The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 26: 27-Inner Depths

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The Forest of Death was divided into three sections. 

The outer section was where most people forage. While monsters roam free, they could easily be taken care of by someone of the intermediate level. It contained the least amount of danger and is the largest part of the Forest of Death. Herbs were less plentiful, but still potent in their medicinal properties. Most explorers and adventurers could be found in this section when venturing into the forest.

The middle section was where rarer and more powerful plants could be found. While the opportunity to strike it rich in this section is faster, the level of danger increased proportionally to this sector. Only the more experienced and senior gatherers and adventurers would journey to this section, and even then there was no guarantee that they would be able to walk out alive. The monster became more numerous and dangerous when compared to the outer section of the Forest of Death. 

The inner depths of the Forest of Death is a place where few dare to venture in. It was the most mysterious part of the forest and most dangerous. It was said that out of ten people who were foolish enough to enter, there was only a miniscule chance of one person making it out alive, if any at all. This was where the rarest herbs were found. It is said medicine brewed from these herbs could cure any disease or sickness once taken. Medicine made from the plants of the inner depths of the forest are extremely expensive and rare. The price of one medicine made from the herbs that come from the inner depths could feed several commoner families for years. 

That was the tentative way of judgment for exploration levels for the Forest of Death. It allowed people to estimate how dangerous the forest is and how far to go. No one had ever made it through the inner section of the Forest of Death and if they had, they never made it out alive to tell the tale. Some people speculated  that there was another section past the inner depths, but no one knew for sure. 

At least this was what Grandpa Rodan told Rowan during dinner.

“ The inner depths? Are you lying to me?”

The stranger shrugged. “ It is up to you to believe me.  The inner section is where I reside as the fires made a clear path for me to return as most of the monsters have fled. Count it as a blessing in disguise amongst this disaster.”

Rowan considered the answer and it actually sounded plausible. He remember the wolf stampede fleeing from the dragon. Most people would not be mad enough to run into a burning forest.

“Ask your questions, I'm sure you have more and I shall answer them truthfully. I much prefer to finish all your questions quickly, so we do not need to repeat another session of this,” the robed figure prompted, waking Rowan out of his daze.

“What did you mean you reside here? Who are you?”

“Perhaps this would make things clear.” The robed figure pulled down his hood.  Rowan held his breath at the sight. Majority of the head was bandaged, leaving the majority of the stranger’s face features obscure. There was one part that stood out of the person’s head that was not bandaged. What distinctly stood out was the ears. 

The person’s ears were pointed.

There was only one race that Rowan knew that had pointed ears.


Elves were a rare race where the majority lived in forests. Few were ever seen in cities. Rowan had never seen an elf before, but knew of their characteristics from his studies. Now that he thought of it, the Forest of Death was the perfect place for an elf to live in .

“I am Almar Facan of the Dark Forest tribe. Or at least I was. Now the tribe no longer exists.”

Rowan let those words sink in, before asking “ … what do you mean the tribe no longer exists?”

“ As I said

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. That …monster  flew by and wrought destruction upon us,” Almar explained through gritted teeth. “ It annihilated our village. I am the only survivor of my tribe. I originally sought vengeance against the monster. That was the reason I was there when it attacked your farm.”

“What did you mean by ‘of the Dark forest’ part?”

“ I believe you humans call this the Forest of Death, but we call it the Dark Forest. Elves introduce themselves with their name and the area they originated from. “

Rowan pondered as he took in all this information. Elves are said to be powerful warriors. For the dragon to have attacked an elf village and massacred its entirety, only showcased the dragon’s strength. From the looks of it, the dragon was unharmed after destroying the village as it looked perfectly fine upon arrival at the farm.

“ What happened to my grandpa?”

“ Are you talking about the old human? I do not know whatever happened to him. I fled with you just like he asked.  Perhaps he lived. Perhaps he perished. I was unable to witness what the final result was.”

An uncomfortable silence passed between the two. Both of them had suffered greatly at the hands, or rather claws, of the dragon. There was no hint of sadness on Almar’s face, but it must not have been easy to say out loud.

“How long have I been asleep? Can I return to the capital?”

“You were resting for five days. As for returning, that is not possible.”

“What?! Why?” Rowan panickedly asked. What about his family? He couldn’t stay in the Forest of Death. He needed to find out what happened to his family.

Instead of answering, Almar parted his robes and opened up his shirt.  “ Look, ” he simply said as he revealed his body. Rowan did not know what to expect, but what was shown to him was horrible. Scars and burn marks riddled Almar’s body. Most men would have perished by now. Rowan supposed elves were tougher, but even then the injuries look serious. While they no longer looked life threatening, it was still a terrifying sight. It looked like Rowan was not the only one who needed time to recover. Almar had stated he survived through the dragon's attack, but he had not mentioned the damage that he had incurred as a result.

“ As you can see, I’m in no position to travel in the foreseeable future.”

 At this point, Almar collected the bowl and stood up. “ If you have anymore questions, ask now.” When Rowan shook his head, the elf exited the tent, leaving Rowan to his thoughts.

When Almar had said that they would not be able to leave, did that mean he couldn’t get back home anytime soon? He desperately wanted to know the conclusion of the battle between the dragon and his Grandpa. All his pent up worries fill his brain. Now that his body was more or less recovered, it was time for his mind to mend.

Rowan did what any ten year old boy would do in his situation.

He cried.

Tears silently trickled down his face as he looked up at the tent ceiling. Whether the tears were for his unknown future or the grief of his lost friends and family, he did not know.

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