The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 30: 31-The Exchange

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Rowan felt his mana spread throughout his arms. What were once veins filled with blood were now filled with mana.  Interestingly, while the outer layer was completely replaced with wood, the bones remained the same. Ever since Rowan could feel his mana, he was able to observe the inner parts of his body. He couldn’t control anything except for mana, but he had heard of stories where warriors could control and regenerate organs once they reach a certain level. Perhaps sensing organs was just the very beginning.

Of course, that stage of power where regeneration happens is still far away.

Rowan was more than content to feel the mana coursing through his body. It worked as a check up and training. Ironically since his arms currently were made of completely foreign material to the human body, he had a better inkling on how his body worked. He had to manually map out every mana channel in his body just to figure out a way to supply mana through his arms. Right now his senses were fumbling through the dark, trying to connect the mana and his arms in a workable way. His body accepted the mana easily and knew what to do with it.

His arms on the other hand were completely new and he had to figure out how to successfully spread the mana to make it move.  

Rowan image was that his body was a network where the mana flowed. His arms were new canals that were empty until he was able to fill up the right way. If he directed the flow incorrectly, it would flow in the wrong direction. Incorrect flow would cause the mana in his body to unable circulate and lose energy.

That would be a tiresome experience he did not want to go through again. 

He remembered meditating and then the next thing he knew he was out for half a day just because his mana went the wrong way.

The most tiresome part of the whole ordeal was that he needed to put a conscious effort in controlling his arm. 

Right now he needed to learn all the correct pathways to channel the mana through his arms. If he had learned it before they became wood, it would have been no issue. 

Now though? He had to learn it from scratch.

Not that it was a major problem. He was having limited success as he felt his arm twitch each time he put a conscious thought to move. 

At first, he was really excited when he saw one arm twitched. He almost jumped up when both of his arms twitched at  the same time when he commanded them to move.

However, that was where his success ended.

The most he was to do was make his arms spazz out a bit before dropping down and returning inert. 

He could feel his arms sucking in the mana and trying to obey his commands, but something was going wrong somewhere.

It didn’t help that he felt drained after each test.

Rowan thought of a few possibilities. Maybe his arms didn’t have enough mana? That would explain the exhaustion he felt after each attempt. The arms needed to be fuel as they were running on empty. It was either that or his arms had not connected well with his body yet and it still needed a period of adjustment..

If it was the first possible explanation, all he needed to pump mana into his arms until they were full. He had no idea how long that would take, but he didn't think it would take long judging by the fact that his arms responded to his command each time, albeit very slightly.

If it was the second one, then he didn’t know how to fix it other than asking the mother tree. That was obviously impossible as the current tree was just a seedling and the last one who helped burned down.

After mulling it over, he decided to consult the only person around, Almar.

After thinking it over, the elf said “I cannot say much since your case is unique. Few humans have ever been blessed by the Mother Tree before. Anything regarding the Mother Tree, it would be best to consult the high priest, but they are no longer amongst us.”

“What about turning actual limbs to wood? Did that never happen to elves?”

“Never, as far as I know. As dire as the injuries were, the Mother Tree would always be able to heal us completely. Your arms are only because she was greatly hurt.”

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“Why did she heal me? I’m not an elf,” Rowan asked out of curiosity. 

“Her reasons are her alone. All I can say is that the Mother Tree is kind to all beings. I took a chance and bought you here. It was your best and only chance of survival. As you can see, the bet paid off.”

A grim silence followed after that comment.

“I do have an idea though based off  conjectures while meditating in front of the Mother Tree seedling. However this time, I will be following along. Copy what i do and it may be helpful to figuring out what's wrong.”

Both of them sat where the Mother Tree seed was buried. “Do you remember how you felt the presence of the Mother Tree before? Try again once more. However this time, don't go beyond that. Tell me right away once you connected with it.”

“It won't happen like last time right?” Rowan still had nightmare of being sucked into an empty void.

“If you don't go beyond what i say, you’ll be fine,” Almar reassured the boy.

Those words didn't exactly reassure Rowan but he decided to give it a try.

Rowan nodded his head and began to push his senses down into the earth. He found ever since getting accustomed to his mana, pushing senses became possible. It also helped that this was the second time. Soon he felt the familiar presence of life  in the dirt. 

“Okay I got it.”

“Now try to send your mana into it.”

“ do I do that?” Beside learning how his mana felt, Rowan had not figured out how to send mana outside his body.

“I forgot how new you are at this.” Almar grumbled. “ You can at least sense the way your mana flows correct?”

Rowan nodded his head.

“Then use your senses to follow what I do next.” Almar grabbed Rowan’s shoulder and began to drain mana from the human boy. It was a small amount, but it still left Rowan feeling tired right after since he didn’t have a large amount in the first place.

Rowan followed the flow of mana as it went through Almars body. It was interesting as he was able to grasp the pathway of the elf’s arms, it gave Rowan an idea of how create of mana pathways through his own arms. He now had a model to follow instead of guessing his way through. Rowan’s mana passed from the right arm, through Almars chest and then through the left arm before finally hitting into the earth. Once it enter the soil, the Mother Tree seed greedily suck it in. 

Rowan watched in silence when nothing happened afterwards. Was that it?

Then he sensed the Mother tree seed pulsed.

It sent a burst of mana outwards from its tiny shell. This time the mana didn’t need an intermediary as it went straight into Rowan. Not only did the mana directly return to the boy, the mana was also changed. It was less than the amount that was taken from him, but he could feel a nourishing effect as it entered his body. He could feel his body becoming more energetic and felt like could stay awake for days. 

“What we just did is known as the exchange. The mana we send in helps the Mother Tree. In return, the mana is purified and sent back. In the future, you will be doing this on your own. How do your arms feel?”

If Almar did not mention it, Rowan would have forgotten they sent mana in first place. His body felt so alive  that it made him forget they were here for his arms.  When Rowan pushed his senses into his arms, he was pleasantly surprised.

The wood in his arms looked vibrant and alive. Before it had looked dried up, now it looked as if it had gone through a complete makeover.

Most importantly, there was also a slight sense of feeling in Rowan’s arms

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