The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 22: 23-Sacrifice

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Just as the flames of death were about to engulf Rowan, Bessie stepped up to block it.

Why would she block the fire for him? Rowan couldn’t help but ask himself. Most people would run from the face of danger, but the cow did the opposite. She stepped forward to protect the boy when she could have easily avoided the flames. Using her large body, she  sought to protect the boy from death.

Unfortunately, despite the cows' attempt to block off the flames, it was not enough.  

Remnants of the fire broke through and scattered. Some hit Rowan's arms to which he used to protect his head. Scorching pain wracked his arms as the flames burned his skin.

Rowan took a full look of the aftermath of the attack as he tried to soldier through the pain.

The ground around them had become molten lava. Even after the dragon fire had stopped coming, Bessie was still on fire. Half her body was scorched black and covered in flickering flames.

Rowan was shocked into silence at the terrifying scene of what happened to Bessie. However it didn’t stop her from letting out concerning moo about Rowan’s well being.

Are you alright?

Words that came with the simple moo. Rowan had wanted to ask the cow the question himself, but couldn't after seeing her appearance.

Rowan never hated himself more than right now. He hated how weak he was. His grandpa and the animals had stepped up to face the dragon while he was forced to run away. As an aspiring knight, it should have been him who step up to brave the dangers and protect the others.


Images of all the time he spent with Bessie instantly flashed within Rowan’s mind. On the farm, she had been the most gentle of the animals. Always giving caring nudges whenever he went to feed her. All the animals treated the boys like their servants as it was standard for them to feed them. Grandpa Rodan cared about the boys, but that didn't stop the man from putting them through tortuous training.

Not Bessie. She never treated the boys terribly. The cow also provided milk for them to drink in the mornings. She never asked for much, always just watching them as they worked. Bessie was the kindest animal on the farm.


Seeing that Rowan was mostly fine for the moment, Bessie turned around to face the dragon with resolve in her eyes.

Twice the dragon had targeted the one it looked after.

That was two times too many.

Bessie knew herself. She wasn’t as fast as Buckbeak, or had an impenetrable skin like Dolly. She didn’t have a strong skull made for frontal attacks like Sir Bacon or her male counterparts.

What she did have was mass.

She was considered the most sturdy of all the farm animals, with the exception of Dolly. 

Bessie moved forward, one hoof at a time.

She started off as a trot that slowly built up speed. 

That trot eventually became a full on sprint as she charged at the dragon.

This time Bessie would be the fireball that returned to its owner. While still on fire, she rammed into the dragon with her full weight.


The dragon had achieved its goal. Its breath had almost completely wiped out the small group that had been running away.

The dragon looked at the new foe that entered the fray. It was half dead already. with its own fire enveloping it and consuming its life. This new prey had been the largest of the group, but it had not done anything this whole time except run away. This was a last ditch futile attempt to harm itself. It would easily shrug off an attack of that level.

However when the half dead four leg struck it, it immediately changed its mind.


When Bessie headbutted the dragon, its eye bulged and it almost spat blood out.

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A clear difference to all the other attacks that had struck the dragon beforehand. 

Grandpa Rodan's attacks were clear and precise, while Buckbeak and Dolly’s attacks were simply distraction. The trio was never able to land a strike so deadly that it caused the dragon to pause.

When Bessie attacked, the cow’s attack was a class of its own.

With a weight of nearly a ton, she crashed into the dragon like a cannonball.

For the first time in its life since it awakened to its newfound strength, the dragon was brought to its knees. 

However, that was not all. Bessie continued to push with all her might.

While most of the momentum of the charge had been stopped, Bessie continued to push. Digging her hooves into the ground, she refused to stop moving.

Not while there was still life in her.

This was enough to buy time for Grandpa Rodan, Dolly and Buckbeak. Grandpa Rodan ran back to check on Rowan who had collapsed from the burns.

Grandpa Rodan stared at Rowan’s body as he writhed in pain. His burns were worsening by the minute. After a moment of silence, the old farmer came to a decision. He shifted his focus, squinted at the air, and spoke.

“I see you over there, stranger. Please show yourself.”

 Even wracked with pain, Rowan was still able to maintain consciousness. He wondered who his grandpa was talking to before the air suddenly became hazy and a robed figure appeared before them.

“When did you notice me?” a raspy voice asked. The figure was completely wrapped in darkness and was holding a bow on his side. There was no distinguishable trait that told of their gender or race as the person was completely covered up.. 

“I noticed halfway through the fight. A faint presence that was hiding themselves. I didn’t know if it was friend or foe and only called out of necessity. I only hoped it wasn't an enemy, and it seems the gods granted my wish. Denizen of the forest, I beg for a favor.”

The figure's eyes opened wide. He immediately drew his arrow into his bow aimed at Grandpa Rodan, prepared to shoot the retired knight at any moment,

Grandpa Rodan raised his arms peacefully  in surrender. “ I mean no harm. The forest and my home shared boundaries, so I have shared interactions with your kind  before. It was long ago but I also shared the battlefield with those of your kin.”

The robed figure relaxed just a bit at the words, but the arrow remained in the bow. As curious as he was, he wanted to focus more on the dragon instead of getting into an altercation with the old human. After a moment of silence, he spoke “ …what is this favor you ask of me?”

Grandpa Rodan’s face brightened. “Take this boy and flee from this place.”

“I refuse. My brethren suffered grievous injury from the dragon over there. I have come to slay it or die in battle. Besides, the boy does not have long to live. My village does not have the medical facilities nor anyone with skills to heal him. You have a better chance of saving him if you went to a human city. ” The robed figure said as he shook his head in a gentle, but direct refusal.

“With all due respect, your arrows will do as much damage as a wooden stick. Your best chance of slaying the dragon lies with me.”” Grandpa Rodan said firmly while shaking his head.” The fire that the dragon breathes is indeed strange. They carry a strange property of burning those it touches for an unnaturally long time.  Don't worry about the boy. I will fix the fire on the boy to the best of my ability right here and then you can take him away.``

The mysterious robed figure did not deny the elderly man’s harsh words. “...let’s say I do agree to your favor, the dragon will not allow me to flee with the boy. I cannot use my skills while carrying him.”

“You leave that to me. By the end of the night, either the dragon will be slain, or I will be dead.”

“G-grandpa Rodan…. I don't want… to run away,” Rowan managed to say.

“Grandpa Rodan gently put a hand on  Rowan. “Remember what I said? You’re not running away. This is just a tactical retreat. Stay strong and believe in your grandpa.” With those words said, the elderly farmer unleashes his aura. It felt as if a high and mighty mountain had suddenly appeared. A large amount of energy was infused into the boy's body, purifying it from the dragon fire while also soothing his pain.

Grandpa Rodan got up and nodded at the robed figure.

“I remember now. I have heard stories of you. ‘Animal Friend’ was what my brethren called you.”

“An undeserving title for a person like me.”

“I apologize then for my disrespect. As a sign of old friendship, I shall adhere to the pact and aid you in this favor.” The robed figure put his bow in his quiver and went to carry Rowan.

“Thank you.” Grandpa Rodan respectfully bowed his head in gratitude. Then he began walking towards the Dragon. “Bessie wont hold on for much longer. The time has come for me to fight it for one last round.”

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