rooster, of all stood on the roof, staring at the forest. His flock of chickens crowded around the other animals, clucking with worry.

“While it is important to move quickly in an emergency, it is also important to know which action to take that would be beneficial to us no matter how the situation evolves. We wouldn’t want to make a mistake, due to our haste would we?” Even though it was an emergency, Grandpa Rodan didn’t forget to explain what steps should be done. 

“The animals can handle most threats. You personally seen Buckbeak in action before, so you know how strong he is. There’s also Dolly that killed a wolf before. Both animals are pretty strong fighters.”

Rowan nodded his head. He had felt the violence inflicted by Buckbeak. Rowan didn’t like facing Buckbeak as an opponent, but he was more than happy to have him as an ally. Dolly on the other hand, while Rowan hadn't personally seen the sheep in action, but anything that can kill a horse sized wolf is considered powerful in his book. 

“Wait here.”

Grandpa Rodan commanded the group and moved towards the barn. He quickly returned with some farm tools in hand. He handed the boys the very plows they had used during the day and one for himself. “It’s best to have a weapon you’re used to just in case, but don't swing it unless I order you or you are in danger.”

Rowan tightened his grip on the familiar handle and asked “What now, Grandpa?”

“Now we wait. We’re far enough from the forest that the fire won't reach and there is no point of running towards the capital during the night. We’re liable to hurt ourselves in the dark. The fire provides some light, an advantage we can use for ourselves. Since we don't know the cause, it won't do us any good running about so we stay put for now. Remember boys, analyze and adapt to the situation as it progresses. if you are ever in a similar situation, trying to find the cause is important. If you can afford it, do so and report back to your allies. Right now we can’t,-”


 Grandpa Rodan's explanation was interrupted when the trees began to fall as if something was mowing them down. Everyone raised their weapons in position while all the animals went into a defensive battle stance.

At first, a wolf broke through the trees. Then more came pouring out. The wolves came in all different hues of brown and came in a variety of sizes. Some were as small as a donkey. Some were even larger than the wolf that Dolly killed the other day. Their fangs and claws were as long as the boys were tall. So many wolves poured out of the forest that it would take an army to match them.

And they were all running towards Rowan and his group.

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Rowan held his plow like a sword and gulped. Aaron couldn't help but shout “How dare these beasts come in my way.” For once Rowan was glad for the aristocrats attitude even though Aaron’s trembling hands gave away his true feelings.

“Ha! That's the spirit! I did say you never know what's going to happen in life. Stay still boys, I’ll handle this.” Grandpa Rodan raised his plow overhead and was prepared to swing down. This very action instill courage into the boys. When all said and done, there was still a grandmaster who once stood at the top of humanity besides them.

Rowan watched as the wolves charge came closer and closer. It was so close that he could see their red eyes and bloody fangs. He could see their bodies riddled with scars, an indication on how tough the life in the Forest of Death was. However, what caught his eyes was an emotion that reflected in the eyes of every wolf that he could not understand.

Just as the pack lead was a few feet away from the farm group, Grandpa Rodan arms tensed in preparation to meet the onslaught.

The lead wolf who was larger than a cow jumped-

-and soared over them, landing on the house and leapt once again to flee.

Wolves of similar sizes followed suit. Those who could jump past the house, did so. The smaller wolves parted ways and ran around the house and barn. 

The farm group watched with wide eyes in surprise as the pack of wolves left them alone and continued running in the opposite direction of the forest.

It had taken a few minutes before the farmlands became clear, only this time most of the animals were slack jaw in surprise at what just happen. The boys and animals fell to their knees as their sudden crisis was resolved.

“What just happened?” Rowan asked.

“I swore I saw my life flash by right now. That was a monster outbreak right?” Aaron said as he took in deep breaths. Both boys could still feel the cold sweat forming on their backs from when the wolves first appeared.

“No. If it was monster outbreak, the wolves would be more savage.” Grandpa Rodan mused. “The animals of the forest know this is my territory and would avoid coming here as much as possible. The fact that they did means they either lost their minds or-”

Sudden understanding dawned on Grandpa Rodan as he instantly whirled around and stared at the forest. Then he begin barking orders in quick succession.

“Get on Bessie right now! We’re making a break for it!”

“What hap-” Aaron asked in confusion, not understanding why Grandpa Rodan was acting in such a way.

“No time. We need to leave. NOW!” Grandpa Rodan immediately picked up the two boys and sat them on Bessie as they were too slow to his taste.

They heard a deep roar from the forest and an understanding dawned on Rowan.

The emotion that he saw in the wolves eyes that he didn't understand?

That was terror.

The wolves were not running to attack them, they were running away.

From a threat that they deemed much worse than what the peak of humanity could offer.

And whatever had terrorized the denizens of the Forest of Death was coming to them.

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