The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 46: 47-Sight

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How Rowan made it back to his camp, he didn’t know, but he somehow did it. His head was in a daze after the  encounter with the dragon. Had a monster attacked him on his way, it would have been fatal. When he finally made it back, he collapsed on the ground. 

Dragons were legendary monsters. Only told in stories of his childhood. Stories that he barely remembered anymore.

Dragons aren’t supposed to be common right?


Then why did he meet two already within the span of five years? Some people go their whole lives without meeting one. Rowan envied those people right now and cursed his childhood self for ever wishing to catch a glimpse of one. Like most children who listen to fairy tales, he would have loved to see the legendary monster. 

Now? Not so much.

Why did he already encounter two dragons in his life? Rage and indignation burned in his heart. 

Rowan thought that he did everything he could to prepare himself over the last few years. He thought he was ready. Even after counting all the dangers he faced today, he had mentally prepared himself. Rowan thought he had made good decisions today. 

The amount of times that his life could have ended would have amounted to at least five times today. The goblins, the swamp, the squirrels, the deer and the dragon.

Maybe there were other dangerous beings around, like a bloodthirsty tree for instance, but Rowan had not aware of them. HIs priority had been learning about the threats in the Forest of Death and searching for useful materials. He was considered almost successful for the most part. All the way up until the dragon showed up and snatched his prey.

It’s appearance had shaken his resolve and awakened his old trauma.

The nightmares had faded over the years, but the night of the farm still occasionally come back in his dreams. Within those dreams, the terror, the burning and pain always returned. 

Rowan stared at the sky as the stars were beginning to peek out for the night as he thought about the future.

His goal was to get out of the Forest of Death. In order to achieve that he needed to know the kind of threats that he would need to overcome if he wished  to leave the forest. Discovering threats would be life threatening, but he had resolved himself. There weren't many other options anyways. If Rowan didn’t leave, then he would be stuck in the center for all his life. Luckily he didn’t need to worry about food as the exchange between the Mother Tree took care of it. However, to Rowan, that was dying a slow torturous death if all he did was stay in the camp.

More than anything, he wanted to know what happened to his family. Grandpa Rodan said he would take care of the dragon that night and Rowan fully believed his grandpa kept his word. He just didn’t know what state his grandpa was in. If Grandpa Rodan had been fine, Rowan was sure the old man would come and find him in the forest. The fact that he hadn’t meant he was in an injured state, or in the worst case scenario, dead. 

However, Rowan had a slim hope. As long as there was no official announcement or any sign of the actual body, then he could still hope.

Rowan knew he was most likely deluding himself, but a boy could dream right?

He also wanted to know how his family was faring. He remember seeing the horde of wolves heading off to the capital. The amount of monsters were not a threat to be taken lightly. Not only that, the fact that he had been stuck in the forest for so long meant that his family probably presumed he was dead. 

 Dragon hunting had not been one of his goals when he first left the camp, but he’ll make it his number one priority if it meant he could safely leave the Forest of Death. He had not forgotten the destruction and chaos the black dragon left in its wake so long ago. 

The question was how do you hurt a dragon?

Dragons were top class monsters. The fact that Grandpa Rodan who was a Grandmaster had trouble against one meant a dragon was also as strong as a Grandmaster. 

Fortunately the dragon Rowan had encountered didn’t feel as strong. Of course, the dragon had flown away before Rowan got a good look at it, but that didn’t make it any less of a threat. At the least, a dragon would have the strength of a Master. The number of Master class warriors could be counted with one hand in a city. They were considered top class fighters and the appearance of a Master could change the course of war. Of course, that was assuming if there were no other Master or Grandmaster combatants on the opposite side.

How did Rowan know to estimate the strength of a Master class fighter? 

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HIs Father, the Knight Commander of the Malddolg Kingdom was a Master. Rowan had been to barracks and seen the knights in training enough times to be able estimate the strength of a person.

If Rowan had to estimate his own strength, then he would say he was at the level of an Intermediate warrior and that was being generous. He had the mana and strength to match, but his equipment was the opposite as it was almost non-existent. Hence the reason why he wanted the pelt of the deer as it would offer at least some sort of protection. Plus he didn’t have any special skills as he had no teacher to learn from. Rowan would say his archery skills were decent. They had to be as he honed them for five years since his life depended on it. 

Then what was he needed the most right now?

The answer came up almost right away. 

Rowan needed a way to sense threats and quantify their danger level. He couldn’t just rely on his eyes. They were often too slow or too late in discovering the danger. 

Sure, he could go out and fumble his way around just like the last two trips. He would surely discover the different dangers that reside in the forest after a few trips.

And easily lose his life, just like how the goblins had as they bumble about today.

However, wanting a new skill and knowing how to gain one was entirely a different matter.

Rowan had no idea how to go about it. 

Actually that was wrong. He did have an idea, but it was risky and he had been putting it off for a while.

Mana was a crucial part of fighting as it was necessary in order to reinforce the body. As Rowan mediated over the years and carried out the mana exchange, he had gained control over the mana in his body. Rowan was able to imbue that mana into specific parts of his body to strengthen it, mainly focusing his arms.

His arms were different from regular arms and as they couldn’t just grow strong with regular training. The arms didn’t have muscles as they were made of wood with mostly mana flowing through them. That was why he tried to discover other ways to strengthen his arms. Thankfully the wood in his arms seemed to mesh well with his mana and he could put out more strength just by infusing more mana into his arms.

He had experimented with other parts of his body when he first began, and gained mixed results. However there were parts that he avoided at all cost. 

Mainly the sensitive parts, such as his eyes.

Sight was crucial for archery and well...everything in life. If Rowan messed with his eyesight and it went amiss, then things could go very wrong.

Wrong, as in he could go blind for the rest of his life which would be very detrimental in his current state.

It wasn’t a big problem to experiment with mana strengthening on his arms as they were made of wood. One of the few good aspects of having  wooden arms he discovered was if something went wrong, he could easily grow parts of it back.

 In fact that had happened at least once. It was the early stage of experimentation and he had infused too much mana into his left arm as a test. 

The result? The arm exploded as bits and pieces of wood flew everywhere.

It was mostly the outer layer of the arm that blew apart, but Rowan had learned his lesson to never push mana reinforcement. It had taken a few days of healing for his arm to grow back to normal. 

Now he had to test it with his eyes. Today’s outing hadn’t consumed a lot of his mana so he could experiment right now if he wanted. However he decided he’ll test it the next day as he was mentally exhausted.

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